292 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a pain behavior assessment in patients with chronic low back pain

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)Purpose: High levels of pain behavior adversely affect the success of multidisciplinary rehabilitation of patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain (CNSLBP). Functional capacity evaluation (FCE) assessment should detect high levels of pain behavior to prevent the inclusion of unsuitable patients to functional rehabilitation programs. The aim of this study was to develop a Pain Behavior Assessment (PBA) and to evaluate its construct validity. Methods: The PBA was developed by experts in the field and is literature-based. Inclusion criteria for participants of the validation study were: CNSLBP, age 20-60 years, referral for fitness-for-work evaluation. The PBA was applied by physiotherapists during FCE. Rasch analysis was performed to evaluate the construct validity of the PBA. Internal consistency was indicated by the person separation index (PSI), which corresponds to Cronbach's alpha. Results: 145 male (72.5 %) and 55 female patients were included. Rasch analysis removed 11 items due to misfit and redundancy, resulting in a final PBA of 41 items. Item mean fit residual was -0.33 (SD 1.06) and total item Chi square 100.39 (df = 82, p = 0.08). The PSI value was 0.83. DIF analysis for age and gender revealed no bias. Conclusions: The PBA is a valid assessment tool to describe pain behavior in CNSLBP patients. The high PSI-value justifies the use of the PBA in individuals. The PBA may help to screen patients for high levels of pain behavior

    The perspective of people with axial spondyloarthritis regarding physiotherapy : room for the implementation of a more active approach

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    Objectives. Physiotherapy is recommended in the management of people with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), with new insights into its preferred content and dosage evolving. The aim of this study was to describe the use and preferences regarding individual and group physiotherapy among people with axSpA. Methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among people with axSpA living in The Netherlands (NL) and Switzerland (CH). Results. Seven hundred and thirteen people with axSpA participated (56.7% male, median age 55 years, median Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society Health Index score 4.2). Response rates were 45% (nÂĽ206) in NL and 29% in CH (nÂĽ507). Of these participants, 83.3% were using or had been using physiotherapy. Individual therapy only was used or had been used by 36.7%, a combination of individual plus land- and water-based group therapy by 29.1% and group therapy by only 5.3%. Fewer than half of the participants attending individual therapy reported active therapy (such as aerobic, muscle strength and flexibility exercises). Although the majority (75.9%) were not aware of the increased cardiovascular risk, participants showed an interest in cardiovascular training, either individually or in a supervised setting. If supervised, a majority, in CH (75.0%) more than in NL (55.7%), preferred supervision by a specialized physiotherapist. Conclusion. The majority of people with axSpA use or have used physiotherapy, more often in an individual setting than in a group setting. The content of individual therapy should be more active; in both therapy settings, aerobic exercises should be promoted. In particular, enabling people with axSpA to perform exercises independently would meet their needs and might enhance their daily physical activity

    NF-kappa,B p65 directs sex-specific neuroprotection in human neurons

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    Ruiz-Perera LM, Schneider L, Windmöller BA, et al. NF-kappa,B p65 directs sex-specific neuroprotection in human neurons. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2018;8(1): 16012

    Provincial mortality in South Africa, 2000 - Priority-setting for now and a benchmark for the future

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    Background. Cause-of-death statistics are an essential component of health information. Despite improvements, underregistration and misclassification of causes make it difficult to interpret the official death statistics. Objective. To estimate consistent cause-specific death rates for the year 2000 and to identify the leading causes of death and premature mortality in the provinces. Methods. Total number of deaths and population size were estimated using the Actuarial Society of South Africa ASSA2000 AIDS and demographic model. Cause-of-death profiles based on Statistics South Africa's 15% sample, adjusted for misclassification of deaths due to ill-defined causes and AIDS deaths due to indicator conditions, were applied to the total deaths by age and sex. Age-standardised rates and years of life lost were calculated using age weighting and discounting. Results. Life expectancy in KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga is about 10 years lower than that in the Western Cape, the province with the lowest mortality rate. HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of premature mortality for all provinces. Mortality due to pre-transitional causes, such as diarrhoea, is more pronounced in the poorer and more rural provinces. In contrast, non-communicable disease mortality is similar across all provinces, although the cause profiles differ. Injury mortality rates are particularly high in provinces with large metropolitan areas and in Mpumalanga. Conclusion. The quadruple burden experienced in all provinces requires a broad range of interventions, including improved access to health care; ensuring that basic needs such as those related to water and sanitation are met; disease and injury prevention; and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. High death rates as a result of HIV/AIDS highlight the urgent need to accelerate the implementation of the treatment and prevention plan. In addition, there is an urgent need to improve the cause-of-death data system to provide reliable cause-of-death statistics at health district level

    Mechanochemical Formation of Racemic Praziquantel Hemihydrate with Improved Biopharmaceutical Properties.

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    Praziquantel (PZQ) is the first-line drug used against schistosomiasis, one of the most common parasitic diseases in the world. A series of crystalline structures including two new polymorphs of the pure drug and a series of cocrystals of PZQ have been discovered and deposited in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). This work adds to the list of multicomponent forms of PZQ a relevant example of a racemic hemihydrate (PZQ-HH), obtainable from commercial PZQ (polymorphic Form A) through mechanochemistry. Noteworthy, the formation of the new hemihydrate strongly depends on the initial polymorphic form of PZQ and on the experimental conditions used. The new PZQ-HH has been fully characterized by means of HPLC, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Hot-Stage Microscopy (SEM), Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), FT-IR, polarimetry, solid-state NMR (SS-NMR), solubility and intrinsic dissolution rate (IDR), and in vitro tests on Schistosoma mansoni adults. The crystal structure was solved from the powder X-ray diffraction pattern and validated by periodic-DFT calculations. The new bioactive hemihydrate was physically stable for three months and showed peculiar biopharmaceutical features including enhanced solubility and a double intrinsic dissolution rate in water in comparison to the commercially available PZQ Form A

    Elderly and patients with large breast volume have an increased risk of seroma formation after mastectomy — results of the SerMa pilot study

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    The collective of the SerMa pilot study included 100 cases of primary breast cancer or Carcinoma in situ who had undergone a mastectomy procedure with or without reconstruction of the breast using an implant or expander at Augsburg University Hospital between 12/2019 and 12/2022. The study aimed to investigate possible causes of seroma formation; reported here are the clinicopathological correlations between seroma formation and tumor biology and surgical procedures. Seroma occurred significantly more often in patients with older age (median patient age in cases with seroma was 73 years vs. 52 years without seroma; p < 0.001). In addition, patients with larger mastectomy specimen were significantly more likely to develop seroma (median ablation weight in cases with seroma 580 g vs. 330 g without seroma; p < 0.001). Other significant parameters for seroma formation were BMI (p = 0.005), grading (p = 0.015) and tumor size (p = 0.036). In addition, with insertion of implant or expander, a seroma occurred significantly less frequently (p < 0.001). In a binary logistic regression, age in particular was confirmed as a significant risk factor. In contrast, tumor biological characteristics, number of lymph nodes removed or affected showed no significant effect on seroma formation. The present study shows the need for patient education about the development of seroma in particular in older patients and patients with large breast volumes within the preoperative surgical clarification. These clinicopathological data support the previously published results hypothesizing that seroma formation is related to autoimmune/inflammatory processes and will be tested on a larger collective in the planned international multicenter SerMa study

    Strengthening public health in South Africa: building a stronger evidence base for improving the health of the nation

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    An assessment of the relative burden attributable to selected risk factors provides an important evidence base for prioritising risk factors that should be targeted for public health interventions. Selecting interventions should be based on a robust and transparent process of scientific evaluations of their effectiveness, as well as assessment of their cost effectiveness, local applicability and appropriateness, and likely effects on health inequalities. Establishing such an evidence base is an ongoing process that is still at an early stage in South Africa. A recent review of disease control priorities for developing countries (DCPP) examined the global evidence regarding the effectiveness of interventions for major health burdens. Despite acknowledging the lack of intervention trials in developing countries, this DCPP review provides a unique resource for identifying interventions that might be useful in South Africa

    Functionalized Anatomical Models for Computational Life Sciences

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    The advent of detailed computational anatomical models has opened new avenues for computational life sciences (CLS). To date, static models representing the anatomical environment have been used in many applications but are insufficient when the dynamics of the body prevents separation of anatomical geometrical variability from physics and physiology. Obvious examples include the assessment of thermal risks in magnetic resonance imaging and planning for radiofrequency and acoustic cancer treatment, where posture and physiology-related changes in shape (e.g., breathing) or tissue behavior (e.g., thermoregulation) affect the impact. Advanced functionalized anatomical models can overcome these limitations and dramatically broaden the applicability of CLS in basic research, the development of novel devices/therapies, and the assessment of their safety and efficacy. Various forms of functionalization are discussed in this paper: (i) shape parametrization (e.g., heartbeat, population variability), (ii) physical property distributions (e.g., image-based inhomogeneity), (iii) physiological dynamics (e.g., tissue and organ behavior), and (iv) integration of simulation/measurement data (e.g., exposure conditions, “validation evidence” supporting model tuning and validation). Although current model functionalization may only represent a small part of the physiology, it already facilitates the next level of realism by (i) driving consistency among anatomy and different functionalization layers and highlighting dependencies, (ii) enabling third-party use of validated functionalization layers as established simulation tools, and (iii) therefore facilitating their application as building blocks in network or multi-scale computational models. Integration in functionalized anatomical models thus leverages and potentiates the value of sub-models and simulation/measurement data toward ever-increasing simulation realism. In our o2S2PARC platform, we propose to expand the concept of functionalized anatomical models to establish an integration and sharing service for heterogeneous computational models, ranging from the molecular to the organ level. The objective of o2S2PARC is to integrate all models developed within the National Institutes of Health SPARC initiative in a unified anatomical and computational environment, to study the role of the peripheral nervous system in controlling organ physiology. The functionalization concept, as outlined for the o2S2PARC platform, could form the basis for many other application areas of CLS. The relationship to other ongoing initiatives, such as the Physiome Project, is also presented

    Initial burden of disease estimates for South Africa, 2000

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    BACKGROUND This paper describes the first national burden of disease study for South Africa. The main focus is the burden due to premature mortality, i.e. years of life lost (YLLs). In addition, estimates of the burden contributed by morbidity, i.e. the years lived with disability (YLDs), are obtained to calculate disability-adjusted life years (DALYs); and the impact of AIDS on premature mortality in the year 2010 is assessed. METHOD Owing to the rapid mortality transition and the lack of timely data, a modelling approach has been adopted. The total mortality for the year 2000 is estimated using a demographic and AIDS model. The non-AIDS cause-of-death profile is estimated using three sources of data: Statistics South Africa, the National Department of Home Affairs, and the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System. A ratio method is used to estimate the YLDs from the YLL estimates. RESULTS The top single cause of mortality burden was HIV/AIDS followed by homicide, tuberculosis, road traffic accidents and diarrhoea. HIV/AIDS accounted for 38% of total YLLs, which is proportionately higher for females (47%) than for males (33%). Pre-transitional diseases, usually associated with poverty and underdevelopment, accounted for 25%, non-communicable diseases 21% and injuries 16% of YLLs. The DALY estimates highlight the fact that mortality alone underestimates the burden of disease, especially with regard to unintentional injuries, respiratory disease, and nervous system, mental and sense organ disorders. The impact of HIV/AIDS is expected to more than double the burden of premature mortality by the year 2010. CONCLUSION This study has drawn together data from a range of sources to develop coherent estimates of premature mortality by cause. South Africa is experiencing a quadruple burden of disease comprising the pre-transitional diseases, the emerging chronic diseases, injuries, and HIV/AIDS. Unless interventions that reduce morbidity and delay morbidity become widely available, the burden due to HIV/AIDS can be expected to grow very rapidly in the next few years. An improved base of information is needed to assess the morbidity impact more accurately

    Detection of circulating tumor cells in patients with esophagogastric or pancreatic adenocarcinoma using the CellSearch(®) system: An observational feasibility study

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    Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the blood of cancer patients have been demonstrated to be of prognostic value regarding metastasis and survival. The CellSearch(®) system has been certified for the detection of CTCs and as a prognostic tool in patients with metastatic breast, colon and prostate cancer. Few studies have evaluated the detection of CTCs originating from esophagogastric or pancreatic cancer with the CellSearch(®) system. In the present small pilot study, a total of 16 patients with either esophagogastric (n=8) or pancreatic (n=8) adenocarcinomas at various disease stages were randomly screened and included. A total of 7.5 ml of blood was drawn from each patient and analyzed for CTCs using the CellSearch(®) device. CTCs could be detected in 1 out of 8 patients (12.5%) with esophagogastric and in 7 out of 8 patients (87.5%) with pancreatic cancer. The preliminary data obtained from this observational feasibility study suggested that the CellSearch(®) system may become a valuable tool for the detection of CTCs in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma, whereas the usefulness in patients with early-stage esophagogastric adenocarcinoma may be limited. This study clearly points towards a requirement for larger studies focusing on patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma at various disease stages and assessing CTCs, whereas patients with esophagogastric adenocarcinomas should be part of further pilot studies
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