13 research outputs found

    Az Etnikai Csoportok Identitása Kérdőív (MEIM-H) validálása és pszichometriai jellemzői magyarországi roma mintán

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    Elméleti háttér: A Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) kérdőív az etnikai identitással kapcsolatos kutatások egyik leggyakrabban alkalmazott módszere. Cél: A tanulmányban bemutatjuk a MEIM 12 tételes változatának magyar fordítását (Etnikai Csoportok Identitása Kérdőív, MEIM-H), valamint a kérdőív validálása során szerzett eredményeket, összefüggéseket és néhány pszichometriai jellemzőt. Módszerek: Az elemzéshez használt adatfelvételt 2019-ben 574 fős, nem-reprezentatív hazai mintán a Kutatópont Kft. végezte. A megkérdezettek magukat roma nemzetiségűnek valló személyek, akik a három legnépesebb magyarországi roma/cigány csoporthoz tartoznak (romungro: 209, oláh: 194, beás: 171 fő). A kérdőívcsomagban a MEIM-H mellett a Reziliencia Skála (CD-RISC), a WHO Jól-lét Index (WBI), valamint az életminőség leírására és a minta demográfiai összetételére vonatkozó kérdések is szerepeltek. Eredmények: A MEIM-H faktorelemzése néhány módszertani kiegészítéssel igazolta ( χ 2 (48) = 203,748; RMSEA = 0,076; NFI = 0,952; TLI = 0,948; CFI = 0,962) a kérdőív eredeti kétdimenziós szerkezetét. MEIM-H kérdőív belső konzisztenciája egydimenziós mérőeszközként kezelve kifogástalan volt (Cronbach- α = 0,92). Hasonlóan magas megbízhatósági adatokat mutat a két alskála, az Identitáskeresés (Cronbach- α = 0,93), és az Identitás megerősítés (Cronbach- α = 0,80) is. A MEIM-H egydimenziós értéke mérsékelt erősséggel, pozitívan korrelált a CD-RISC-pontszámaival ( r s = 0,49; p < 0,001), de nem jelzett sem a WBI, sem az egészségi állapot itemeivel említésre méltó kapcsolatot. Ugyanakkor néhány szociodemográfiai tényező (iskolai végzettség, etnikai hovatartozás, lakóhely típusa és etnikai összetétele stb.) kategóriái között szignifikáns ( p < 0,05) különbségeket találtunk a skálapontszámokban. Következtetések: Az eredmények alapján a MEIM kérdőív magyar változata (MEIM-H) érvényes és megbízható mérőeszköznek bizonyult a magyarországi romák körében

    Attention and speech-processing related functional brain networks activated in a multi-speaker environment

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    Human listeners can focus on one speech stream out of several concurrent ones. The present study aimed to assess the whole-brain functional networks underlying a) the process of focusing attention on a single speech stream vs. dividing attention between two streams and 2) speech processing on different time-scales and depth. Two spoken narratives were presented simultaneously while listeners were instructed to a) track and memorize the contents of a speech stream and b) detect the presence of numerals or syntactic violations in the same (“focused attended condition”) or in the parallel stream (“divided attended condition”). Speech content tracking was found to be associated with stronger connectivity in lower frequency bands (delta band- 0,5–4 Hz), whereas the detection tasks were linked with networks operating in the faster alpha (8–10 Hz) and beta (13–30 Hz) bands. These results suggest that the oscillation frequencies of the dominant brain networks during speech processing may be related to the duration of the time window within which information is integrated. We also found that focusing attention on a single speaker compared to dividing attention between two concurrent speakers was predominantly associated with connections involving the frontal cortices in the delta (0.5–4 Hz), alpha (8–10 Hz), and beta bands (13–30 Hz), whereas dividing attention between two parallel speech streams was linked with stronger connectivity involving the parietal cortices in the delta and beta frequency bands. Overall, connections strengthened by focused attention may reflect control over information selection, whereas connections strengthened by divided attention may reflect the need for maintaining two streams in parallel and the related control processes necessary for performing the tasks.</div

    PACAP-38 and PAC1 Receptor Alterations in Plasma and Cardiac Tissue Samples of Heart Failure Patients

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    Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide-38 (PACAP-38) is a multifunctional neuropeptide, which may play a role in cardioprotection. However, little is known about the presence of PACAP-38 in heart failure (HF) patients. The aim of our study was to measure the alterations of PACAP-38 like immunoreactivity (LI) in acute (n = 13) and chronic HF (n = 33) and to examine potential correlations between PACAP-38 and HF predictors (cytokines, NT-proBNP). Tissue PACAP-38 LI and PAC1 receptor levels were also investigated in heart tissue samples of patients with HF. Significantly higher plasma PACAP-38 LI was detected in patients with acute HF, while in chronic HF patients, a lower level of immunoreactivity was observed compared to healthy controls (n = 13). Strong negative correlation was identified between plasma PACAP-38 and NT-proBNP levels in chronic HF, as opposed to the positive connection seen in the acute HF group. Plasma IL-1 β, IL-2 and IL-4 levels were significantly lower in chronic HF, and IL-10 was significantly higher in patients with acute HF. PACAP-38 levels of myocardial tissues were lower in all end-stage HF patients and lower PAC1 receptor levels were detected in the primary dilated cardiomyopathy group compared to the controls. We conclude that PACAP-38 and PAC1 expression correlates with some biomarkers of acute and chronic HF; therefore, further studies are necessary to explore whether PACAP could be a suitable prognostic biomarker in HF patients

    Infancy in 21st Century Hungary: A Project Introduction: Policy, Theoretical and Methodological Framework and Objectives of the First National Representative Parent Survey on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health

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    Objectives: Infancy in 21st Century Hungary is the first Hungarian national representative parent survey to examine early childhood mental health problems and important individual, family and broader environmental risk and protective factors associated with them. Methods: In the study, families raising children aged 3–36 months were included. The sample was nationally representative according to the children’s age and gender, and the type of residence. Data were collected in the winter of 2019–2020 from 980 mothers and 122 fathers. The parents were interviewed using a CAPI (computer-assisted personal interview) instrument at first, and then they filled out a self-administered questionnaire (SAQ). The measurement package was planned by an interdisciplinary research network coordinated by the Institute of Mental Health at Semmelweis University, while the sampling and the data collection were conducted by the TÁRKI Research Institute. Results: Based on the parental reports, we will examine the prevalence of infant and early childhood mental health problems perceived by the parents, and the relationships between the background variables measured in several ecological levels. Due to the representative sample’s socio demographic diversity, we can map the generalizable variability of each examined construct and identify risk and protective factors behind the perceived developmental and mental health difficulties. Conclusions: In this article, the policy, theoretical and methodological framework, the justification and objectives of the research, and the measurement package are presented

    The effects of attention and task-relevance on the processing of syntactic violations during listening to two concurrent speech streams

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    The notion of automatic syntactical analysis received support from some event-related potential (ERP) studies. However, none of these studies tested syntax processing in the presence of a concurrent speech stream. Here we presented two concurrent continuous speech streams, manipulating two variables potentially affecting speech processing in a fully crossed design: attention (focused vs. divided) and task (lexical – detecting numerals vs. syntactical – detecting syntactic violations). ERPs elicited by syntactic violations and numerals as targets were compared with those for distractors (task-relevant events in the unattended speech stream) and attended and unattended task-irrelevant events. As was expected, only target numerals elicited the N2b and P3 components. The amplitudes of these components did not significantly differ between focused and divided attention. Both task-relevant and task-irrelevant syntactic violations elicited the N400 ERP component within the attended but not in the unattended speech stream. P600 was only elicited by target syntactic violations. These results provide no support for the notion of automatic syntactic analysis. Rather, it appears that task-relevance is a prerequisite of P600 elicitation, implying that in-depth syntactic analysis occurs only for attended speech under everyday listening situations

    Az endoszkópos vizsgálatok pulzoximetriás monitorozásának jelentősége | Az MTA VEAB Gasztroenterológiai Munkabizottságának prospektív multicentrikus vizsgálata

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    Introduction: Recent guidelines recommend routine pulse oximetric monitoring during endoscopy, however, this has not been the common practice yet in the majority of the local endoscopic units. Aims: To draw attention to the importance of the routine use of pulse oximetric recording during endoscopy. Method: A prospective multicenter study was performed with the participation of 11 gastrointestinal endoscopic units. Data of pulse oximetric monitoring of 1249 endoscopic investigations were evaluated, of which 1183 were carried out with and 66 without sedation. Results: Oxygen saturation less than 90% was observed in 239 cases corresponding to 19.1% of all cases. It occurred most often during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (31.2%) and proximal enteroscopy (20%). Procedure-related risk factors proved to be the long duration of the investigation, premedication with pethidine (31.3%), and combined sedoanalgesia with pethidine and midazolam (34.38%). The age over 60 years, obesity, consumption of hypnotics or sedatives, severe cardiopulmonary state, and risk factor scores III and IV of the American Society of Anestwere found as patient-related risk factors. Conclusion: To increase the safety of patients undergoing endoscopic investigation, pulse oximeter and oxygen supplementation should be the standard requirement in all of the endoscopic investigation rooms. Pulse oximetric monitoring is advised routinely during endoscopy with special regard to the risk factors of hypoxemia. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 825–833. </jats:p