59 research outputs found

    Библиотека Общества изучения Амурского края – первая научная библиотека Дальневосточного региона

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    The article is devoted to the history of the library of the Society for the Study of Amursky Kray in the pre-revolutionary period. The library was opened almost simultaneously with the Society in 1884 and became the first scientific library of the Russian Far Eastern region. The core of the library collection was acquired mainly through donations and book-exchange, and the unique library collection of the Society for the Study of Amursky Kray was established. Through the book-exchange, the library was receiving periodicals and continuing editions, both domestic and foreign. The publishing practice of the Society for the Study of Amursky Kray contributed to the expansion of its reciprocal book-exchange contacts with other scientific institutions, which entailed in increase of acquisitions and steady growth of the collection.Despite its unpublic nature, the Library of the Society for the Study of Amursky Kray has made a serious contribution to the development of the book culture of the Russian Far Eastern region and become a cultural oasis, center for cultural legacy and advocate for scientific knowledge.Статья посвящена истории библиотеки Общества изучения Амурского края (ОИАК) в дореволюционный период. Библиотека, открытая в 1884 г., стала первой научной библиотекой Дальневосточного региона. Уникальный фонд библиотеки ОИАК сформировался преимущественно за счёт пожертвований и книгообмена, благодаря которому в библиотеку постоянно поступали периодические и продолжающиеся издания, как отечественные, так и зарубежные. Издательская практика ОИАК способствовала расширению книгообменных контактов с другими научными учреждениями, что влекло за собой поступление новых книг, увеличение фонда библиотеки. Несмотря на закрытый характер работы, библиотека ОИАК внесла определённый вклад в развитие книжной культуры Дальневосточного региона, стала очагом накопления духовных ценностей и проводником научных знаний

    Thermodynamics of the Antiviral and Antiparkinsonian Drug Amantadine Hydrochloride: Condensed State Properties and Decomposition

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    © 2017 American Chemical Society. Heat capacities of the antiviral and antiparkinsonian drug amantadine hydrochloride in the crystalline state were measured by adiabatic and differential scanning calorimetry in the temperature range from 5 K to 470 K. Two unresolved low-enthalpy solid-to-solid phase transitions with peak maxima at 120.0 K and 123.1 K were detected. Thermodynamic functions for crystalline amantadine hydrochloride were derived from the data obtained. Decomposition of amantadine hydrochloride was studied by the Knudsen effusion method. Quantum chemical calculations supported completeness of the amantadine hydrochloride ionic pair disintegration under the effusion conditions. A data treatment model considering the difference in effusion rates of the decomposition products, anisotropy failure in the vicinity of the orifice, and vapor undersaturation in the effusion cell was developed. Thermodynamic parameters for the decomposition were thus derived and shown to be consistent with available literature data on decomposition of similar organic hydrochlorides and with the entropy of reaction calculated directly from the entropies of the decomposition reaction participants. The obtained set of thermodynamic properties of the medication is expected to provide new key information necessary for optimization of production and storage conditions. (Graph Presented)

    Comprehensive study of the thermodynamic properties for 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The heat capacity of 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol over the interval T = (5 to 370) K was measured in an adiabatic calorimeter. The standard entropy and heat capacity of the liquid phase at a reference temperature 298.15 K were found to be Som = (232.6 ± 1.0) J·K-1·mol-1 and Cs,m = (237.4 ± 0.9) J·K-1·mol-1. The triple-point temperature Tfus = (245.03 ± 0.03) K and the corresponding enthalpy of fusion ΔcrlHom = (5.199 ± 0.012) kJ·mol-1 were also determined. The enthalpy of vaporisation was determined with a Calvet-type calorimeter to be ΔlgHmo(305.1K) = (46.9 ± 1.6) kJ·mol-1. The vapour pressure over the temperature interval (280 to 328) K was measured with a static technique. The standard entropy of vaporisation at T = 298.15 K was found to be ΔlgSom = (132.7 ± 0.2) J·K-1·mol-1. The standard enthalpy of combustion for liquid 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol ΔcHmo(l, 298.15 K) = -(3145.1 ± 2.7) kJ·mol-1 was measured with two static-bomb isoperibol combustion calorimeters. From the experimental data, the standard enthalpies of formation for liquid and gaseous 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol were found to be ΔfHom(l, 298.15 K) = -(251.6 ± 2.8) kJ·mol-1 and ΔfHom (g, 298.15 K) = -(203.3 ± 2.8) kJ·mol-1, respectively. The latter value was confirmed by high-level quantum chemical calculations. Molecular association in the gas phase and its effect on thermodynamic properties of the compound were discussed

    Reference materials for phase equilibrium studies. 1. Liquid–liquid equilibria (IUPAC Technical Report)

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    This article is the first of three projected IUPAC Technical Reports resulting from IUPAC Project 2011-037-2-100 (Reference Materials for Phase Equilibrium Studies). The goal of this project is to select reference systems with critically evaluated property values for the validation of instruments and techniques used in phase equilibrium studies of mixtures. This report proposes seven systems for liquid–liquid equilibrium studies, covering the four most common categories of binary mixtures: aqueous systems of moderate solubility, non-aqueous systems, systems with low solubility, and systems with ionic liquids. For each system, the available literature sources, accepted data, smoothing equations, and estimated uncertainties are given

    Информационные потребности учёных и проблемы поиска информации (по материалам анкетирования сотрудников Новосибирского научного центра СО РАН)

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    Researchers’ information needs and information search issues are examined based on polling the researchers ofNovosibirskResearchCenterof theRussianAcademyof Sciences Siberian Branch. The polling was organized by the State Public Library for Science and Technology RAS SB. The answers related to information retrieval and difficulties the researchers are facing, were analyzed. It was found that the researchers regularly search information within their studies subject scope and, as a rule, made advanced users of different level information systems, and used independently the databases like Web of Science, Scopus, Russian Science Citation Index. However, some researchers experience difficulties in choosing resources for information sources or formulating queries. Based on the study findings, the authors propose several services to be demanded by researcher users, among them: analyzing dynamics of the document flow within specific topics and the most productive authors, retrospective subject search and assistance provided by bibliographic managers. Besides, the Library could provide information services for using archives and dealing with intellectual property issues.Освещены информационные потребности научных сотрудников и проблемы поиска информации по результатам анкетирования сотрудников Новосибирского научного центра СО РАН, проведённого сотрудниками ГПНТБ СО РАН. Проанализированы ответы на вопросы, которые возникают у учёных при поиске информации; отмечены сложности, с которыми сталкиваются исследователи. Анализ результатов анкетирования позволил установить, что научные сотрудники регулярно занимаются поиском информации для проведения научно-исследовательской работы и в основном являются уверенными пользователями информационных систем различного уровня, самостоятельно работают с такими базами данных, как Web of Science, Scopus, РИНЦ. Однако отдельные учёные испытывают затруднения как в выборе информационных ресурсов для поиска необходимой информации, так и при формулировании запроса.По результатам исследования предложен ряд услуг, которые могут быть востребованы читателями – научными сотрудниками. Среди них: анализ динамики развития документопотока по определённой теме; выявление организаций, работающих в том или ином направлении, и наиболее продуктивных авторов; ретроспективный тематический поиск, а также помощь в работе с современными библиографическими менеджерами. Кроме того, библиотека могла бы оказывать информационные услуги по работе в архивах и в решении вопросов, связанных с интеллектуальной собственностью

    Reference materials for phase equilibrium studies. 2. Solid-liquid equilibria (IUPAC Technical Report)

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    This article is the second of three projected IUPAC Technical Reports on reference materials for phase equilibrium studies. The goal of this project was to select reference systems with critically evaluated property values for the verification of instruments and techniques used in phase equilibrium studies of mixtures. This report proposes seven systems for solid–liquid equilibrium studies, covering the four most common categories of binary mixtures: aqueous systems with organic solutes, aqueous systems with inorganic solutes, non-aqueous systems, and systems with low solubility. For each system, the available literature sources, accepted data, smoothing equations, and estimated uncertainties are given

    Исследование влияния высокотемпературной термической обработки на фазовый и химический состав сплава ВКНА-1В

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    The paper dwells on the features of the chemical composition and structure of alloys based on Ni3Al. It examines the effect of heat treatment on the structure and phase parameters and on the short-term strength of the intermetallic VKNA-1B alloy.Smelting bar stock was made by technique of vacuum induction. A directional solidification method was used to provide heat treatment of samples on the UVNS-4 installation.The heat treatment was performed in the following modes: heating to a temperature of 1200, 1290, 1300 ° C, holding for 100, 4, 4 hours, respectively, furnace cooling to 800 ° C, then air-cooling. For heating was used the batch furnace VEBK S 400/100 with a maximum operating temperature of 1350 ° C. Samples were loaded in the furnace at 800 0C.The phase composition of the VKNA-1B alloy was examined through physicochemical analysis based on electrochemical insulating phases in different electrolytes. The composition and quantity of the isolated phases were determined by the results of X-ray and chemical analysis methods.To analyse the microstructure was used a scanning electron microscope JSM-840. In original cast state the VKNA-1B alloy has a cellular-dendritic structure. In the axes of the dendrites there is a γ'-phase (~ 75-80% vol.) surrounded by a viscous γ-phase in the form of thin layers; in the inter-dendritic regions there are large particles of γ'-phase. The increasing temperature of heat treatment comes with coarsening γ'-phase particles in inter-dendritic regions and, essentially, has no effect on the phase composition of the alloy. Results of mechanical tensile tests have shown that the alloy retains high strength values after long-term exposure and the increasing cell size of γ'-phase in the axes of the dendrites when raising the temperature leads to an increase in short-term strength of the alloy.Проведено исследование фазового и химического состава интерметаллидного сплава ВКНА-1В в исходном литом состоянии (вакуумная индукционная выплавка и вакуумный индукционный переплав) и после различных режимов высокотемпературной термической обработки. Определены пределы кратковременной прочности и текучести на образцах сплава ВКНА-1В и проведена корреляция значений механических свойств с фазово-химическим составом. Установлено, что высокотемпературная термообработка, изменяя соотношение γʹ/γ-фаз, практически не влияет на стабильность карбидной фазы, что и отражается на стабильности кратковременных свойств интерметаллидного сплава на основе соединения Ni3Al при комнатной температуре. DOI: 10.7463/aplts.0615.082965

    Thermal Evolution of the Proton Irradiated Structure in Tungsten–5 wt% Tantalum

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    We have monitored the thermal evolution of the proton irradiated structure of W–5 wt% Ta alloy by in-situ annealing in a transmission electron microscope at fusion reactor temperatures of 500–1300 °C. The interstitial-type a/2 dislocation loops emit self-interstitial atoms and glide to the free sample surface during the early stages of annealing. The resultant vacancy excess in the matrix originates vacancy-type a/2 dislocation loops that grow by loop and vacancy absorption in the temperature range of 600–900 °C. Voids form at 1000 °C, by either vacancy absorption or loop collapse, and grow progressively up to 1300 °C. Tantalum delays void formation by a vacancy-solute trapping mechanism