50 research outputs found
Girls’ Education and Child Marriage in Central Africa | Insights from Qualitative Fieldwork Part I: The Democratic Republic of Congo
Child marriage is defined as a formal or informal union before the age of 18. As in much of Sub-Saharan Africa, the prevalence of child marriage remains high in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in part because educational attainment for girls is too low. Based on qualitative fieldwork, this article looks at communities’ perceptions of child marriage and girls’ education and their suggestions for programs and policies that could improve outcomes for girls. The article also discusses potential implications for Catholic and other faith-based schools, as well as faith leaders
Girls’ Education and Child Marriage in Central Africa | Insights from Qualitative Fieldwork Part II: The Republic of Congo
Child marriage is defined as a formal or informal union before the age of 18. As in much of sub-Saharan Africa, the prevalence of child marriage remains high in the Republic of Congo (RoC), in part because educational attainment for girls is low. Based on qualitative fieldwork, this article looks at communities’ perceptions of child marriage and girls’ education and their suggestions for programs and policies that could improve outcomes for girls. The article also discusses potential implications for Catholic and other faith-based schools, as well as faith leaders
La durabilité des entreprises au Congo: une analyse des exploitants agricoles installés par AGRICONGO
L'entrepreneuriat est de plus en plus considéré comme un des éléments qui constitue le fondement de la croissance et du développement en Afrique subsaharienne. Si après les indépendances de 1960, l'État devait jouer un rôle clé dans le système productif, l'échec de cette orientation a poussé les analystes et les décideurs politiques à changer de cap.
Lincidence des Politiques Fiscale et Douanière sur les PME dans la CEMAC : Une Analyse Comparative du Congo et de la RCA
Les pays de l'Afrique Centrale regroupés au sein de la Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale (CEMAC) possèdent d'énormes potentialités économiques. Cependant, ils sont caractérisés par un environnement des  affaires peu incitatif qui entrave la rentabilité et le développement des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) dans la zone. Le classement dans le Doing Business de 2010, 2011, 2012 et 2013 les rangeant en queue de peloton des  pays du monde traduit cette faiblesse
Influence of growth stimulators on physiological characteristics by hops plants (""Humulus lupulus"" L.)
At growing Saaz variety is the target to reach the highest yield of hop´s cones and high content of alpha acids. The average content of this acids in Saaz variety is in the range from 2,5 to 4,5 %. The growers effort is to reach the higher number of this range because the final selling price is given by content of alpha acids. During the active growth of hops, grower can targeted stimulate the hops to positively affect the physiological processes. Then he can reach better yield of valuable alpha acids and that´s why the target of this diploma thesis was to fix the influence of growth stimulators on physiological processes on the yield of hop´s cones and the yield of alpha acids. And based on the results to identify the suitability of using growth stimulators during the intense hops growing. Following scientific hypothesis were designed: determine the plants reaction diversity on growth stimulator. For reaching the targets and confirm or reject the hypothesis was observed in natural conditions nearby the Chrastany region the plants of Saaz (clone 72) in interaction with the usage of growth stimulators. These stimulators were used: Humastar, Fertileader Vital, Lignoaktivátor. There were four variants: controled with no aplication and three other variants with usage of growth stimulators (for each variant were apllied only one stimulator for three times).
The influence of growth stimulators on hops plants (phase BBCH from 37 to 81) was observed on the basis of the rate of gas exchanges, chlorophyl fluorescence and the leaves chlorophyl content, which were measured by infrared gas analyzer LCpro+ (ADC BioScientific Ltd. Hoddesdon, Great Britain), OS 1-FL (OPTI SCIENCES), Chlorofyl CCM 200 ADC BioScientific Ltd. Hoddesdon, Great Britain) After the crop was evaluated the yield of hop´s cones and the content of alpha acids, beta acids and essentials oils.
The results of measurment indicates that the highest average transpiration rate was observed after Humastar application (+18,3 % against control variant). In the control variant was found the lowest average transpiration rate from all variants. The highest photosynthesis rate was found after Fertileader Vital application (+7 % against control variant). Decrease of photosynthesis rate about 17 % against the control variant was observed after Humastar application. The differences was also observed in chlorophyll fluorescence. The highest Fv/Fm value reached the hop´s plants after Fertileader Vital application, concretely 0,792. On the other hand the lowest Fv/Fm value was observed after Lignoaktivátor application (0,780). After the application of all tested growth stimulators were reached increase of a pigment´s content in hop´s leaves against the control variant. The highest content of pigments were observed after Fertileader Vital application (+19,2 % against control variant). Control variant reached the average content of pigments in hop´s leaves 25,5 chlorophyll units. Differences after the growth stimulation was also observed in yield and quality of dry hop´s cones. The highest yield reached the Lignoaktivátor variant (0,73 t/ha). This is an increase of 17,7 % against the control variant (0,62 t/ha). The yield of hop´s cones was decreased of 8,1 % against the control variant after Humastar application. The similiar trends were also observed in hop´s cones quality. The highest content of alpha acids (3,06 %) was reached after Lignoaktivátor application and at the same time Lignoaktivátor variant also achieved the highest content of essentials oils per 100 g of a sample (0,22 ml). Humastar variant had the lowest content of alpha acids (2,18 %) and also the lowest content of essential oils (0,14 ml).
Based on the results it can be stated that the used growth stimulators had the influence on the physiological characteristics of hop´s plants and also affected the different yield and quality of hop´s cones. Proposed hypothesis were confirmed. Based on the one-year results, application of Fertileader Vital or Lignoaktivátor seems to bee more profitable than Humastar application
Forman's Amadeus and the Role of Music in Film Narrative
Forman's Amadeus and the Role of Music in Film Narrative Vedoucà diplomové práce (supervisor): Zpracoval (author): Mgr. Tereza Havelková, Ph.D. Tomáš Bazika studijnà obor (program): Praha, July 2020 Obecná teorie a dějiny uměnà a kultury Abstract The subject of this thesis is a study of the ways of using the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Miloš Forman's motion picture Amadeus. In my thesis, I focus on how Amadeus employs pre-existing classical compositions to create a new, largely fictional narrative based on the life and music of Mozart. I argue that instead of applying pre-existing pieces as film music, Amadeus conceives individual scenes as well as its overall filmic structure to accommodate the music's expressive qualities and biographical associations. I engage in a conversation with relevant existing scholarship to establish a theoretical framework for a systematic interpretation of the meaning-making roles of music in Amadeus. Drawing on Claudia Gorbman's concept of diegetic, non-diegetic and metadiegetic sound categories, I apply her taxonomy to Amadeus in order to show how not only the selection and placement of music but also its relation to the diegesis determine its impact on the narrative. I propose that in its treatment of Mozart's music, Amadeus reverses the traditional hierarchy of the..
Orson Welles: Film noir a jeho estetickĂ˝ odkaz
Department of Anglophone Literatures and CulturesĂšstav anglofonnĂch literatur a kulturFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult
Formanův Amadeus a role hudby ve filmové naraci
Forman's Amadeus and the Role of Music in Film Narrative VedoucĂ diplomovĂ© práce (supervisor): Zpracoval (author): Mgr. Tereza Havelková, Ph.D. Tomáš Bazika studijnĂ obor (program): Praha, July 2020 Obecná teorie a dÄ›jiny umÄ›nĂ a kultury Abstrakt TĂ©matem tĂ©to diplomovĂ© práce je studium metod vyuĹľitĂ hudby Wolfganga Amadea Mozarta ve filmu Amadeus reĹľisĂ©ra Miloše Formana. Ve svĂ© práci se zaměřuji na vyuĹľitĂ pĹŻvodnĂch klasicistnĂch skladeb k vytvoĹ™enĂ novĂ©ho, pĹ™evážnÄ› fiktivnĂho narativu o ĹľivotÄ› a hudbÄ› Mozarta. Argumentuji, Ĺľe mĂsto pouĹľitĂ MozartovĂ˝ch skladeb jako filmovĂ© hudby, tvĹŻrci Amadea pojĂmajĂ jednotlivĂ© scĂ©ny i celkovou strukturu filmu primárnÄ› s ohledem na expresivnĂ vlastnosti a biografickĂ© souvislosti hudby. Zapojuji se do dialogu s relevantnĂm dosavadnĂm bádánĂm, pomocĂ nÄ›hoĹľ sestavuji teoretickĂ˝ rámec pro systematickou interpretaci vĂ˝znamotvornĂ˝ch rolĂ hudby v Amadeovi. VycházĂm z konceptu diegetickĂ©, nediegetickĂ© a metadiegetickĂ© kategorie zvuku ve filmu Claudie GorbmanovĂ© a aplikuji jejĂ taxonomii pĹ™i analĂ˝ze Amadea, abych ukázal, jak nejen vĂ˝bÄ›r a umĂstÄ›nĂ hudby, ale pĹ™edevšĂm jejĂ situovánĂ ve vztahu k diegezi urÄŤuje jejĂ dopad na narativ. Navrhuji, Ĺľe tvĹŻrci Amadea zpracovánĂm Mozartovy hudby pĹ™evracĂ tradiÄŤnĂ hierarchii podrobenĂ se hudebnĂho doprovodu ve prospÄ›ch vizuálnĂ a verbálnĂ...Forman's Amadeus and the Role of Music in Film Narrative VedoucĂ diplomovĂ© práce (supervisor): Zpracoval (author): Mgr. Tereza Havelková, Ph.D. Tomáš Bazika studijnĂ obor (program): Praha, July 2020 Obecná teorie a dÄ›jiny umÄ›nĂ a kultury Abstract The subject of this thesis is a study of the ways of using the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Miloš Forman's motion picture Amadeus. In my thesis, I focus on how Amadeus employs pre-existing classical compositions to create a new, largely fictional narrative based on the life and music of Mozart. I argue that instead of applying pre-existing pieces as film music, Amadeus conceives individual scenes as well as its overall filmic structure to accommodate the music's expressive qualities and biographical associations. I engage in a conversation with relevant existing scholarship to establish a theoretical framework for a systematic interpretation of the meaning-making roles of music in Amadeus. Drawing on Claudia Gorbman's concept of diegetic, non-diegetic and metadiegetic sound categories, I apply her taxonomy to Amadeus in order to show how not only the selection and placement of music but also its relation to the diegesis determine its impact on the narrative. I propose that in its treatment of Mozart's music, Amadeus reverses the traditional hierarchy of the...Katedra filmovĂ˝ch studiĂFilm Studies DepartmentFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult