9 research outputs found

    The effects of dark septate endophytic fungi on chickpea drought tolerance

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    Non-Peer ReviewedDark septate endophytic (DSE) fungi represent a diverse group of root-colonizing fungal species that are common in environments with strong abiotic stress, such as semiarid prairie regions where their abundance in roots can exceed mycorrhizal fungi. Some DSE fungal species have the ability to benefit host plant growth under water stress conditions. Here we tested the effects of 49 DSE species on chickpea biomass growing under water limiting condition. Three DSE fungal species including Hypocrea lixii, Geomyces vinaceus and Mortierella alpina significantly increased the biomass of chickpea. However the majority of the DSE species did not significantly affect plant biomass and some species decreased that

    Association of chickpea root with soil fungi: a comparison of cultivars

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    Non-Peer ReviewedField crops influence soil microbiota, impacting the health status and productivity of cropping systems. We conducted a two year field experiment using thirteen genotypes of chickpea and applied deep amplicon pyrosequencing to verify whether plant genetics control the fungal community of the root endosphere. We obtained 63796 sequences of ITS1F/ITS2 and 52129 of 18S rDNA gene clustered into 127 non-mycorrhizal and 89 mycorrhizal operational taxonomic units (OTUs), respectively. Plant genotype and year (soil and weather) had significant effects on the fungal community of chickpea root endosphere. The desi genotypes had higher levels of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal fungal richness and diversity than kabuli genotypes. This study reveals a "genotype effect" of chickpea on the soil microbiota and indicates the possibility to improve the performance of this crop through the selection of genotypes with improved root fungal communities

    Effect of cropping sequences on soil biological activity in semiarid region of western Canada

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    Non-Peer ReviewedSoil productivity and environmental sustainability hinge on the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. Soil dehydrogenases (DHs) are one of the major classes of intracellular oxidoreductase enzymes involved in energy metabolism of living cells. The soil DHs activity is used as an indicator of overall soil microbial activity. This study employed the soil DHs assay to examine the effect of different cropping sequences including wheat, mustard and pulse crops in 4-year rotation on the soil biological activity. The DHs assay used in this study was originally developed by Le Casida et al. (1964). In this method, triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) is used as an indicator dye that helps to observe electron transport system activity. The DHs involved in electron transport system reduce the colourless soluble TTC (substrate) and convert it into an insoluble red colour product, known as triphenylformazan (TPF). TPF can be quantified by spectrophotometry at the visible wavelength of 485 nm. Higher the intensity of the red colour in the soil extract solution, higher is the concentration of TPF and hence the higher DHs activity. In this study, the results of DHs assay of the final year (2014) of different 4-year crop rotations are presented. The study clearly showed that frequent inclusion of pulse crops especially chickpea in the cropping systems is conducive to the soil biological activity

    Mineral biofortification and growth stimulation of lentil plants inoculated with trichoderma strains and metabolites

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    Biofortification of crops via agricultural interventions represents an excellent way to supply micronutrients in poor rural populations, who highly suffer from these deficiencies. Soil microbes can directly influence plant growth and productivity, e.g., by contrasting plant pathogens or facilitating micronutrient assimilation in harvested crop‐food products. Among these microbial communities, Trichoderma fungi are well‐known examples of plant symbionts widely used in agriculture as biofertilizers or biocontrol agents. In this work, eleven Trichoderma strains and/or their bioactive metabolites (BAMs) were applied to lentil plants to evaluate their effects on plant growth and mineral content in greenhouse or field experiments. Our results indicated that, depending upon the different combinations of fungal strain and/or BAM, the mode of treatment (seed and/or watering), as well as the supplementary watering with solutions of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn), the mineral absorption was differentially affected in treated plants compared with the water controls. In greenhouse conditions, the largest increase in Fe and Zn contents occurred when the compounds were applied to the seeds and the strains (in particular, T. afroharzianum T22, T. harzianum TH1, and T. virens GV41) to the soil. In field experiments, Fe and Zn contents increased in plants treated with T. asperellum strain KV906 or the hydrophobin HYTLO1 compared with controls. Both selected fungal strains and BAMs applications improved seed germination and crop yield. This biotechnology may represent an important challenge for natural biofortification of crops, thus reducing the risk of nutrient deficiencies