160 research outputs found

    Una aproximación a Falange en la provincia de Lugo (1936-1942)

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    En noviembre de 1942 la Falange de Lugo pasa por uno de los momentos más críticos de su historia. El Gobernador Civil y Jefe Provincial del Movimiento, Ramón Ferreiro Rodríguez, se ve obligado a cesar en el ejercicio de sus cargos, por una “grave falta de indisciplina”, a buena parte de la plana mayor de la organización, un total de cuatro delegados provinciales y tres secretarios.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Consello da Cultura Galega. Real Academia Galeg

    Protection of data and guarantee of digital labor rights in the new European and internal normative framework

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    The Spanish Data Protection Act (lo 3/2018) has recently formulated an embryonic regulation about digital rights for workers, implementing the mandatory previsions contained in the European gdpr in order to adapt that holistic legal frame of data protection to the particular context of labour relations. Even though its limitations, the new regulation points out to the whole legal system on Data Protection as an inescapable reference in order to build a complex set of limitations that should be respected by employers in the exercise of their labour managing and monitoring powers; particularly related to situations like the workers’ use of digital devices at the workplace, videosurveillance, sound recording or locational surveillance.La Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de Protección de Datos Personales y Garantía de los Derechos Digitales (lopdp-gdd) ha venido a formular, en el marco de su Título x, una regulación embrionaria de las garantías digitales de los trabajadores, a partir del mandato del rgpd de adaptar la normativa general de protección de datos al entorno laboral. Pese a su regulación minimalista, se erige, no obstante, a la normativa de protección de datos en su conjunto en referencia ineludible de gran relevancia en punto al establecimiento de límites al ejercicio de los poderes empresariales de supervisión laboral. Partiendo de dicha premisa, se regulan algunos de los escenarios social y jurisprudencialmente típicos en los que dicho ejercicio conlleva tratamientos de datos personales de los trabajadores, otorgándose a estos derechos de privacidad en relación con el uso de dispositivos digitales, la videovigilancia y captación de sonidos y la geolocalización. Derechos cuyo alcance y efectividad ha de construirse no solo a partir de su lacónica formulación legal, sino desde un enfoque sistemático./n

    La relación laboral especial de las personas dedicadas a las actividades artísticas y técnicas auxiliares. (Un análisis de su reforma, a cargo del RD-Ley 5/2022, de 22 de marzo)

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    This paper focuses on the reform of the work contract for artistical activities and technical and auxiliar jobs, made out after RD-Ley 5/2022, March 22nd. It points out the legal review not only on the subjective terms of the new regulation, but also on the objective scope of application of the special labour contract, now based on the notion of artistical activities. After that, the legal rules of the formally brand new “work contract for artistical activities” is deeply analized, as it tries to reach a balanced position between the particular requirements of temporality of jobs in this type of activities, and the general legal guaranties for temporary work. Finally, it also pays attention to the new legal aspects on the regulation of the expire of the contract (equal compensation) and about legal adjustments in Social Security contribution.El estudio efectúa un análisis de la reforma de la relación laboral especial de las personas dedicadas a las actividades artísticas efectuada por el RD-Ley 5/2022, de 22 de marzo, inclusiva ahora también de los trabajos técnicos y auxiliares que se desarrollen en análogas condiciones de temporalidad. Se aborda así, enprimer lugar, la reconfiguración no solamente subjetiva, sino también objetiva del ámbito de imputación de la RLE que la norma lleva a cabo: se centra el foco tipificador en el concepto de actividad artística, perdiendo relevancia interpretativa el elemento normativo del “espectáculo público”. Con posterioridad a lo cual, se analiza el régimen jurídico del formalmente novedoso “contrato artístico de duración determinada”, el cual trata de alcanzar un delicado equilibrio entre dos lógicas en tensión: por una parte, la conservación, en loesencial, de la regulación especial de las causas y el régimen de temporalidad propio del trabajo artístico; y por otro, la extensión al mismo de las garantías frente al abuso de la temporalidad previstas en la normativa laboral común. Finalmente, se presta atención a las novedades del régimen extintivo del contrato–persiguiéndose en particular la equidad indemnizatoria– así como a los ajustes normativos realizados en materia de cotización a la Seguridad Social

    The Stationary Phase Method for a Wave Packet in a Semiconductor Layered System. The applicability of the method

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    Using the formal analysis made by Bohm in his book, {\em "Quantum theory"}, Dover Publications Inc. New York (1979), to calculate approximately the phase time for a transmitted and the reflected wave packets through a potential barrier, we calculate the phase time for a semiconductor system formed by different mesoscopic layers. The transmitted and the reflected wave packets are analyzed and the applicability of this procedure, based on the stationary phase of a wave packet, is considered in different conditions. For the applicability of the stationary phase method an expression is obtained in the case of the transmitted wave depending only on the derivatives of the phase, up to third order. This condition indicates whether the parameters of the system allow to define the wave packet by its leading term. The case of a multiple barrier systems is shown as an illustration of the results. This formalism includes the use of the Transfer Matrix to describe the central stratum, whether it is formed by one layer (the single barrier case), or two barriers and an inner well (the DBRT system), but one can assume that this stratum can be comprise of any number or any kind of semiconductor layers.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures although figure 4 has 5 graph

    Regret and Therapeutic Decisions in Multiple Sclerosis Care: Literature Review and Research Protocol

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    Decision making; Multiple sclerosis; NeurologistsToma de decisiones; Esclerosis múltiple; NeurólogosPresa de decisions; Esclerosi múltiple; NeuròlegsBackground: Decisions based on erroneous assessments may result in unrealistic patient and family expectations, suboptimal advice, incorrect treatment, or costly medical errors. Regret is a common emotion in daily life that involves counterfactual thinking when considering alternative choices. Limited information is available on care-related regret affecting healthcare professionals managing patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods: We reviewed identified gaps in the literature by searching for the combination of the following keywords in Pubmed: “regret and decision,” “regret and physicians,” and “regret and nurses.” An expert panel of neurologists, a nurse, a psychiatrist, a pharmacist, and a psychometrics specialist participated in the study design. Care-related regret will be assessed by a behavioral battery including the standardized questionnaire Regret Intensity Scale (RIS-10) and 15 new specific items. Six items will evaluate regret in the most common social domains affecting individuals (financial, driving, sports—recreation, work, own health, and confidence in people). Another nine items will explore past and recent regret experiences in common situations experienced by healthcare professionals caring for patients with MS. We will also assess concomitant behavioral characteristics of healthcare professionals that could be associated with regret: coping strategies, life satisfaction, mood, positive social behaviors, occupational burnout, and tolerance to uncertainty. Planned Outcomes: This is the first comprehensive and standardized protocol to assess care-related regret and associated behavioral factors among healthcare professionals managing MS. These results will allow to understand and ameliorate regret in healthcare professionals.This study protocol was funded by the Medical Department of Roche Farma Spain (SL42129)

    Assessing care-related regret among nurses specialized in multiple sclerosis: A psychometric analysis of a new assessment battery

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    Multiple sclerosis; Nurses; Psychometric methodsEsclerosis múltiple; Enfermeras; Métodos psicométricosEsclerosi múltiple; Infermeres; Mètodes psicomètricsExperiences of regret associated with caring for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) can affect medical decisions. A non-interventional study was conducted to assess the dimensionality and item characteristics of a battery including the Regret Intensity Scale (RIS-10) and 15 items evaluating common situations experienced by nurses in MS care. A total of 97 nurses were included. The RIS-10 showed good internal reliability and a unidimensional structure according to Mokken analysis. All-item homogeneity coefficients exceeded 0.30, whereas scalability for the overall RIS-10 was 0.66, indicating a strong scale. This battery showed adequate psychometric properties to evaluate regret among MS nurses.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was funded by the Medical Department of Roche Farma Spain (SL42129)

    Assessing care-related regret among nurses specialized in multiple sclerosis: A psychometric analysis of a new assessment battery

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    Experiences of regret associated with caring for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) can affect medical decisions. A non-interventional study was conducted to assess the dimensionality and item characteristics of a battery including the Regret Intensity Scale (RIS-10) and 15 items evaluating common situations experienced by nurses in MS care. A total of 97 nurses were included. The RIS-10 showed good internal reliability and a unidimensional structure according to Mokken analysis. All-item homogeneity coefficients exceeded 0.30, whereas scalability for the overall RIS-10 was 0.66, indicating a strong scale. This battery showed adequate psychometric properties to evaluate regret among MS nurseThe author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was funded by the Medical Department of Roche Farma Spain (SL42129)

    Tumor Microenvironment and Immune Effects of Antineoplastic Therapy in Lymphoproliferative Syndromes

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    Lymphomas represent a wide group of heterogenic diseases with different biological and clinical behavior. The underlying microenvironment-specific composition seems to play an essential role in this scenario, harboring the ability to develop successful immune responses or, on the contrary, leading to immune evasion and even promotion of tumor growth. Depending on surrounding lymphoid infiltrates, lymphomas may have different prognosis. Moreover, recent evidences have emerged that confer a significant impact of main lymphoma's treatment over microenvironment, with clinical consequences. In this review, we summarize these concepts from a pathological and clinical perspective. Also, the state of the art of lymphoma's anti-idiotype vaccine development is revised, highlighting the situations where this strategy has proven to be successful and eventual clues to obtain better results in the future