41 research outputs found

    Behaviour and performance of a dynamic cobble berm revetment during a spring tidal cycle in North Cove, Washington State, USA

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    In many places, sandy coastlines and their associated assets are at high risk of erosion and flooding, with this risk increasing under climate change and sea level rise. In this context, dynamic cobble berm revetments represent a potentially sustainable protection technique to armour sandy beaches, reduce wave runup and protect the hinterland against wave attack. However, the behaviour and performance of such structures is not well understood. The dynamic cobble berm revetment located in North Cove, WA, USA, was monitored over a spring tidal cycle in January 2019. A representative 60 m alongshore section was monitored over 10 days using 2D laser scanner (lidar) measurements, GPS ground elevation surveys, Radio Frequency Identification of individual cobbles and revetment thickness measurements. These data were used together to assess the dynamic behaviour and functionality of the revetment throughout the experiment. Over the course of the experiment, the surface elevation changed by up to ±0.5 m, and the revetment volume reduced by an average 0.67 m3/m. These changes were found to be caused by relatively large significant wave height and high water levels. The revetment demonstrated a dynamic stability and the capacity to quickly reshape under changing hydrodynamic conditions. The instrumented cobbles were transported along and cross-shore and accumulated at the toe of the revetment, but were never transported seaward of the toe. The revetment also managed to recover some of the lost volume under moderate wave conditions. The revetment behaviour was found to be influenced by variation in the cobble-sand matrix. The underlying sand dynamics – i.e., accumulation or removal of sand within the cobbles – were found to govern the overall volume changes and were important to the overall stability of the revetment. Seven possible transport regimes were identified, and a model of the internal sand dynamics was developed. During the spring tidal cycle measured here, the revetment protected the sand scarp immediately landward and prevented flooding of the hinterland, while armouring the underlying sand. Over time, renourishment will likely be required due to longshore sediment transport, and preliminary guidelines for this and other aspects of design are suggested.</p

    Swash-by-swash morphology change on a dynamic cobble berm revetment:High-resolution cross-shore measurements

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    Dynamic cobble berm revetments are a promising soft engineering technique capable of protecting sandy coastlines by armouring the sand and dissipating wave energy to protect the hinterland against wave attack. They also form composite beaches as they are essentially mimicking natural composite beach structure and behaviour. This type of coastal protections and beaches have recently been investigated, and this led to a better understanding of their overall behaviour under varying water levels and wave conditions. However, the short-term dynamics of the swash zone (where all bed changes occur) has never been studied at high-resolution, and this is needed to fully understand the underlying dynamics of such structures and relate it to observed processes at larger scale. To do so, the revetment at North Cove (WA, USA) was monitored for a nine-day period in January 2019 over a spring tidal cycle and with offshore significant wave height reaching 6 m. A 2-D lidar was used to survey a cross-shore profile of the revetment, and record all surface changes and interaction with swashes at high spatial (0.1 m) and temporal (swash-by-swash) resolution. The revetment was found to rapidly reshape under these energetic conditions, but reached a relatively stable state during the rising tide. The analysis of bed-level changes and net cross-shore mass fluxes over the revetment showed that revetment changes are mainly driven by very small events, with some rare large bed-level changes of a magnitude comparable to the median cobble diameter. The distribution of event mass fluxes nearly balanced out over the duration of a tide, meaning that positive and negative fluxes tended to be symmetrical. Furthermore, measured net fluxes magnitude were 18 times smaller than the absolute fluxes, which demonstrated the dynamic stability of the revetment as substantial movement occur on a wave-by-wave timescale but these balance out over time. The analysis of swash revealed that the revetment section where the swash reaches a maximum depth between 0.15 and 0.45 m undergoes the more extreme fluxes. Swashes deeper than 0.45 m only occurred in zones inundated more than 50% of the time, and smaller extreme fluxes were measured over the revetment section where these deep swashes were recorded. Bed level change oscillations over the revetment were observed, and the cross shore limit of these was correlated with the mean wave period at the toe of the revetment. Overall, the water depth at the toe of the revetment was identified as the key parameter to describe the energy reaching the revetment. This study enables the morphodynamics of dynamic revetment, observed in previous lab and field studies, to be explained at the swash scale, and brought new information on the sediment dynamics of composite beaches and dynamic revetments. These findings allow to suggest some generic guidance for dynamic cobble berm revetment design. Finally, the results are compared to a similar study on sandy beaches.</p

    Swash-by-swash morphology change on a dynamic cobble berm revetment:High-resolution cross-shore measurements

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    Dynamic cobble berm revetments are a promising soft engineering technique capable of protecting sandy coastlines by armouring the sand and dissipating wave energy to protect the hinterland against wave attack. They also form composite beaches as they are essentially mimicking natural composite beach structure and behaviour. This type of coastal protections and beaches have recently been investigated, and this led to a better understanding of their overall behaviour under varying water levels and wave conditions. However, the short-term dynamics of the swash zone (where all bed changes occur) has never been studied at high-resolution, and this is needed to fully understand the underlying dynamics of such structures and relate it to observed processes at larger scale. To do so, the revetment at North Cove (WA, USA) was monitored for a nine-day period in January 2019 over a spring tidal cycle and with offshore significant wave height reaching 6 m. A 2-D lidar was used to survey a cross-shore profile of the revetment, and record all surface changes and interaction with swashes at high spatial (0.1 m) and temporal (swash-by-swash) resolution. The revetment was found to rapidly reshape under these energetic conditions, but reached a relatively stable state during the rising tide. The analysis of bed-level changes and net cross-shore mass fluxes over the revetment showed that revetment changes are mainly driven by very small events, with some rare large bed-level changes of a magnitude comparable to the median cobble diameter. The distribution of event mass fluxes nearly balanced out over the duration of a tide, meaning that positive and negative fluxes tended to be symmetrical. Furthermore, measured net fluxes magnitude were 18 times smaller than the absolute fluxes, which demonstrated the dynamic stability of the revetment as substantial movement occur on a wave-by-wave timescale but these balance out over time. The analysis of swash revealed that the revetment section where the swash reaches a maximum depth between 0.15 and 0.45 m undergoes the more extreme fluxes. Swashes deeper than 0.45 m only occurred in zones inundated more than 50% of the time, and smaller extreme fluxes were measured over the revetment section where these deep swashes were recorded. Bed level change oscillations over the revetment were observed, and the cross shore limit of these was correlated with the mean wave period at the toe of the revetment. Overall, the water depth at the toe of the revetment was identified as the key parameter to describe the energy reaching the revetment. This study enables the morphodynamics of dynamic revetment, observed in previous lab and field studies, to be explained at the swash scale, and brought new information on the sediment dynamics of composite beaches and dynamic revetments. These findings allow to suggest some generic guidance for dynamic cobble berm revetment design. Finally, the results are compared to a similar study on sandy beaches.</p

    Comparison of dynamic cobble berm revetments with differing gravel characteristics

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    Pressure on the coastline is escalating due to the impacts of climate change, this is leading to a rise in sea-levels and intensifying storminess. Consequently, many regions of the coast are at increased risk of erosion and flooding. Therefore coastal protection schemes will increase in cost and scale. In response there is a growing use of nature-based coastal protection which aim to be sustainable, effective and adaptable. An example of a nature-based solution is a dynamic cobble berm revetment: a berm constructed from cobble and other gravel sediments at the high tide wave runup limit. These structures limit wave excursion protecting the hinterland from inundation, stabilise the upper beach and adapt to changes in water level. Recent experiments and field applications have shown the suitability of these structures for coastal protection, however many of the processes and design considerations are poorly understood. This study directly compares two prototype scale laboratory experiments which tested dynamic cobble berm revetments constructed with approximately the same geometry but differing gravel characteristics; well-sorted rounded gravel (DynaRev1) and poorly-sorted angular gravel (DynaRev2). In both cases the structures were tested using identical wave forcing including incrementally increasing water level and erosive wave conditions. The results presented in this paper demonstrate that both designs responded to changing water level and wave conditions by approaching a dynamically stable state, where individual gravel is mobilised under wave action but the geometry remains approximately constant. Further, both structures acted to reduce swash excursions compared to a pure sand beach. However, their morphological behaviour is response to wave action varied considerably. Once overtopping of the designed crest occurred, the poorly-sorted revetment developed a peaked crest which grew in elevation as the water level or wave height increased, further limited overtopping. By comparison, the well-sorted revetment was characterised by a larger volume of submerged gravel and a lower elevation flat crest which responded less well to changes in conditions. This occurred due to two processes: (1) for the poorly-sorted case, gravel sorting processes moved small to medium gravel material (D50<70mm) to the crest and (2) the angular nature of the poorly-sorted gravel material promoted increased interlocking. Both of these processes led to a gravel matrix that is more resistant to wave action and gravitational effects. Both revetments experienced some sinking due to sand erosion beneath the front slope. The rate of sinking for the well-sorted case was larger and continued throughout due to the large pore spaces within the gravel matrix. For the poorly sorted revetment in DynaRev2, sand erosion ceased after approximately 28 h due to the development of a filter layer of small gravel at the sand-gravel interface reducing porosity at this location, hence a larger volume of sand was preserved beneath the structure. Both designs present a low-cost and effective solution for protecting sandy coastlines but from an engineering viewpoint it appears better to avoid well-sorted gravel material and greater gravel angularity has been seen to increase crest stability

    The fables of pity: Rousseau, Mandeville and the animal-fable

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    Copyright @ 2012 Edinburgh University PressPrompted by Derrida’s work on the animal-fable in eighteenth-century debates about political power, this article examines the role played by the fiction of the animal in thinking of pity as either a natural virtue (in Rousseau’s Second Discourse) or as a natural passion (in Mandeville’s The Fable of the Bees). The war of fables between Rousseau and Mandeville – and their hostile reception by Samuel Johnson and Adam Smith – reinforce that the animal-fable illustrates not so much the proper of man as the possibilities and limitations of a moral philosophy that is unable to address the political realities of the state

    High-resolution, large-scale laboratory measurements of a sandy beach and dynamic cobble berm revetment

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    High quality laboratory measurements of nearshore waves and morphology change at, or near prototype-scale are essential to support new understanding of coastal processes and enable the development and validation of predictive models. The DynaRev experiment was completed at the GWK large wave flume over 8 weeks during 2017 to investigate the response of a sandy beach to water level rise and varying wave conditions with and without a dynamic cobble berm revetment, as well as the resilience of the revetment itself. A large array of instrumentation was used throughout the experiment to capture: (1) wave transformation from intermediate water depths to the runup limit at high spatio-temporal resolution, (2) beach profile change including wave-by-wave changes in the swash zone, (3) detailed hydro and morphodynamic measurements around a developing and a translating sandbar.</p

    Conditional Transgenesis Using Dimerizable Cre (DiCre)

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    Cre recombinase is extensively used to engineer the genome of experimental animals. However, its usefulness is still limited by the lack of an efficient temporal control over its activity. We have recently developed a conceptually new approach to regulate Cre recombinase, that we have called Dimerizable Cre or DiCre. It is based on splitting Cre into two inactive moieties and fusing them to FKBP12 (FK506-binding protein) and FRB (binding domain of the FKBP12-rapamycin associated protein), respectively. These latter can be efficiently hetero-dimerized by rapamycin, leading to the reinstatement of Cre activity. We have been able to show, using in vitro approaches, that this ligand-induced dimerization is an efficient way to regulate Cre activity, and presents a low background activity together with a high efficiency of recombination following dimerization. To test the in vivo performance of this system, we have, in the present work, knocked-in DiCre into the Rosa26 locus of mice. To evaluate the performance of the DiCre system, mice have been mated with indicator mice (Z/EG or R26R) and Cre-induced recombination was examined following activation of DiCre by rapamycin during embryonic development or after birth of progenies. No recombination could be observed in the absence of treatment of the animals, indicating a lack of background activity of DiCre in the absence of rapamycin. Postnatal rapamycin treatment (one to five daily injection, 10 mg/kg i.p) induced recombination in a number of different tissues of progenies such as liver, heart, kidney, muscle, etc. On the other hand, recombination was at a very low level following in utero treatment of DiCre×R26R mice. In conclusion, DiCre has indeed the potentiality to be used to establish conditional Cre-deleter mice. An added advantage of this system is that, contrary to other modulatable Cre systems, it offers the possibility of obtaining regulated recombination in a combinatorial manner, i.e. induce recombination at any desired time-point specifically in cells characterized by the simultaneous expression of two different promoters