315 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Family Relations in Custody Cases%253A Adapting The Structured Assessment Form for Children to Turkish Culture

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    The main goal of the study was to adapt the Structured Child Assessment Tool for Family Relationships (SCARF) developed by Strachan et al. (2010) to Turkish culture and to develop an assessment tool for the evaluators working in custody cases to make a standardized assessment in child interviews. The study involved 130 children between the ages of 4 and 14 who were included in custody cases. For the reliability of the assessment tool, Cronbach%252339%253Bs Alpha coefficients were computed for dimensions and sub-dimensions by age and examined with the test-retest method. For construct validity, Spearman Correlation Analysis was conducted for the correlation between the scores given by the child and the evaluator to the parents. Independent samples t-test was applied to specify whether there was a statistically significant difference between the scores given by children to their parents. In the research, a significant positive relationship was established in the scores given to the mother in both assessment tools for construct validity. In the scores given to the father, a significant relationship was found in all dimensions except Negative Parenting and Co-Parenting (plt%253B0.01). The comparison of the scores given by the child to the parents did not reveal any significant difference between the scores of the mother and father in all dimensions and sub-dimensions (pgt%253B0.05). As a consequence, it was established that the SCARF is a valid, reliable, and appropriate assessment tool for Turkish culture that can be used by the evaluator in child with custody cases


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    The purpose of the present study is to examine the effects of football basic trainings applied to 12-year-old male children on some motoric properties. 40 male children at the age of 12 were included in the study after “Parents Information Forms” were approved by their legal guardians. The average height of the children was 150,20±9,97 cm, the average weight was 46,40±6,42 kg and Body Mass Index average was 20,51±2,56 kg/m2. Basic trainings that are specific for football were applied to the children 3 days a week, for at least 12 minutes for 12 weeks. Before and after the training, standing long jump, flexibility, and 30-m speed tests were applied to the children. The statistical package program was used in analyzing the data. The “Dependent Sampling t-Test” was applied to determine whether there was a difference between the measurements or not. The results were analyzed according to “0,05” significance level. The differences determined between standing long-jump, flexibility, 30-m speed pretest and posttest values of the footballers were found to be statistically significant (p<0,05).   Article visualizations

    The Critical Dilemma of Turkish Foreign Policy in the 21st Century Between East and West: The Repercussions of Changing Turkish Foreign Policy on Security Alliances in Local, Regional and Global Level

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    Unrestricted Abstract The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War resulted in dramatic changes in the international arena, and the American-led liberal hegemonic order declared its triumph against Warsaw Pact which it had struggled against since the post-World War II era. However, this newly formed unipolar international political system intrinsically contained the nucleus of the transition period to the ascendant multipolar world order. On the contrary to static characteristics of the Cold War period, the post-Cold War atmosphere was more dynamic. Therefore, the United States had been trying to adapt itself to these challenging circumstances at the crack of dawn of a multipolar world order which will be based on power struggle against global and regional rivals like Russia, China, India, the European Union, Iran or Turkey. In this regard, countries such as Turkey, who would like to obtain tangible benefits from these global and regional vacuums of power as a result of power struggle among various countries which is imminently stemming from rivalries in the new global context, review their traditional security alliances and seek new foreign policy alternatives in order to balance these power relations and to adapt themselves to the new international situation. Hence, this thesis focuses on...Department of Security StudiesKatedra bezpečnostních studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    The Effects of Specific Trainings Applied to 14 Age Male Soccer Players on Their Balance, Sprint and Technical Skills

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of specific trainings applied to 14 age male soccer players on their balance, sprint and technical skills. 30 male soccer players, who attended the trainings at least 4 years in Çanakkale Beşiktaş Soccer School, joined to the study by having their parents confirm the “Parental Permission Form”. Soccer players mean of length was calculated 158.24±2.98 cm and mean of weight was calculated 46.37±3.44 kg. Soccer-specific trainings were applied to the players 12 weeks, 3 days a week, at least 90 minutes a day. Flamingo balance, 30 meters sprint and technical skill tests were applied before and after the training period. Datas were analyzed in statistic package programme by using “Paired t Test”. Results were evaluated according to “p<0.05” significance level. Significant differences were found in comparing the tests’ results of soccer players (p<0.05). As a result, it can be said that the inclusion of high-intensity deflection exercises instead of the high-rigidity, flat running conditions applied in soccer-specific training has improved the technical skills of 14-year-old footballers and additionally affects their balance and speed performance positively

    Depredadores de escarabajos de la corteza (Coleoptera) en la región de Balikesir de Turquía.

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la diversidad de los depredadores de los escarabajos de la corteza en los bosques de coníferas de la provincia de Balıkesir en Turquía. Se establecieron seis parcelas que contenían cinco trampas de feromonas y dos trampas de troncos. Se encontraron ocho especies de depredadores de escarabajos de corteza: Aulonium ruficorne (Olivier, 1790), Clerus mutillarius Fabricius 1775, Corticeus fraxini (Kugelann, 1794), Paromalus parallelepipedus (Herbst, 1792), Platysoma elongatum (Thunberg, 1782), Raphidia ophiopsis Linnaeus 1758, Temnochila caerulea (Olivier, 1790) y Thanasimus formicarius (Linnaeus, 1758), pertenecientes a seis familias: Cleridae, Trogossitidae, Laemophloeidae, Tenebrionidae, Zopheridae, Histeridae, Raphidiidae. También se describe en cuáles galerías de escarabajos se encontraban estos depredadores

    The effect of mobile marketing on consumer purchasing behaviors: A study on university students

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    Amaç – Çalışmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin mobil pazarlamacılığa karşı tutumlarını tanımlayan faktörler ile satın alma davranışları arasındaki ilişkileri modelleyip test etmektir. Yöntem – Çalışmada olasılıklı olmayan örnekleme yöntemlerinden kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ve veri toplama araçlarından anket kullanılmıştır. Araştırma verileri olasılıklı olmayan kolayda örneklem yöntemiyle üniversite öğrencileri arasından seçilen 480 katılımcıdan elde edilmiştir. Bulgular –Araştırma sonuçları tüketici tutumlarının eğlendiricilik, bilgi vericilik, güvenilirlik, izin, ödül ve teşvik, fayda, kişisellik, rahatsız edicilik, ilgi ve bağlılık, güncel mobil pazarlama uygulamaları faktörleri ile satın alma davranışı arasındaki ilişkileri kavramsallaştıran modeli doğrulamaktadır. Tartışma – Araştırma hipotezlerin çoğunun doğrulanması, tüketicilerin tutumlarını etkileyen mobil pazarlama faktörlerin önemini göstermektedir. İşletmeler tüketicilere olan güvenini başarılı bir şekilde geliştirirse, mobil pazarlama araçlarını kullanarak pazarlama karmasını zenginleştirebilirler.Purpose – The aim of the study is to model and test the relationships between the factors that define the attitudes of university students towards mobile marketing and their purchasing behaviors. Design/Methodology/Approach – In the study, convenience sampling method, which is one of the non-probability sampling methods, and a questionnaire, which is one of the data collection tools, were used. Research data were obtained from 480 participants selected from university students by nonprobability convenience sampling method. Findings –The results of the research confirm the model that conceptualizes the relationships between the factors of entertainment, informativeness, reliability, permission, reward and incentive, benefit, personality, irritability, interest and loyalty, current mobile marketing practices and purchasing behavior of consumer attitudes. Discussion – Confirming most of the research hypotheses shows the importance of mobile marketing factors influencing consumers' attitudes. If businesses successfully develop trust in consumers, they can enrich their marketing mix using mobile marketing tools

    Physıcal activity level in element ary education second level children, physical self description and self-esteem İlköğretim II. kademe çocuklarda fiziksel aktivite düzeyi, kendini fiziksel tanımlama ve benlik saygısı

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the factors affecting the physical ego of children between the age of 11-13 considering the levels of physical activity and physical perception. According to results of 2010-2011 Çanakkale National Education Questionnaire; 11 schools which have high and low economic status were randomly selected. To determine the reason of the differences between groups, Post-hoc Bonferroni test was used when the variances were homogenous and Dunnett’s T3 test was used when the variances were not homogenous for the each independent variable. Pearson Correlation was used in order to find relationship between the independent groups. Alpha level was set to 0.05 for all calculations. According to the main findings of the research, it was found that the levels of physical activity, physical self description and self confidence of students differentiated in terms of gender and socioeconomic levels of the students. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.  ÖzetBu çalışmanın amacı fiziksel benliği etkileyen faktörlerin 11-13 yaş çocuklarda fiziksel aktivite ve fiziksel algılama düzeyine göre inceleyerek sosyo-ekonomik düzeyin fiziksel aktivite ve fiziksel uygunluk düzeyine etkisini ortaya koymaktır. 2010-2011 Çanakkale İl Milli Eğitim veli anket sonuçları çerçevesinde alt ve üst gelir grubuna sahip okullardan; merkezden ve ilçelerden rastgele 11 okul seçilmiştir. Gruplar arasındaki anlamlı farklılığın nedenini belirlemek için de her bir bağımsız değişken adına varyansların homojen olduğu durumlarda çoklu karşılaştırma testlerinden Post-hoc Bonferroni testi, varyansların homojen olmadığı durumlarda ise Dunnett’s T3 testi uygulanmıştır. Bağımsız gruplar arasındaki ilişki için Pearson Mometler çarpım korelasyonu uygulanmış, tüm istatistik hesaplamalarda anlamlılık düzeyi 0,05 olarak kabul edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; 11-13 yaş çocuklarda fiziksel aktivite, kendini fiziksel tanımlama ve benlik saygısı düzeyleri, cinsiyete ve sosyo-ekonomik düzeye göre farklılaşmaların olduğu saptanmıştır

    Synthesis of phosphazene containing polymer via ATRP method and investigation of dielectric properties

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    Bu çalışmada önce, 2,2-bis[(4-(klorasetiloksi)imino)-2-metoksifenoksi)-4,4,6,6,-bis[spiro(2’,2’’-dioksi1’,1’’- bifenilil)siklotrifosfazen sentezlendi. Sentezlenen fosfazen türevi, metil metakrilat ve n-bütil metakrilat monomerlerinin ATRP metoduyla polimerleşme reaksiyonlarında başlatıcı olarak kullanıldı. Sentezlenen maddelerin yapı karakterizasyonunda FT-IR, 1H ve 31P-NMR teknikleri kullanıldı. Termal davranışları DSC ve TGA ile ölçüldü. Ortalama molekül ağırlıkları ve heterojenlik indisleri GPC aletiyle ölçüldü. Sentezi yapılan polimerlerin dielektrik ölçümleri, impedans analizör cihazıyla, dielektrik sabiti, dağıtma faktörü gibi dielektrik davranışları sabit sıcaklıkta 50 Hz ile 2000 Hz frekans aralığında ölçülmüştür.In this work, 2,2-bis [(4- (chloracetyloxy) imino) -2-methoxyphenoxy) -4,4,6,6- bis [spiro (2 ', 2' '- dioxy-1', 1''- biphenylyl) cyclotriphosphazene was synthesized and it was used as an initiator in the polymerization reactions of methyl methacrylate and n-butyl methacrylate monomers via ATRP method. The structure and the thermal behavior of synthesized materials were analyzed by FT-IR, 1H, 31P-NMR, DSC and TGA techniques. The average molecular weights and heterogeneity indices were measured by GPC instrument. Dielectric measurements of the synthesized polymers such as dielectric constant, dispersion factor, at constant temperature in the frequency range of 50 Hz to 2000 Hz were measured by the impedance analyzer device

    Assessment of the Level of Knowledge about Migraines and Medication Among Pharmacy Technicians

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    Objective: A limited number of studies focus on pharmacy technicians (PT) and their knowledge level regarding migraines. The present study aimed to determine their level of awareness and knowledge regarding migraines and migraine treatment. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine in Kayseri, Türkiye. It was conducted from February 2019 to May 2019 and completed with the participation of 324 PTs (75.8% response rate). Forms containing questions about the diagnosis of migraines, the characteristics, and the treatments were administered to the PTs in person and then evaluated by a neurologist. Results: The ratio of PTs who knew of a drug therapy that reduced migraine attacks was 10.2%. Most PTs (85.2%) had no training in migraine treatment and obtained knowledge from their work experience. Ninety-one participants (28.1%) recommended medication to patients who visited the pharmacy due to headaches. When asked about the drug they recommend for migraines, 29.6% suggested ergotamine, 26.9% suggested analgesics, and 15.7% suggested triptans. Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that PTs working in pharmacies that support primary care services might not have sufficient awareness and knowledge about migraine treatments, and appropriate training should be provided on this subject

    Production of Bovine Colostrum for Human Consumption to Improve Health

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    Colostrum contains all essential nutrients for the neonate during the first days of life, with impacts that continue far beyond these first days. Bovine colostrum has been used for human consumption due to the high concentrations of bioactive proteins, vitamins, minerals, growth factors, as well as free and conjugated oligosaccharides. Processes involved in the preparation of bovine colostrum for human consumption play a pivotal role in preserving and maintaining the activity of the bioactive molecules. As bovine colostrum is a multifunctional food that offers a myriad of benefits for human health, assessing the main processes used in preparing it with both advantages and disadvantages is a crucial point to discuss. We discuss major processes effects for colostrum production on the nutritional value, some advanced technologies to preserve processed bovine colostrum and the endproduct forms consumed by humans whether as dairy products or dietary supplements