361 research outputs found

    The photosynthetic cytochrome c550 from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    The photosynthetic cytochrome c550 from the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum has been purified and characterized. Cytochrome c550 is mostly obtained from the soluble cell extract in relatively large amounts. In addition, the protein appeared to be truncated in the last hydrophobic residues of the C-terminus, both in the soluble cytochrome c550 and in the protein extracted from the membrane fraction, as deduced by mass spectrometry analysis and the comparison with the gene sequence. Interestingly, it has been described that the C-terminus of cytochrome c550 forms a hydrophobic finger involved in the interaction with photosystem II in cyanobacteria. Cytochrome c550 was almost absent in solubilized photosystem II complex samples, in contrast with the PsbO and Psb31 extrinsic subunits, thus suggesting a lower affinity of cytochrome c550 for the photosystem II complex. Under iron-limiting conditions the amount of cytochrome c550 decreases up to about 45% as compared to iron-replete cells, pointing to an iron-regulated synthesis. Oxidized cytochrome c550 has been characterized using continuous wave EPR and pulse techniques, including HYSCORE, and the obtained results have been interpreted in terms of the electrostatic charge distribution in the surroundings of the heme centre

    Unterschiedliche Abheilungsdauer und HĂ€ufigkeit der Hospitalisation bei Ulcus cruris verschiedener Ursachen

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Das Ulcus cruris ist ein hĂ€ufiges Symptom einer heterogenen Krankheitsgruppe, das stark belastend ist und aufgrund der langen Abheilungsdauer und aufwendigen Wundversorgung erhebliche Kosten verursacht. Es gibt wenig Information zur Abheilungsdauer und der Notwendigkeit einer Spitalbehandlung bei Ulzera verschiedener Ätiologien. Material und Methoden: In einer retrospektiven Studie wurden die Abheilungsdauer und die HĂ€ufigkeit der Hospitalisation von 355Patienten mit Ulcus cruris in der Wundsprechstunde einer universitĂ€ren Klinik untersucht. Ergebnisse: Bei einer durchschnittlichen Behandlungsdauer von 6,1Monaten fĂŒr alle Ulzera waren nach 3Monaten 32,0 % und nach 6Monaten 54,2 % abgeheilt. FĂŒr die venösen Ulzera waren die Abheilungsraten mit 45,5 und 63,0 % nach 3 respektive 6Monaten höher, wĂ€hrend nach 6Monaten lediglich 30,0 % der Patienten mit gemischt arteriell-venösen Ulzera und 35,0 % mit Ulcus hypertonicum Martorell eine Abheilung zeigten. Zudem wurden 71 % der Patienten der letzteren Gruppen mindestens 1-mal hospitalisiert im Vergleich zu 47 % der Patienten mit venösem Ulkus, und die durchschnittliche Hospitalisationsdauer war mit 30 vs. 23Tagen lĂ€nger. Schlussfolgerungen: Diese Daten zeigen, dass sich die Abheilungsdauer von Ulzera je nach Ätiologie erheblich unterscheidet und insbesondere Ulzera, die durch eine Arteriosklerose mitverursacht sind, eine lĂ€ngere Behandlungsdauer benötigen. Da Letztere auch hĂ€ufiger und lĂ€nger hospitalisiert werden, ergeben sich erhebliche soziale und ökonomische Konsequenze

    Rapid detection of snakes modulates spatial orienting in infancy

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    Recent evidence for an evolved fear module in the brain comes from studies showing that adults, children and infants detect evolutionarily threatening stimuli such as snakes faster than non-threatening ones. A decisive argument for a threat detection system efficient early in life would come from data showing, in young infants, a functional threat-detection mechanism in terms of “what” and “where” visual pathways. The present study used a variant of Posner’s cuing paradigm, adapted to 7–11-month-olds. On each trial, a threat-irrelevant or a threat-relevant cue was presented (a flower or a snake, i.e., “what”). We measured how fast infants detected these cues and the extent to which they further influenced the spatial allocation of attention (“where”). In line with previous findings, we observed that infants oriented faster towards snake than flower cues. Importantly, a facilitation effect was found at the cued location for flowers but not for snakes, suggesting that these latter cues elicit a broadening of attention and arguing in favour of sophisticated “what–where” connections. These results strongly support the claim that humans have an early propensity to detect evolutionarily threat-relevant stimuli

    The photosynthetic cytochrome c 550 from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    The photosynthetic cytochrome c550 from the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum has been purified and characterized. Cytochrome c550 is mostly obtained from the soluble cell extract in relatively large amounts. In addition, the protein appeared to be truncated in the last hydrophobic residues of the C-terminus, both in the soluble cytochrome c550 and in the protein extracted from the membrane fraction, as deduced by mass spectrometry analysis and the comparison with the gene sequence. Interestingly, it has been described that the C-terminus of cytochrome c550 forms a hydrophobic finger involved in the interaction with photosystem II in cyanobacteria. Cytochrome c550 was almost absent in solubilized photosystem II complex samples, in contrast with the PsbO and Psb31 extrinsic subunits, thus suggesting a lower affinity of cytochrome c550 for the photosystem II complex. Under iron-limiting conditions the amount of cytochrome c550 decreases up to about 45% as compared to iron-replete cells, pointing to an iron-regulated synthesis. Oxidized cytochrome c550 has been characterized using continuous wave EPR and pulse techniques, including HYSCORE, and the obtained results have been interpreted in terms of the electrostatic charge distribution in the surroundings of the heme centre.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BIO2012-35271, BIO2015-64169-P, MAT2011-23861 and CTQ2015-64486-R) the Andalusian Government (PAIDI BIO-022) and the AragĂłn Government (Grupo consolidado B-18). All these grants were partially financed by the EU FEDER ProgramPeer reviewe

    An Optimized Lentiviral Vector Efficiently Corrects the Human Sickle Cell Disease Phenotype

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    Autologous transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells transduced with a lentiviral vector (LV) expressing an anti-sickling HBB variant is a potential treatment for sickle cell disease (SCD). With a clinical trial as our ultimate goal, we generated LV constructs containing an anti-sickling HBB transgene (HBBAS3), a minimal HBB promoter, and different combinations of DNase I hypersensitive sites (HSs) from the locus control region (LCR). Hematopoietic stem progenitor cells (HSPCs) from SCD patients were transduced with LVs containing either HS2 and HS3 (\u3b2-AS3) or HS2, HS3, and HS4 (\u3b2-AS3 HS4). The inclusion of the HS4 element drastically reduced vector titer and infectivity in HSPCs, with negligible improvement of transgene expression. Conversely, the LV containing only HS2 and HS3 was able to efficiently transduce SCD bone marrow and Plerixafor-mobilized HSPCs, with anti-sickling HBB representing up to 3c60% of the total HBB-like chains. The expression of the anti-sickling HBB and the reduced incorporation of the \u3b2S-chain in hemoglobin tetramers allowed up to 50% reduction in the frequency of RBC sickling under hypoxic conditions. Together, these results demonstrate the ability of a high-titer LV to express elevated levels of a potent anti-sickling HBB transgene ameliorating the SCD cell phenotype

    Eradication of chronic myeloid leukemia stem cells: a novel mathematical model predicts no therapeutic benefit of adding G-CSF to imatinib

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    Imatinib mesylate induces complete cytogenetic responses in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), yet many patients have detectable BCR-ABL transcripts in peripheral blood even after prolonged therapy. Bone marrow studies have shown that this residual disease resides within the stem cell compartment. Quiescence of leukemic stem cells has been suggested as a mechanism conferring insensitivity to imatinib, and exposure to the Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF), together with imatinib, has led to a significant reduction in leukemic stem cells in vitro. In this paper, we design a novel mathematical model of stem cell quiescence to investigate the treatment response to imatinib and G-CSF. We find that the addition of G-CSF to an imatinib treatment protocol leads to observable effects only if the majority of leukemic stem cells are quiescent; otherwise it does not modulate the leukemic cell burden. The latter scenario is in agreement with clinical findings in a pilot study administering imatinib continuously or intermittently, with or without G-CSF (GIMI trial). Furthermore, our model predicts that the addition of G-CSF leads to a higher risk of resistance since it increases the production of cycling leukemic stem cells. Although the pilot study did not include enough patients to draw any conclusion with statistical significance, there were more cases of progression in the experimental arms as compared to continuous imatinib. Our results suggest that the additional use of G-CSF may be detrimental to patients in the clinic

    Collaborative writing with young people with disabilities: raising new questions of authorship and agency

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    The process of communication between author and reader is a critical issue in examining any text. When considering the communication of ideas from young people whose voices are seldom heard, the journey from author to audience has particular significance. The construction of children and young people as ‘authors’ is important, especially for those with learning difficulties or who struggle to comply with the current emphasis on spelling, punctuation and grammar. This article relates to a UK Research-Council-funded three-year collaborative research project involving the co-creation of fictional stories with young people with disabilities to represent aspects of their lives. Drawing on frameworks from narratology, I analyse the co-creation of one of the stories, and present an interpretation and elaboration of the discourse structure of narrative fiction to illustrate the complexities of the relationship between the multi-faceted ‘author’ and community ‘reader’ of these stories. The combination of qualitative research and fictional prose has particular characteristics and implications for the dissemination and communication of research findings; while extending feminist critique of Barthes’ claim for the death of the author provides new insights for engaging children in writing with their own voice

    Treating childhood pneumonia in hard-to-reach areas: A model-based comparison of mobile clinics and community-based care

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    BACKGROUND: Where hard-to-access populations (such as those living in insecure areas) lack access to basic health services, relief agencies, donors, and ministries of health face a dilemma in selecting the most effective intervention strategy. This paper uses a decision mathematical model to estimate the relative effectiveness of two alternative strategies, mobile clinics and fixed community-based health services, for antibiotic treatment of childhood pneumonia, the world's leading cause of child mortality. METHODS: A "Markov cycle tree" cohort model was developed in Excel with Visual Basic to compare the number of deaths from pneumonia in children aged 1 to 59 months expected under three scenarios: 1) No curative services available, 2) Curative services provided by a highly-skilled but intermittent mobile clinic, and 3) Curative services provided by a low-skilled community health post. Parameter values were informed by literature and expert interviews. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted for several plausible scenarios. RESULTS: We estimated median pneumonia-specific under-5 mortality rates of 0.51 (95% credible interval: 0.49 to 0.541) deaths per 10,000 child-days without treatment, 0.45 (95% CI: 0.43 to 0.48) with weekly mobile clinics, and 0.31 (95% CI: 0.29 to 0.32) with CHWs in fixed health posts. Sensitivity analyses found the fixed strategy superior, except when mobile clinics visited communities daily, where rates of care-seeking were substantially higher at mobile clinics than fixed posts, or where several variables simultaneously differed substantially from our baseline assumptions. CONCLUSIONS: Current evidence does not support the hypothesis that mobile clinics are more effective than CHWs. A CHW strategy therefore warrants consideration in high-mortality, hard-to-access areas. Uncertainty remains, and parameter values may vary across contexts, but the model allows preliminary findings to be updated as new or context-specific evidence becomes available. Decision analytic modelling can guide needed field-based research efforts in hard-to-access areas and offer evidence-based insights for decision-makers

    The Fatty Liver Index: a simple and accurate predictor of hepatic steatosis in the general population

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    BACKGROUND: Fatty liver (FL) is the most frequent liver disease in Western countries. We used data from the Dionysos Nutrition & Liver Study to develop a simple algorithm for the prediction of FL in the general population. METHODS: 216 subjects with and 280 without suspected liver disease were studied. FL was diagnosed by ultrasonography and alcohol intake was assessed using a 7-day diary. Bootstrapped stepwise logistic regression was used to identify potential predictors of FL among 13 variables of interest [gender, age, ethanol intake, alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, sum of 4 skinfolds, glucose, insulin, triglycerides, and cholesterol]. Potential predictors were entered into stepwise logistic regression models with the aim of obtaining the most simple and accurate algorithm for the prediction of FL. RESULTS: An algorithm based on BMI, waist circumference, triglycerides and GGT had an accuracy of 0.84 (95%CI 0.81–0.87) in detecting FL. We used this algorithm to develop the "fatty liver index" (FLI), which varies between 0 and 100. A FLI < 30 (negative likelihood ratio = 0.2) rules out and a FLI ≄ 60 (positive likelihood ratio = 4.3) rules in fatty liver. CONCLUSION: FLI is simple to obtain and may help physicians select subjects for liver ultrasonography and intensified lifestyle counseling, and researchers to select patients for epidemiologic studies. Validation of FLI in external populations is needed before it can be employed for these purposes
