243 research outputs found

    A Feasibility Study of Airborne Radiometric Survey for UK Fallout

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    Brief details are presented of a feasibility study of the use of aerial radiometric survey techniques to map local variations of fallout and natural radioactivity in Scotland

    A Feasibility Study of Airborne Radiometric Survey for UK Fallout

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    Brief details are presented of a feasibility study of the use of aerial radiometric survey techniques to map local variations of fallout and natural radioactivity in Scotland

    The Use of Aerial Radiometrics for Epidemiological Studies of Leukaemia: a Preliminary Investigation in SW England

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    The report presents the results and conclusions of a pilot study designed to evaluate the potential use of aerial gamma ray measurements in epidemiological investigations of leukaemia. The sources of natural radiation were reviewed and associations between U, Th and K and dose to the human population noted. The association between leukaemia and radiation exposure was also noted, in particular the clear evidence from high dose studies, the potential importance of radium and radon, and the difficulties of achieving statistical significance in case-control studies at environmental dose rates due to the need for large area surveys covering large populations. Aerial surveys were conducted in three disjoint grids selected by the Leukaemia Research Fund Clinical epidemiology unit at Leeds University. The areas covered some 2,500 km, and were surveyed in a 50 hour fieldwork period in September 1989. Over 4800 gamma spectra were recorded, representing between 200 and 400 times the number of measurements per unit area of the NRPB national maps, and an area sampling density some 106 times greater. The data were used to estimate specific activities of potassium, uranium and thorium. Environmental infinite matrix alpha and beta dose rates were calculated using equilibrium assumptions and gamma ray dose rates were estimated directly from the spectra. Mean values for gamma dose rates were compatible with NRPB estimates for the counties. The detailed gamma ray maps demonstrate that both radiation levels, and quality show local variations within each survey grid of a magnitude comparable with that observed in whole of the UK in national maps. Considerable caution is thus needed in using national data for epidemiological studies. Local variations, which can be clearly associated with underlying geological and geomorphological structures should be taken into account in such work. No significant enhancements were noted due to activities at the Devonport Dockyard, in keeping with published ground based monitoring. The main enhancement in the vicinity of Hinkley Point was due to the authorised discharge of 41Ar, which was clearly detected in the survey. Two methods for associating the radiometric results with epidemiological data were developed and applied. A case-control study was performed by matching case and control locations to individual spatially averaged radiometric results and comparing the associated radiation levels. The second method evaluated radiation stratified incidence rates by combining stratified case radiometric data with similar information estimated from a population density surface constructed for the grids. Weighted regression analysis was used to assess any associations. The results are in general limited by the low number of leukaemia cases within the study area, resulting in statistically weak or insignificant links. However positive associations between equivalent uranium and leukaemia, particularly in the grid including the rivers Tavy and Tamar, were observed in both case-control and incidence rate analyses. A negative association with equivalent Thorium observed in the incidence rate analysis was not reproduced in case-control comparisons. This approach could be extended to larger area studies to increase statistical power. In parallel investigations of the relationship between environmental and individual radiation exposure, and investigation of the potential association between radium, or radon and leukaemia following the trends observed here would be appropriate

    Topological geon black holes in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory

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    We construct topological geon quotients of two families of Einstein-Yang-Mills black holes. For Kuenzle's static, spherically symmetric SU(n) black holes with n>2, a geon quotient exists but generically requires promoting charge conjugation into a gauge symmetry. For Kleihaus and Kunz's static, axially symmetric SU(2) black holes a geon quotient exists without gauging charge conjugation, and the parity of the gauge field winding number determines whether the geon gauge bundle is trivial. The geon's gauge bundle structure is expected to have an imprint in the Hawking-Unruh effect for quantum fields that couple to the background gauge field.Comment: 27 pages. v3: Presentation expanded. Minor corrections and addition

    Untangling competition between epitaxial strain and growth stress through examination of variations in local oxidation

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    Understanding corrosion mechanisms is of importance for reducing the global cost of corrosion. While the properties of engineering components are considered at a macroscopic scale, corrosion occurs at micro or nano scale and is influenced by local microstructural variations inherent to engineering alloys. However, studying such complex microstructures that involve multiple length scales requires a multitude of advanced experimental procedures. Here, we present a method using correlated electron microscopy techniques over a range of length scales, combined with crystallographic modelling, to provide understanding of the competing mechanisms that control the waterside corrosion of zirconium alloys. We present evidence for a competition between epitaxial strain and growth stress, which depends on the orientation of the substrate leading to local variations in oxide microstructure and thus protectiveness. This leads to the possibility of tailoring substrate crystallographic textures to promote stress driven, well-oriented protective oxides, and so to improving corrosion performance

    Oncolytic Viruses: Do They Have a Role in Anti-Cancer Therapy?

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    Oncolytic viruses are replication competent, tumor selective and lyse cancer cells. Their potential for anti-cancer therapy is based upon the concept that selective intratumoral replication will produce a potent anti-tumor effect and possibly bystander or remote cell killing, whilst minimizing normal tissue toxicity. Viruses may be naturally oncolytic or be engineered for oncolytic activity, and possess a host of different mechanisms to provide tumor selectivity. Clinical use of live replicating viruses is associated with a unique set of safety issues. Clinical experience has so far provided evidence of limited efficacy and a favourable toxicity profile. The interaction with the host immune system is complex. An anti-viral immune response may limit efficacy by rapidly clearing the virus. However, virally-induced cell lysis releases tumor associated antigens in a ‘dangerous’ context, and limited evidence suggests that this can lead to the generation of a specific anti-tumor immune response. Combination therapy with chemotherapy or radiotherapy represents a promising avenue for ongoing translation of oncolytic viruses into clinical practice. Obstacles to therapy include highly effective non-specific host mechanisms to clear virus following systemic delivery, immune-mediated clearance, and intratumoral barriers limiting virus spread. A number of novel strategies are now under investigation to overcome these barriers. This review provides an overview of the potential role of oncolytic viruses, highlighting recent progress towards developing effective therapy and asks if they are a realistic therapeutic option at this stage

    Classical Yang-Mills Black hole hair in anti-de Sitter space

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    The properties of hairy black holes in Einstein–Yang–Mills (EYM) theory are reviewed, focusing on spherically symmetric solutions. In particular, in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space (adS) stable black hole hair is known to exist for frak su(2) EYM. We review recent work in which it is shown that stable hair also exists in frak su(N) EYM for arbitrary N, so that there is no upper limit on how much stable hair a black hole in adS can possess