837 research outputs found

    Forest Perception and Knowledge of Hikers and Mountain Bikers in Two Different Areas in Northwestern Switzerland

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    Recreational activities can have major impacts on vegetation and wildlife in frequently visited forests. We assessed forest perception and knowledge (state, functions, and species diversity) among hikers and mountain bikers in a frequently visited, seminatural suburban recreation forest (Muttenz) and in a more distantly situated, naturally grown excursion forest (Wasserfallen) in northwestern Switzerland. In all, 239 hikers and 126 mountain bikers were interviewed. Mountain bikers in both forests and hikers in the more intensely used recreation forest at Muttenz assessed the state of the forest less optimistically and showed a higher awareness of the negative impact of recreational activities on the flora and fauna than hikers at Wasserfallen. Furthermore, mountain bikers seemed aware of the social conflicts caused by their activity, since they appreciated neutral or positive encounters with other forest visitors. In contrast, 57% of hikers at Muttenz reported on negative experiences with other forest visitors, particularly with mountain bikers. In general, the interviewees' ecological and biological forest knowledge (forest type and function, species diversity) was rather high. A large proportion was aware of the pros and cons of different forest conditions for plants and animals, and could name or recognize at least some plant and/or animal species typical for the visited forest. The forest knowledge was neither influenced by the type of recreational activity carried out nor by any aspect of forest visit behavior (frequency and duration of forest visits, means of transportation and travel distance to forest). However, the interviewees' forest knowledge was influenced by their age and educational leve

    HIV-1 Nef enhances both membrane expression and virion incorporation of Env products. A model for the Nef-dependent increase of HIV-1 infectivity.

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    The expression of human immunodeficiency virus Nef increases the viral infectivity through mechanisms still not fully elucidated. Here we report that wild-type (wt) human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), particles were neutralized by higher concentrations of either anti-Env glycoprotein (gp) 41 antibodies or recombinant soluble human CD4 compared with Δnef HIV-1. This appeared to be the result of a Nef-induced increase of virion incorporation of both gp41 (transmembrane (TM)) and surface gp120 Env products likely originating from enhanced steady-state levels of cell membrane-associated Env products. This, in turn, seemed to be the consequence of a reduced retention of the Env precursor. Most interesting, we found that both the Nef-directed increase of Env membrane expression and the Nef-induced enhancement of HIV-1 infectivity relied on the presence of the intracytoplasmic domain of TM, supporting the hypothesis of a functional correlation between these effects. Mutagenesis studies allowed us to establish that the two leucine residues at the TM C terminus, which are part of a sorting motif involved in the control of Env membrane expression, and the 181–210-residue Nef C-terminal region were critically involved in the Nef/Env functional interaction. In conclusion, we propose that Nef increases the infectivity of HIV-1 at least in part by enhancing the amounts of Env products incorporated into virus particles

    Rationelle Stromanwendung in den Haushalten

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    Das Projekt "Klimaverträgliche Energieversorgung in Baden-Württemberg" soll in zwei Phasen durchgeführt werden. Ziel der ersten Phase des Projektes ist es, - vorwiegend technologisch orientierte - Gutachten zu erstellen, die die Basis für die in der zweiten Phase zu erarbeitenden Szenarien bilden sollen. Das Projekt gliedert sich in insgesamt 16 Einzelgutachten, in denen Energieträger, Energieumwandlung und Endnutzung der Energie näher untersucht werden. Im Einzelgutachten "Rationelle Stromanwendung im Haushalt" werden Technikanalysen für Haushaltsgeräte erstellt, die nicht der Raumwärme- oder Brauchwasserbereitstellung dienen. Die Analysen werden für sechs unterschiedliche Energiedienstleistungen (EDL) durchgeführt: Kühlen und Gefrieren (EDL "Kühlen und Gefrieren", vgl. Kapitel 4), Kochen (EDL "Warme Mahlzeit", vgl. Kap. 5), Waschen und Trocknen (EDL "Gewaschene Wäsche", "Getrocknete Wäsche", vgl. Kap. 6), Spülen (EDL "Gespültes Geschirr", vgl. Kap 7), Beleuchtung (EDL "Beleuchtete Wohnung", vgl. Kap 8), Betrieb von Kleingeräten (vgl. Kap. 9)

    An Open Platform That Allows Non-Expert Users to Build and Deploy Speech-Enabled Online CALL Courses (demo description)

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    Abstract We demonstrate Open CALL-SLT, a framework which allows non-experts to design, implement and deploy online speechenabled CALL courses. The demo accompanies two long papers [1, 2] also appearing at the SLaTE 2015 workshop, which describe the platform in detail

    DiMoPEx-project is designed to determine the impacts of environmental exposure on human health

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    The WHO has ranked environmental hazardous exposures in the living and working environment among the top risk factors for chronic disease mortality. Worldwide, about 40 million people die each year from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) including cancer, diabetes, and chronic cardiovascular, neurological and lung diseases. The exposure to ambient pollution in the living and working environment is exacerbated by individual susceptibilities and lifestyle-driven factors to produce complex and complicated NCD etiologies. Research addressing the links between environmental exposure and disease prevalence is key for prevention of the pandemic increase in NCD morbidity and mortality. However, the long latency, the chronic course of some diseases and the necessity to address cumulative exposures over very long periods does mean that it is often difficult to identify causal environmental exposures. EU-funded COST Action DiMoPEx is developing new concepts for a better understanding of health- environment (including gene-environment) interactions in the etiology of NCDs. The overarching idea is to teach and train scientists and physicians to learn how to include efficient and valid exposure assessments in their research and in their clinical practice in current and future cooperative projects. DiMoPEx partners have identified some of the emerging research needs, which include the lack of evidence-based exposure data and the need for human-equivalent animal models mirroring human lifespan and low-dose cumulative exposures. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach incorporating seven working groups, DiMoPEx will focus on aspects of air pollution with particulate matter including dust and fibers and on exposure to low doses of solvents and sensitizing agents. Biomarkers of early exposure and their associated effects as indicators of disease-derived information will be tested and standardized within individual projects. Risks arising from some NCDs, like pneumoconioses, cancers and allergies, are predictable and preventable. Consequently, preventative action could lead to decreasing disease morbidity and mortality for many of the NCDs that are of major public concern. DiMoPEx plans to catalyze and stimulate interaction of scientists with policy-makers in attacking these exposure-related diseases

    A Flow Cytometry-Based Approach for the Isolation and Characterization of Neural Stem Cell Primary Cilia

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    In the adult mammalian brain, the apical surface of the subependymal zone (SEZ) is covered by many motile ependymal cilia and a few primary cilia originating from rare intermingled neural stem cells (NSCs). In NSCs the primary cilia are key for the transduction of essential extracellular signals such as Sonic hedgehog (SHH) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). Despite their importance, the analysis of NSC primary cilia is greatly hampered by the fact that they are overwhelmingly outnumbered by the motile cilia. We here take advantage of flow cytometry to purify the two cilia types and allow their molecular characterization. Primary cilia were identified based on immunoreactivity to the marker adenylate cyclase type III (AC3) and differential levels of prominin-1 whereas motile cilia displayed immunoreactivity only to the latter. Consistent with the morphological differences between the two classes of cilia, enrichment of motile cilia positively correlated with size. Moreover, we observed age-dependent variations in the abundance of the two groups of ciliary organelles reflecting the changes associated with their development. The two cilia groups also differed with respect to the expression of signaling molecules, since PDGF receptor (PDGFR)α, smoothened (Smo) and CXC chemokine receptor (CXCR)4 were only detected in isolated primary but not motile cilia. Thus, our novel method of cilia isolation and characterization by flow cytometry has the potential to be extended to the study of cilia from different tissues and organs, providing a powerful tool for the investigation of primary cilia in physiological and pathological conditions

    Defining Criteria for Guiding Cancer Patients to Find a Reputable Complementary Medicine Provider: Results of a Literature Review and a Consensus Procedure

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    Purpose: Even in cases of positive evidence for complementary medicine (CM) therapies, it is still difficult for cancer patients to identify reputable providers. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a criteria list to provide guidance to cancer patients seeking a reputable CM provider. Methods: The design combined a literature review, an expert consensus procedure (n=15) and an assessment from three stakeholder perspectives (patients (n=18), CM providers (n=26) and oncology physicians (n=20)). Results: A total of 30 existing CM criteria were extracted from the literature, and 12 more were added by the experts. The main challenge was to define criteria that could easily be applied by the patients. A final comprehensive list of 8 criteria guiding cancer patients to find a reputable CM provider was developed. Conclusion: Health professionals and cancer information services might find the criteria list helpful when aiming to strengthen patients' awareness of quality-related factors associated with CM providers. The criteria developed might be helpful when standards are established for quality assurance in CM in oncology

    Estrogen-dependent dynamic profile of eNOS-DNA associations in prostate cancer

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    In previous work we have documented the nuclear translocation of endothelial NOS (eNOS) and its participation in combinatorial complexes with Estrogen Receptor Beta (ERβ) and Hypoxia Inducible Factors (HIFs) that determine localized chromatin remodeling in response to estrogen (E2) and hypoxia stimuli, resulting in transcriptional regulation of genes associated with adverse prognosis in prostate cancer (PCa). To explore the role of nuclear eNOS in the acquisition of aggressive phenotype in PCa, we performed ChIP-Sequencing on chromatin-associated eNOS from cells from a primary tumor with poor outcome and from metastatic LNCaP cells. We found that: 1. the eNOS-bound regions (peaks) are widely distributed across the genome encompassing multiple transcription factors binding sites, including Estrogen Response Elements. 2. E2 increased the number of peaks, indicating hormone-dependent eNOS re-localization. 3. Peak distribution was similar with/without E2 with ≈ 55% of them in extragenic DNA regions and an intriguing involvement of the 5′ domain of several miRs deregulated in PCa. Numerous potentially novel eNOS-targeted genes have been identified suggesting that eNOS participates in the regulation of large gene sets. The parallel finding of downregulation of a cluster of miRs, including miR-34a, in PCa cells associated with poor outcome led us to unveil a molecular link between eNOS and SIRT1, an epigenetic regulator of aging and tumorigenicity, negatively regulated by miR-34a and in turn activating eNOS. E2 potentiates miR-34a downregulation thus enhancing SIRT1 expression, depicting a novel eNOS/SIRT1 interplay fine-tuned by E2-activated ER signaling, and suggesting that eNOS may play an important role in aggressive PCa

    Homeopathic medical practice: Long-term results of a cohort study with 3981 patients

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    BACKGROUND: On the range of diagnoses, course of treatment, and long-term outcome in patients who chose to receive homeopathic medical treatment very little is known. We investigated homeopathic practice in an industrialized country under everyday conditions. METHODS: In a prospective, multicentre cohort study with 103 primary care practices with additional specialisation in homeopathy in Germany and Switzerland, data from all patients (age >1 year) consulting the physician for the first time were observed. The main outcome measures were: Patient and physician assessments (numeric rating scales from 0 to 10) and quality of life at baseline, and after 3, 12, and 24 months. RESULTS: A total of 3,981 patients were studied including 2,851 adults (29% men, mean age 42.5 ± 13.1 years; 71% women, 39.9 ± 12.4 years) and 1,130 children (52% boys, 6.5 ± 3.9 years; 48% girls, 7.0 ± 4.3 years). Ninety-seven percent of all diagnoses were chronic with an average duration of 8.8 ± 8 years. The most frequent diagnoses were allergic rhinitis in men, headache in women, and atopic dermatitis in children. Disease severity decreased significantly (p < 0.001) between baseline and 24 months (adults from 6.2 ± 1.7 to 3.0 ± 2.2; children from 6.1 ± 1.8 to 2.2 ± 1.9). Physicians' assessments yielded similar results. For adults and young children, major improvements were observed for quality of life, whereas no changes were seen in adolescents. Younger age and more severe disease at baseline were factors predictive of better therapeutic success. CONCLUSION: Disease severity and quality of life demonstrated marked and sustained improvements following homeopathic treatment period. Our findings indicate that homeopathic medical therapy may play a beneficial role in the long-term care of patients with chronic diseases

    HIV-1 Nef Employs Two Distinct Mechanisms to Modulate Lck Subcellular Localization and TCR Induced Actin Remodeling

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    The Nef protein acts as critical factor during HIV pathogenesis by increasing HIV replication in vivo via the modulation of host cell vesicle transport and signal transduction processes. Recent studies suggested that Nef alters formation and function of immunological synapses (IS), thereby modulating exogenous T-cell receptor (TCR) stimulation to balance between partial T cell activation required for HIV-1 spread and prevention of activation induced cell death. Alterations of IS function by Nef include interference with cell spreading and actin polymerization upon TCR engagement, a pronounced intracellular accumulation of the Src kinase Lck and its reduced IS recruitment. Here we use a combination of Nef mutagenesis and pharmacological inhibition to analyze the relative contribution of these effects to Nef mediated alterations of IS organization and function on TCR stimulatory surfaces. Inhibition of actin polymerization and IS recruitment of Lck were governed by identical Nef determinants and correlated well with Nef's association with Pak2 kinase activity. In contrast, Nef mediated Lck endosomal accumulation was separable from these effects, occurred independently of Pak2, required integrity of the microtubule rather than the actin filament system and thus represents a distinct Nef activity. Finally, reduction of TCR signal transmission by Nef was linked to altered actin remodeling and Lck IS recruitment but did not require endosomal Lck rerouting. Thus, Nef affects IS function via multiple independent mechanisms to optimize virus replication in the infected host
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