8 research outputs found

    Rerouting Cellular Electron Flux To Increase the Rate of Biological Methane Production

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    Methanogens are anaerobic archaea that grow by producing methane, a gas that is both an efficient renewable fuel and a potent greenhouse gas. We observed that overexpression of the cytoplasmic heterodisulfide reductase enzyme HdrABC increased the rate of methane production from methanol by 30% without affecting the growth rate relative to the parent strain. Hdr enzymes are essential in all known methane-producing archaea. They function as the terminal oxidases in the methanogen electron transport system by reducing the coenzymeM(2-mercaptoethane sulfonate) and coenzyme B (7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine sulfonate) heterodisulfide, CoM-S-S-CoB, to regenerate the thiol-coenzymes for reuse. In Methanosarcina acetivorans, HdrABC expression caused an increased rate of methanogenesis and a decrease in metabolic efficiency on methylotrophic substrates. When acetate was the sole carbon and energy source, neither deletion nor overexpression of HdrABC had an effect on growth or methane production rates. These results suggest that in cells grown on methylated substrates, the cell compensates for energy losses due to expression of HdrABC with an increased rate of substrate turnover and that HdrABC lacks the appropriate electron donor in acetate-grown cells

    Rerouting Cellular Electron Flux To Increase the Rate of Biological Methane Production

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    Methanogens are anaerobic archaea that grow by producing methane, a gas that is both an efficient renewable fuel and a potent greenhouse gas. We observed that overexpression of the cytoplasmic heterodisulfide reductase enzyme HdrABC increased the rate of methane production from methanol by 30% without affecting the growth rate relative to the parent strain. Hdr enzymes are essential in all known methane-producing archaea. They function as the terminal oxidases in the methanogen electron transport system by reducing the coenzymeM(2-mercaptoethane sulfonate) and coenzyme B (7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine sulfonate) heterodisulfide, CoM-S-S-CoB, to regenerate the thiol-coenzymes for reuse. In Methanosarcina acetivorans, HdrABC expression caused an increased rate of methanogenesis and a decrease in metabolic efficiency on methylotrophic substrates. When acetate was the sole carbon and energy source, neither deletion nor overexpression of HdrABC had an effect on growth or methane production rates. These results suggest that in cells grown on methylated substrates, the cell compensates for energy losses due to expression of HdrABC with an increased rate of substrate turnover and that HdrABC lacks the appropriate electron donor in acetate-grown cells

    Interactions between Small Heat Shock Protein Subunits and Substrate in Small Heat Shock Protein-Substrate Complexes

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    Small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) are dynamic oligomeric proteins that bind unfolding proteins and protect them from irreversible aggregation. This binding results in the formation of sHSP-substrate complexes from which substrate can later be refolded. Interactions between sHSP and substrate in sHSP-substrate complexes and the mechanism by which substrate is transferred to ATP-dependent chaperones for refolding are poorly defined. We have established C-terminal affinity-tagged sHSPs from a eukaryote (pea HSP18.1) and a prokaryote (Synechocystis HSP16.6) as tools to investigate these issues. We demonstrate that sHSP subunit exchange for HSP18.1 and HSP16.6 is temperature-dependent and rapid at the optimal growth temperature for the organism of origin. Increasing the ratio of sHSP to substrate during substrate denaturation decreased sHSP-substrate complex size, and accordingly, addition of substrate to pre-formed sHSP-substrate complexes increased complex size. However, the size of pre-formed sHSP-substrate complexes could not be reduced by addition of more sHSP, and substrate could not be observed to transfer to added sHSP, although added sHSP subunits continued to exchange with subunits in sHSPsubstrate complexes. Thus, although some number of sHSP subunits within complexes remain dynamic and may be important for complex structure/solubility, association of substrate with the sHSP does not appear to be similarly dynamic. These observations are consistent with a model in which ATP-dependent chaperones associate directly with sHSP-bound substrate to initiate refolding

    Computer-assisted Docking of Flavodoxin with the ATP:Co(I)rrinoid Adenosyltransferase (CobA) Enzyme Reveals Residues Critical for Protein-Protein Interactions but Not for Catalysis

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    The activity of the housekeeping ATP:co(I)rrinoid adenosyltransferase (CobA) enzyme of Salmonella enterica sv. Typhimurium is required to adenosylate de novo biosynthetic intermediates of adenosylcobalamin and to salvage incomplete and complete corrinoids from the environment of this bacterium. In vitro, reduced flavodoxin (FldA) provides an electron to generate the co(I)rrinoid substrate in the CobA active site. To understand how CobAand FldA interact, a computer model of aCobA-FldA complex was generated. This model was used to guide the introduction of mutations into CobA using site-directed mutagenesis and the synthesis of a peptide mimic of FldA. Residues Arg-9 and Arg-165 of CobA were critical for FldA-dependent adenosylation but were catalytically as competent as the wild-type protein when cob(I)alamin was provided as substrate. These results indicate that Arg-9 and Arg-165 are important for CobA_FldA docking but not to catalysis. A truncation of the 9-amino acid N-terminal helix of CobA reduced its FldA-dependent cobalamin adenosyltransferase activity by 97.4%. The same protein, however, had a 4-fold higher specific activity than the native enzyme when cob(I)alamin was generated chemically in situ

    The Identity of Proteins Associated with a Small Heat Shock Protein during Heat Stress \u3ci\u3ein Vivo\u3c/i\u3e Indicates That These Chaperones Protect a Wide Range of Cellular Functions

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    The small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) are a ubiquitous class of ATP-independent chaperones believed to prevent irreversible protein aggregation and to facilitate subsequent protein renaturation in cooperation with ATP-dependent chaperones. Although sHSP chaperone activity has been studied extensively in vitro, understanding the mechanism of sHSP function requires identification of proteins that are sHSP substrates in vivo. We have used both immunoprecipitation and affinity chromatography to recover 42 proteins that specifically interact with Synechocystis Hsp16.6 in vivo during heat treatment. These proteins can all be released from Hsp16.6 by the ATP-dependent activity of DnaK and cochaperones and are heat-labile. Thirteen of the putative substrate proteins were identified by mass spectrometry and reveal the potential for sHSPs to protect cellular functions as diverse as transcription, translation, cell signaling, and secondary metabolism. One of the putative substrates, serine esterase, was purified and tested directly for interaction with purified Hsp16.6. Hsp16.6 effectively formed soluble complexes with serine esterase in a heat-dependent fashion, thereby preventing formation of insoluble serine esterase aggregates. These data offer critical insights into the characteristics of native sHSP substrates and extend and provide in vivo support for the chaperone model of sHSP function

    The Identity of Proteins Associated with a Small Heat Shock Protein during Heat Stress \u3ci\u3ein Vivo\u3c/i\u3e Indicates That These Chaperones Protect a Wide Range of Cellular Functions

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    The small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) are a ubiquitous class of ATP-independent chaperones believed to prevent irreversible protein aggregation and to facilitate subsequent protein renaturation in cooperation with ATP-dependent chaperones. Although sHSP chaperone activity has been studied extensively in vitro, understanding the mechanism of sHSP function requires identification of proteins that are sHSP substrates in vivo. We have used both immunoprecipitation and affinity chromatography to recover 42 proteins that specifically interact with Synechocystis Hsp16.6 in vivo during heat treatment. These proteins can all be released from Hsp16.6 by the ATP-dependent activity of DnaK and cochaperones and are heat-labile. Thirteen of the putative substrate proteins were identified by mass spectrometry and reveal the potential for sHSPs to protect cellular functions as diverse as transcription, translation, cell signaling, and secondary metabolism. One of the putative substrates, serine esterase, was purified and tested directly for interaction with purified Hsp16.6. Hsp16.6 effectively formed soluble complexes with serine esterase in a heat-dependent fashion, thereby preventing formation of insoluble serine esterase aggregates. These data offer critical insights into the characteristics of native sHSP substrates and extend and provide in vivo support for the chaperone model of sHSP function

    Purification and Initial Biochemical Characterization of ATP:Cob(I)alamin Adenosyltransferase (EutT) Enzyme of \u3ci\u3eSalmonella enterica\u3c/i\u3e

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    ATP:cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase (EutT) of Salmonella enterica was overproduced and enriched to ~70% homogeneity, and its basic kinetic parameters were determined. Abundant amounts of EutT protein were produced, but all of it remained insoluble. Soluble active EutT protein (~70% homogeneous) was obtained after treatment with detergent. Under conditions in which cobalamin (Cbl) was saturating, Km(ATP) = 10 µM, kcat = 0.03 s-1, and Vmax = 54.5 nM min-1. Similarly, under conditions in which MgATPwas saturating,Km(Cbl) = 4.1µM, kcat = 0.06 s-1, andVmax= 105 nM min-1. Unlike other ATP:co(I)rrinoid adenosyltransferases in the cell (i.e. CobA and PduO), EutT activity was \u3e50-fold higher with ATP versus GTP, and EutT retained 80% of its activity with ADP substituted for ATP and was completely inactive with AMP as substrate, indicating that the enzyme requires the β-phosphate group of the nucleotide substrate. The data suggest that the amino group of adenine might play a role in nucleotide recognition and/or binding. Unlike the housekeeping CobA enzyme, EutT was not inhibited by inorganic tripolyphosphate (PPPi). Results from 31P NMR spectroscopy studies identified PPi and Pi as by-products of the EutT reaction. In the absence of Cbl, EutT cleaved ATP into adenosine and PPPi, suggesting that PPPi is broken down into PPi and Pi. Electron transfer protein partners for EutT were not encoded by the eut operon. EutT-dependent activity was detected in cell-free extracts of cobA strains enriched for EutT when FMN and NADH were used to reduce cob(III)alamin to cob(I)alamin

    The ATP:Co(I)rrinoid Adenosyltransferase (CobA) Enzyme of \u3ci\u3eSalmonella enterica\u3c/i\u3e Requires the 2’-OH Group of ATP for Function and Yields Inorganic Triphosphate as Its Reaction Byproduct

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    The specificity of the ATP:corrinoid adenosyltransferase (CobA) enzyme of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2 for its nucleotide substrate was tested using ATP analogs and alternative nucleotide donors. The enzyme showed broad specificity for the nucleotide base and required the 2’-OH group of the ribosyl moiety of ATP for activity. 31P NMR spectroscopy was used to identify inorganic triphosphate (PPPi) as the byproduct of the reaction catalyzed by the CobA enzyme. Cleavage of triphosphate into pyrophosphate and orthophosphate did not occur, indicating that triphosphate cleavage was not required for release of the adenosylcorrinoid product. Triphosphate was a strong inhibitor of the reaction, with 85% of CobA activity lost when the ATP/PPPi ratio present in the reaction mixture was 1:2.5