178 research outputs found

    Partial substitution of concentrates by maize silage in rations for organic dairy cows and its influence on performance and utilization efficiency

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of partial substitution of purchased concentrates with maize silage on feed intake, energy and nutrient supply, milk production and feed utilization efficiency in organic dairy cows. In the experiment, two winter rations were compared. In the experimental group (E) 2/3 of average herd concentrate intake were replaced by maize silage. In group E total dry matter, protein und energy intake was significantly lower than in the control group (C) (16.3 and 17.8 kg, 99 and 110 MJ NEL, 2170 and 2460 g crude protein, respectively). Milk yield decreased in group E by 1.7 kg, which was not statistically significant. Ruminal nitrogen balance and dietary protein to energy ratio was significantly lower in group E as compared to group C (-8 and 22 g, 21 and 24 g/MJ NEL, respectively). The diet for group E had no effect on milk composition, except milk urea content, which was in tendency lower in group E (15 and 17 mg 100ml-1). Estimated milk yield from forage was considerably higher in group E (15.9 vs 13.5 kg). Efficiency of nitrogen (N) utilization was tendencially higher in group E

    Pedigree and marker information requirements to monitor genetic variability

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    There are several measures available to describe the genetic variability of populations. The average inbreeding coefficient of a population based on pedigree information is a frequently chosen option. Due to the developments in molecular genetics it is also possible to calculate inbreeding coefficients based on genetic marker information. A simulation study was carried out involving ten sires and 50 dams. The animals were mated over a period of 20 discrete generations. The population size was kept constant. Different situations with regard to the level of polymorphism and initial allele frequencies and mating scheme (random mating, avoidance of full sib mating, avoidance of full sib and half sib mating) were considered. Pedigree inbreeding coefficients of the last generation using full pedigree or 10, 5 and 2 generations of the pedigree were calculated. Marker inbreeding coefficients based on different sets of microsatellite loci were also investigated. Under random mating, pedigree-inbreeding coefficients are clearly more closely related to true autozygosity (i.e., the actual proportion of loci with alleles identical by descent) than marker-inbreeding coefficients. If mating is not random, the demands on the quality and quantity of pedigree records increase. Greater attention must be paid to the correct parentage of the animals

    Siliertes italienisches Raygras - eine wertvolle Grundfutterkomponente auch für die ökologische Milchkuhfütterung?

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    Das Ziel der Studie war es, ökologisch angebautes italienisches Raygras (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) auf seine Eignung für die Winterfütterung von ökologisch gefütterten Milchkühen zu testen. Der dafür durchgeführte Fütterungsversuch mit zwei Gruppen laktierender Holstein Friesian-Kühe fand im Winter 2008/09 statt. In der Raygrasration ersetzte siliertes italienisches Raygras 50 % des Silageanteils der Kontrollration, die auf Gras-Kleegrassilage basierte. Beide Grundfuttermischungen wurden mit mäßigen Mengen zugekauften Kraftfutters ergänzt, um isoenergetische und isonitrogene Gesamtrationen zu gewährleisten. Kühe, die mit der Raygrasration gefüttert wurden, nahmen signifikant mehr Grundfutter auf als Kühe, die mit der Kontrollration gefüttert wurden (14,5 bzw. 13,4 kg Trockenmasse). Aber da die Energie- und Proteingehalte der Grundfuttermischung der Raygrasration niedriger waren als die der Grundfuttermischung der Kontrollration, konnte die höhere Grundfutteraufnahme nicht in eine verbesserte Milchleistung (20,3 bzw. 21,0 kg bei Fütterung der Raygrasration bzw. Kontrollration) umgesetzt werden

    Messung der Nachzerfallsleistung von ²³⁵U im Zeitbereich von 15 s bis 4000 s

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    Manganese Dissolution in alkaline medium with and without concurrent oxygen evolution in LiMn2_2O4_4

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    Manganese dissolution during the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) has been a persistent challenge that impedes the practical implementation of Mn-based electrocatalysts including the LiMnx_xO4_4 system in aqueous alkaline electrolyte. The investigated LiMn2_2O4_4 particles exhibit two distinct Mn dissolution processes; one independent of OER and the other associated to OER. Combining the bulk sensitive X-ray absorption spectroscopy, surface sensitive X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electrochemical detection of Mn dissolution using rotating ring-disk electrode, we explore the less understood Mn dissolution mechanism during OER. We correlate near-surface oxidation with the charge attributed to dissolved Mn, which demonstrates increasing Mn dissolution with the formation of surface Mn4+ species under anodic potential. The observed stronger dissolution during the OER is attributed to the formation of additional Mn4+^{4+} from Mn3+^{3+} during OER. We show that control over the amount of Mn4+ in Lix_xMn2O4_4 before the onset of the OER can partially mitigate the OER-triggered dissolution. Overall, our atomistic insights into the Mn dissolution processes are crucial for knowledge-guided mitigation of electrocatalyst degradation, which can be broadly extended to manganese-based oxide systems

    Optimierung der Proteinversorgung durch Maissilage auf ökologisch wirtschaftenden Milchviehbetrieben im Grünland

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate and optimize the protein supply of organic dairy cows kept in Austrian grassland regions through the inclusion of maize silage into the diet. Therefore, two feeding trials were carried out. Trial I examined the effect of a partial substitution of purchased concentrates with home grown maize silage on feed and nutrient intake, milk performance and feed efficiency. Trial II was conducted to investigate the effect of maize silage or grain as an energy supplement to grass-clover silage based diets. In trial I milk yield decreased by 10%, however concentrate intake per kg milk was markedly reduced and dietary N efficiency and energy balance tendencially improved. Trial II revealed that even a small amount of maize silage supplementation had a marked influence on nutrient (protein, fibre) intake, ruminal N balance (RNB) and milk composition (milk fat and milk urea concen-tration)

    Optimization model to extend existing production planning and control systems for the use of additive manufacturing technologies in the industrial production

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    The use of additive manufacturing technologies for industrial production is constantly growing. This technology differs from the known production proecdures. The areas for scheduling, detailed and sequence planning are particularly important for additive production due to the long print times and flexible use of the production area. Therefore, production-relevant variables are considered and used for the production planning and control (PPC) of additive manufacturing machines. For this purpose, an optimization model is presented which shows a time-oriented build space utilization. In the implementation, a nesting algorithm is used to check the combinability of different models for each individual print job

    Entwicklung und Demonstration eines neuartigen Prozesses (Konvektionsgenerator) zur Stromerzeugung aus niederenthalper Wärme: Abschlussbericht

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    Aus Thermalwässern mit Temperaturen nur wenig über der Kühltemperatur ist die Stromgewinnung bisher nicht wirtschaftlich. Ein neuartiger Konvektionsgenerator soll das ändern. Er lässt sich auch für insustrielle Rest- oder Abwärme einsetzen

    Feldstudie zu Futtereigenschaften bei federpickenden Legehennen

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    Feedstuffs were analysed from 9 conventional and 12 organic farms which previously reported feather pecking in their laying hen flocks. Essential amino acid contents were significantly higher in conventional than in organic diets, while the latter matched suggested nutrient contents. Declared amino acid contents and results of analyses were in good agreement. Particle size of mash feedstuffs deviated from suggested values: percentages of coarse and medium particles were higher and lower, respectively, than suggested. Severity of feather pecking slightly correlated with dietary methionine content and with methionine:ME