8,867 research outputs found

    On Some Positivity Properties of the Interquark Potential in QCD

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    We prove that the Fourier transform of the exponential e^{-\b V(R)} of the {\bf static} interquark potential in QCD is positive. It has been shown by Eliott Lieb some time ago that this property allows in the same limit of static spin independent potential proving certain mass relation between baryons with different quark flavors.Comment: 6 pages, latex with one postscript figur

    Finite bias Cooper pair splitting

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    In a device with a superconductor coupled to two parallel quantum dots (QDs) the electrical tunability of the QD levels can be used to exploit non-classical current correlations due to the splitting of Cooper pairs. We experimentally investigate the effect of a finite potential difference across one quantum dot on the conductance through the other completely grounded QD in a Cooper pair splitter fabricated on an InAs nanowire. We demonstrate that the electrical transport through the device can be tuned by electrical means to be dominated either by Cooper pair splitting (CPS), or by elastic co-tunneling (EC). The basic experimental findings can be understood by considering the energy dependent density of states in a QD. The reported experiments add bias-dependent spectroscopy to the investigative tools necessary to develop CPS-based sources of entangled electrons in solid-state devices.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Wet etch methods for InAs nanowire patterning and self-aligned electrical contacts

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    Advanced synthesis of semiconductor nanowires (NWs) enables their application in diverse fields, notably in chemical and electrical sensing, photovoltaics, or quantum electronic devices. In particular, Indium Arsenide (InAs) NWs are an ideal platform for quantum devices, e.g. they may host topological Majorana states. While the synthesis has been continously perfected, only few techniques were developed to tailor individual NWs after growth. Here we present three wet chemical etch methods for the post-growth morphological engineering of InAs NWs on the sub-100 nm scale. The first two methods allow the formation of self-aligned electrical contacts to etched NWs, while the third method results in conical shaped NW profiles ideal for creating smooth electrical potential gradients and shallow barriers. Low temperature experiments show that NWs with etched segments have stable transport characteristics and can serve as building blocks of quantum electronic devices. As an example we report the formation of a single electrically stable quantum dot between two etched NW segments.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Assessing composition gradients in multifilamentary superconductors by means of magnetometry methods

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    We present two magnetometry-based methods suitable for assessing gradients in the critical temperature and hence the composition of multifilamentary superconductors: AC magnetometry and Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy. The novelty of the former technique lies in the iterative evaluation procedure we developed, whereas the strength of the latter is the direct visualization of the temperature dependent penetration of a magnetic field into the superconductor. Using the example of a PIT Nb3Sn wire, we demonstrate the application of these techniques, and compare the respective results to each other and to EDX measurements of the Sn distribution within the sub-elements of the wire.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures; broken hyperlinks are due to a problem with arXi

    Temporal and spatial distributions of delphinid species in Massachusetts Bay (USA) using passive acoustics from ocean gliders

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Silva, T. L., Mooney, T. A., Sayigh, L. S., & Baumgartner, M. F. Temporal and spatial distributions of delphinid species in Massachusetts Bay (USA) using passive acoustics from ocean gliders. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 631, (2019): 1-17, doi:10.3354/meps13180.Knowledge about marine mammal habitat use is necessary for informing ecosystem-based management and mitigating human impacts. Massachusetts Bay is an important marine mammal foraging area in the Gulf of Maine and an area of substantial human activity, but delphinid habitat use is poorly understood. The goals of this work were to (1) document temporal and spatial occurrence of delphinid species in Massachusetts Bay using passive acoustic monitoring from ocean gliders and (2) explore the potential influences of environmental conditions on delphinid distributions. Gliders were deployed in late fall and early winter of 2014 and 2015-2016 and were equipped with a digital acoustic recorder and conductivity-temperature-depth instrument. Gliders surveyed an area of approximately 1000 km2. Delphinid whistles were detected on 93 of 128 (73%) deployment days. Animals were detected more often at night. Presence was consistent over 2 years, although detection rates showed annual and monthly variability. Spatial distribution differed between years, but most detections occurred close to Stellwagen Bank. Visual assessment of spectrograms suggests the presence of 2 species, Atlantic white-sided dolphins and common dolphins. The reoccurrence of 2 probable signature whistles over several weeks and consecutive winter seasons suggests prolonged occupancy during winter and possible annual site fidelity. These data show a consistent and frequent presence of delphinids near a known marine mammal foraging area (Stellwagen Bank) during late fall and winter and are a first step towards understanding both how odontocetes influence the Massachusetts Bay/Gulf of Maine ecosystem and how they may be impacted by human activities.We gratefully acknowledge the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, The Nature Conservancy, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, and the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth for their collaboration and support for this project. We thank Susan Parks, Julie Oswald, Sofie Van Parijs, and Danielle Cholewiak for helpful discussionsand sharing acoustic recordings for species comparisons. We are grateful to Ben Hodges for critical assistance with preparing, deploying, and recovering gliders. Thanks to Michael Thompson for assistance with spatial analysis and Dave Wiley for support and insights into the Stellwagen Bank ecosystem. The WHOI Marine Mammal Center provided additional funding for this work. Funding support for T.L.S. was provided by the NOAA Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship. Finally, we thank the 3 anonymous re viewers for their comments and suggestions that improved this manuscript

    Data sorting

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    Ovaj rad prikazuje jedno od rješenja problema sortiranja podataka u jednodimenzionalnom polju (nizu) elemenata. U praksi se često pojavljuje potreba za sortiranjem podataka te se zbog toga traži što efikasniji i brži algoritam. U ovom radu detaljno je prikazan jedan od najboljih - merge-sort algoritam. Napravljene su i praktične izvedbe algoritama za sortiranje koje su testirane na različitim skupovima podataka.In this paper one solution of the problem of sorting an one-dimensional vector (array) of data is shown in this paper. A need for data sorting very often arises in the practice and therefore we are constantly searching for more efficient and faster sorting algorithms. One of the best sorting algorithms -merge-sort is shown in this paper in detail. We made two of sorting algorithms and tested them on different types of data