2,476 research outputs found

    Capture and Decay of Electroweak WIMPonium

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    The spectrum of Weakly-Interacting-Massive-Particle (WIMP) dark matter generically possesses bound states when the WIMP mass becomes sufficiently large relative to the mass of the electroweak gauge bosons. The presence of these bound states enhances the annihilation rate via resonances in the Sommerfeld enhancement, but they can also be produced directly with the emission of a low-energy photon. In this work we compute the rate for SU(2) triplet dark matter (the wino) to bind into WIMPonium -- which is possible via single-photon emission for wino masses above 5 TeV for relative velocity v < O(10^{-2}) -- and study the subsequent decays of these bound states. We present results with applications beyond the wino case, e.g. for dark matter inhabiting a nonabelian dark sector; these include analytic capture and transition rates for general dark sectors in the limit of vanishing force carrier mass, efficient numerical routines for calculating positive and negative-energy eigenstates of a Hamiltonian containing interactions with both massive and massless force carriers, and a study of the scaling of bound state formation in the short-range Hulthen potential. In the specific case of the wino, we find that the rate for bound state formation is suppressed relative to direct annihilation, and so provides only a small correction to the overall annihilation rate. The soft photons radiated by the capture process and by bound state transitions could permit measurement of the dark matter's quantum numbers; for wino-like dark matter, such photons are rare, but might be observable by a future ground-based gamma-ray telescope combining large effective area and a low energy threshold.Comment: 3rd version. An interference sign fixed and changes propagated through the paper. Topline qualitative conclusions unchange

    Modelling and optimisation of the operation of a radiant warmer

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    This paper presents numerical calculations of the temperature field obtained for the case of a neonate placed under a radiant warmer. The results of the simulations show a very non-uniform temperature distribution on the skin of the neonate, which may cause increased evaporation leading to severe dehydration. For this reason, we propose some modifications on the geometry and operation of the radiant warmer, in order to make the temperature distribution more uniform and prevent the high temperature gradients observed on the surface of the neonate. It is concluded that placing a high conductivity blanket over the neonate and introducing additional screens along the side of the mattress, thus recovering the radiation heat escaping through the side boundaries, helped providing more uniform temperature fields.The European Union for the Marie Curie Fellowship grant awarded to the Centre for CFD, University of Leeds

    A Transfer Matrix for the Input Impedance of weakly tapered Cones as of Wind Instruments

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    A formula for the local acoustical admittance in a conical waveguide with viscous and thermal losses given by Nederveen in \emph{Acoustical Aspects of Woodwind Instruments} (1969) is rewritten as an impedance transmission matrix. Based on a self-consistent approximation for the cone, it differs from other one-dimensional transmission matrices used in musical acoustics, which implicitly include the loss model of a cylinder. The resonance frequencies of air columns calculated with this new transmission matrix are in better agreement with more comprehensive models. Even for long cones with a slight taper, there is no need to discretize along the axis.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Crohn's disease

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    SummaryCrohn's disease is a relapsing systemic inflammatory disease, mainly affecting the gastrointestinal tract with extraintestinal manifestations and associated immune disorders. Genome wide association studies identified susceptibility loci that—triggered by environmental factors—result in a disturbed innate (ie, disturbed intestinal barrier, Paneth cell dysfunction, endoplasmic reticulum stress, defective unfolded protein response and autophagy, impaired recognition of microbes by pattern recognition receptors, such as nucleotide binding domain and Toll like receptors on dendritic cells and macrophages) and adaptive (ie, imbalance of effector and regulatory T cells and cytokines, migration and retention of leukocytes) immune response towards a diminished diversity of commensal microbiota. We discuss the epidemiology, immunobiology, amd natural history of Crohn's disease; describe new treatment goals and risk stratification of patients; and provide an evidence based rational approach to diagnosis (ie, work-up algorithm, new imaging methods [ie, enhanced endoscopy, ultrasound, MRI and CT] and biomarkers), management, evolving therapeutic targets (ie, integrins, chemokine receptors, cell-based and stem-cell-based therapies), prevention, and surveillance

    Discovery and Measurement of Sleptons, Binos, and Winos with a Z'

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    Extensions of the MSSM could significantly alter its phenomenology at the LHC. We study the case in which the MSSM is extended by an additional U(1) gauge symmetry, which is spontaneously broken at a few TeV. The production cross-section of sleptons is enhanced over that of the MSSM by the process pp→Z′→ℓ~ℓ~∗pp\to Z' \to \tilde{\ell} \tilde{\ell}^*, so the discovery potential for sleptons is greatly increased. The flavor and charge information in the resulting decay, ℓ~→ℓ+LSP\tilde{\ell} \to \ell + {LSP}, provides a useful handle on the identity of the LSP. With the help of the additional kinematical constraint of an on-shell Z', we implement a novel method to measure all of the superpartner masses involved in this channel. For certain final states with two invisible particles, one can construct kinematic observables bounded above by parent particle masses. We demonstrate how output from one such observable, m_T2, can become input to a second, increasing the number of measurements one can make with a single decay chain. The method presented here represents a new class of observables which could have a much wider range of applicability.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures; v2 references added and minor change
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