339 research outputs found

    Organization of the mitochondrial genomes of whiteflies, aphids, and psyllids (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha)

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    BACKGROUND: With some exceptions, mitochondria within the class Insecta have the same gene content, and generally, a similar gene order allowing the proposal of an ancestral gene order. The principal exceptions are several orders within the Hemipteroid assemblage including the order Thysanoptera, a sister group of the order Hemiptera. Within the Hemiptera, there are available a number of completely sequenced mitochondrial genomes that have a gene order similar to that of the proposed ancestor. None, however, are available from the suborder Sternorryncha that includes whiteflies, psyllids and aphids. RESULTS: We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genomes of six species of whiteflies, one psyllid and one aphid. Two species of whiteflies, one psyllid and one aphid have mitochondrial genomes with a gene order very similar to that of the proposed insect ancestor. The remaining four species of whiteflies had variations in the gene order. In all cases, there was the excision of a DNA fragment encoding for cytochrome oxidase subunit III(COIII)-tRNA(gly)-NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3(ND3)-tRNA(ala)-tRNA(arg)-tRNA(asn )from the ancestral position between genes for ATP synthase subunit 6 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5. Based on the position in which all or part of this fragment was inserted, the mitochondria could be subdivided into four different gene arrangement types. PCR amplification spanning from COIII to genes outside the inserted region and sequence determination of the resulting fragments, indicated that different whitefly species could be placed into one of these arrangement types. A phylogenetic analysis of 19 whitefly species based on genes for mitochondrial cytochrome b, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1, and 16S ribosomal DNA as well as cospeciating endosymbiont 16S and 23S ribosomal DNA indicated a clustering of species that corresponded to the gene arrangement types. CONCLUSIONS: In whiteflies, the region of the mitochondrial genome consisting of genes encoding for COIII-tRNA(gly)-ND3-tRNA(ala)-tRNA(arg)-tRNA(asn )can be transposed from its ancestral position to four different locations on the mitochondrial genome. Related species within clusters established by phylogenetic analysis of host and endosymbiont genes have the same mitochondrial gene arrangement indicating a transposition in the ancestor of these clusters

    Neonatal predictors of cognitive ability in adults born very preterm : a prospective cohort study

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    Aim: To identify neonatal predictors to allow a developmental prognosis of the cognitive abilities of survivors born very preterm/very low birthweight (VLBW) into adult life. Method: The Bavarian Longitudinal Study is a prospective whole-population study that followed 260 infants born very preterm/VLBW from birth to adulthood. Regression analyses examined which neonatal factors predicted adult IQ. Results: Neonatal morbidity, neonatal treatment, and early social environment of infants born very preterm/VLBW explained 37.6% of the variance in adult IQ. Seven unique early-life predictors of lower adulthood IQ were found: respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular haemorrhage, problems with mobility, mechanical ventilation, less parenteral nutrition, low/middle socioeconomic status, and poor early parent–infant relationships. Specifically, modifiable factors such as mechanical ventilation predicted a drop of 0.43 IQ points for each day of treatment, adjusted for initial respiratory problems. Good early parent–infant relationships predicted an approximately 5-point increase in adult IQ, adjusted for other significant predictors such as socioeconomic status. Interpretation: Mechanical ventilation, parenteral feeding, and early parenting were identified as significant modifiable factors that were strongly related to adult IQ. Mechanical ventilation policies have changed but there is scope for early interventions that focus on positive parenting, which may reduce the adverse effects of very preterm/VLBW birth on cognitive abilities

    Attention problems in very preterm children from childhood to adulthood : the Bavarian longitudinal study

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    Background: Very preterm (VP; gestational age <32 weeks) and very low birth weight (VLBW; <1500 grams) is related to attention problems in childhood and adulthood. The stability of these problems into adulthood is not known. Methods: The Bavarian Longitudinal Study is a prospective cohort study that followed 260 VP/VLBW and 229 term-born individuals from birth to adulthood. Data on attention were collected at 6, 8, and 26 years of age, using parent reports, expert behavior observations, and clinical ADHD diagnoses. Results: At each assessment, VP/VLBW individuals had significantly more attention problems, shorter attention span, and were more frequently diagnosed with ADHD than term-born comparisons. In both VP/VLBW and term-born individuals, overall, attention span increased and attention problems decreased from childhood to adulthood. Attention problems and attention span were more stable over time for VP/VLBW than term-born individuals. Similarly, ADHD diagnoses showed moderate stability from childhood to adulthood in VP/VLBW, but not in term-born individuals. However, when those with severe disabilities were excluded, differences between VP/VLBW and term-born individuals reduced. Conclusions: Despite improvement in attention regulation from childhood to adulthood, children born very preterm remained at increased risk for attention problems in adulthood. In contrast, term-born children with clinical attention problems outgrew these by adulthood. As inattentive behavior of VP/VLBW children may be overlooked by teachers, it may be necessary to raise awareness for school intervention programs that reduce attention problems in VP/VLBW children

    Associations between Work Intensification, Stress and Job Satisfaction : The Case of Nurses in Ontario

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    Health sector reform of the 1990s affected most health care workers in Ontario and in other provinces. As a result of organizational changes, many workers experienced work intensification. This paper examines the associations between work intensification, stress and job satisfaction focusing on nurses in three teaching hospitals in Ontario. Data come from our 2002 survey of 949 nurses who worked in their employing hospital since the early 1990s when the health sector reform era began. Results show that nurses feel their work has intensified since the health sector reform of the 1990s, and work intensification contributed to increased stress and decreased job satisfaction. Results provide empirical support to the literature which suggests that work intensification has an adverse effect on workers’ health and well-being, and work attitudes.Les changements organisationnels apportĂ©s dans les annĂ©es 80 et 90 ont contribuĂ© Ă  l’intensification du travail dans les pays industrialisĂ©s (Green, 2004; Lapido et Wilkinson, 2002). Des recherches effectuĂ©es dans des pays europĂ©ens et sept pays membres de l’OCDE dĂ©montrent que la satisfaction au travail est stable ou en dĂ©clin (Clark, 2005) et que l’intensification du travail est l’un des facteurs contribuant au dĂ©clin de la satisfaction au travail (Green et Tsitsianis, 2005). Au Canada, aucune Ă©tude ne s’est intĂ©ressĂ©e au lien entre la satisfaction au travail et l’intensification du travail. Toutefois, deux rĂ©cents sondages indiquent qu’un travailleur canadien sur dix n’est pas satisfait au travail (Catlin, 2001; WES Compendium, 2001).Les changements organisationnels constituent communĂ©ment une source d’intensification du travail (Green, 2004). Les organisations du secteur de la santĂ© ont subit de nombreux changements organisationnels depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 90 (CHSRF, 2000). Le personnel infirmier a Ă©tĂ© trĂšs affectĂ© par les rĂ©formes du secteur de la santĂ©. Plusieurs infirmiĂšres et infirmiers ont Ă©tĂ© mis Ă  pied et le personnel restant a dĂ» mettre les bouchĂ©es doubles pour prendre en charge le surplus de travail occasionnĂ© par ces dĂ©parts involontaires (O’Brien-Pallas et al., 2004). Les rĂ©formes du secteur de la santĂ© reposant sur de petits budgets peuvent avoir de lourdes consĂ©quences pour le personnel : leur travail peut s’intensifier, devenir plus exigeant et stressant (Wetzel, 2005a), amenant une baisse de la satisfaction au travail.L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’examiner le lien entre l’intensification du travail, le stress et la satisfaction au travail. Notre Ă©tude contribue Ă  l’avancement des connaissances en gestion des ressources humaines en examinant l’une des consĂ©quences de la rĂ©forme du secteur de la santĂ©, c’est-Ă -dire l’intensification du travail, sur la santĂ© et le bien-ĂȘtre du personnel infirmier et sur son attitude envers son emploi. Dans un contexte de pĂ©nurie de main-d’oeuvre dans le secteur de la santĂ© et d’un besoin grandissant de services infirmiers, notre Ă©tude porte prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur la satisfaction au travail des infirmiĂšres et infirmiers et est ainsi importante et d’actualitĂ©. Les donnĂ©es de cette Ă©tude ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies auprĂšs de 949 infirmiĂšres et infirmiers dĂ©jĂ  en emploi avant l’implantation de la rĂ©forme du secteur de la santĂ© travaillant dans trois hĂŽpitaux universitaires de l’Ontario. Toutes les infirmiĂšres et infirmiers de ces Ă©tablissements ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s pour l’étude. Au total, 1 396 d’entre eux ont participĂ© Ă  l’étude, reprĂ©sentant un taux de rĂ©ponse de 52 %. Le New Health Care Worker Questionnaire (des auteurs) est l’outil ayant servi Ă  amasser les donnĂ©es. La variable dĂ©pendante, la satisfaction au travail, a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e Ă  partir du Spector’s 1985 Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) (1997). Les deux sous-Ă©chelles sont la satisfaction liĂ©e aux avantages pĂ©cuniaires et la satisfaction liĂ©e Ă  l’emploi et Ă  l’environnement de travail. L’intensification du travail est la variable indĂ©pendante de notre Ă©tude. Il n’y pas d’outil mesurant l’intensification du travail faisant consensus (Burchell, 2002; Green, 2004). Nous avons utilisĂ© dans cette Ă©tude un outil mesurant la perception d’une intensification du travail que nous avons nous-mĂȘmes dĂ©veloppĂ©. Cet outil stipule l’énoncĂ© suivant : « Il y a eu plusieurs changements dans le systĂšme de santĂ© depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 90. En comparant le temps prĂ©sent et le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 90, veuillez indiquer votre accord ou dĂ©saccord avec chacun des Ă©noncĂ©s ». Les Ă©noncĂ©s sont : « mon travail s’est intensifiĂ©; ma charge de travail a augmentĂ©; les infirmiĂšres et infirmiers doivent traiter plus de patients par quart de travail; je fais de plus en plus de travail pour lequel je ne reçois pas de rĂ©munĂ©ration; il y a moins de leaders parmi le personnel infirmier; et la complexitĂ© des cas Ă  traiter a augmenté ». Les rĂ©ponses ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies Ă  partir d’une Ă©chelle de type Likert Ă  cinq niveaux allant de 1 : « je suis tout Ă  fait en dĂ©saccord », Ă  5 : « je suis tout Ă  fait en accord » et les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© additionnĂ©s pour crĂ©er l’échelle mesurant l’intensification du travail. Nous avons effectuĂ© une analyse factorielle utilisant la mĂ©thode d’extraction de l’analyse de la composante principale (Principal Component Analysis). Une composante principale fut extraite. L’échelle de mesure de l’intensification du travail dĂ©montre une forte fiabilitĂ© de l’outil grĂące Ă  un alpha de Cronbach de 0,80 (voir le tableau 1 de l’article). Pour ce qui est de la cohĂ©rence externe de l’outil de mesure, notre Ă©chantillon est comparable Ă  celui d’autres Ă©tudes qui ont trouvĂ© une intensification plus grande du travail dans le secteur de la santĂ© et des services sociaux (Boisard et al., 2003b), pour les femmes (Burchell et Fagan, 2002) et pour les travailleurs du secteur public (Green, 2004). Le Symptoms of Stress Scale (Denton et al., 2002b) est la variable modĂ©ratrice dans cette Ă©tude.Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent que le personnel infirmier est dans une certaine mesure satisfait des avantages pĂ©cuniaires (M = 33,7; S.D. = 6,5) et modĂ©rĂ©ment satisfait de son emploi et de son environnement de travail (M = 76,6; S.D. = 11,1). Il existe une perception gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e que le travail s’est intensifiĂ© durant la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie (M = 24,2; S.D. = 3,9) et le personnel infirmier se sent stressĂ© (M = 32,5; S.D. = 7,9). En contrĂŽlant la satisfaction Ă  l’égard des avantages pĂ©cuniaires, l’intensification du travail et le stress sont significativement et nĂ©gativement corrĂ©lĂ©s (–0,343; p ≄ .01 et –0,502; p ≄ .01, respectivement). Le modĂšle global (voir le tableau 3, colonne 4 de l’article) dĂ©montre que le stress est significativement et nĂ©gativement associĂ© Ă  la satisfaction liĂ©e aux avantages pĂ©cuniaires et que le stress a un effet modĂ©rateur partiel sur l’intensification du travail. Le modĂšle de la satisfaction liĂ©e aux avantages pĂ©cuniaires est sain, expliquant 29 % de la variance. Tel que prĂ©sentĂ©, dans le modĂšle global (tableau 4, colonne 4 de l’article), le stress a un effet modĂ©rateur sur l’intensification du travail en relation avec la satisfaction liĂ©e Ă  l’emploi et Ă  l’environnement de travail. Il est intĂ©ressant de noter que notre modĂšle de la satisfaction liĂ©e Ă  l’emploi et Ă  l’environnement de travail explique Ă  lui seul prĂšs de 68 % de la variance totale.Notre Ă©tude confirme les prĂ©dictions de Wetzel (2005a) quant au personnel infirmier et dĂ©montre que la perception de l’intensification du travail est un facteur significatif contribuant Ă  augmenter le niveau de stress chez les infirmiĂšres et infirmiers. Ce stress, en retour, affecte nĂ©gativement leur satisfaction au travail. ConsidĂ©rant que l’attraction et la rĂ©tention du personnel travaillant dans le secteur de la santĂ© est le dĂ©fi le plus important posĂ© aux gestionnaires du systĂšme de santĂ© canadien, nos rĂ©sultats sont importants. Ils expliquent pourquoi le personnel infirmier se sent stressĂ© et comment ce stress contribue Ă  diminuer leur satisfaction au travail. Nous recommandons fortement aux dĂ©cideurs de tous les niveaux, et en particulier Ă  ceux qui Ă©laborent les politiques, de porter une attention particuliĂšre aux effets Ă  long terme occasionnĂ©s par les dĂ©cisions stratĂ©giques qu’ils prennent concernant leurs personnels.La reforma del sector de salud de los años 1990 afectĂł la mayorĂ­a de los trabajadores de la salud en Ontario y otras provincias. Como resultado de los cambios organizacionales, muchos trabajadores experimentaron intensificaciĂłn del trabajo. Este documento examina las asociaciones entre intensificaciĂłn del trabajo, estrĂ©s y satisfacciĂłn del trabajo focalizando la situaciĂłn de las enfermeras en tres hospitales de enseñanza en Ontario. Los datos provienen de nuestra encuesta administrada en 2002 a 949 enfermeras que trabajaban en esos hospitales desde los comienzos de los años 90 cuando la reforma del sector salud comenzaba. Los resultados muestran que las enfermeras sienten que su trabajo se ha intensificado con la reforma del sector de los años 1990 y que la intensificaciĂłn del trabajo contribuye a incrementar el estrĂ©s y disminuir la satisfacciĂłn del trabajo. Los resultados proveen soporte empĂ­rico a la literatura que sugiere que la intensificaciĂłn del trabajo tiene un efecto adverso en la salud y el bienestar de los trabajadores y en las actitudes en el trabajo

    Hybrid Energy Storage and Hydrogen Supply Based on Aluminum—a Multiservice Case for Electric Mobility and Energy Storage Services

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    The realization of a fully decarbonized mobility and energy system requires the availability of carbon-free electricity and fuels which can be ensured only by cost-efficient and sustainable energy storage technologies. In line with this demand, a techno-economic evaluation of aluminum as a cross-sectoral renewable energy carrier is conducted. The assessment, based on a newly developed process, involves the wet combustion of Aluminum at 700 degrees C resulting in heat and hydrogen (H-2) generation. The designed conversion plant enables the contemporaneous generation of electricity and on demand H-2 (up to 4 MW and 46.8 kg h(-1)) with round-trip efficiencies as high as 40.7% and full recycling of the Al2O3 waste. This study, assuming the carbon-free production of Al and three different energy cost scenarios, proves the feasibility of the e-fueling station business case. The overall energy conversion including fuel production (power-to-Al), utilization (Al-to-power and Al-to-H-2), and recycling requires a capital investment of 5200 euro per kW installed power without additional primary material demand. Hence, the estimated power-to-X cost for the Al-based H-2 is estimated in the range of 4.2-9.6 euro kg(-1) H-2, while wind and solar power based green H-2 production cost varies from 6.5 to 12.1 euro kg(-1) H-2

    UNCAN.eu: Toward a European Federated Cancer Research Data Hub

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    Data; Research; CancerDades; Recerca; CĂ ncerDatos; InvestigaciĂłn; CĂĄncerTo enable a collective effort that generates a new level of UNderstanding CANcer (UNCAN.eu) [Cancer Discov (2022) 12 (11): OF1], the European Union supports the creation of a sustainable platform that connects cancer research across Member States. A workshop hosted in Heidelberg gathered European cancer experts to identify ongoing initiatives that may contribute to building this platform and discuss the governance and long-term evolution of a European Federated Cancer Data Hub

    Forced sexual experiences as risk factor for self-reported HIV infection among southern African lesbian and bisexual women

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    Even though women who have sex with women are usually understood to be at no or very low risk for HIV infection, we explored whether lesbian and bisexual women in a geographical area with high HIV prevalence (Southern Africa) get tested for HIV and whether, among those women who get tested, there are women who live with HIV/AIDS. The study was conducted in collaboration with community-based organizations in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Data were collected via written surveys of women who in the preceding year had had sex with a woman (18 years and older; N = 591). Most participating women identified as lesbian and black. Almost half of the women (47.2%) reported ever having had consensual heterosexual sex. Engagement in transactional sex (lifetime) was reported by 18.6% of all women. Forced sex by men or women was reported by 31.1% of all women. A large proportion of the women reported to ever have been tested for HIV (78.3%); number of lifetime female and male partners was independently associated with having been tested; women who had engaged in transactional sex with women only or with women and men were less likely to have been tested. Self-reported HIV prevalence among tested women who knew their serostatus was 9.6%. Besides age, the sole independent predictor of a positive serostatus was having experienced forced sex by men, by women, or by both men and women. Study findings indicate that despite the image of invulnerability, HIV/AIDS is a reality for lesbian and bisexual women in Southern Africa. Surprisingly, it is not sex with men per se, but rather forced sex that is the important risk factor for self-reported HIV infection among the participating women. HIV/AIDS policy should also address the needs of lesbian, bisexual and other women who have sex with women
