44 research outputs found

    A kiskereskedelmi stratégiai szövetségek hatása a kiskereskedelmi marketing tevékenységére és teljesítményére = Effects of the retail strategic alliances to the retailers' marketing activity and performance

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    A kilencvenes évek második felétől egyre jelentősebb szerepet játszanak a vállalatközi együttműködések, hosszabb távú kooperációk a hazai élelmiszer- és napi cikk kiskereskedelemben. A társulások szintjén a piaci siker egyértelmű, amely jól nyomon követhető az évente megjelenő kiskereskedői rangsorokban. A cikk viszont a tagkereskedők szemszögéből vizsgálja a kérdést, vajon a társuláshoz való csatlakozás ténylegesen javítja-e a kiskereskedő teljesítményét és milyen dimenziókon keresztül. _____________ From the second half of the ’90s the strategic alliances, the long term cooperations have been increasingly role in the domestic food and FMCG retail. On the level of the alliances the market success has been obvious, which has well presented in the annual retail rankings. The article examines the issue from the retailers’ point of view: whether the accession to the alliance has effectively improved the retalier’s performance and which dimensions through

    Az értékesítési rendszer iparági elemzésének lehetőségei változó környezeti hatások között

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    A cikk szerzői az értékesítési rendszer szereplői közül figyelmüket a kereskedelmi tevékenység hatékonyságának mérésére fordítják. Következtetéseiket az élelmiszer- és napicikk-kereskedelemre vonatkozó megfigyelésekre és becslésekre alapozva feltáró jelleggel fogalmazzák meg

    Seroepidemiology of astrovirus MLB1

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    To determine the seroprevalence of astrovirus MLB1 (MLB1), an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was established. MLB1 seropositivity was high in children <6 months old, decreased to a nadir at 12 to 23 months old, and increased to 100% by adulthood. MLB1 infection is common, and primary exposure occurs in childhood

    Human polyomaviruses in children undergoing transplantation, United States, 2008-2010

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    Immunocompromised patients are at risk for disease caused by infection by some polyomaviruses. To define the prevalence of polyomaviruses in children undergoing transplantation, we collected samples from a longitudinal cohort and tested for the 9 known human polyomaviruses. All were detected; several were present in previously unreported specimen types

    Vállalatközi kapcsolatok és a versenyképesség összefüggései: Projektzáró tanulmány

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    Tanulmányunk a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Versenyben a világgal c. kutatási program Vállalatközi kapcsolatok c. projektjének zárótanulmánya, amely a projekt keretében készült résztanulmányok szintézise. Kutatásunkban a vállalatközi kapcsolatokat elemeztük, a kapcsolatokat motiváló tényezőkre, s a kapcsolatok értékelésére, a vállalatvezetők által értékesnek tartott jellemzők elemzésére helyezve a hangsúlyt, majd a kapcsolatokat támogató teljesítménymérési eszközöket vettük röviden górcső alá. Összességében a vállalatok többsége a megbízhatóságot, kiszámíthatóságot tartja a leginkább fontos, alapvető értéknek mind a vevői, mind a beszállítói kapcsolatok tekintetében. A tanulmány második kérdéscsoportja a vállalati működés egyes területeinek sajátosságaival foglalkozott. Az elemzésben megvizsgáltuk, hogy a vállalatközi kapcsolatok egyes területein, a disztribúciós, logisztikai, export, banki kapcsolatok, e-business, stratégiai szövetségek, önkormányzatokkal való kapcsolatok valamint a vevőkiszolgálás terén, milyen jellegű kapcsolatokat építenek a vállalatok, ezek milyen fontossággal bírnak, és hogyan befolyásolják őket a vállalati alapjellemzők (méret, tulajdonviszonyok), Eredményeink szerint a vállalatközi kapcsolatokat leginkább a vállalati méret befolyásolja, kisebb mértékben a tulajdonosi háttér. Végül pedig a vállalati hálózatok szerepét elemeztük

    Obesity and its associated factors in older nursing home residents in three European countries—Secondary data analyses from the “International Prevalence Measurement of Care Quality”

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    Background: The prevalence of obesity has risen in recent decades and reached epidemic proportions worldwide. The proportion of those living with obesity is also increasing in nursing homes. This could impact the nursing care required, equipment and facilities provided, and morbidity in these settings. Limited evidence exists on clinical consequences of obesity in nursing home residents and their care. Objective: Therefore, the aim was to examine the rate and associated factors of obesity (BMI ≥30; class I (BMI 30.0–34.9 kg/m2), class II (BMI 35.0–39.9 kg/m2), and class III (BMI >40.0 kg/m2)) amongst older nursing home residents in European countries. Methods: We analysed data from 21,836 people who reside in nursing homes in Austria, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. They participated in the “International Prevalence Measurement of Care Quality”, a cross sectional study between 2016 and 2019, where trained nurses interviewed the residents, reviewed care records, and conducted clinical examinations. A tested and standardised questionnaire comprised questions on demographic data, measured BMI, medical diagnosis according to ICD‐10, and care dependency. Descriptive and logistic regression analyses were performed. Results: Obesity rates were highest in Austria (17.1%) and lowest in the UK (13.0%) (p = .006). Residents with obesity were younger and less likely to be care dependent or living with dementia and had more often diabetes mellitus, endocrine, metabolic, and skin diseases compared to residents without obesity (p < .05). Most obese residents had obesity class I. Therefore, two subgroups were built (class I vs. class II + III). Residents with obesity class II + III were more frequently care dependent for mobility, getting dressed and undressed, and personal hygiene compared to residents with class I (p < .05). Conclusions: This study identified several factors that are associated with obesity amongst older nursing home residents in selected European countries. Implications for practice: The division into obesity classes is important for planning targeted care according to the individual needs of nursing home residents

    Which factors influence the prevalence of institution‐acquired falls? Results from an international, multi‐center, cross‐sectional survey

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    Purpose: Falls are a highly prevalent problem in hospitals and nursing homes with serious negative consequences such as injuries, increased care dependency, or even death. The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive insight into institution-acquired fall (IAF) prevalence and risk factors for IAF in a large sample of hospital patients and nursing home residents among five different countries. Design: This study reports the outcome of a secondary data analysis of cross-sectional data collected in Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Turkey, and the United Kingdom in 2017 and 2018. These data include 58,319 datapoints from hospital patients and nursing home residents. Methods: Descriptive statistics, statistical tests, logistic regression and generalised estimating equation (GEE) models were used to analyse the data. Findings: IAF prevalence in hospitals and nursing homes differed significantly between the countries. Turkey (7·7 %) had the highest IAF prevalence rate for hospitals and Switzerland (15·8 %), for nursing homes. In hospitals, our model revealed that IAF prevalence was associated with country, age, care dependency, number of medical diagnoses, surgery in the last two weeks, and fall history factors. In nursing homes, care dependency, diseases of the nervous system, and fall history were identified as significant risk factors for IAF prevalence. Conclusions: This large-scale study reveals that the most important IAF risk factor is an existing history of falls, independent of the setting. Whether a previous fall has occurred within the last 12 months is a simple question that should be included on every (nursing) assessment at the time of patient or resident admission. Our results guide the development of tailored prevention programs for persons at risk of falling in hospitals and nursing homes

    Prevalence of classic, MLB-clade and VA-clade Astroviruses in Kenya and The Gambia.

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    BACKGROUND: Infectious diarrhea leads to significant mortality in children, with 40 % of these deaths occurring in Africa. Classic human astroviruses are a well-established etiology of diarrhea. In recent years, seven novel astroviruses have been discovered (MLB1, MLB2, MLB3, VA1/HMO-C, VA2/HMO-B, VA3/HMO-A, VA4); however, there have been few studies on their prevalence or potential association with diarrhea. METHODS: To investigate the prevalence and diversity of these classic and recently described astroviruses in a pediatric population, a case-control study was performed. Nine hundred and forty nine stools were previously collected from cases of moderate-to-severe diarrhea and matched controls of patients less than 5 years of age in Kenya and The Gambia. RT-PCR screening was performed using pan-astrovirus primers. RESULTS: Astroviruses were present in 9.9 % of all stool samples. MLB3 was the most common astrovirus with a prevalence of 2.6 %. Two subtypes of MLB3 were detected that varied based on location in Africa. In this case-control study, Astrovirus MLB1 was associated with diarrhea in Kenya, whereas Astrovirus MLB3 was associated with the control state in The Gambia. Classic human astrovirus was not associated with diarrhea in this study. Unexpectedly, astroviruses with high similarity to Canine Astrovirus and Avian Nephritis Virus 1 and 2 were also found in one case of diarrhea and two control stools respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Astroviruses including novel MLB- and VA-clade members are commonly found in pediatric stools in Kenya and The Gambia. The most recently discovered astrovirus, MLB3, was the most prevalent and was found more commonly in control stools in The Gambia, while astrovirus MLB1 was associated with diarrhea in Kenya. Furthermore, a distinct subtype of MLB3 was noted, as well as 3 unanticipated avian or canine astroviruses in the human stool samples. As a result of a broadly reactive PCR screen for astroviruses, new insight was gained regarding the epidemiology of astroviruses in Africa, where a large proportion of diarrheal morbidity and mortality occur

    Diversity of Bacteroidetes in high altitude saline evaporitic basins in northern Chile

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    The phylum Bacteroidetes represents one of the most abundant bacterial groups of marine and freshwater bacterioplankton. We investigated the diversity of Bacteroidetes in water and sediment samples from three evaporitic basins located in the highlands of northern Chile. We used both 16S rRNA gene clone libraries created with targeted Bacteroidetes-specific primers and separation of specifically amplified gene fragments by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DGGE analysis revealed a reduced richness of these organisms in samples from Salar de Huasco (two to four DGGE bands) increasing in Salar de Ascotán (two to seven DGGE bands) and Laguna Tebenquiche at Salar de Atacama (four to eight DGGE bands). Cluster analysis (WPGMA) of DGGE bands showed that bands from Salar de Huasco and Salar de Ascotán grouped together and samples from Salar de Atacama formed separate clusters in water and sediment samples, reflecting different Bacteroidetes communities between sites. Most of the sequences analyzed belonged to the family Flavobacteriaceae and clustered with the genera Psychroflexus, Gillisia, Maribacter, Muricauda, Flavobacterium, and Salegentibacter. The most abundant phylotype was highly related to Psychroflexus spp. and was recovered from all three study sites. The similarity of the analyzed sequences with their closest relatives in GenBank was typically <97% and notably lower when compared with type strains, demonstrating the unique character of these sequences. Culture efforts will be necessary to get a better description of the diversity of this group in saline evaporitic basins of northern Chile

    Astrovirus MLB1 Is Not Associated with Diarrhea in a Cohort of Indian Children

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    Astroviruses are a known cause of human diarrhea. Recently the highly divergent astrovirus MLB1 (MLB1) was identified in a stool sample from a patient with diarrhea. It has subsequently been detected in stool from individuals with and without diarrhea. To determine whether MLB1 is associated with diarrhea, we conducted a case control study of MLB1. In parallel, the prevalence of the classic human astroviruses (HAstVs) was also determined in the same case control cohort. 400 cases and 400 paired controls from a longitudinal birth cohort in Vellore, India were analyzed by RT-PCR. While HAstVs were associated with diarrhea (p = 0.029) in this cohort, MLB1 was not; 14 of the controls and 4 cases were positive for MLB1. Furthermore, MLB1 viral load did not differ significantly between the cases and controls. The role of MLB1 in human health still remains unknown and future studies are needed