138 research outputs found

    The pi N -> pi pi N reaction around the N(1440) energy

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    We study the pi N -> pi pi N reaction around the N(1440) mass-shell energy. Considering the total cross sections and invariant mass distributions, we discuss the role of N(1440) and its decay processes. The calculation is performed by extending our previous approach [Phys. Rev. C 69, 025206 (2004)] to this reaction, in which only the nucleon and Delta(1232) were considered as intermediate baryon states. The characteristics observed in the recent data for the pi- p -> pi0 pi0 n reaction obtained by Crystal Ball Collaboration (CBC), can be understood as a strong interference between the two decay processes: N(1440) -> pi Delta(1232) and N(1440) -> N(pi pi)_S. It is also found that the scalar-isoscalar pi pi rescattering effect in the NN*(pi pi)_S vertex, which corresponds to the propagation of sigma meson, seems to be necessary for explain ing the several observables of the pi N -> pi pi N reaction: the large asymmetric shape in the pi0-pi0 invariant mass distributions of the pi- p -> pi0 pi0 n reaction and the pi+ p -> pi+ pi+ n total cross section.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spin physics with antiprotons

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    New possibilities arising from the availability at GSI of antiproton beams, possibly polarised, are discussed. The investigation of the nucleon structure can be boosted by accessing in Drell-Yan processes experimental asymmetries related to cross-sections in which the parton distribution functions (PDF) only appear, without any contribution from fragmentation functions; such processes are not affected by the chiral suppression of the transversity function h1(x)h_1(x). Spin asymmetries in hyperon production and Single Spin Asymmetries are discussed as well, together with further items like electric and magnetic nucleonic form factors and open charm production. Counting rates estimations are provided for each physical case. The sketch of a possible experimental apparatus is proposed.Comment: Presented for the proceedings of ASI "Spin and Symmetry", Prague, July 5-10, 2004, to be published in Czech. J. Phys. 55 (2005

    Constraining Antimatter Domains in the Early Universe with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    We consider the effect of a small-scale matter-antimatter domain structure on big bang nucleosynthesis and place upper limits on the amount of antimatter in the early universe. For small domains, which annihilate before nucleosynthesis, this limit comes from underproduction of He-4. For larger domains, the limit comes from He-3 overproduction. Most of the He-3 from antiproton-helium annihilation is annihilated also. The main source of He-3 is photodisintegration of He-4 by the electromagnetic cascades initiated by the annihilation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex, (slightly shortened

    About the first experiment at JINR nuclotron deuteron beam with energy 2.52 gev on investigation of transmutation of I-129, NP-237, PU-238 and PU-239 in the field of neutrons generated in pbtarget with U-blanket

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    The experiment described in this communication is a part of the scientific program „Investigations of physical aspects of electronuclear method of energy production and transmutation of radioactive waste of atomic energetic using relativistic beams from the JINR Synchrophasotron/Nuclotron“ - the project „Energy plus Transmutation“. The performing of the first experiment at deuteron beam with energy 2.52 GeV at the electronuclear setup which consists of Pb-target with U-blanket (206.4 kg of natural uranium) and transmutation samples and its preliminary results are described. The hermetic samples of isotopes of I-129, Np-237, Pu-238 and Pu-239 which are produced in atomic reactors and industry setups which use nuclear materials and nuclear technologies were irradiated in the field of electronuclear neutrons produced in the Pbtarget surrounded with the U-blanket setup “Energy plus transmutation”. The estimations of its transmutations (radioecological aspect) were obtained in result of measurements of gamma activities of these samples. The information about space-energy distribution of neutrons in the volume of the Pb-target and the U-blanket was obtained with help of sets of activation threshold detectors (Al, V, Cu, Co, Y, In, I, Ta, Au, W, Bi and other), solid state nuclear track detectors, He-3 neutron detectors and nuclear emulsions

    Big Bang Nucleosynthesis with Matter--Antimatter Domains

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    We investigate Big Bang nucleosynthesis (hereafter, BBN) in a cosmic environment characterized by a distribution of small-scale matter/antimatter domains. Production of antimatter domains in a baryo-asymmetric universe is predicted in some electroweak baryogenesis scenarios. We find that cosmic antimatter domains of size exceeding the neutron-diffusion length at temperature T approx. 1 MeV significantly affect the light-element production. Annihilation of antimatter preferentially occurs on neutrons such that antimatter domains may yield a reduction of the He-4 abundance relative to a standard BBN scenario. In the limiting case, all neutrons will be removed before the onset of light-element production, and a universe with net baryon number but without production of light elements results. In general, antimatter domains spoil agreement between BBN abundance yields and observationally inferred primordial abundances limits which allows us to derive limits on their presence in the early universe. However, if only small amounts of antimatter are present, BBN with low deuterium and low He-4, as seemingly favored by current observational data, is possible.Comment: revised version, conclusions slightly modified 5 pages, 3 ps-figures included, revtex, also available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~jan/bbn/bbn.htm

    The Production and Qualification of Scintillator Tiles for the ATLAS Hadronic Calorimeter

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    The production of the scintillator tiles for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter is presented. In addition to the manufacture and production, the properties of the tiles will be presented including light yield, uniformity and stability

    The Optical Instrumentation of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter

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    The purpose of this Note is to describe the optical assembly procedure called here Optical Instrumentation and the quality tests conducted on the assembled units. Altogether, 65 Barrel (or LB) modules were constructed - including one spare - together with 129 Extended Barrel (EB) modules (including one spare). The LB modules were mechanically assembled at JINR (Dubna, Russia) and transported to CERN, where the optical instrumentation was performed with personnel contributed by several Institutes. The modules composing one of the two Extended Barrels (known as EBA) were mechanically assembled in the USA, and instrumented in two US locations (ANL, U. of Michigan), while the modules of the other Extended barrel (EBC) were assembled in Spain and instrumented at IFAE (Barcelona). Each of the EB modules includes a subassembly known as ITC that contributes to the hermeticity of the calorimeter; all ITCs were assembled at UTA (Texas), and mounted onto the module mechanical structures at the EB mechanical assembly locations.The Tile Calorimeter, covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment up to pseudorapidities of ±1.7, is a sampling device built with scintillating tiles that alternate with iron plates. The light is collected in wave-length shifting (WLS) fibers and is read out with photomultipliers. In the characteristic geometry of this calorimeter the tiles lie in planes perpendicular to the beams, resulting in a very simple and modular mechanical and optical layout. This paper focuses on the procedures applied in the optical instrumentation of the calorimeter, which involved the assembly of about 460,000 scintillator tiles and 550,000 WLS fibers. The outcome is a hadronic calorimeter that meets the ATLAS performance requirements, as shown in this paper

    Design, Construction and Installation of the ATLAS Hadronic Barrel Scintillator-Tile Calorimeter

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    The scintillator tile hadronic calorimeter is a sampling calorimeter using steel as the absorber structure and scintillator as the active medium. The scintillator is located in "pockets" in the steel structure and the wavelength-shifting fibers are contained in channels running radially within the absorber to photomultiplier tubes which are located in the outer support girders of the calorimeter structure. In addition, to its role as a detector for high energy particles, the tile calorimeter provides the direct support of the liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeter in the barrel region, and the liquid argon electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters in the endcap region. Through these, it indirectly supports the inner tracking system and beam pipe. The steel absorber, and in particular the support girders, provide the flux return for the solenoidal field from the central solenoid. Finally, the end surfaces of the barrel calorimeter are used to mount services, power supplies and readout crates for the inner tracking systems and the liquid argon barrel electromagnetic calorimeter