127 research outputs found

    The helper characters in Grimms fairy tales

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    Bajka je književno djelo u kojem se bez začudnosti susreću zbiljski i nadnaravni svijet. U njoj se slika svijeta izgrađuje na nestvarnim, nadnaravnim elementima i likovima. U radu su proučavani likovi pomagači koji se pojavljuju u Grimmovim bajkama. Proučavano je izdanje Bajke (2011.), objavljeno na internetskoj stranici elektire, Jacoba i Wilhelma Grimma, jednih od najpoznatijih zapisivača bajki, koje sadrži dvadeset i sedam bajki. Likovi pomagači pojavljuju se u dvadeset i dvije bajke, a svojim dobrim djelima utječu na razvoj događaja i sretan završetak bajki. U ulozi likova pomagača pojavljuju se nadnaravni likovi, ljudi i životinje. Netipičan je primjer glavnoga lika koji je sam sebi pomoćnik. U ulozi pomagača muški likovi se pojavljuju više nego ženski. Kada se radi o bajkama s nadnaravnim likovima, u deset se bajki koriste čudesne moći pri pružanju pomoći. Svi likovi pomagači pomažu dobrim likovima, što je karakteristično za bajke, iako se pomoć nudi i onima zlima.Fairy tale is a literary work in which real and supernatural world come together without making it odd. In it, the image of the world is built on unreal, supernatural elements and characters. This thesis studies the donor characters who appear in Grimm's fairy tales. Therefore, the research was conducted on the book Bajke (2011.) by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the best-known storytellers. The book is published on the website elektire and has twenty-seven fairy tales. However, the donor characters appear in twenty-two fairy tales, wherewith their good deeds they affect the development of the story and the happy ending. The donor characters may appear as supernatural beings, humans and animals. Yet, there are peculiar cases where the hero is also the donor character. Next, male characters are more likely than female characters to be the donor character. When it comes to fairy tales with supernatural beings, ten fairy tales use wondrous powers to aid the hero. Moreover, all donor characters help the heroes, which is characteristic for fairy tales, although the help is also offered to the villains

    Odnos komunističkog režima prema Katoličkoj crkvi u Hrvatskoj od 1945. do 1952. godine

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    Based on historical facts, published and unpublished archival materials, this work provides concise analysis of relations between the Church and the state in Croatia between 1945 and 1952, that is from the period when the Communist Party of Yugoslavia became the ruling party until the break-up of diplomatic relations with the Holy See. Since this was a quite dynamic period in terms of socio-political changes, as well as Church-state relations, the article emphasizes only those aspects that constitute the foundation of the conflict between the Catholic Church and the communist regime such as religious education in schools and catholic clergy’s class associations. Moreover, in the introductory part of the work ideological and political causes of the conflict are briefly explained, as well as relations of the Church and the state in the post-war period with a view to better understanding of the position of the Catholic Church and the overall context of the catholic religious life in time to come. Based on historical facts, published and unpublished archival materials, this work provides concise analysis of relations between the Church and the state in Croatia between 1945 and 1952, that is from the period when the Communist Party of Yugoslavia became the ruling party until the break-up of diplomatic relations with the Holy See. Since this was a quite dynamic period in terms of socio-political changes, as well as Church-state relations, the article emphasizes only those aspects that constitute the foundation of the conflict between the Catholic Church and the communist regime such as religious education in schools and catholic clergy’s class associations. Moreover, in the introductory part of the work ideological and political causes of the conflict are briefly explained, as well as relations of the Church and the state in the post-war period with a view to better understanding of the position of the Catholic Church and the overall context of the catholic religious life in time to come


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    The Communist Party of Yugoslavia’s (CPY) rise to power in 1945 was followed by a period of fundamental socio-political changes that encompassed all aspects of life. In order to establish a complete political and ideological authority, the government attempted to suppress all elements which, in their view, were not aligned with the doctrine of the Communist Party. As a result, everything that was perceived as remnants of the old socio-political order was marginalised, such as religion, tradition and customs. Moreover, reinterpretation of the past also took place, as well as creation of new rituals and Tito’s cult of personality. Accordingly, a completely new calendar of official, state holidays was established, deprived of any national or religious tradition. One of those holidays was May Day, which was celebrated for two days and whose purpose, like most other holidays of that period, was to create uniqueness of feelings and actions in society, focusing on the working class, socialism, CPY, Yugoslavia and Josip Broz Tito. Besides, celebrations of major anniversaries and holidays, including May Day, presented an opportunity for transmission of ideological and political messages, most often articulated through numerous slogans which clearly defined the direction in which the society should move. The media played a key role in this process. Therefore, the central part of the paper consists of the analysis of newspaper articles from Glas Slavonije in order to understand its role in the implementation of those new political rituals and social values

    Odnos komunističkih vlasti prema Katoličkoj crkvi i njenom djelovanju na području Općine Đakovo na primjeru dokumenta „Idejni problemi vezani uz djelovanje klera i utjecaj religije“ iz ožujka 1967. godine

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    U radu se u cijelosti u izvornom obliku donosi dokument „Idejni problemi vezani uz djelovanje klera i utjecaj religije“, nastao u Đakovu 1. ožujka 1967. godine. Vrijednost dokumenta ogledava se u zornom prikazu odnosa komunističkih vlasti prema Katoličkoj crkvi i religiji uopće, ali i i njenom djelovanju na lokalnoj razini nakon potpisivanja Protokola o normalizaciji međusobnih odnosa 1966. godine

    Odnos komunističkih vlasti prema vjerskoj praksi na području Općine Đakovo na primjeru „Izvještaja o djelovanju i utjecaju klera” iz 1955. godine

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    U radu se u cijelosti u izvornom obliku donosi dokument „Izvještaj o djelovanju i utjecaju klera”, na području tadašnje Općine Đakovo nastao 1955. godine. U Izvještaju se analizira utjecaj Katoličke crkve među lokalnim stanovništvom s posebnim naglaskom na određene aspekte vjerske prakse, ponajviše proslave crkvenih godova. Pri tome se kao posebno negativna pojava ističe sudjelovanje članova Saveza komunista u navedenim vjerskim manifestacijama i obredima. Iako opsegom kratak, dokument zorno prikazuje odnos komunističkih vlasti prema Katoličkoj crkvi i metode praćenja njenog djelovanju na lokalnoj razini s ciljem pronalaženja učinkovitih sredstava za suzbijanje njenog utjecaja među stanovništvom

    Odnos komunističkih vlasti prema vjerskoj praksi na području Općine Đakovo na primjeru „Izvještaja o djelovanju i utjecaju klera” iz 1955. godine

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    U radu se u cijelosti u izvornom obliku donosi dokument „Izvještaj o djelovanju i utjecaju klera”, na području tadašnje Općine Đakovo nastao 1955. godine. U Izvještaju se analizira utjecaj Katoličke crkve među lokalnim stanovništvom s posebnim naglaskom na određene aspekte vjerske prakse, ponajviše proslave crkvenih godova. Pri tome se kao posebno negativna pojava ističe sudjelovanje članova Saveza komunista u navedenim vjerskim manifestacijama i obredima. Iako opsegom kratak, dokument zorno prikazuje odnos komunističkih vlasti prema Katoličkoj crkvi i metode praćenja njenog djelovanju na lokalnoj razini s ciljem pronalaženja učinkovitih sredstava za suzbijanje njenog utjecaja među stanovništvom

    The helper characters in Grimms fairy tales

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    Bajka je književno djelo u kojem se bez začudnosti susreću zbiljski i nadnaravni svijet. U njoj se slika svijeta izgrađuje na nestvarnim, nadnaravnim elementima i likovima. U radu su proučavani likovi pomagači koji se pojavljuju u Grimmovim bajkama. Proučavano je izdanje Bajke (2011.), objavljeno na internetskoj stranici elektire, Jacoba i Wilhelma Grimma, jednih od najpoznatijih zapisivača bajki, koje sadrži dvadeset i sedam bajki. Likovi pomagači pojavljuju se u dvadeset i dvije bajke, a svojim dobrim djelima utječu na razvoj događaja i sretan završetak bajki. U ulozi likova pomagača pojavljuju se nadnaravni likovi, ljudi i životinje. Netipičan je primjer glavnoga lika koji je sam sebi pomoćnik. U ulozi pomagača muški likovi se pojavljuju više nego ženski. Kada se radi o bajkama s nadnaravnim likovima, u deset se bajki koriste čudesne moći pri pružanju pomoći. Svi likovi pomagači pomažu dobrim likovima, što je karakteristično za bajke, iako se pomoć nudi i onima zlima.Fairy tale is a literary work in which real and supernatural world come together without making it odd. In it, the image of the world is built on unreal, supernatural elements and characters. This thesis studies the donor characters who appear in Grimm's fairy tales. Therefore, the research was conducted on the book Bajke (2011.) by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the best-known storytellers. The book is published on the website elektire and has twenty-seven fairy tales. However, the donor characters appear in twenty-two fairy tales, wherewith their good deeds they affect the development of the story and the happy ending. The donor characters may appear as supernatural beings, humans and animals. Yet, there are peculiar cases where the hero is also the donor character. Next, male characters are more likely than female characters to be the donor character. When it comes to fairy tales with supernatural beings, ten fairy tales use wondrous powers to aid the hero. Moreover, all donor characters help the heroes, which is characteristic for fairy tales, although the help is also offered to the villains