721 research outputs found

    Feminism, Nationalism, and War: The ‘Yugoslav Case’ in Feminist Texts

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    From the Introduction: This paper presents a study of feminist representations of the situation in the former Yugoslavia. I have decided to look at feminist textsvthat were generated in response to the wars in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, which appeared in both the feminist popular press and scholarly publications in English. By focusing on the ideological plane, seen in terms of narrative structures available for speaking and perceiving one’s experience, I seek to examine the feminist representation of the conflict of Yugoslav nationalisms and within Yugoslav feminism itself. Narratives are produced in the space where various discourses transpire, compete, and/or converge. I will here concentrate on the narratives through which the specific, intersectional experience of ethnic and gender identity of Yugoslav women was mediated in feminist texts available in English. I consider these narratives a product of the dynamics of three dominant discourses in feminist texts on Yugoslavia – nationalist, feminist, and Orientalist discourse. I will try to identify the present narratives that feminists used to speak about the experiences of local women and to speak about nationalism and war in the former Yugoslavia. I will examine the ways that nationalist discourse is implicated in these feminist narratives, pointing to critical ‘discursive traps’ in which feminist representation of the conflict was caught. I am particularly interested in discursive mechanisms or ‘traps’ whereby, paradoxically, nationalism gets reproduced and reinforced within nominally anti-nationalist feminism itself. In my analysis, I rely on Dubravka Zarkov’s theoretical approach, which assumes that practices are both represented and constructed through the use of certain discourses. Since neither the authors nor the readers of texts are just passive recipients of discourses, I do not approach feminist texts “merely as reflections on and reports of events.” I define the feminist representation of war as a discursive practice through which both nationalist and feminist ‘realities’ of war are constructed. I assume that feminist texts do not only reflect a feminist view of reality but they also constitute a ‘reality’ themselves and offer politicized subject positions. Thus I do not read feminist texts on the former Yugoslavia as simply conveying information and messages but rather as defining the feminist self and other and as constitutive of a certain type of feminist subjectivity

    Linkage Behaviours and Outcomes for Serial Sexual Offenders

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    The purpose of the present study was three-fold; 1) to describe the behaviours exhibited by serial sexual offenders, including their criminal histories, 2) to gain a better understanding of the information that is used when linking (potential) serial sexual offences, and 3) to explore linkage outcomes and potential investigative barriers. Previous research on serial offenders has focused on how to link offenders to their multiple offences using a process known as linkage analysis. Through this process, trained analysts review case information and assess for potential links to other cases. Linking offences together allows investigators to focus their resources on investigating one offender that is responsible for multiple offences, rather than investigating each offence separately. Further, the linkage process facilitates communication between law enforcement agencies. This can help protect the public by aiding in the identification of offenders and potentially reducing victimization. There is a gap in the literature with respect to the information that is being used to link and confirm offences in practice. The current study aimed to address these limitations by reviewing a sample of 78 potential linkages (57 male sexual offenders) made by trained analysts from the Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System (ViCLAS) centre to examine the information and offence behaviours that were used to link serial sexual offenders to their offences. Further, this study described the current status of the linkages and potential investigative barriers. Overall, the information used to make linkages was consistent with previous research in that both consistent and distinctive offence behaviours were used. Regarding linkage outcomes, at the time of writing, the majority of linkages remain as potential (i.e., neither confirmed nor rejected) due to potential investigative barriers. As investigations continue, these may be updated and confirmed in the future. Implications and future directions are discussed

    Quark Model Explanation of the N∗→NηN^*\to N\eta Branching Ratios

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    The constituent quark model can explain the strong selectivity of the NηN\eta decay branching ratios of the nucleon resonances if the fine structure interaction between the constituent quarks is described in terms of Goldstone boson exchange. This chiral quark model predicts that the resonances N(1535)N(1535), N(1710)N(1710), Λ(1670)\Lambda(1670), ÎŁ(1750)\Sigma(1750), which have mixed flavor and spin symmetry [21]FS[21]F[21]S[21]_{FS} [21]_F [21]_S wavefunctions in lowest order, should have large NηN\eta branching ratios, while NηN\eta decay of the other resonances that have different flavor-spin symmetry should be strongly suppressed in agreement with the experimental branching ratios.Comment: Latex 7 p, no figure


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    Background: Data from the literature suggests the presence of cognitive impairments which persist in the euthymic phase of bipolar disorder (BD) and have significant consequences in regards to psychosocial functioning. The aims of our study were: 1) to ascertain the cognitive function (CF), social disability (SD) and basic life skills (BLS) of euthymic patients diagnosed with BD, 2) their relationship and 3) to compare CF, SD and BLS in euthymic patients diagnosed with BD to euthymic patients with recurrent major depressive disorder (rMDD). Subjects and methods: Ninety eight euthymic patients diagnosed either with BD (N=48, mean age 48.79 years, SD = 8.587) or rMDD (N=50, mean age 50.02 years, SD = 9.826) underwent testing using the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Affective Disorders (BAC-A) test, the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) and the UCSD performance-based skills assessment (UPSA-brief). Results: Euthymic patients with BD demonstrated significantly lower scores as compared to normal population values in verbal, learning and working memory, verbal fluency, attention and processing speed, affective memory for negative and positive words (p0.01 each) and motor speed (p<0.05), but not for reasoning/problem solving (p=0.05). Furthermore, their mean total SDS score of 17.60 (SD = 6.450, Sk = -0.833) and its subscale scores were higher, while their UPSA-B total scores were lower (M = 76.01, SD = 17.148, Sk = -0.412). There was a correlation between CF, SD and BLS scores (p<0.01), as well as between BLS and SD scores (p<0.05). The analysis of variance did not however show significant differences between subgroups of patients. Conclusion: Patients with euthymic BD had lower cognitive function, greater social disability and lower basic life skills. There were similar decreases in cognitive and psychosocial function between patients in the euthymic phase of either BD or MDD

    An educational overview of the chemistry, biochemistry and therapeutic aspects of Mn porphyrins – From superoxide dismutation to H2O2-driven pathways

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    AbstractMost of the SOD mimics thus far developed belong to the classes of Mn-(MnPs) and Fe porphyrins(FePs), Mn(III) salens, Mn(II) cyclic polyamines and metal salts. Due to their remarkable stability we have predominantly explored Mn porphyrins, aiming initially at mimicking kinetics and thermodynamics of the catalysis of O2− dismutation by SOD enzymes. Several MnPs are of potency similar to SOD enzymes. The in vivo bioavailability and toxicity of MnPs have been addressed also. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies indicate their impressive therapeutic efficacy. Increasing insight into complex cellular redox biology has been accompanied by increasing awareness of complex redox chemistry of MnPs. During O2− dismutation process, the most powerful Mn porphyrin-based SOD mimics reduce and oxidize O2− with close to identical rate constants. MnPs reduce and oxidize other reactive species also (none of them specific to MnPs), acting as reductants (antioxidant) and pro-oxidants. Distinction must be made between the type of reactions of MnPs and the favorable therapeutic effects we observe; the latter may be of either anti- or pro-oxidative nature. H2O2/MnP mediated oxidation of protein thiols and its impact on cellular transcription seems to dominate redox biology of MnPs. It has been thus far demonstrated that the ability of MnPs to catalyze O2− dismutation parallels all other reactivities (such as ONOO− reduction) and in turn their therapeutic efficacies. Assuming that all diseases have in common the perturbation of cellular redox environment, developing SOD mimics still seems to be the appropriate strategy for the design of potent redox-active therapeutics


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    U ovom radu provedeno je istraĆŸivanje transparentnosti Hrvatskih banaka na temelju njihovih izvjeĆĄtaja iz 2015. godine. Za potrebe testiranja prikupljeni su podatci o poslovanju 27 banaka u Republici Hrvatskoj gdje je utvrđeno da se stupanj ciljane informiranosti razlikuje među bankama. Stupanj transparentnosti financijskih izvjeĆĄtaja definiran je kao broj iskazanih specifičnosti u izvjeĆĄtajima gdje je utvrđeno da se profitabilnost moĆŸe povezati sa dobrovoljnim financijskim izvjeĆĄtavanjem, te je donesen je zaključak da banke koje ostvaruju veće profite su voljne u većem stupnju informirati javnost o svom poslovanju. Njihovi izvjeĆĄtaji sadrĆŸavaju viĆĄe podataka od banaka koje biljeĆŸe loĆĄije rezultate poslovanja. Hipoteza H1 kojom se pretpostavlja da profitabilnost banke znatno utječe na dobrovoljno financijsko izvjeĆĄtavanje je prihvaćena kao istinita. Drugom hipotezom je pretpostavljeno da postoji veza između stupnja ukupne transparentnosti financijskih izvjeĆĄtaja i veličine banke. Nakon provedenog testiranja donesen je zaključak da banke s većim trĆŸiĆĄnim udjelom iskazuju veći broj informacija o poslovanju u svojim izvjeĆĄtajima od banaka koje imaju manje udjele na trĆŸiĆĄtu. Hipoteza H2 kojom se pretpostavlja da veličina banke utječe na razinu transparentnosti je prihvaćena kao istinita.Analysis of transparency of Croatian banks based on their financial reports from 2015 was conducted in this study. For study purposes data was collected on the operations of 27 banks in Croatia, and it was determined that the degree of targeted awareness varies among banks. Degree of transparency of financial reports is defined as the number of disclosed specifics in the reports where it was found that profitability can be connected to voluntary financial reporting. Conclusion was made that banks that earn higher profits are more willing to disclose their operations to the public. Their reports contain more information than banks with lower business results. Hypothesis H1 that assumes that the banks profitability significantly affects voluntary financial reporting is accepted as true. Second hypothesis assumes that there is a connection between the degree of overall transparency of financial reports and bank size. After completing the research it was concluded that banks with higher market share disclose more operation data in their reports than banks with smaller market shares. Hypothesis H2 that assumes that bank size influences the level of transparency is accepted as true


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    U ovom radu provedeno je istraĆŸivanje transparentnosti Hrvatskih banaka na temelju njihovih izvjeĆĄtaja iz 2015. godine. Za potrebe testiranja prikupljeni su podatci o poslovanju 27 banaka u Republici Hrvatskoj gdje je utvrđeno da se stupanj ciljane informiranosti razlikuje među bankama. Stupanj transparentnosti financijskih izvjeĆĄtaja definiran je kao broj iskazanih specifičnosti u izvjeĆĄtajima gdje je utvrđeno da se profitabilnost moĆŸe povezati sa dobrovoljnim financijskim izvjeĆĄtavanjem, te je donesen je zaključak da banke koje ostvaruju veće profite su voljne u većem stupnju informirati javnost o svom poslovanju. Njihovi izvjeĆĄtaji sadrĆŸavaju viĆĄe podataka od banaka koje biljeĆŸe loĆĄije rezultate poslovanja. Hipoteza H1 kojom se pretpostavlja da profitabilnost banke znatno utječe na dobrovoljno financijsko izvjeĆĄtavanje je prihvaćena kao istinita. Drugom hipotezom je pretpostavljeno da postoji veza između stupnja ukupne transparentnosti financijskih izvjeĆĄtaja i veličine banke. Nakon provedenog testiranja donesen je zaključak da banke s većim trĆŸiĆĄnim udjelom iskazuju veći broj informacija o poslovanju u svojim izvjeĆĄtajima od banaka koje imaju manje udjele na trĆŸiĆĄtu. Hipoteza H2 kojom se pretpostavlja da veličina banke utječe na razinu transparentnosti je prihvaćena kao istinita.Analysis of transparency of Croatian banks based on their financial reports from 2015 was conducted in this study. For study purposes data was collected on the operations of 27 banks in Croatia, and it was determined that the degree of targeted awareness varies among banks. Degree of transparency of financial reports is defined as the number of disclosed specifics in the reports where it was found that profitability can be connected to voluntary financial reporting. Conclusion was made that banks that earn higher profits are more willing to disclose their operations to the public. Their reports contain more information than banks with lower business results. Hypothesis H1 that assumes that the banks profitability significantly affects voluntary financial reporting is accepted as true. Second hypothesis assumes that there is a connection between the degree of overall transparency of financial reports and bank size. After completing the research it was concluded that banks with higher market share disclose more operation data in their reports than banks with smaller market shares. Hypothesis H2 that assumes that bank size influences the level of transparency is accepted as true
