9 research outputs found

    An updated review on pulsatile drug delivery system

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    Pulsatile Drug Delivery Systems are gaining a lot of interest as they deliver the drug at the right place, at the right time and in the right amount, thus providing spatial, temporal and smart delivery and increasing patient compliance. The use of pulsatile release of the drugs is desirable where constant drug release is not desired. PDDS can be classified into time controlled systems wherein the drug release is controlled primarily by the delivery system; stimuli induced PDDS in which release is controlled by the stimuli, like the pH or enzymes present in the intestinal tract or enzymes present in the drug delivery system and externally regulated system where release is programmed by external stimuli like magnetism, ultrasound, electrical effect and irradiation. The current article focuses on the diseases requiring PDDS, methodologies involved for the existing systems, current situation and future scope, recent advances in PDDS and PDDS product currently available in the market

    A review on gastroretentive floating tablets of Quinapril HCl

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    Quinapril HCl is a prodrug that belongs to the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor class of medications. It is metabolized to quinaprilat (quinapril diacid) following oral administration. Quinaprilat is a competitive inhibitor ofACE, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of angiotensin I (ATI) to angiotensin II (ATII).ATIIregulates blood pressure and is a key component of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS). Quinapril hcl has a short biological half-life of 2 hrs with a prolonged terminal phase of 25 hours. So the floating tablet formulations are needed for Quinapril hcl to prolong its duration of action, to increase its oral bioavailability and to improve patient compliance . Many methods are used for preparing floating tablet preparations of Quinapril hcl by using various grades of Hydroxypropyl methyl celluloses (HPMC K4M, K15M, K100M) at various concentrations 10%, 20% and 30%. This review article comprises of the research materialized in the field of formulation and evaluation of floating tablets of Quinapril HCl

    Simultaneous determination of Cefixime trihydrate and Ofloxacin in pharmaceutical dosage form by second order derivative UV spectrophotometry

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    Derivative spectrophotometry offers a useful approach for the analysis of drugs in multi-component formulation. In this study a second order derivative spectrophotometric method is applied for the simultaneous determination of Cefixime Trihydrate and Ofloxacin in Tablet dosage form. The measurements were carried out at wavelengths of 307 and 298 nm for Cefixime Trihydrate and Ofloxacin respectively. The method was found to be linear (r=0.999) in the range of 4-20 ?g/ml for Cefixime Trihydrate in the presence of 20 ?g/ml of Ofloxacin at 307 nm. The linear correlation (r=0.999) was obtained in the range of 4-20 ?g/ml for Ofloxacin in the presence of 20 ?g/ml of Cefixime Trihydrate at 298 nm. The method was successfully used for simultaneous determination of Cefixime Trihydrate and Ofloxacin in tablet dosage form without any interference from excipients and prior separation

    Simultaneous UV Spectrophotometric Methods for Estimation of Metformin HCl and Glimepiride in Bulk and Tablet Dosage Form

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    Simple, precise, economical, fast and reliable two UV methods have been developed for the simultaneous estimation of Metformin HCl and Glimepiride in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form. Method A is Absorbance maxima method, which is based on measurement of absorption at maximum wavelength of 236 nm and 228 nm for Metformin HCl and Glimepiride respectively. Method B is area under curve (AUC), in the wavelength range of 217-247 nm for Metformin HCl and 213-239 nm for Glimepiride. Linearity for detector response was observed in the concentration range of 5- 25?g/ml for Metformin HCl and 5-25 ?g/ml for Glimepiride. The accuracy of the methods was assessed by recovery studies and was found to be 100.23 % and 99.67 % for Metformin HCl and Glimepiride respectively. The developed method was validated with respect to linearity, accuracy (recovery), precision and specificity. The results were validated statistically as per ICH Q2 R1 guideline and were found to be satisfactory. The proposed methods were successfully applied for the determination of for Metformin HCl and Glimepiride in commercial pharmaceutical dosage form

    Nanotechnology and diabetes

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    Nanotechnology offers sensing technologies that provide more accurate and timely medical information for diagnosing disease, and miniature devices that can administer treatment automatically if required. Some tests such as diabetes blood sugar levels require patients to administer the test themselves to avoid the risk of their blood glucose falling to dangerous levels. Certain users such as children and the elderly may not be able to perform the test properly, timely or without considerable pain. Nanotechnology can now offers new implantable and/or wearable sensing technologies that provide continuous and extremely accurate medical information. In the long run, nanotechnology will clearly open up many routes to treatments and cures for diabetes, as it will for many of the diseases and conditions that currently plague mankind. Nanotechnology offers some new solutions in treating diabetes mellitus. Boxes with nanopores that protect transplanted beta cells from the immune system attack, artificial pancreas and artificial beta cell instead of pancreas transplantation, nanospheres as biodegradable polymeric carriers for oral delivery of insulin are just some of them. The abilities of nanomedicine are huge, and nanotechnology could give medicine an entirely new outlook. Whilst some of these technologies are quite far-fetched, there is evidence that we will see significant advances in the treatment and management of diabetes quite soon. The purpose of this review is to throw more light on the recent advances and impact of nanotechnology on biomedical sciences to cure diabetes

    Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Disintegrating Tablets of Atenolol Using Natural and Synthetic Superdisintegrants

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    Oral disintegrating tablet (ODT) is defined as “A solid dosage form containing medical substances or active ingredient which disintegrates rapidly usually within a matter of seconds when placed upon the tongue”. The aim of the present research is to formulate Atenolol fast disintegrating tablets. Atenolol is β1- cardio selective adrenergic receptor blocker, widely used in the treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris, arrhythmias and myocardial infarction. It works by slowing down the heart and reducing the work load of the heart. The conventional tablets of atenolol are reported to exhibit fluctuations in the plasma drug levels after administration. Atenolol fast disintegrating tablets were prepared by using direct compression method using Synthetic as wel as Natural superdisintegrants like sodium starch glycolate, Cross carmellose sodium and Miriabilis jalapa starch. The prepared tablets were characterized for their hardness, weight variation, disintegration time, wetting time, water absorption ratio friability, and in vitro dissolution studies. The ability of the tablet to release the drug faster depends on the concentration and type of superdisintegrants. In this study the fast disintegrating tablets containing Cross carmellose sodium, Sodium starch glycolate and Miriabilis jalapa starch as the super disintegrant in the ratio of 1:2:3 Shows better release of drug. About 97.92% of the drug was released from the tablets in 10mins. Therefore, based on the physico chemical properties, in vitro drug release profile F9 formulation containing Miriabilis jalapa starch is optimized as the best formulation. Keywords: Fast Disintegrating Tablets, Superdisintegrants, Atenolol, Miriabilis jalapa starch, In vitro evaluation

    Zero order and area under curve spectrophotometric methods for determination of aspirin in pharmaceutical formulation

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    Objective: - A simple, accurate, precise and specific zero order and area under curve spectrophotometric methods has been developed for determination of Aspirin in its tablet dosage form by using methanol as a solvent.  Methods: - (1) Derivative Spectrophotometric Methods: - The amplitudes in the zero order derivative of the resultant spectra at 224 nm was selected to find out Aspirin in its tablet dosage form by using methanol as a solvent.(2) Area under curve (Area calculation): -The proposed area under curve method involves measurement of area at selected wavelength ranges. Two wavelength ranges were selected 218-227 nm for estimation of Aspirin.Result & Discussion: -The linearity was found to be 5-25 μg/ml for Aspirin. The mean % recoveries were found to be 99.47% and 100.43% of zero order derivative and area under curve method of Aspirin. For Repeatability, Intraday precision, Interday precision, % RSD were found to be 0.6416, 0.0046 and 0.9819, 0.8112 for zero order and 0.7257, 0.8731 and 0.7528, 1.7943 for area under curve method respectively. Limit of Detection and Quantitation were found to be 0.4823μg/ml and 1.5182μg/ml for zero order and 0.8272μg/ml and 2.5351μg/ml for area under curve method respectively. Assay results of market formulation were found to be 100.54% for zero order and 100.89% area under curve method respectively. The proposed method has been validated as per ICH guidelines and successfully applied to the estimation of Aspirin in its Tablet dosage form.Conclusion: - The developed methods can be concluded as accurate, sensitive and precise and can be easily applied to the pharmaceutical formulation

    UV-Spectrophotometric Determination of Telmisartan and Hydrochlorothiazide in Combined Tablet Dosage Form Using Simultaneous Equation Method

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    A UV spectrophotometric method was developed for the estimation of Telmisartan and Hydrochlorothiazide in Combined Tablet Dosage Form Using Simultaneous Equation Method. The drug obeyed the Beers law and shows good correlation near to r 2 = 0.999 for Telmisartan and for Hydrochlorothiazide r 2 =0.999.Absorption maxima of Telmisartan 296.8 nm and Hydrochlorothiazide 271.2 nm. Beers law was obeyed in concentration rang of 5-30 g/ml for Telmisartan and 2-12 g/ml for Hydrochlorothiazide. The method has been validated for linearity, accuracy and precision. The recovery was 99.28 % for Telmisartan and 99.26% for Hydrochlorothiazide. The developed method was found to be accurate, simple, precise, economical, and selective for simultaneous estimation of Telmisartan and Hydrochlorothiazide in tablet formulations


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    Objective: The present study was undertaken with an objective to design, develop and evaluate gastro retentive floating tablets of an antihypertensive drug, quinapril HCl, which release the drug in a sustained manner over a period of 12 h.Methods: In this research work, we used hydrophilic polymer hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K4M), the gas generating agent sodium bicarbonate and citric acid at different ratios for the preparation of tablets. A 32 factorial design was applied systematically; the amount of HPMC K4M (X1) and the amount of citric acid (X2) were selected as independent variables. The dependent variables chosen were percentage drug release at 6 h (Q6), percentage drug release at 12 h (Q12) and floating lag time. The high concentration of HPMC K4M and citric acid gives a sustained release for quinapril HCl floating tablets. The tablets were prepared by direct compression technique and evaluated for tablet thickness, hardness, weight variation, friability, floating lag time and In vitro drug release.Results: The In vitro drug release indicated the floating dosage forms showed slower release when the concentration of HPMC K4M increases. Formulation F4 having ratio 25:8 (HPMC K4M: citric acid) was considered as an optimised formulation which shows satisfactory sustained drug release and remained buoyant on the surface of the medium for more than 12 h. It can also conclude that floating drug delivery system of quinapril HCl can be successfully formulated as an approach to increase gastric residence time and thereby improving its bioavailability.Conclusion: The developed effervescent based floating tablets are a promising floating drug delivery system for oral sustained administration of quinapril HCl