56 research outputs found

    The Impact of Built Environment on Speeding Behavior: An Analysis in Curitiba - Brazil

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    The speeding behavior of vehicle drivers is one of the main risk factors for traffic crashes, influencing the severity and the risk of occurrence of these crashes. City development characteristics, including the built environment, can influence the road safety performance in urban environments. In this context, the main objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of the built environment on speeding behavior, using the city of Curitiba, Brazil, as the study setting. Geographically weighted regression (GWR) models were applied to analyze the effects of six dimensions of the built environment on speeding rate, using traffic analysis zones as the zonal level. The speeding data was extracted from a naturalistic driving study, which included 16 participating drivers. It was observed that the density of speed cameras was significantly associated with lower speeding rates. The current sample of performed trips was not enough to cover all traffic analysis zones and the GWR models did not achieve the expected performance. Therefore, future work should include the development of new models with larger samples to reach more conclusions. Keywords: built environment, road safety, speeding behavior, naturalistic driving studyO comportamento de excesso de velocidade de condutores de automóveis é um dos principais fatores de risco de sinistros de trânsito, influenciando na gravidade e no risco de ocorrência desses sinistros. As características do desenvolvimento espacial de uma cidade, incluindo o ambiente construído, podem influenciar o desempenho da segurança viária em ambientes urbanos. Neste contexto, o objetivo principal do presente trabalho é investigar a influência do ambiente construído na prática do excesso de velocidade, utilizando a cidade de Curitiba, Brasil, como cenário de estudo. Modelos de regressão geograficamente ponderada (RGP) foram aplicados para analisar os efeitos de seis dimensões do ambiente construído sobre a taxa de excesso de velocidade, utilizando zonas de tráfego como unidade de análise. Os dados de excesso de velocidade foram extraídos de um estudo naturalístico de direção, que incluiu 16 condutores participantes. Observou-se que a densidade de radares foi significativamente associada a menores taxas de excesso de velocidade. A amostra atual de viagens percorridas não foi o suficiente para cobrir todas as zonas de tráfego e os modelos RGP não atingiram o desempenho esperado. Portanto, futuros trabalhos devem incluir o desenvolvimento de novos modelos com amostras maiores para a obtenção de análises mais representativas. Palavras-chave: ambiente construído, segurança viária, excesso de velocidade, estudo naturalístico de condução.Peer Reviewe

    Protestos e conflitos urbanos por segurança viária em Curitiba e região metropolitana / Urban protests and conflicts for road safety In Curitiba and metropolitan region

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    No Brasil e no mundo, é crescente a atenção dada à segurança viária, que adquire expressão na forma de políticas e programas governamentais. Contudo, protestos e manifestações populares reivindicando respostas do poder público à ocorrência de acidentes e fatalidades são recorrentes. Estas insatisfações são exemplos de conflitos urbanos por segurança viária. O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar protestos por maior segurança viária em Curitiba e Região Metropolitana, apresentando um método de diagnóstico dos locais de protestos, considerando as características físicas com potencial de redução na acidentalidade e as respostas do poder público aos protestos. Os resultados demonstram que os locais de conflitos se concentram na periferia da cidade, com suas demandas sendo respondidas de forma limitada e pontual, sem uma visão ampla das necessidades locais, que persistem apesar das eventuais intervenções. O método empregado tem potencial de avaliar de maneira prática estas necessidades e tornar possível respostas mais efetivas às exigências dos moradores

    Alterações, imediatas e a longo prazo, do tratamento da maloclusão de Classe II 1ª Divisão de Angle.

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    OBJETIVOS:O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as alterações dimensionais, imediatas e a longo prazo, nas arcadas dentárias de pacientes Classe II 1ª Divisão de Angle,  tratados ortodonticamente. MÉTODOS: Para avaliação das distâncias transversas, profundidade das arcadas, índice de irregularidade, sobremordida, sobressaliência e relações anteroposteriores foram utilizados modelos de gesso digitalizados de 14 pacientes. Foram realizadas medidas lineares no período pré-tratamento (T1), após o uso do aparelho extrabucal(T2), após a conclusão do tratamento com aparelho fixo (T3) e na proservação a longo prazo (T4). RESULTADOS: Houve um aumento, estatisticamente significante, nas distâncias transversas e profundidade da arcada superior, redução da sobressaliência e correção da relação de molares e caninos (p0.05) entre T1 e T2. Entre T3 e T4 houve uma redução, estatisticamente significante, das medidas transversas (com exceção dos molares), na profundidade das arcadas e aumento no índice de irregularidade (p0.05). CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se que a longo prazo ocorreu uma redução nas medidas transversas e ausência de alterações significativas na relação anteroposterior. Esta constatação revela a estabilidade da correção da Classe II.

    Linfocintigrafia na Detecção de Quilotórax – A Propósito de um Caso Clínico

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    Mulher de 24 anos, com diagnóstico de quilotórax persistente à esquerda. Foi realizada linfocintigrafia e SPECT/CT, que mostrou hiperactividade no hemitórax esquerdo, com maior extensão basal posterior, que correspondeu à origem da fuga. Este caso clínico mostra que a linfocintigrafia SPECT/CT pode apontar para o local da fuga e volume da mesma, sendo uma mais-valia para a orientação terapêutica, nomeadamente a programação pré-operatória

    Ghrelin expression in human and rat fetal lungs and the effect of ghrelin administration in nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia

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    Ghrelin is a strong physiologic growth hormone secretagogue that exhibits endocrine and non-endocrine actions. In this study, ghrelin expression in humans and rats was evaluated throughout development of normal and hypoplastic lungs associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Additionally, the effect of antenatal treatment with ghrelin in the nitrofen-induced CDH rat model was tested. In normal lungs, ghrelin was expressed in the primitive epithelium at early stages of development and decreased in levels of expression with gestational age. In hypoplastic lungs ghrelin was overexpressed in both human and rat CDH fetuses when compared with controls. Exogenous administration of ghrelin to nitrofen-treated dams led to an attenuation of pulmonary hypoplasia of CDH pups. Furthermore, the growth hormone, secretagogue receptor (GHSR1a), could not be amplified from human or rat fetal lungs by RT-PCR. In conclusion, of all the lungs studied so far, the fetal lung is one of the first to express ghrelin during development and might be considered a new source of circulating fetal ghrelin. Overexpression of ghrelin in hypoplastic lungs and the effect of exogenous administration of ghrelin to nitrofen-treated dams strongly suggest a role for ghrelin in mechanisms involved in attenuation of fetal lung hypoplasia, most likely through a GHSR1a-independent pathway

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis associated with severe tuberculosis evades cytosolic surveillance systems and modulates IL-1β production

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    Genetic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis affects immune responses and clinical outcomes of tuberculosis (TB). However, how bacterial diversity orchestrates immune responses to direct distinct TB severities is unknown. Here we study 681 patients with pulmonary TB and show that M. tuberculosis isolates from cases with mild disease consistently induce robust cytokine responses in macrophages across multiple donors. By contrast, bacteria from patients with severe TB do not do so. Secretion of IL-1β is a good surrogate of the differences observed, and thus to classify strains as probable drivers of different TB severities. Furthermore, we demonstrate that M. tuberculosis isolates that induce low levels of IL-1β production can evade macrophage cytosolic surveillance systems, including cGAS and the inflammasome. Isolates exhibiting this evasion strategy carry candidate mutations, generating sigA recognition boxes or affecting components of the ESX-1 secretion system. Therefore, we provide evidence that M. tuberculosis strains manipulate host-pathogen interactions to drive variable TB severities

    Pollution-Aware Walking in 16 Countries:An Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)

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    Background: The current levels of air pollution in European countries reduces life expectancy by an average of 8 months. People who actively travel by walking have a higher level of exposure to air pollution than those who use motor vehicles or electric buses. Some routes have higher air pollution levels than others, but little is known about pollution-aware route choice and intentions to actively avoid walking near polluted roads. An improved understanding of how air pollution influences intentions to walk or avoid polluted routes can inform interventions to decrease exposure. The present investigation has three aims: (1) compare experiences walking near roads with high levels of air pollution across countries; (2) identify groups of countries based on perceptions of air quality; and (3) examine how pedestrians develop their intentions of avoiding pollution using the extended TPB (demographics, social norms, attitudes, perceived control, and perceived risk).Methods: A cross-sectional design was applied. Pedestrians were asked about their experiences walking near roads with high levels of air pollution. To identify groups of countries with different levels of air pollution, a cluster analysis was implemented based on the perceptions of air quality. Finally, regressions were used to predict pedestrians’ intentions to avoid polluted roads per country group using the extended TPB.Results: 6180 respondents (Age M(SD)= 29.4(14.2); Males= 39.2%) ranging from 12.6% from Russia to 2.2% from Finland completed the questionnaire. The proportion of participants who reported never walking near air polluted roads was 12.4% (from 3% in Brazil to 54% in Japan). Seven groups of countries were identified using perceptions of air quality: G1(Japan, Mexico, Colombia, Turkey, Malaysia & Brazil), G2(Spain, Romania & Czechia), G3(Chile, Russia & Peru), G4(China), G5(Australia), G6(Finland), and G7(Portugal). Participants in China (G4) and Australia (G5) reported the worst and best air quality respectively. Across all countries, intentions to avoid polluted roads were associated with perceptions of risk. TPB-psychosocial factors such as social norms and perceived behavioural control also influenced intention in most groups. Favourable TPB-beliefs and low perceived risk increase intentions to avoid polluted routes.Conclusions: The willingness of pedestrians to walk on or near roads with high levels of air pollution differs significantly among countries in this study. Countries can be grouped based on their perceived air quality. Perceived risk was the only common predictor of intention to avoid polluted routes across the different groups of countries

    Alcohol-impaired Walking in 16 Countries:A Theory-Based Investigation

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    Alcohol is a global risk factor for road trauma. Although drink driving has received most of the scholarly attention, there is growing evidence of the risks of alcohol-impaired walking. Alcohol-impaired pedestrians are over-represented in fatal crashes compared to non-impaired pedestrians. Additionally, empirical evidence shows that alcohol intoxication impairs road-crossing judgements. Besides some limited early research, much is unknown about the global prevalence and determinants of alcohol-impaired walking. Understanding alcohol-impaired walking will support health promotion initiatives and injury prevention. The present investigation has three aims: (1) compare the prevalence of alcohol-impaired walking across countries; (2) identify international groups of pedestrians based on psychosocial factors (i.e., Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and perceptions of risk); and (3) investigate how segments of pedestrians form their intention for alcohol-impaired walking using the extended TPB (i.e. subjective norm, attitudes, perceived control, and perceived risk). A cross-sectional design was applied. The target behaviour question was “have you been a pedestrian when your thinking or physical ability (balance/strength) is affected by alcohol?” to ensure comparability across countries. Cluster analysis based on the extended TPB was used to identify groups of countries. Finally, regressions were used to predict pedestrians’ intentions per group. A total of 6,166 respondents (Age M(SD) = 29.4 (14.2); Males = 39.2%) completed the questionnaire, ranging from 12.6% from Russia to 2.2% from Finland. The proportion of participants who reported never engaging in alcohol-impaired walking in the last three months ranged from 30.1% (Spain) to 83.1% (Turkey). Four groups of countries were identified: group-1 (Czech Republic, Spain, and Australia), group-2 (Russia and Finland), group-3 (Japan), and group-4 (final ten countries including Colombia, China, and Romania). Pedestrian intentions to engage in alcohol- impaired walking are predicted by perceptions of risk and TPB-psychosocial factors in group-1 and group-4. Favourable TPB-beliefs and low perceived risk increased alcohol-impaired walking intentions. Conversely, subjective norms were not significant in group-2 and only perceived risk predicted intention in group-3. The willingness of pedestrians to walk when alcohol-impaired differs significantly across the countries in this study. Perceived risk was the only common predictor among the 16 countries.</p

    A complex scenario of tuberculosis transmission is revealed through genetic and epidemiological surveys in Porto

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    Tuberculosis (TB) incidence is decreasing worldwide and eradication is becoming plausible. In low-incidence countries, intervention on migrant populations is considered one of the most important strategies for elimination. However, such measures are inappropriate in European areas where TB is largely endemic, such as Porto in Portugal. We aim to understand transmission chains in Porto through a genetic characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains and through a detailed epidemiological evaluation of cases.This work was developed under the scope of the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), and supported by contributions from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the European Economic Area Grants under the Public Health Initiative programme, (PT06, Project 000138DT1). TR is supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through a post-doctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/108126/2015)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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