623 research outputs found

    Pathfinding by growth cones in the central nervous system of the grasshopper embryo

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    Journal ArticleIn the grasshopper embryo the morphological development of individually identified neurons can be traced prior to the onset of axonogenesis on through maturity (eg., Goodman and Spitzer, 1979). The behavior of individual growth cones can be characterized in their natural environment as they extend towards their targets

    Guidance of neuronal growth cones: selective fasciculation in the grasshopper embryo

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    Journal ArticleOne of the central questions of developmental neurobiology concerns how the diversity and specificity of individual neurons are generated during embryonic development. One major component of neuronal diversity is the complex axonal morphology of individual neurons, largely generated early in development and intimately involved in the ability of neurons to find their correct synaptic targets

    Characterization and cloning of fasciclin I and fasciclin II glycoproteins in the grasshopper

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    Monoclonal antibodies were previously used to identify two glycoproteins, called fasciclin I and II (70 and 95 kDa, respectively), which are expressed on different subsets of axon fascicles in the grasshopper (Schistocerca americana) embryo. Here the monoclonal antibodies were used to purify these two membrane-associated glycoproteins for further characterization. Fasciclin II appears to be an integral membrane protein, where fasciclin I is an extrinsic membrane protein. The amino acid sequences of the amino terminus and fragments of both proteins were determined. Using synthetic oligonucleotide probes and antibody screening, we isolated genomic and cDNA clones. Partial DNA sequences of these clones indicate that they encode fasciclins I and II

    Axons break in animals lacking β-spectrin

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    Axons and dendrites can withstand acute mechanical strain despite their small diameter. In this study, we demonstrate that β-spectrin is required for the physical integrity of neuronal processes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Axons in β-spectrin mutants spontaneously break. Breakage is caused by acute strain generated by movement because breakage can be prevented by paralyzing the mutant animals. After breaking, the neuron attempts to regenerate by initiating a new growth cone; this second round of axon extension is error prone compared with initial outgrowth. Because spectrin is a major target of calpain proteolysis, it is possible that some neurodegenerative disorders may involve the cleavage of spectrin followed by the breakage of neural processes

    The groupoidal analogue Theta~ to Joyal's category Theta is a test category

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    We introduce the groupoidal analogue \tilde\Theta to Joyal's cell category \Theta and we prove that \tilde\Theta is a strict test category in the sense of Grothendieck. This implies that presheaves on \tilde\Theta model homotopy types in a canonical way. We also prove that the canonical functor from \Theta to \tilde\Theta is aspherical, again in the sense of Grothendieck. This allows us to compare weak equivalences of presheaves on \tilde\Theta to weak equivalences of presheaves on \Theta. Our proofs apply to other categories analogous to \Theta.Comment: 41 pages, v2: references added, Remark 7.3 added, v3: metadata update

    Shape analysis on homogeneous spaces: a generalised SRVT framework

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    Shape analysis is ubiquitous in problems of pattern and object recognition and has developed considerably in the last decade. The use of shapes is natural in applications where one wants to compare curves independently of their parametrisation. One computationally efficient approach to shape analysis is based on the Square Root Velocity Transform (SRVT). In this paper we propose a generalised SRVT framework for shapes on homogeneous manifolds. The method opens up for a variety of possibilities based on different choices of Lie group action and giving rise to different Riemannian metrics.Comment: 28 pages; 4 figures, 30 subfigures; notes for proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2016: "Computation and Combinatorics in Dynamics, Stochastics and Control". v3: amended the text to improve readability and clarify some points; updated and added some references; added pseudocode for the dynamic programming algorithm used. The main results remain unchange

    Dyslexia-friendly schools and parent partnership: inclusion and home-school relationships

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    This is a postprint of an article whose final and definitive form has been published in the European Journal of Special Needs Education© 2005 Copyright Taylor & Francis; European Journal of Special Needs Education is available online at http://www.informaworld.comThis paper summarizes an action research project in five local areas in the south-west of England which aimed to support parents of children with dyslexic difficulties who were experiencing problems in obtaining appropriate provision in mainstream schools. It was based on the importance of effective parental partnership and quality inclusive practice for children having dyslexic difficulties. A development officer worked over two years in the five participating LEAs that were selected to represent a range of professional practice with a mix of urban and rural populations. As part of the evaluation, the authors also examined longitudinally the educational experiences of a sample of parents. The paper includes a conceptual framework of parental agency in this field in terms of knowledge, identity and parental strategies, and the conditions under which parents escalate their strategies to secure appropriate provision for their children. The support provided by the development officer is analysed in terms of the kinds of support requests received, the kinds of support offered and qualitative evidence of the impact of this support. This research is theorized in terms of current ideas about parent-partnership and theories about parent-teacher relations in terms of the diversity of parents. It highlights the significance of thinking about inclusive schooling and parent-school relations in terms of the interconnections between general systems for all, for those with special educational needs and those with specific difficulties. The policy and practice implications are interpreted in terms of the importance of a system of extended professionalism, which is inclusive of parents with learning difficulties and disabilities.The research project this paper summarises was funded by the British Dyslexia Association (BDA) and the Buttle Trust

    A novel dimethylformamide (DMF) free bar-cast method to deposit organolead perovskite thin films with improved stability

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    We report a solvent-free approach to synthesizing organolead perovskites by using solid state reactions to coat perovskite crystals onto Al2O3 or TiO2 nanoparticles followed by addition of terpineol affording perovskite inks. We have bar cast these inks to produce photoactive perovskite thin films which are significantly more stable to humidity than solution-processed films. This new method also avoids the use of toxic DMF solvent