30 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Nursing Students’ Motivation to Success and Its Relation to Their Satisfaction and Retention in Bachelor Nursing Program

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    Baccalaureate nursing programs are under increased pressure to graduate greater numbers of students to meet the demands of the nurse workforce of the future. Motivation plays an invaluable part for the explanation of causes of behavior, predicting effects of actions, and directing behavior to achieve goals. Student motivation is an essential element that is necessary for quality education. Baccalaureate nursing students who are unsuccessful in their nursing program wastes faculty and student time and drain university resources. The motivational field is an area needs further investigation because of enhancing student motivation to continue and progress is a key aspect to accomplishing future academic outcomes. Therefore, the current study aims to identify factors that affecting nursing students’ motivation to success and its relation with their satisfaction and retention. A descriptive correlation design was used in this study. The study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing at King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia. The total number of students who participated in the study was 144 students from different academic levels except level three. Four tools were used for data collection namely': Nursing Student Learning Motivation Scale (NSLMS), Nursing Students Professional Satisfaction (NSPS), Nursing students' Retention Questionnaire (NSRQ), and Open-ended Questionnaire. A major finding of this study there was a statistical positive relation between nursing students' motivational factors and their retention in bachelor program. And majority of students reported that most intrinsic motivational factors is interesting and indispensable nursing profession and they reported that willingness to work with those who will motivate them and enthusiasm of the class on the whole as extrinsic motivational factors. And the majority of students' not satisfied with clinical experience Also, the common obstacles affecting nursing students' retention in their program was a financial resource is not adequate & and followed by not enthusiasm of the class on the whole and no academic preparation to succeed in the nursing program. It is recommended that developing strategies that enhance nursing students' motivation to success in bachelor program and improving satisfaction for clinical experiences. Keywords: Nursing education, Nursing students, Bachelor of Science in Nursing , Motivation factors, Students' satisfaction, Grade Point Average, Students' retentio

    Sticky swinging arm dynamics: studies of an acyl carrier protein domain from the mycolactone polyketide synthase.

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    Type I modular polyketide synthases (PKSs) produce polyketide natural products by passing a growing acyl substrate chain between a series of enzyme domains housed within a gigantic multifunctional polypeptide assembly. Throughout each round of chain extension and modification reactions, the substrate stays covalently linked to an acyl carrier protein (ACP) domain. In the present study we report on the solution structure and dynamics of an ACP domain excised from MLSA2, module 9 of the PKS system that constructs the macrolactone ring of the toxin mycolactone, cause of the tropical disease Buruli ulcer. After modification of apo ACP with 4'-phosphopantetheine (Ppant) to create the holo form, (15)N nuclear spin relaxation and paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) experiments suggest that the prosthetic group swings freely. The minimal chemical shift perturbations displayed by Ppant-attached C3 and C4 acyl chains imply that these substrate-mimics remain exposed to solvent at the end of a flexible Ppant arm. By contrast, hexanoyl and octanoyl chains yield much larger chemical shift perturbations, indicating that they interact with the surface of the domain. The solution structure of octanoyl-ACP shows the Ppant arm bending to allow the acyl chain to nestle into a nonpolar pocket, whereas the prosthetic group itself remains largely solvent exposed. Although the highly reduced octanoyl group is not a natural substrate for the ACP from MLSA2, similar presentation modes would permit partner enzyme domains to recognize an acyl group while it is bound to the surface of its carrier protein, allowing simultaneous interactions with both the substrate and the ACP.This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust [grant number 094252/Z/10/Z]. The Yousef Jameel Academic Foundation and the Cambridge Trust are thanked for providing a studentship to M.B.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Portland Press via https://doi.org/10.1042/BCJ2016004

    Inovasi Bisnis Pariwisata Indonesia Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

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    Industri pariwisata memiliki peran penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi, baik di tingkat internasional maupun nasional. Namun, pandemi COVID-19 telah menyebabkan krisis global yang melanda sektor pariwisata di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Pembatasan pergerakan dan mobilitas penduduk antarwilayah, kekhawatiran tentang kesehatan, serta ketidakpastian telah menyebabkan penurunan drastis dalam aktivitas pariwisata dan sektor pariwisata mengalami penurunan pendapatan yang signifikan. Hal ini berdampak sosial, dengan banyak pekerja di sektor pariwisata kehilangan pekerjaan atau mengalami pemotongan gaji yang signifikan. Untuk memulihkan sektor pariwisata dapat dilakukan adalah inovasi bisnis pada bidang pariwisata, termasuk dalam hal pemasaran dan mencari pasar baru. Pemerintah dan pelaku industri pariwisata bekerja sama mengembangkan kebijakan dan strategi untuk pertumbuhan pariwisata yang berkelanjutan. Artikel ini membahas tentang inovasi bisnis di bidang pariwisata di Indonesia pasca pandemi COVID-19, khususnya mengenai tentang peningkatan daya tarik dan pengalaman pengunjung wisata, serta efisiensi operasional sambal mendukung upaya konservasi alam dan hewan-hewan di Taman Safari Indonesia di Bogor. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah studi literatur dengan memakai data kualitatif. Data-data yang digunakan bersumber dari jurnal, tulisan ilmiah, dan berita dari beberapa sumber berita online yang sudah diterbitkan terlebih dahulu, yang mewakili beberapa kasus serta situasi industri pariwisata di Indonesia sebelum, selama, dan setelah pandemi COVID-19. Hasil dari penelitian ini ada beberapa inovasi meliputi peningkatan Pengalaman Virtual, pengembangan Aplikasi dan Platform Digital, Penggunaan Teknologi "Contactless", memfokuskan pada wisata alam yang mendorong minat dan kunjungan wisatawan. Inovasi-inovasi ini dapat membantu bisnis pariwisata di Indonesia mengatasi dampak pandemi COVID-19 terhadap jumlah kunjungan wisatawan dan pendapatan pariwisata. Selain itu, inovasi bisnis ini juga dapat membantu mengatasi dampak negatif dan mendukung pemulihan sektor pariwisata di Indonesia

    Burnout among surgeons before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an international survey

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    Background: SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had many significant impacts within the surgical realm, and surgeons have been obligated to reconsider almost every aspect of daily clinical practice. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study reported in compliance with the CHERRIES guidelines and conducted through an online platform from June 14th to July 15th, 2020. The primary outcome was the burden of burnout during the pandemic indicated by the validated Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure. Results: Nine hundred fifty-four surgeons completed the survey. The median length of practice was 10 years; 78.2% included were male with a median age of 37 years old, 39.5% were consultants, 68.9% were general surgeons, and 55.7% were affiliated with an academic institution. Overall, there was a significant increase in the mean burnout score during the pandemic; longer years of practice and older age were significantly associated with less burnout. There were significant reductions in the median number of outpatient visits, operated cases, on-call hours, emergency visits, and research work, so, 48.2% of respondents felt that the training resources were insufficient. The majority (81.3%) of respondents reported that their hospitals were included in the management of COVID-19, 66.5% felt their roles had been minimized; 41% were asked to assist in non-surgical medical practices, and 37.6% of respondents were included in COVID-19 management. Conclusions: There was a significant burnout among trainees. Almost all aspects of clinical and research activities were affected with a significant reduction in the volume of research, outpatient clinic visits, surgical procedures, on-call hours, and emergency cases hindering the training. Trial registration: The study was registered on clicaltrials.gov "NCT04433286" on 16/06/2020

    Individualized medicine enabled by genomics in Saudi Arabia

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    Prosthodontic Outcomes of Zirconia Implants Supporting Overdentures

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    Removable implant overdentures have become a widely accepted and well-established treatment modality for the management of edentulous patients. To date, titanium is the biomaterial of choice for the fabrication of oral implants due to its superior mechanical properties and excellent biocompatibility. However, controversial reports about possible allergic reactions to titanium, together with the rise in the concept of “metal-free” dentistry, have propelled the search for alternative implant materials. Of particular interest is zirconia, specifically yttrium-stabilized tetragonal polycrystalline zirconia (Y-TZP). Preclinical studies, case reports and randomized clinical trials on the use of zirconia implants for rehabilitation of partially dentate patients have revealed favorable outcomes, albeit in the short-term. Despite these encouraging results, there is a lack of published literature on the use of zirconia implants for the support of overdentures. This doctoral thesis aimed to evaluate and compare the clinical and prosthodontic outcomes of similar design zirconia and titanium implants used for the support of maxillary and mandibular overdentures in a randomized controlled trial. A novel protocol for implant distribution was adopted based on the need for improved biomechanics in using zirconia implants. The implant distribution was: in the maxilla, a mid-palatal implant and three anterior implants in the incisor and first premolar regions; in the mandible, a mid-symphyseal implant and bilateral distal implants in the first molar region. The implants were conventionally loaded four months after the surgical procedures. The overall survival rate for all the implants in this trial was 75.9 %. After one year there was no significant difference in the survival rate between the two groups in either jaw. In the mandible, titanium implants showed a survival rate of 95.8% versus 90.9 % for the zirconia implants (P=0.47). The corresponding values in the maxilla were 71.9% and 55% for the titanium and zirconia groups respectively (P=0.14). Implants in the maxilla showed a significantly higher failure rate than those in the mandible for both groups (P< 0.05). Three implants fractured in the zirconia group. The bone level changes around the implants were favorable after one year, with marginal bone loss of 0.18 mm for the titanium implants and 0.42 mm for the zirconia implants. A statistically significant difference was noted between the two groups (P = 0.009). Mid-line fracture of the mandibular denture was the most commonly encountered prosthodontic complication. Reduced acrylic thickness around clips and increased masticatory forces were identified as the main reasons for fracture. No statistically significant difference was observed between the two groups (P > 0.05). Fractrographic analysis of fractured zirconia implants was used to draw some recommendations regarding the designs of the existing implants and minimize such incidences in the future. Further research to optimize the design of zirconia implants for minimizing placement failures as well as for the support and retention of overdentures is still mandatory. The qualitative study on the patients’ perception of the proposed treatment revealed that the novel implant protocol was acceptable to patients. The major perceived advantages of the treatment were functional improvement and increased social confidence. Cost was a significant barrier for edentulous patients seeking implant treatment. Participants’ knowledge of implant treatment is limited and should be enhanced. The in-vivo and in-vitro findings of this thesis identify the potential use of zirconia implants for the support of overdentures. However, due to the increased marginal bone loss and higher fracture rate observed for zirconia implants compared to titanium ones, the use of zirconia implants should only be limited to patients with allergy to titanium or those requesting a metal-free restoration

    Prosthodontic Outcomes of Zirconia Implants Supporting Overdentures

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    Removable implant overdentures have become a widely accepted and well-established treatment modality for the management of edentulous patients. To date, titanium is the biomaterial of choice for the fabrication of oral implants due to its superior mechanical properties and excellent biocompatibility. However, controversial reports about possible allergic reactions to titanium, together with the rise in the concept of “metal-free” dentistry, have propelled the search for alternative implant materials. Of particular interest is zirconia, specifically yttrium-stabilized tetragonal polycrystalline zirconia (Y-TZP). Preclinical studies, case reports and randomized clinical trials on the use of zirconia implants for rehabilitation of partially dentate patients have revealed favorable outcomes, albeit in the short-term. Despite these encouraging results, there is a lack of published literature on the use of zirconia implants for the support of overdentures. This doctoral thesis aimed to evaluate and compare the clinical and prosthodontic outcomes of similar design zirconia and titanium implants used for the support of maxillary and mandibular overdentures in a randomized controlled trial. A novel protocol for implant distribution was adopted based on the need for improved biomechanics in using zirconia implants. The implant distribution was: in the maxilla, a mid-palatal implant and three anterior implants in the incisor and first premolar regions; in the mandible, a mid-symphyseal implant and bilateral distal implants in the first molar region. The implants were conventionally loaded four months after the surgical procedures. The overall survival rate for all the implants in this trial was 75.9 %. After one year there was no significant difference in the survival rate between the two groups in either jaw. In the mandible, titanium implants showed a survival rate of 95.8% versus 90.9 % for the zirconia implants (P=0.47). The corresponding values in the maxilla were 71.9% and 55% for the titanium and zirconia groups respectively (P=0.14). Implants in the maxilla showed a significantly higher failure rate than those in the mandible for both groups (P< 0.05). Three implants fractured in the zirconia group. The bone level changes around the implants were favorable after one year, with marginal bone loss of 0.18 mm for the titanium implants and 0.42 mm for the zirconia implants. A statistically significant difference was noted between the two groups (P = 0.009). Mid-line fracture of the mandibular denture was the most commonly encountered prosthodontic complication. Reduced acrylic thickness around clips and increased masticatory forces were identified as the main reasons for fracture. No statistically significant difference was observed between the two groups (P > 0.05). Fractrographic analysis of fractured zirconia implants was used to draw some recommendations regarding the designs of the existing implants and minimize such incidences in the future. Further research to optimize the design of zirconia implants for minimizing placement failures as well as for the support and retention of overdentures is still mandatory. The qualitative study on the patients’ perception of the proposed treatment revealed that the novel implant protocol was acceptable to patients. The major perceived advantages of the treatment were functional improvement and increased social confidence. Cost was a significant barrier for edentulous patients seeking implant treatment. Participants’ knowledge of implant treatment is limited and should be enhanced. The in-vivo and in-vitro findings of this thesis identify the potential use of zirconia implants for the support of overdentures. However, due to the increased marginal bone loss and higher fracture rate observed for zirconia implants compared to titanium ones, the use of zirconia implants should only be limited to patients with allergy to titanium or those requesting a metal-free restoration