700 research outputs found

    Characterization of Two Distinct Calcium-Binding Sites in the Amino-Terminus of Human Profilaggrin

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    Profilaggrin is a large phosphorylated protein (approximately 400 kDa In humans) that is expressed in the granular cells of epidermis where it forms a major component of keratohyalin. It consists of multiple copies of similar filaggrin units plus amino- and carboxy-terminal domains that differ from filaggrin. Proteolytic processing of profilaggrin during terminal differentiation results in the removal of these domains and generation of monomeric filaggrin units, which associate with keratin intermediate filaments to form macrofibrils in the stratum corneum. The amino-terminal domain contains two calcium-binding motifs similar to the EF-hands found in the S-100 family of calcium-binding proteins. In this report, we expressed the 293-residue amino-terminal pro-domain of human profilaggrin as a polyhistidine fusion protein in Escherichia coli, and characterized calcium binding by a 45Ca++ binding assay and fluorescence emission spectroscopy. fluorescence measurements indicated that the profilaggrin polypeptide undergoes conformational changes upon the removal of Ca++ with ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, demonstrating the presence of two calcium-binding sites with affinities for calcium that differ ninefold (1.4 Ɨ 10-4 M and 1.2 Ɨ 10-3 M). We suggest that this functional calcium-binding domain at the amino-terminus of human profilaggrin plays a role in profilaggrin processing and in other calcium-dependent processes during terminal differentiation of the epidermis

    Age modification of the relationship between C-reactive protein and fatigue: findings from Understanding Society (UKHLS)

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    Background: Systemic inflammation may play a role in the development of idiopathic fatigue, that is, fatigue not explained by infections or diagnosed chronic illness, but this relationship has never been investigated in community studies including the entire adult age span. We examine the association of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP) and fatigue assessed annually in a 3-year outcome period for UK adults aged 16ā€“98. Methods: Multilevel models were used to track fatigue 7, 19, and 31 months after CRP measurement, in 10 606 UK individuals. Models accounted for baseline fatigue, demographics, health conditions diagnosed at baseline and during follow-up, adiposity, and psychological distress. Sensitivity analyses considered factors including smoking, sub-clinical disease (blood pressure, anaemia, glycated haemoglobin), medications, ethnicity, and alcohol consumption. Results: Fatigue and CRP increased with age, and women had higher values than men. CRP was associated with future self-reported fatigue, but only for the oldest participants. Thus, in those aged 61ā€“98 years, high CRP ( > 3 mg/L) independently predicted greater fatigue 7, 19, and 31 months after CRP measurement [odds ratio for new-onset fatigue after 7 months: 1.88, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.21ā€“2.92; 19 months: 2.25, CI 1.46ā€“3.49; 31 months: 1.65, CI 1.07ā€“2.54]. No significant longitudinal associations were seen for younger participants. Conclusions: Our findings support previously described CRPā€“fatigue associations in older individuals. However, there are clear age modifications in these associations, which may reflect a contribution of unmeasured sub-clinical disease of limited relevance to younger individuals. Further work is necessary to clarify intervening processes linking CRP and fatigue in older individuals

    Non-Invasive Technology That Improves Cardiac Function after Experimental Myocardial Infarction: Whole Body Periodic Acceleration (pGz)

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    Myocardial infarction (MI) may produce significant inflammatory changes and adverse ventricular remodeling leading to heart failure and premature death. Pharmacologic, stem cell transplantation, and exercise have not halted the inexorable rise in the prevalence and great economic costs of heart failure despite extensive investigations of such treatments. New therapeutic modalities are needed. Whole Body Periodic Acceleration (pGz) is a non-invasive technology that increases pulsatile shear stress to the endothelium thereby producing several beneficial cardiovascular effects as demonstrated in animal models, normal humans and patients with heart disease. pGz upregulates endothelial derived nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and its phosphorylation (p-eNOS) to improve myocardial function in models of myocardial stunning and preconditioning. Here we test whether pGz applied chronically after focal myocardial infarction in rats improves functional outcomes from MI. Focal MI was produced by left coronary artery ligation. One day after ligation animals were randomized to receive daily treatments of pGz for four weeks (MI-pGz) or serve as controls (MI-CONT), with an additional group as non-infarction controls (Sham). Echocardiograms and invasive pressure volume loop analysis were carried out. Infarct transmurality, myocardial fibrosis, and markers of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines were determined along with protein analysis of eNOS, p-eNOS and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS).At four weeks, survival was 80% in MI-pGz vs 50% in MI-CONT (p< 0.01). Ejection fraction and fractional shortening and invasive pressure volume relation indices of afterload and contractility were significantly better in MI-pGz. The latter where associated with decreased infarct transmurality and decreased fibrosis along with increased eNOS, p-eNOS. Additionally, MI-pGz had significantly lower levels of iNOS, inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF-Ī±), and higher level of anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-10). pGz improved survival and contractile performance, associated with improved myocardial remodeling. pGz may serve as a simple, safe, non-invasive therapeutic modality to improve myocardial function after MI

    Socioeconomic Inequalities in Mortality Rates in Old Age in the World Health Organization Europe Region

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    Socioeconomic adversity is among the foremost fundamental causes of human suffering, and this is no less true in old age. Recent reports on socioeconomic inequalities in mortality rate in old age suggest that a low socioeconomic position continues to increase the risk of death even among the oldest old. We aimed to examine the evidence for socioeconomic mortality rate inequalities in old age, including information about associations with various indicators of socioeconomic position and for various geographic locations within the World Health Organization Region for Europe. The articles included in this review leave no doubt that inequalities in mortality rate by socioeconomic position persist into the oldest ages for both men and women in all countries for which information is available, although the relative risk measures observed were rarely higher than 2.00. Still, the available evidence base is heavily biased geographically, inasmuch as it is based largely on national studies from Nordic and Western European countries and local studies from urban areas in Southern Europe. This bias will hamper the design of European-wide policies to reduce inequalities in mortality rate. We call for a continuous update of the empiric evidence on socioeconomic inequalities in mortality rate

    Recent advances in the structural molecular biology of Ets transcription factors: interactions, interfaces and inhibition

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    The Ets family of eukaryotic transcription factors is based around the conserved Ets DNA-binding domain. Although their DNA-binding selectivity is biochemically and structurally well characterized, structures of homodimeric and ternary complexes point to Ets domains functioning as versatile protein-interaction modules. In the present paper, we review the progress made over the last decade to elucidate the structural mechanisms involved in modulation of DNA binding and protein partner selection during dimerization. We see that Ets domains, although conserved around a core architecture, have evolved to utilize a variety of interaction surfaces and binding mechanisms, reflecting Ets domains as dynamic interfaces for both DNA and protein interaction. Furthermore, we discuss recent advances in drug development for inhibition of Ets factors, and the roles structural biology can play in their future

    Calpain-5 Expression in the Retina Localizes to Photoreceptor Synapses

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    Purpose: We characterize calpain-5 (CAPN5) expression in retinal and neuronal subcellular compartments. Methods: CAPN5 gene variants were classified using the exome variant server, and RNA-sequencing was used to compare expression of CAPN5 mRNA in the mouse and human retina and in retinoblastoma cells. Expression of CAPN5 protein was ascertained in humans and mice in silico, in mouse retina by immunohistochemistry, and in neuronal cancer cell lines and fractionated central nervous system tissue extracts by Western analysis with eight antibodies targeting different CAPN5 regions. Results: Most CAPN5 genetic variation occurs outside its protease core; and searches of cancer and epilepsy/autism genetic databases found no variants similar to hyperactivating retinal disease alleles. The mouse retina expressed one transcript for CAPN5 plus those of nine other calpains, similar to the human retina. In Y79 retinoblastoma cells, the level of CAPN5 transcript was very low. Immunohistochemistry detected CAPN5 expression in the inner and outer nuclear layers and at synapses in the outer plexiform layer. Western analysis of fractionated retinal extracts confirmed CAPN5 synapse localization. Western blots of fractionated brain neuronal extracts revealed distinct subcellular patterns and the potential presence of autoproteolytic CAPN5 domains. Conclusions: CAPN5 is moderately expressed in the retina and, despite higher expression in other tissues, hyperactive disease mutants of CAPN5 only manifest as eye disease. At the cellular level, CAPN5 is expressed in several different functional compartments. CAPN5 localization at the photoreceptor synapse and with mitochondria explains the neural circuitry phenotype in human CAPN5 disease alleles

    Compensatory Paracrine Mechanisms That Define The Urothelial Response to Injury in Partial Bladder Outlet Obstruction

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    Diseases and conditions affecting the lower urinary tract are a leading cause of dysfunctional sexual health, incontinence, infection, and kidney failure. The growth, differentiation, and repair of the bladder&#39;s epithelial lining are regulated, in part, by fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-7 and -10 via a paracrine cascade originating in the mesenchyme (lamina propria) and targeting the receptor for FGF-7 and -10 within the transitional epithelium (urothelium). The FGF-7 gene is located at the 15q15-q21.1 locus on chromosome 15 and four exons generate a 3.852-kb mRNA. Five duplicated FGF-7 gene sequences that localized to chromosome 9 were predicted not to generate functional protein products, thus validating the use of FGF-7-null mice as an experimental model. Recombinant FGF-7 and -10 induced proliferation of human urothelial cells in vitro and transitional epithelium of wild-type and FGF-7-null mice in vivo.To determine the extent that induction of urothelial cell proliferation during the bladder response to injury is dependent on FGF-7, an animal model of partial bladder outlet obstruction was developed. Unbiased stereology was used to measure the percentage of proliferating urothelial cells between obstructed groups of wild-type and FGF-7-null mice. The stereological analysis indicated that a statistical significant difference did not exist between the two groups, suggesting that FGF-7 is not essential for urothelial cell proliferation in response to partial outlet obstruction. In contrast, a significant increase in FGF-10 expression was observed in the obstructed FGF-7-null group, indicating that the compensatory pathway that functions in this model results in urothelial repair

    SPARC is expressed in renal interstitial fibrosis and in renal vascular injury

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    SPARC is expressed in renal interstitial fibrosis and in renal vascular injury. Tubulointerstitial inflammation and fibrosis are critical determinants for renal function and prognosis in a variety of human nephropathies. Yet, the pathophysiology of the injury remains obscure. We investigated the expression of SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine) by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization in experimental models characterized by tubulointerstitial fibrosis and matrix expansion in rats. SPARC is a secreted glycoprotein that has been demonstrated to affect cellular interaction with matrix proteins, modulate cell proliferation, bind to and/or inhibit growth factors such as PDGF and bFGF, and regulate angiogenesis. Interstitial expression of SPARC was most prominent in passive Heyman nephritis (PHN), chronic cyclosporine A (CsA) nephropathy, and the remnant kidney model and, to a lesser extent, in angiotensin II (Ang II)-infused animals. SPARC protein and mRNA were substantially increased at sites of tubulointerstitial fibrosis/matrix expansion. In the PHN model, SPARC protein was expressed by interstitial fibroblasts that also produced Ī±-smooth muscle actin (ā€œmyofibroblastsā€) and correlated both temporally (r = 0.97) and spatially with sites of type I collagen deposition. Interstitial cell proliferation preceded the development of interstitial fibrosis, and maximal SPARC expression (d15) coincided with the initial decline in interstitial proliferation. In the Ang II-infusion model, which is characterized by arteriolopathy and tubulointerstitial injury, an increase in SPARC protein and mRNA was also seen in injured blood vessels. SPARC was shown to be expressed by vascular smooth muscle cells and also by cells in the adventitia of hypertrophied arteries. In summary, SPARC was transiently expressed by interstitial fibroblasts at sites of tubulointerstitial injury and fibrosis, and by smooth muscle cells and cells in the adventitia of injured arteries in the Ang II-model. In addition to its proposed role in extracellular matrix deposition, the antiproliferative properties of SPARC might contribute to the resolution of interstitial fibroblast proliferation in the PHN model

    Extracellular superoxide dismutase (SOD3) regulates oxidative stress at the vitreoretinal interface

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    Oxidative stress is a pathogenic feature in vitreoretinal disease. However, the ability of the inner retina to manage metabolic waste and oxidative stress is unknown. Proteomic analysis of antioxidants in the human vitreous, the extracellular matrix opposing the inner retina, identified superoxide dismutase-3 (SOD3) that localized to a unique matrix structure in the vitreous base and cortex. To determine the role of SOD3, Sod3-/- mice underwent histological and clinical phenotyping. Although the eyes were structurally normal, at the vitreoretinal interface Sod3-/- mice demonstrated higher levels of 3-nitrotyrosine, a key marker of oxidative stress. Pattern electroretinography also showed physiological signaling abnormalities within the inner retina. Vitreous biopsies and epiretinal membranes collected from patients with diabetic vitreoretinopathy (DVR) and a mouse model of DVR showed significantly higher levels of nitrates and/or 3-nitrotyrosine oxidative stress biomarkers suggestive of SOD3 dysfunction. This study analyzes the molecular pathways that regulate oxidative stress in human vitreous substructures. The absence or dysregulation of the SOD3 antioxidant at the vitreous base and cortex results in increased oxidative stress and tissue damage to the inner retina, which may underlie DVR pathogenesis and other vitreoretinal diseases
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