1,006 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo method applied to the mechanical dating of the Turin Shroud

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    Alternative dating methods to radiocarbon have been recently developed to study the Turin Shroud (TS), the linen sheet that according to the tradition enveloped the dead body of Jesus Christ; among them, a mechanical one is based on the study of five mechanical parameters in reference to the breaking strength, the Young modulus and the loss factor. This method tests single TS linen fibers using a machine, built in for the purpose, capable to measure the stress-stain parameters during loading cycles. These parameters have been already shown to be dependent on the age of the linen under test, and a preliminary result has been obtained: the TS date is 400 A.D. \ub1400 years at 95% confidence level. A companion paper has combined this mechanical result with two chemical ones, coming from Raman and FT-IR spectra, and the combined result is 90 AD \ub1200 years at 95% confidence level, thus confirming the compatibility of the age of the TS with the period in which Jesus Crist lived in Palestine. As the evaluation of the uncertainty propagation is not simple in the case of the mechanical parameters, this paper tries to furnish a more reliable result applying the Monte Carlo method to the mechanical parameters directly measured. The obtained mechanical age of the TS of 279 A.D. \ub1216 years at 95% confidence level is compatible with the previous results, but with an uncertainty almost halved

    Violencias y resistencias desde una Producción Narrativa con militantes del Chile postdictatorial

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    Political violence being a relevant issue of our recent past that is still present in Chilean society, from the approach of the Social Psychology of Memory in this paper we review and discuss some aspects of violence and resistance of the decade nineties in Chile and its relationship with the present. Dealing with this theme it is developed in terms of a Narrative Production made with subjects ascribed to the use of violence as a strategy of revolutionary political struggle during the dictatorship and transition to democracy. The review and analysis of some segments of the Narrative Production realizes the characteristics of the political violence of the period and the forms of resistance to such violence as soon as conceptions that individuals have on the subject and its manifestations today.Siendo la violencia política un tema relevante de nuestro pasado reciente y que sigue estando presente en la sociedad chilena, desde la aproximación de la Psicología Social de la Memoria en el presente trabajo revisamos y discutimos algunos aspectos relativos a las violencias y resistencias de la década del noventa en Chile y su articulación con el presente. El abordaje de este tema se desarrolla en función de una Producción Narrativa elaborada con sujetos que adscribieron al uso de la violencia como estrategia de lucha política revolucionaria durante la dictadura y en la transición a la democracia. La revisión y análisis de algunos segmentos de la Producción Narrativa da cuenta de las características de la violencia política del periodo y de las formas de resistencia a dicha violencia, así como de las concepciones que los sujetos tienen sobre el tema y sus manifestaciones en la actualidad

    Self-assembling reduced graphene oxide and TiO2-based materials for solar photocatalytic wastewater treatment

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    In this study, we employed a simple and eco-friendly method to prepare self-assembling self-standing membranes of: i) graphene oxide (GO), ii) reduced GO (rGO), iii) rGO and TiO2 (rGO-TiO2). We tested the three membranes for adsorption and solar photodegradation of Imidacloprid in water, obtaining evidence of a remarkable solar photocatalytic activity of rGO. To the best of our knowledge, no other photocatalytic rGO self-standing membranes have been reported yet

    Self-standing membranes of reduced graphene oxide, TiO2 and waste-derived TiO2 for water treatment through adsorption and photocatalysis

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    As stated in United Nations SDG 6, improvement of wastewater treatment and reuse is an urgent necessity. In this context, titanium dioxide (TiO2) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) deserve a particular attention. The former is a well-known photocatalytic material, the latter shows a significant capture ability toward metal ions and organic molecules. Compared to pure TiO2, rGO-TiO2 composites are proved to have a reduced bandgap, which allows to exploit lower-energy photons for photocatalysis. In this work, we developed composite self-assembling membranes of rGO and TiO2. Our purpose is to obtain a self-standing material having the double functionality of adsorbent and photocatalyst, able to decontaminate wastewater from both inorganic and organic pollutants. To the best of our knowledge, no other self-standing membranes of rGO and TiO2 have been reported in literature yet. Fulfilling a circular economy approach, we also investigated the replacement of TiO2 with tionite (TIO), a waste-derived TiO2-containing material. Composite rGO-TiO2 and rGO-TIO membranes, with 2:1, 1:1 or 1:2 mass ratio, were simply prepared by mixing of an rGO aqueous suspension with commercial TiO2 nanopowder or tionite, followed by vacuum filtration and mild drying. The resulting self-assembling membranes were extensively characterized through XRD, SEMEDX, thermogravimetry, Raman and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Their water remediation properties were evaluated toward contaminants of different nature. Membranes were employed as filters for aqueous solutions of Fe3+ and Cu2+, representative of heavy metals contaminated wastewater. Then, membranes were tested for adsorption and photodegradation of organic molecules, namely the pesticide Imidacloprid, the dye methylene blue and the analgesic drug paracetamol. Experiments were carried out in dynamic and static conditions for 5 h, irradiating the membranes with UV-A, visible and simulated solar light. All the membranes exhibited a significant adsorption capacity (75%) toward the three molecules. In addition, composite membranes were responsible for pollutants photodegradation. Despite being limited (between 10% and 20%), the photocatalytic activity of these membranes is notable, considering the small amount of TiO2 and TIO contained. Moreover, the anatase content of tionite is as low as 1/6 of the one of commercial TiO2

    Long-term continuous monitoring of the preterm brain with diffuse optical tomography and electroencephalography: A technical note on cap manufacturing

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    open12noDiffuse optical tomography (DOT) has recently proved useful for detecting whole-brain oxygenation changes in preterm and term newborns' brains. The data recording phase in prior explorations was limited up to a maximum of a couple of hours, a time dictated by the need to minimize skin damage caused by the protracted contact with optode holders and interference with concomitant clinical/nursing procedures. In an attempt to extend the data recording phase, we developed a new custom-made cap for multimodal DOT and electroencephalography acquisitions for the neonatal population. The cap was tested on a preterm neonate (28 weeks gestation) for a 7-day continuous monitoring period. The cap was well tolerated by the neonate, who did not suffer any evident discomfort and/or skin damage. Montage and data acquisition using our cap was operated by an attending nurse with no difficulty. DOT data quality was remarkable, with an average of 92% of reliable channels, characterized by the clear presence of the heartbeat in most of them.openopenAlfonso Galderisi; Sabrina Brigadoi; Simone Cutini; Sara Basso Moro; Elisabetta Lolli; Federica Meconi; Silvia Benavides-Varela; Eugenio Baraldi; Piero Amodio; Claudio Cobelli; Daniele Trevisanuto; Roberto Dell'AcquaGalderisi, Alfonso; Brigadoi, Sabrina; Cutini, Simone; BASSO MORO, Sara; Lolli, Elisabetta; Meconi, Federica; Silvia, Benavides-Varela; Baraldi, Eugenio; Amodio, Piero; Cobelli, Claudio; Trevisanuto, Daniele; Dell'Acqua, Robert

    Influence of Free Ferrite on the Mechanical Properties of High Strength Intercritical Austempered Ductile Iron

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    The first stage of this study investigates the precipitation of free ferrite from the austenite on fully austenitized ductile iron. Several sets of samples of low alloy ductile iron are fully austenitized and then cooled down to different temperatures and different times within the intercritical austenite-ferrite-graphite phase field. Based on these results, heat treatment cycles aimed at obtaining microstructures composed of free ferrite and ausferrite are carried out. Tensile, impact and toughness tests are performed to characterize the mechanical properties. The results show that, related to the high strength austempered ductile iron grades, the best combinations of properties were obtained from the mixed structures composed of 5% free ferrite and 95% ausferrite, resulting from the austempering at 280°C. These amounts of free ferrite allow obtaining an increase of the elongation (about 50%) and impact toughness (about 10%) while the tensile strength and fracture toughness decrease by about 1.5 and 15% respectively. &nbsp

    Multiple origins of the common chameleon in southern Italy

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    The common chameleon Chamaeleo chamaeleon is a Mediterranean lizard which has been introduced in many islands and its native origin in European countries is debated. Chameleons have been introduced in southern Italy, possibly from the Middle East and Tunisia. We conducted genetic analyses on mitochondrial DNA 16S gene on a larger sample. We observed a multiple origin for the Salento (Apulia, southern Italy) population, with individuals phylogenetically related to populations of North Africa and two areas in the Middle East. Some individuals may have been released before the 1950s and some others in the 1980s, improving the establishment success of this species

    Isolamento e caracterização ultraestrutural de folículos pré-antrais de vacas da raça Nelore (Bos taurus indicus)

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    Folículos pré-antrais de 41 vacas da raça Nelore foram quantitativa e ultraestruturalmente descritos neste estudo. Uma média de 35.539,20 folículos pré-antrais foram isolados mecanicamente ("Tissue Chopper") por animal. Os folículos foram processados para microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Os folículos primordiais apresentaram um oócito rodeado por uma camada de células granulosas (CGs) achatadas, com algumas tendendo à forma cuboidal. As demais fases de desenvolvimento foram classificadas como folículos primários, com uma camada de CGs cuboidais, e secundários, com mais de duas camadas de CGs cuboidais. Os folículos primordiais apresentaram oócito evidente, com núcleo excêntrico e nucléolo bem definido, cercado por regiões de cromatina condensada. As organelas ao redor do núcleo eram, predominantemente, mitocôndrias arredondadas. Folículos em desenvolvimento apresentavam organelas mais dispersas e numerosas, com mitocôndrias alongadas. As comunicações entre o oócito e as CGs mantinham-se por zonas de aderência, "coated pits" e vesículas de endocitose. A zona pelúcida (ZP) começava a aparecer em folículos primários, mostrando microvilos pequenos e vesículas penetrando na ZP. Os folículos secundários apresentavam aglomerados de grânulos corticais em associação a complexos de Golgi. Concluímos que o método mecânico de isolamento fornece quantidades suficientes de folículos pré-antrais de ovários de vacas da raça Nelore e, pela semelhança ultraestrutural com os folículos de outras raças, é possível a utilização dos mesmos protocolos de cultivo que vêm sendo estudados, desde que possibilitem a maturação meiótica dos oócitos.Preantral follicles from 41 Nelore breed cows were described quantitative and ultrastructurally in the study. In the average, 35,539.20 preantral follicles were mechanically isolated (Tissue Copper) per animal. Follicles were processed for transmission electron microscopy. Primordial follicles presented an oocyte surrounded by a flattened granulosa cell layer, with some granulosa cells showing cuboidal shape. Other development stages were classified as primary follicles, with a granulosa cell layer around the oocyte and secondary stages, with oocyte surrounded by two or more cuboidal granulosa cell layer. Primordial follicles showed an evident oocyte, with the nucleus located at an eccentric cytoplasm position and a well-defined nucleolus, with condensed chromatin areas. Organelles were centered at the peri-nuclear area, showing mostly round shaped mitochondria. Follicles under development showed an increasing number of organelles and elongated mitochondria. Adherence zones, coated pits and endocitose vesicles maintained the oocyte-granulosa cell interfaces. The zona pellucida (ZP) appeared in primary follicles, showed small microvilos and many vesicles, which permeated into the ZP. Secondary follicles presented clusters of cortical granules associated to Golgi complexes. In conclusion, the mechanical method provide a sufficient amount of preantral follicles from Nelore breed cows and, due to ultrastructural similarity with follicles from other breed, it is possible to use same protocols of culture, since the oocyte meiotic maturation is kept intact


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    La Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia è stata tra le prime a dotarsi di una Carta Tecnica Regionale Numerica, strumento di conoscenza del territorio a supporto di una moderna pianificazione per la realizzazione di complessi interventi tecnicoamministrativi. e presupposto per la realizzazione di applicazioni GIS per gli EELL. In un contesto territoriale dove vige anche il sistema tavolare, da diversi anni collabora con l’Agenzia del Territorio sui temi della cartografia e del catasto; lo testimoniano la realizzazione sia di importanti lavori sui dati, in ufficio ed in campagna, che lo studio e la realizzazione di tecniche e strumenti innovativi per il trattamento e l’utilizzo integrato dei dati. La Regione ha avviato da tempo con Insiel (azienda informatica in house) la realizzazione di strumenti sw per la gestione integrata del dato territoriale e ne ha curato la distribuzione nei confronti degli EELL, favorendo la creazione di una cultura e di una sensibilità diffusa ai temi dei SIT ed all’utilizzo dei software. Questi sono evoluti nel tempo fino a costituire, ad oggi, un insieme di applicazioni web interoperanti dove il dato geografico viene messo in relazione con i dati tipicamente alfanumerici degli EELL, ad esempio anagrafe e tributi.The Friuli Venezia Giulia Region has been among the first Public Administrations to acquire a digital technical map of its whole land, a knowledge tool of the territory that can support a modern planning activity for the realization of complex technical and administrative activities, and a condition for implementing GIS applications for the EELL (local administrations). In a country where, along with the standard Italian cadastre, in a part of its territory also the “tavolare” system is in force, the FVG Region administration cooperated for many years with the Agenzia del Terriitorio (National cadastre Agency) on the cartographic mapping and cadastral topics. This is witnessed by the realization of important works on the data, both in office and on the field, and by the study and the realization of innovative software tools and techniques for data processing and integration. The FVG Region has started long time ago with Insiel (the EDP “in house” company) the realization of sw applications for the integrated management of geo data, and it has been taking care of their distribution to the EELL, favouring the creation of a culture and a diffuse sensibility about GIS topics and the related software usage. These evolved during time, and form now a system of web co-operating software applications, where the geographic data are related with the typical alphanumeric data of the EELL, for instance pertaining to registry or local income and taxes offices