19 research outputs found

    Efferent projections of C3 adrenergic neurons in the rat central nervous system

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    C3 neurons constitute one of three known adrenergic nuclei in the rat central nervous system (CNS). While the adrenergic C1 cell group has been extensively characterized both physiologically and anatomically, the C3 nucleus has remained relatively obscure. This study employed a lentiviral tracing technique that expresses green fluorescent protein behind a promoter selective to noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons. Microinjection of this virus into the C3 nucleus enabled the selective tracing of C3 efferents throughout the rat CNS, thus revealing the anatomical framework of C3 projections. C3 terminal fields were observed in over 40 different CNS nuclei, spanning all levels of the spinal cord, as well as various medullary, mesencephalic, hypothalamic, thalamic, and telencephalic nuclei. The highest densities of C3 axon varicosities were observed in Lamina X and the intermediolateral cell column of the thoracic spinal cord, as well as the dorsomedial medulla (both commissural and medial nuclei of the solitary tract, area postrema, and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus), ventrolateral periaqueductal gray, dorsal parabrachial nucleus, periventricular and rhomboid nuclei of the thalamus, and paraventricular and periventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus. In addition, moderate and sparse projections were observed in many catecholaminergic and serotonergic nuclei, as well as the area anterior and ventral to the third ventricle, Lamina X of the cervical, lumbar, and sacral spinal cord, and various hypothalamic and telencephalic nuclei. The anatomical map of C3 projections detailed in this survey hopes to lay the first steps toward developing a functional framework for this nucleus

    Angiotensin type 1A receptors in C1 neurons of the rostral ventrolateral medulla modulate the pressor response to aversive stress

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    The rise in blood pressure during an acute aversive stress has been suggested to involve activation of angiotensin type 1A receptors (AT(1A)Rs) at various sites within the brain, including the rostral ventrolateral medulla. In this study we examine the involvement of AT(1A)Rs associated with a subclass of sympathetic premotor neurons of the rostral ventrolateral medulla, the C1 neurons. The distribution of putative AT(1A)R-expressing cells was mapped throughout the brains of three transgenic mice with a bacterial artificial chromosome-expressing green fluorescent protein under the control of the AT(1A)R promoter. The overall distribution correlated with that of the AT(1A)Rs mapped by other methods and demonstrated that the majority of C1 neurons express the AT(1A)R. Cre-recombinase expression in C1 neurons of AT(1A)R-floxed mice enabled demonstration that the pressor response to microinjection of angiotensin II into the rostral ventrolateral medulla is dependent upon expression of the AT(1A)R in these neurons. Lentiviral-induced expression of wild-type AT(1A)Rs in C1 neurons of global AT(1A)R knock-out mice, implanted with radiotelemeter devices for recording blood pressure, modulated the pressor response to aversive stress. During prolonged cage-switch stress, expression of AT(1A)Rs in C1 neurons induced a greater sustained pressor response when compared to the control viral-injected group (22 +/- 4 mmHg for AT(1A)R vs 10 +/- 1 mmHg for GFP; p < 0.001), which was restored toward that of the wild-type group (28 +/- 2 mmHg). This study demonstrates that AT(1A)R expression by C1 neurons is essential for the pressor response to angiotensin II and that this pathway plays an important role in the pressor response to aversive stress

    Leptin mediates the increase in blood pressure associated with obesity.

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    Obesity is associated with increased blood pressure (BP), which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. We found that the increase in leptin levels seen in diet-induced obesity (DIO) drives an increase in BP in rodents, an effect that was not seen in animals deficient in leptin or leptin receptors (LepR). Furthermore, humans with loss-of-function mutations in leptin and the LepR have low BP despite severe obesity. Leptin's effects on BP are mediated by neuronal circuits in the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH), as blocking leptin with a specific antibody, antagonist, or inhibition of the activity of LepR-expressing neurons in the DMH caused a rapid reduction of BP in DIO mice, independent of changes in weight. Re-expression of LepRs in the DMH of DIO LepR-deficient mice caused an increase in BP. These studies demonstrate that leptin couples changes in weight to changes in BP in mammalian species

    Angiotensin type 1A receptor expression in C1 neurons of the rostral ventrolateral medulla contributes to the development of angiotensin-dependent hypertension

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    New Findings What is the central question of this study? This study addresses the mechanism by which deletion of angiotensinII type1A receptors from catecholaminergic neurons reduces angiotensin-dependent hypertension, as well as the identity of the cells involved.What is the main finding and its importance? Deletion of angiotensinII type1A receptors from catecholaminergic neurons results in reduced sympathetic nerve activation and fluid and electrolyte retention during angiotensin infusion. The C1 neurons of the rostral ventrolateral medulla are involved in the later phase of the hypertension. We demonstrate that at least two different populations of catecholaminergic neurons are involved in the sympathetic nerve activation required for the full development of angiotensin-dependent hypertension.Chronic low-dose systemic infusion of angiotensinII induces hypertension via activation of the angiotensinII type1A receptor (AT(1A)R). Previously, we have demonstrated that expression of the AT(1A)R on catecholaminergic neurons is necessary for the full development of angiotensin-dependent hypertension. In the present study, we examined the mechanism by which selective deletion of the AT(1A)R from these cells affects the development of hypertension. We also tested the hypothesis that AT(1A)Rs expressed by catecholaminergic C1 neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla play an important role in angiotensin-induced hypertension. A Cre-lox approach was used to delete the AT(1A)R from all catecholaminergic cells or from C1 neurons selectively. Subcutaneous administration of angiotensinII induced hypertension in all mice, with delayed onset and reduced maximal response in the global AT(1A)R catecholaminergic knockout mice. The AT(1A)R catecholaminergic knockout mice had decreased renal fluid and electrolyte retention and urinary noradrenaline excretion. The blood pressure response was reduced only during the second week of angiotensinII infusion in the mice with selective C1 AT(1A)R deletion, demonstrating that AT(1A)R expression by C1 neurons plays a moderate role in angiotensin-induced hypertension. The difference in the time course of development of hypertension between the mice with global AT(1A)R knockout from catecholaminergic cells and the mice with C1 AT(1A)R deletion suggests that other catecholaminergic neurons are important

    PreBötzinger complex neurons drive respiratory modulation of blood pressure and 1 heart rate 2 3

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    International audience18 Heart rate and blood pressure oscillate in phase with respiratory activity. A component of 19 these oscillations is generated centrally, with respiratory neurons entraining the activity of 20 pre-sympathetic and parasympathetic cardiovascular neurons. Using a combination of 21 optogenetic inhibition and excitation in vivo and in situ in rats, as well as neuronal tracing, we 22 demonstrate that preBötzinger Complex (preBötC) neurons, which form the kernel for 23 inspiratory rhythm generation, directly modulate cardiovascular activity. Specifically, 24 inhibitory preBötC neurons modulate cardiac parasympathetic neuron activity whilst 25 excitatory preBötC neurons modulate sympathetic vasomotor neuron activity, generating 26 heart rate and blood pressure oscillations in phase with respiration. Our data reveal yet more 27 functions entrained to the activity of the preBötC, with a role in generating cardiorespiratory 28 oscillations. The findings have implications for cardiovascular pathologies, such as 29 hypertension and heart failure, where respiratory entrainment of heart rate is diminished and 30 respiratory entrainment of blood pressure exaggerated. 31 3

    A Chemogenetic Tool that Enables Functional Neural Circuit Analysis

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    Chemogenetics enables manipulation of neuronal activity in experimental animals. While providing information about the transduced neuron expressing a ligand-activated molecule, chemogenetics does not provide understanding about the antecedent circuit that drives that neuron's activity. For current approaches, this is not feasible, because the activating molecules are not genetically encoded. The insect allatostatin/allatostatin receptor system, a highly specific, powerful inhibitory chemogenetic approach, has this advantage, because the ligand, being a peptide, is genetically encoded. We developed viral vector-based systems to express biologically active allatostatin in neurons in vivo and allatostatin receptors in subpopulations of postsynaptic neurons. We demonstrate that activity-dependent release of allatostatin induces inhibition of allatostatin receptor-expressing neurons. We validate the approach in the vagal viscerosensory system where inhibitory, rather than the usual excitatory, viscerosensory input leads to sustained decreases in baroreceptor reflex sensitivity and bodyweight

    Selective transduction and photoinhibition of pre-Bötzinger complex neurons that project to the facial nucleus in rats affects nasofacial activity

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    International audienceThe pre-Bötzinger complex (preBötC), a key primary generator of the inspiratory breathing rhythm, contains neurons that project directly to facial nucleus (7n) motoneurons to coordinate orofacial and nasofacial activity. To further understand the identity of 7n-projecting preBötC neurons, we used a combination of optogenetic viral transgenic approaches to demonstrate that selective photoinhibition of these neurons affects mystacial pad activity, with minimal effects on breathing. These effects are altered by the type of anesthetic employed and also between anesthetized and conscious states. The population of 7n-projecting preBötC neurons we transduced consisted of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons that also send collaterals to multiple brainstem nuclei involved with the regulation of autonomic activity. We show that modulation of subgroups of preBötC neurons, based on their axonal projections, is a useful strategy to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that coordinate and integrate breathing with different motor and physiological behaviors. This is of fundamental importance, given that abnormal respiratory modulation of autonomic activity and orofacial behaviors have been associated with the development and progression of diseases

    Selective transduction and photoinhibition of pre-Bötzinger complex neurons that project to the facial nucleus in rats affects nasofacial activity

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    The pre-Bötzinger complex (preBötC), a key primary generator of the inspiratory breathing rhythm, contains neurons that project directly to facial nucleus (7n) motoneurons to coordinate orofacial and nasofacial activity. To further understand the identity of 7n-projecting preBötC neurons, we used a combination of optogenetic viral transgenic approaches to demonstrate that selective photoinhibition of these neurons affects mystacial pad activity, with minimal effects on breathing. These effects are altered by the type of anesthetic employed and also between anesthetized and conscious states. The population of 7n-projecting preBötC neurons we transduced consisted of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons that also send collaterals to multiple brainstem nuclei involved with the regulation of autonomic activity. We show that modulation of subgroups of preBötC neurons, based on their axonal projections, is a useful strategy to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that coordinate and integrate breathing with different motor and physiological behaviors. This is of fundamental importance, given that abnormal respiratory modulation of autonomic activity and orofacial behaviors have been associated with the development and progression of diseases