1,659 research outputs found

    Spin orbit coupling at the level of a single electron

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    We utilize electron counting techniques to distinguish a spin conserving fast tunneling process and a slower process involving spin flips in AlGaAs/GaAs-based double quantum dots. By studying the dependence of the rates on the interdot tunnel coupling of the two dots, we find that as many as 4% of the tunneling events occur with a spin flip related to spin-orbit coupling in GaAs. Our measurement has a fidelity of 99 % in terms of resolving whether a tunneling event occurred with a spin flip or not

    Equilibrium free energy measurement of a confined electron driven out of equilibrium

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    We study out-of equilibrium properties of a quantum dot in a GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas. By means of single electron counting experiments, we measure the distribution of work and dissipated heat of the driven quantum dot and relate these quantities to the equilibrium free energy change, as it has been proposed by C. Jarzynski [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf78}, 2690 (1997)]. We discuss the influence of the degeneracy of the quantized energy state on the free energy change as well as its relation to the tunnel rates between the dot and the reservoir.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of weakly damped free-surface flows: a new formulation based on potential flow solutions

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    Several theories for weakly damped free-surface flows have been formulated. In this paper we use the linear approximation to the Navier-Stokes equations to derive a new set of equations for potential flow which include dissipation due to viscosity. A viscous correction is added not only to the irrotational pressure (Bernoulli's equation), but also to the kinematic boundary condition. The nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS) equation that one can derive from the new set of equations to describe the modulations of weakly nonlinear, weakly damped deep-water gravity waves turns out to be the classical damped version of the NLS equation that has been used by many authors without rigorous justification

    Energy cost associated with moving platforms.

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    Background: Previous research suggests motion induced fatigue contributes to significant performance degradation and is likely related to a higher incidence of accidents and injuries. However, the exact effect of continuous multidirectional platform perturbations on energy cost (EC) with experienced personnel on boats and other seafaring vessels remains unknown. Objective: The objective of this experiment was to measure the metabolic ECs associated with maintaining postural stability in a motion-rich environment. Methods: Twenty volunteer participants, who were free of any musculoskeletal or balance disorders, performed three tasks while immersed in a moving environment that varied motion profiles similar to those experienced by workers on a mid-size commercial fishing vessel (static platform (baseline), low and high motions (HMs)). Cardiorespiratory parameters were collected using an indirect calorimetric system that continuously measured breath-by-breath samples. Heart rate was recoded using a wireless heart monitor. Results: Results indicate a systematic increase in metabolic costs associated with increased platform motions. The increases were most pronounced during the standing and lifting activities and were 50% greater during the HM condition when compared to no motion. Increased heart rates were also observed. Discussion: Platform motions have a significant impact on metabolic costs that are both task and magnitude of motion dependent. Practitioners must take into consideration the influence of motion-rich environments upon the systematic accumulation of operator fatigue

    Multimodal nested sampling: an efficient and robust alternative to MCMC methods for astronomical data analysis

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    In performing a Bayesian analysis of astronomical data, two difficult problems often emerge. First, in estimating the parameters of some model for the data, the resulting posterior distribution may be multimodal or exhibit pronounced (curving) degeneracies, which can cause problems for traditional MCMC sampling methods. Second, in selecting between a set of competing models, calculation of the Bayesian evidence for each model is computationally expensive. The nested sampling method introduced by Skilling (2004), has greatly reduced the computational expense of calculating evidences and also produces posterior inferences as a by-product. This method has been applied successfully in cosmological applications by Mukherjee et al. (2006), but their implementation was efficient only for unimodal distributions without pronounced degeneracies. Shaw et al. (2007), recently introduced a clustered nested sampling method which is significantly more efficient in sampling from multimodal posteriors and also determines the expectation and variance of the final evidence from a single run of the algorithm, hence providing a further increase in efficiency. In this paper, we build on the work of Shaw et al. and present three new methods for sampling and evidence evaluation from distributions that may contain multiple modes and significant degeneracies; we also present an even more efficient technique for estimating the uncertainty on the evaluated evidence. These methods lead to a further substantial improvement in sampling efficiency and robustness, and are applied to toy problems to demonstrate the accuracy and economy of the evidence calculation and parameter estimation. Finally, we discuss the use of these methods in performing Bayesian object detection in astronomical datasets.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRAS, some major additions to the previous version in response to the referee's comment

    Effects of random alloy disorder, shape deformation, and substrate misorientation on the exciton lifetime and fine structure splitting of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs(111) quantum dots

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    Using atomistic, million-atom screened pseudopotential theory together with configuration interaction, as well as atomically resolved structures based on experimental characterization, we perform numerical calculations on self-assembled GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs(111) quantum dots that we compare with our experimental data. We show that random alloy disorder in the barrier can cause a symmetry breaking at the single-particle level (distortions of wave functions and lifting of degeneracies) which translates into the appearance of a nonzero exciton fine structure splitting (FSS) at the many-body level. Nevertheless, our results indicate that varying the concentration of aluminum in the random alloyed barrier allows simultaneous tuning of the exciton fine structure splitting and emission wavelength without altering its radiative lifetime tau approximate to 200 ps. Additionally, the optical properties of these quantum dots are predicted to be very robust against both symmetric and asymmetric shape elongation (with FSS 2.2 mu eV), rendering postselection less essential under well-controlled growth conditions. On the other hand, the growth on miscut substrates introduces a structural anisotropy along the quantization axis to which the system is very sensitive: the FSS ranges between 5 and 50 mu eV while the radiative lifetime of the transition is increased up to tau = 400 ps. The numerical results for the FSS are in perfect agreement with our experimental measurements which give FSS = 10 +/- 9 mu eV for 2 degrees miscut angle at x = 0.15

    Entanglement swapping with photons generated on-demand by a quantum dot

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    Photonic entanglement swapping, the procedure of entangling photons without any direct interaction, is a fundamental test of quantum mechanics and an essential resource to the realization of quantum networks. Probabilistic sources of non-classical light can be used for entanglement swapping, but quantum communication technologies with device-independent functionalities demand for push-button operation that, in principle, can be implemented using single quantum emitters. This, however, turned out to be an extraordinary challenge due to the stringent requirements on the efficiency and purity of generation of entangled states. Here we tackle this challenge and show that pairs of polarization-entangled photons generated on-demand by a GaAs quantum dot can be used to successfully demonstrate all-photonic entanglement swapping. Moreover, we develop a theoretical model that provides quantitative insight on the critical figures of merit for the performance of the swapping procedure. This work shows that solid-state quantum emitters are mature for quantum networking and indicates a path for scaling up.Comment: The first four authors contributed equally to this work. 17 pages, 3 figure

    On generation of metric perturbations during preheating

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    We consider the generation of the scalar mode of the metric perturbations during preheating stage in a two field model with the potential V(ϕ,χ)=m2ϕ22+g2ϕ2χ22V(\phi, \chi)= {m^{2}\phi^{2}\over 2}+{g^{2}\phi^{2}\chi^{2}\over 2}. We discuss two possible sources of such perturbations: a) due to the coupling between the perturbation of the matter field δχ\delta \chi and the background part of the matter field χ0(t)\chi_{0}(t), b) due to non-linear fluctuations in a condensate of ``particles'' of the field χ\chi. Both types of the metric perturbations are assumed to be small, and estimated using the linear theory of the metric perturbations. We estimate analytically the upper limit of the amplitude of the metric perturbations for all scales in the limit of so-called broad resonance, and show that the large scale metric perturbations are very small, and taking them into account does not influence the standard picture of the production of the metric perturbations in inflationary scenario.Comment: This version is to be published in PRD, new references added and typos correcte
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