2,990 research outputs found

    Multiple Derived Lagrangian Intersections

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    We give a new way to produce examples of Lagrangians in shifted symplectic derived stacks, based on multiple intersections. Specifically, we show that an m-fold fiber product of Lagrangians in a shifted symplectic derived stack its itself Lagrangian in a certain cyclic product of pairwise homotopy fiber products of the Lagrangians

    Gerbes and the Holomorphic Brauer Group of Complex Tori

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop the theory of holomorphic gerbes on complex tori in a manner analogous to the classical theory for line bundles. In contrast to past studies on this subject, we do not restrict to the case where these gerbes are torsion or topologically trivial. We give an Appell-Humbert type description of all holomorphic gerbes on complex tori. This gives an explicit, simple, cocycle representative (and hence gerbe) for each equivalence class of holomorphic gerbes. We also prove that a gerbe on the fiber product of four spaces over a common base is trivial as long as it is trivial upon restriction to any three out of the four spaces. A fine moduli stack for gerbes on complex tori is constructed. This involves the construction of a 'Poincar\'e' gerbe which plays a role analogous to the role of the Poincar\'e bundle in the case of line bundles.Comment: 33 pages, comments appreciate

    Mirror Symmetry and Generalized Complex Manifolds

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    In this paper we develop a relative version of T-duality in generalized complex geometry which we propose as a manifestation of mirror symmetry. Let M be an n-dimensional smooth real manifold, V a rank n real vector bundle on M, and nabla a flat connection on V. We define the notion of a nabla-semi-flat generalized complex structure on the total space of V. We show that there is an explicit bijective correspondence between nabla-semi-flat generalized complex structures on the total space of V and nabla(dual)-semi-flat generalized complex structures on the total space of the dual of V. Similarly we define semi-flat generalized complex structures on real n-torus bundles with section over an n-dimensional base and establish a similar bijective correspondence between semi-flat generalized complex structures on pair of dual torus bundles. Along the way, we give methods of constructing generalized complex structures on the total spaces of vector bundles and torus bundles with sections. We also show that semi-flat generalized complex structures give rise to a pair of transverse Dirac structures on the base manifold. We give interpretations of these results in terms of relationships between the cohomology of torus bundles and their duals. We also study the ways in which our results generalize some well established aspects of mirror symmetry as well as some recent proposals relating generalized complex geometry to string theory.Comment: Small additions, references adde

    Bounded linear endomorphisms of rigid analytic functions

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    Let KK be a field of characteristic zero complete with respect to a non-trivial, non-Archimedean valuation. We relate the sheaf D^\widehat{\mathcal{D}} of infinite order differential operators on smooth rigid KK-analytic spaces to the algebra E\mathcal{E} of bounded KK-linear endomorphisms of the structure sheaf. In the case of complex manifolds, Ishimura proved that the analogous sheaves are isomorphic. In the rigid analytic situation, we prove that the natural map D^→E\widehat{\mathcal{D}} \to \mathcal{E} is an isomorphism if and only if the ground field KK is algebraically closed and its residue field is uncountable.Comment: 23 pages. Comments welcom

    Perversely categorified Lagrangian correspondences

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    In this article, we construct a 22-category of Lagrangians in a fixed shifted symplectic derived stack S. The objects and morphisms are all given by Lagrangians living on various fiber products. A special case of this gives a 22-category of nn-shifted symplectic derived stacks SympnSymp^n. This is a 22-category version of Weinstein's symplectic category in the setting of derived symplectic geometry. We introduce another 22-category SymporSymp^{or} of 00-shifted symplectic derived stacks where the objects and morphisms in Symp0Symp^0 are enhanced with orientation data. Using this, we define a partially linearized 22-category LSympLSymp. Joyce and his collaborators defined a certain perverse sheaf on any oriented (−1)(-1)-shifted symplectic derived stack. In LSympLSymp, the 22-morphisms in SymporSymp^{or} are replaced by the hypercohomology of the perverse sheaf assigned to the (−1)(-1)-shifted symplectic derived Lagrangian intersections. To define the compositions in LSympLSymp we use a conjecture by Joyce, that Lagrangians in (−1)(-1)-shifted symplectic stacks define canonical elements in the hypercohomology of the perverse sheaf over the Lagrangian. We refine and expand his conjecture and use it to construct LSympLSymp and a 22-functor from SymporSymp^{or} to LSympLSymp. We prove Joyce's conjecture in the most general local model. Finally, we define a 22-category of dd-oriented derived stacks and fillings. Taking mapping stacks into a nn-shifted symplectic stack defines a 22-functor from this category to Sympn−dSymp^{n-d}.Comment: v3: improved exposition; couple of results adde

    Dagger Geometry As Banach Algebraic Geometry

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    In this article, we apply the approach of relative algebraic geometry towards analytic geometry to the category of bornological and Ind-Banach spaces (non-Archimedean or not). We are able to recast the theory of Grosse-Kl\"onne dagger affinoid domains with their weak G-topology in this new language. We prove an abstract recognition principle for the generators of their standard topology (the morphisms appearing in the covers). We end with a sketch of an emerging theory of dagger affinoid spaces over the integers, or any Banach ring, where we can see the Archimedean and non-Archimedean worlds coming together

    Fr\'echet Modules and Descent

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    We study several aspects of the study of Ind-Banach modules over Banach rings thereby synthesizing some aspects of homological algebra and functional analysis. This includes a study of nuclear modules and of modules which are flat with respect to the projective tensor product. We also study metrizable and Fr\'{e}chet Ind-Banach modules. We give explicit descriptions of projective limits of Banach rings as ind-objects. We study exactness properties of projective tensor product with respect to kernels and countable products. As applications, we describe a theory of quasi-coherent modules in Banach algebraic geometry. We prove descent theorems for quasi-coherent modules in various analytic and arithmetic contexts.Comment: improved versio

    Meromorphic Line Bundles and Holomorphic Gerbes

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    We show that any complex manifold that has a divisor whose normalization has non-zero first Betti number either has a non-trivial holomorphic gerbe which does not trivialize meromorphicly or a meromorphic line bundle not equivalent to any holomorphic line bundle. Similarly, higher Betti numbers of divisors correspond to higher gerbes or meromorphic gerbes. We give several new examples.Comment: 14 page
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