43 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengaplikasikan program pelatihan speed agility and quickness ini pada atlet Futsal Kabupaten Sumenep. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian randomized control group pretest-posttest design. Didalam penelitian eksperimen ada empat prinsip yang perlu diperhatikan, yaitu: subjek ditempatkan secara acak, adanya perlakuan, adanya kelompok kontrol, dan adanya ukuran keberhasilan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode matching pairing. Analisis data menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kecepatan yang signifikan setelah diberi perlakuan selama enam minggu. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari rerata tes akhir sebesar 10,11 dan rerata tes awal sebesar 11,26 dengan standart devisiasi untuk pre-test sebesar 0,44 dan post-test sebesar 0,54. Sehingga selisih dari rerata tersebut menunjukkan adanya peningkatan setelah diberi perlakuan selama pelatihan delapan minggu dan dengan frekuensi tiga kali. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa setelah adanya perlakuan selama enam mingggu dengan program pelatihan speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) dapat memberikan dampak peningkatan kelincahan sebesar 11,37 %

    Pengembangan Bio-Booklet Melalui Pendekatan Morfologi Dan Kadar Klorofil Famili Leguminoceae Untuk Sumber Belajar

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    Bio-Booklet dengan pendekatan morfologi dan kadar klorofil digunakan untuk sumber belajar  mata kuliah morfologi dan fisiologi tumbuhan karena bentuknya yang sederhana dan bisa digunakan sebagai acuan tambahan untuk materi morfologi dan kadar klorofil bagi mahasiswa Biologi semester IV dan V. Pendekatan pengembangan dilakukan menggunakan model 3-D (Define (pendefenisian), Design (perancangn) dan Develop (pengembangan). Kajian data yang digunakan berdasarkan studi literatur, karakteristik serta angket. Analisis data yang dikembangkan melalui pendekatan data kualitatif dan juga analisis uji kelayakan Bio-booklet. Hasil penilaian kelayakan Bio-booklet dari ahli materi dan media untuk karakter morfologi memperoleh skor 81,3%, sedangkan Bio-booklet materi kadar klorofil memperoleh nilai rata-rata dari ahli materi dan media adalah 89,6% masuk dalam kategori sangat valid atau layak. Hasil karakteristik morfologi dan kadar klorofil famili leguminoceae diperoleh karakter fenotip antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif bervariasi. Total kadar klorofil famili leguminoceae pada penelitan ini jenis kacang gude 0,47, kacang hijau 0,33 dan kacang tunggak 0,32. Berdasarkan hasil dapat disimpulkan Bio-booklet dengan pendekatan morfologi serta kadar klorofil famili leguminoceae sangat layak dijadikan sumber belajar


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    This study is a survey research conducted in urban Fort Subdistrict Baranti Sidrap. This study aims to determine how the distribution of tithes in the Village of Fort Subdistrict Baranti Sidrap and how the distribution of tithes in the Village of Fort Subdistrict Baranti Sidrap and review its Islamic law. This research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach to data collection and juridical using interview techniques, observation, documentation and library research. The data analysis technique that is both inductive and deductive. The results of this study indicate that 1) Distribution of tithes in the Village of Fort Subdistrict Baranti Sidrap still follow traditional customs of local communities by distributing zakat fitrah directly to the beneficiary as poor neighbor , imam of the mosque, an employee of Personality', tutor children and shamans , 2) the distribution of tithes directly Fortress Village society is legitimate in terms of Islamic law , but distribution through zakat management institutions will be much more effective


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan sejarah pengobatan tradisional orang Buton di Kecamatan Batupoaro Kota Baubau. Metode  penelitian (1)  pemilihan topik  (2) heuristik sumber, (3) kritik sumber, (4) interpretasi, dan (5) penulisan sejarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pengetahuan tentang cara pengobatan tradisional pada orang Buton diperoleh secara turun-temurun. Pada umumnya, praktek pengobatan tersebut dihafal dan dipraktekkan secara berulang-ulang untuk mengobati penyakit. (2) Jenis tanaman yang digunakan sebagai obat tradisional oleh masyrakat Buton di Kecamatan Batupoaro, yaitu: mengkudu (bangkudu), daun kumis kucing (bulumuncuna mbuta), sirih (gili), pepaya (kapaya), jambu biji (bulamalaka), jahe (malala), kunyit (mantomu), serai (padamalala), jeruk nipis (makolona), jarak (ntanga-ntanga) dan pinang. (3) Cara penggunaan tanaman obat orang Buton adalah pertama-tama mengumpulkan jenis tanaman yang akan digunakan sebagai obat untuk penyembuhan penyakit. Setelah terkumpul, tanaman untuk obat tradisional kemudian diramu. Tanaman yang telah diramu kemudian disajikan sebagai obat guna penyembuhan penyakit. Kata Kunci: pengobatan tradisional, orang Buton, obat herba

    Design And Development Of Ergonomic Table And Analyze Using Rula Analysis

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    Ergonomics and design have made the greatest relation in producing an artifact or creating a workplace. A computer table is widely used in classrooms in universities. However, the problems of the current computer table have been detected through the results of RULA analysis. In this project, a survey of the questionnaire was done and the anthropometric data have also been collected. The dimensions of the current computer table are then collected and the deficiencies of the current computer table have been focused on RULA analysis. A new structural design of the computer table has been designed, in order to meet the requirements of ergonomics. A product of the new design of ergonomics computer table is made and has been focused on RULA analysis to define the improvement between both tables. The paper showed a comparison between the current computer table and the new ergonomics computer table were analyzed. The improvement of the new ergonomics computer table was identified and reduced the injuries and disorders. A further investigation on better working posture when using a computer table is required, while further improvement for the product design of a new ergonomics computer table is needed, as well as the application of the ergonomics design aspect in our life

    Design For Manufacturability (DFM) Of 3D Printed Parts Fabricated Using Open Source 3D Printer

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    Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is one of the well-known additive manufacturing (AM) techniques to fabricate the part using layer-by-layer concept. Recently, an open source 3D printer is become widely available used by 3D printer user because of its affordability and portability. In this study, the performance of an open source 3D printer was evaluated based on the dimensional accuracy of the printed parts. The test model was fabricated using two types of printer, which is low cost 3D printer, Prusa and mid-end 3D printer, Cubepro. Then, the dimension of every model structure was measured using Rexscan 3D laser scanner and was compared

    N2O Release from agro-biofuel production negates global warming reduction by replacing fossil fuels

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    The relationship, on a global basis, between the amount of N fixed by chemical, biological or atmospheric processes entering the terrestrial biosphere, and the total emission of nitrous oxide (N2O), has been re-examined, using known global atmospheric removal rates and concentration growth of N2O as a proxy for overall emissions. For both the pre-industrial period and in recent times, after taking into account the large-scale changes in synthetic N fertiliser production, we find an overall conversion factor of 3–5 % from newly fixed N to N2O–N. We assume the same factor to be valid for biofuel production systems. It is covered only in part by the default conversion factor for ‘direct’ emissions from agricultural crop lands (1 %) estimated by IPCC (2006), and the default factors for the ‘indirect’ emissions (following volalilization/deposition and leaching/runoff of N: 0.35–0.45 %) cited therein. However, as we show in the paper, when additional emissions included in the IPCC methodology, e.g. those from livestock production, are included, the total may not be inconsistent with that given by our “top-down” method. When the extra N2O emission from biofuel production is calculated in “CO2-equivalent” global warming terms, and compared with the quasi-cooling effect of ‘saving’ emissions of fossil fuel derived CO2, the outcome is that the production of commonly used biofuels, such as biodiesel from rapeseed and bioethanol from corn (maize), depending on N fertilizer uptake efficiency by the plants, can contribute as much or more to global warming by N2O emissions than cooling by fossil fuel savings. Crops with less N demand, such as grasses and woody coppice species, have more favourable climate impacts. This analysis only considers the conversion of biomass to biofuel. It does not take into account the use of fossil fuel on the farms and for fertilizer and pesticide production, but it also neglects the production of useful co-products. Both factors partially compensate each other. This needs to be analyzed in a full life cycle assessment

    The biology and economic impact of the weta, Hemiandrus sp. (Orthoptera : Stenopelmatidae) in an apricot orchard, Horotane Valley

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    The basic aspects of the biology of the weta, Hemiandrus sp. (Orthoptera : Stenopelmatidae) were studied in an orchard, Horotane Valley, and in the laboratory during 1976 and 1977. The differences between preferred and least preferred ovi-position sites were investigated. Egg collections from the orchard showed that the mean fecundity was 50 ± 8 eggs. Fertility was in excess of 90 percent. The eggs have a winter quiescence and the presence of contact water was essential for egg development. A negative linear relationship between mean time for egg incubation with the time eggs were collected from the orchard was demonstrated as a potential tool for predicting field hatching. Hemiandrus sp. was reared from newly hatched nymphs to adulthood on various diets. Various aspects of nymphal biology were investigated using such reared colonies. The effects of the types of diets and the mould inhibitor on instar weight, duration and size were discussed. The effectiveness of the mould inhibitor in controlling mould growth was also discussed and the types of mortality factors recorded. Laboratory experiments using a starving technique showed that the most preferred food plant for Hemiandrus sp. was Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Fathen (Chenopodium album L.) was also eaten as shown by field and laboratory investigations but was a far less preferred species than prairie grass. Hemiandrus sp. did not feed on spottedbur medick (Medicago arabica L.) and Oxalis sp., the other major orchard flora constituents. Using pitfall traps, it was shown that hatching commenced in December during the 1976/1977 season. There were two overlapping populations present during the summer months. There was a preponderance of males at all stages where sex could be identified. The dispersion of the first five instars was negative binomial. The weekly dispersion of the male adults was generally negative binomial but that of the female was adequately described by the Poisson series. There was no difference in catch whether a trap was placed on the northern or the southern side of a tree. The soil moisture content and atmospheric temperature accounted for 80 percent of the variance in pitfall catch in the [fraction here] and 81 percent in the [fraction here] population. There was a difference in behaviour between adult males and females. Damage patterns and economic impact were examined during the 1976/1977 season. Fruit damage was caused by mature females. The percentage of apricots damaged varied with time. Each apricot cluster was equally susceptible to weta attack. There appeared to be no significant difference in fruit damage between and within trees and within stems. Potential control measures and their cost benefit analysis were discussed