981 research outputs found

    Hubungan Sosial Antar Pedagang Barang Harian Di Pasar Inpres Bangkinang

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    This research was conducted at the Inpres Bangkinang Market Kampar regency with problems: (1) What forms of social relations between traders in the daily goods Inpres Bangkinang Market?, (2) What factors are driving competition between traders in the daily goods Inpres Bangkinang Market. The purpose of this study was to determine the shape of social relations between traders in the daily goods as well as the Inpres Bangkinang Market To determine what factors are driving competition between traders in the daily goods Inpres Bangkinang Market. This research is a qualitative descriptive study population were 17 merchants using census method. To gather data, researchers used the method of observation, interviews and documentation of the respondents and the parties concerned. From the results of this study concluded that social relations Shape Inpres Market traders daily in Bangkinang is in the form of cooperation, accommodation and competition as well as the trader uses the principles of their own interests. But there is no occurrence of any conflict or dispute (conflict). But there are traders who have disharmony social relationships with other traders. Then factor that encourages competition among traders is the factor (1) the local economy, because if the local economy is low then sales decreased, (2) factors lies the store will also affect, because if the location of the store is not located, so consumers find it easy find and not too far to walk, (3) the service factor, because if satisfactory service consumers so that consumers will always remember and are interested in buying, (4) factors lies the goods traded, consumers are interested in buying when the consumer sees what one wants to buy, (5) the quality factor goods, if the goods were traded good, then consumers will become loyal customers to buy daily items needed and (6) open and close the store in accordance with market conditions, the faster the more revenue is opened and vice versa

    Perubahan Budaya Batobo pada Era Modernisasi di Desa Simandolak Kecamatan Benai Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    This research was conducted in the Simandolak village Benai subdistrict, Kuantan Singing regency. the purpose of this study is the first to determine the cause of the change in the modernization batobo cultural in the Simandolak Benai, district of Kuantan Singingi. the second objective is to determine the impact of cultural change batobo in the simandolak village benai district of Kuantan Singingi. Analyzing the data in this research use descriptive quantitative research methods. This quantitative descriptive research method is an analysis that seeks to provide a detailed picture based on facts found in the field and presented in the form of descriptions and assisted with the calculation of numbers, percentages, and tables. This quantitative descriptive study is presented in the form of descriptions and assisted with the calculation of numbers, percentages, and tables as well and is also supported by data to support the primary and secondary data exist. with the inclusion of the modernization to batobo cultural impact of cultural changes that occurred in the batobo. where, it can be seen that in the of cultural modernization batobo the use of technology both in the activities of plowing paddy fields and also a change in the tools people used a food to be brought to the fields by Simandolak villages. Field study results show that there is the occurrence of significant changes in the cultural tradition batobo which is perceived by the people in the Simandolak villages, even the traditions that have been there since the former activities cultural traditions batobo already started to disappear. This is caused by some of the effects that influence the changes that occur in cultural traditions batobo namely the impact of positive and negative impacts.Keyword : Change, Culture, Batob

    Interaksi Sosial Masa Reses Anggota Dprd Dapil II Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2015

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    Samsul Bahri and Masny Ernawati are Members of DPRD Kota Pekanbaru from Dapil II (Kecamatan Rumbai and Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir), who performed the recess period in 2015. Both Members of DPRD who were elected for the 2014-2019 period were very enthusiastic to accommodate people‟s aspirations that were going to be recommended for policy-making process in Kota Pekanbaru especially Kecamatan Rumbai and Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir. Because, in the context of political sociology, politics is the process of shaping and division of power in people that, among others, presents as a process of decision-making, especially those concerning development of many aspects, such as infrastructure development, and education. The aim of this research is to analyse which desired people‟s aspirations were realised in the recess period at Dapil II Kota Pekanbaru and to analyse the implementations of aspirations gathered in said recess period. Theories (approaches) used as the instrument of analysis in this research is the theorem of political sociology, social interactions, and leadership, while the research method used is the method of qualitative research. Research results showed that the delivered aspirations were many and varied. Samsul Bahri, there were 64 proposals delivered in the recess period of 2015, 29 (45%) of those were proposals concerning infrastructure development, while Masny Ernawati, there were 73 proposals in the recess period and 37 of them are about infrastructure development, interestingly, from Masny Ernawaty‟s recess period, there were many proposals in the first recess that showed up in later recess. Concerning implementations of aspirations gathered in the recess period, Samsul Bahri as a Member of DPRD Kota Pekanbaru had implemented 13 aspirations of all proposals gathered in recess period, aside of supplying studying desks for SDN 93 Pekanbaru, Samsul Bahri had gone through the development of infrastructures ranging from development of 2 MDA learning rooms, provisioning of 2 hectares marketplace, 17 nodes of street lightings, to asphalting 2 roads totalling 1.550 metres in length, including drainage and culverts. Being only one year in office, Samsul Bahri was good enough in voicing people‟s aspirations. Masny Ernawati as a Member of DPRD Kota Pekanbaru had performed 9 activities from interactions with people in the recess, from those 9 varied activities, Masny Ernawati had gone through the development of 1.500 metres of concrete road in Teluk Leok, development of gutters totalling 150 metres in each side of Jalan Harapan, aside of 1 drilled water well and supplying 150 pairs of studying desks and chairs for SMKN 7 Pekanbar

    Konsep Pernikahan dalam Pemikiran Fuqaha

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    This article discussed the concept and purpose of marriage in the views of jurists. Based on primary sources of Islamic teachings, Al-Qur\u27an, the jurists agreed that the concept of marriage is a contract that gives legal permissibility avail to hold family relationships (husband-wife) between men and women, held mutual help, and put limits on the rights to their owners as well as the fulfillment of the obligations for each party. The purpose of marriage is concluded in some facilities: (1) Means to release sexual desires, (2) Means to find serenity (sakinah ma waddah), (3) Means to acquire and to hold offspring, and (4) Means to maintain themselves from moral damages
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