1,565 research outputs found

    Interaksi Sosial Masa Reses Anggota Dprd Dapil II Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2015

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    Samsul Bahri and Masny Ernawati are Members of DPRD Kota Pekanbaru from Dapil II (Kecamatan Rumbai and Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir), who performed the recess period in 2015. Both Members of DPRD who were elected for the 2014-2019 period were very enthusiastic to accommodate people‟s aspirations that were going to be recommended for policy-making process in Kota Pekanbaru especially Kecamatan Rumbai and Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir. Because, in the context of political sociology, politics is the process of shaping and division of power in people that, among others, presents as a process of decision-making, especially those concerning development of many aspects, such as infrastructure development, and education. The aim of this research is to analyse which desired people‟s aspirations were realised in the recess period at Dapil II Kota Pekanbaru and to analyse the implementations of aspirations gathered in said recess period. Theories (approaches) used as the instrument of analysis in this research is the theorem of political sociology, social interactions, and leadership, while the research method used is the method of qualitative research. Research results showed that the delivered aspirations were many and varied. Samsul Bahri, there were 64 proposals delivered in the recess period of 2015, 29 (45%) of those were proposals concerning infrastructure development, while Masny Ernawati, there were 73 proposals in the recess period and 37 of them are about infrastructure development, interestingly, from Masny Ernawaty‟s recess period, there were many proposals in the first recess that showed up in later recess. Concerning implementations of aspirations gathered in the recess period, Samsul Bahri as a Member of DPRD Kota Pekanbaru had implemented 13 aspirations of all proposals gathered in recess period, aside of supplying studying desks for SDN 93 Pekanbaru, Samsul Bahri had gone through the development of infrastructures ranging from development of 2 MDA learning rooms, provisioning of 2 hectares marketplace, 17 nodes of street lightings, to asphalting 2 roads totalling 1.550 metres in length, including drainage and culverts. Being only one year in office, Samsul Bahri was good enough in voicing people‟s aspirations. Masny Ernawati as a Member of DPRD Kota Pekanbaru had performed 9 activities from interactions with people in the recess, from those 9 varied activities, Masny Ernawati had gone through the development of 1.500 metres of concrete road in Teluk Leok, development of gutters totalling 150 metres in each side of Jalan Harapan, aside of 1 drilled water well and supplying 150 pairs of studying desks and chairs for SMKN 7 Pekanbar


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    Utilization of low-lying areas is an option in developing hydroelectric power plants with low head. This study uses a split savonius rotor with 2 blades, Aspect ratio 1.2, Tip Clearance 5 mm, total head 0.649438 m, water level in the inlet 25 cm, the test was carried out on a whirlpool turbine with a spiral basin, aiming to determine the resulting performance. savonius split rotor on a vortex turbine by varying the Overlap Ratio. There are 4 rotors that have different overlap ratios which are tested at a flow rate of 0.0021 m³/s with loading treatment until the turbine stops. The results showed that the 0.15 Overlap Ratio resulted in the best performance with torque, power, and efficiency values of 0.14620 N.m, 1.7853 watts, and 13.392%, respectively. While the one that produces the lowest value is 0.45 Overlap with each value of 0.08240 N.m, 0.8411 watts, 6.310%

    Program Bantuan Beras Miskin (Raskin) di Desa Bangko Makmur Kecamatan Bangko Pusako Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    The research objective is to determine the distribution of Raskin and to evaluate the response of poor families who get help Rakin. The sample of 59 respondents were in subdistrict village Bangko Makmur District Bangko Pusako Rokan Hilir. Data was analyzed using descriptive method whit quantitative approach. That data collection is done by observastion, questionnaires, interviews, guided by the guidelinis for the interview. The results showed that the distribution of Raskin in Bangko Makmur villege goes well and smoothly because the majority of respondents 67,79% said good. This means that the distribution of Rakin Raskin and distribution in rural sub district Bangko Pusako Rokan Hilir already well underway. Raskin recipient community respondents attitudes in Bangko Pusako Rokan Hilir district very well, the majoritas of respondents 100,00% benefit from Raskin program organized by the government every year

    Keberadaan Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Paud) Bagi Keluarga Miskin Perkotaan(studi Paud Mutiara Bunda Kecamatan Pekanbaru Kota)

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    This study titled Existence Institute of Early Childhood Education (ECD) For poorfamilies in the city of Pekanbaru (ECD studies Mother of Pearl District of Pekanbaru City).Researchers interested in this theme because in Pekanbaru City Early Childhood Education(ECD) is growing. In early childhood education is synonymous with expensive andmiddleclass family owned, but now children - children from poor families also attended aneducation at an early age through the Institute of Early Childhood Education (ECD). Withthe formulation of the problem factors - factors that encourage parents put their children inearly childhood institutions, and How to view (perception) of parents of the existence of earlychildhood institutions.The theory used in this study is the Theory of Education, Theory of the Family, Theoryof view (Perception), Theory of the Poor, Structural and Functional Theory. The researchmethod used is descriptive qualitative. The respondents were 10 people, 2 men - men and 8women, in which respondents were selected based on criteria that parents who came frommiddle-class economy.The results showedthat the factors – factors of parents who are in an environment ofpoor families put their childrenat the Institute for Early Childhood Education (ECD) Motherof Pearlis afactor of importance of education, educational cost factor, the factor of socialrelationships, and infrastructure factors. View (perception) parents are institutions (ECD) isimportant forchildren – children at an early age, as well as givinga lot of progress andnegative child development lies in the child quickly performimitation (impersonation).Teacher steaching professional and social relationships already established throughmeetings, recreation with teachers and parents as well asin the event ofa disaster

    Kinerja Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 19 Palu Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan

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    This research aims at determining the performance of teachers in improving the quality of education at SMPN 19 Palu. This research uses a qualitative research method, informants are determined based on criteria to obtain information from this research, such as; authorities who are involved in the process improving teachers performance towards the quality of education. Data collection tecniques in this research are method: observation, interview, and documentation. Research results indicates that teacher performance in enhancing the quality of education at SMPN 19 Palu has not been running maxximally yet, because observing the indicators of research such as motivation, opportunity, feedback, standards and objectives, they are implemented well. Indicators that are still not optimally implemented are indicator of competence and means. It is concerned with in the inequality of teachers copetence owned and mastery of technology to improve their performance in implementing the teaching learning process. Facilities owned by the school is insufficient, it is indicated from the teaching aids that are owned by the school is still relatively less, cosequently in implementing the teaching learning process there are still limitations in managing the learning thus the teachers merely develop the learning in accordance with the school condition
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