89 research outputs found

    Performa Design Stripshield Sea Chest Kapal Basarnas Tipe Frp36 Berdasarkan Water Intake Dan Tahanan Tambahan

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    Kapal Basarnas tipe FRP merupakan kategori kapal cepat yang digunakan untuk memberikan pertolongan bila terjadi kecelakaan / musibah, di alur pantai, sungai, danau dan laut, dengan kemampuan olah gerak yang baik, kapal berbahan Fiberglass ini memiliki bobot yang relatif ringan dengan daya mesin yang besar sehingga menghasilkan kecepatan diatas 20 Knot. Daya mesin yang besar tersebut membutuhkan supply air pendingin dari sea chest yang besar pula, sedangkan seiring bertambahnya kecepatan kapal volume air yang masuk kedalam sea chest cenderung menurun sehingga dibutuhkan design stripped shield yang mampu menyuplai kebutuhan air pendingin dari mesin.Dengan menggunakan Software Maxsurf Hull Speed maka dapat dianalisa tahanan tambahan, water intake, dan pola aliran pada striped shield sea chest. Agar dapat menganalisa pola aliran yang lebih detail di setiap kenaikan kecepatan kapal pada striped shield sea chest juga digunakan bantuan Software Ansys .Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa dengan penambahan striped shield pada seachest kapal memberikan damakan nilai tahanan kapal. Jumlah water intake yang ditimbulkan akibat adanya Striped Shield relatif bervariasi seiring Perubahan kenaikan kecepatan kapal


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    This research explores the relationship between cognitive dimensions and the implementation of linguistic algorithms in language analysis. The main findings show that linguistic algorithms are capable of replicating a number of cognitive patterns, including information extraction, context understanding, syntactic analysis, maintenance of discourse cohesion, and adaptability. By pursuing these cognitive patterns, linguistic algorithms can increase their response capabilities and complexity in language processing. This research provides a strong theoretical basis for the development of more effective and adaptive language processing systems, paving the way for approaches that are more responsive to linguistic dynamics and contextual changes.Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi keterkaitan antara dimensi kognisi dan implementasi algoritma linguistik dalam analisis bahasa. Temuan utama menunjukkan bahwa algoritma linguistik mampu mereplikasi sejumlah pola kognitif, termasuk ekstraksi informasi, pemahaman konteks, analisis sintaktis, pemeliharaan kohesi wacana, dan adaptabilitas. Dengan mengejar pola-pola kognitif ini, algoritma linguistik dapat meningkatkan kemampuan respons dan kompleksitasnya dalam pemrosesan bahasa. Penelitian ini memberikan dasar teoretis yang kuat untuk pengembangan sistem pemrosesan bahasa yang lebih efektif dan adaptif, membuka jalan bagi pendekatan yang lebih responsif terhadap dinamika linguistik dan perubahan kontekstual

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Siswa Membaca Permulaan Melalui Metode SAS Di Kelas II SDN Pinotu

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    Masalah dalam penelitian ini, yakni apakah dengan menggunakan metode SAS keterampilan membaca permulaan pada siswa kelas II SDN Pinotu dapat meningkat? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan keterampilan membaca permulaan pada siswa kelas II SDN Pinotu dengan menggunakan metode SAS. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Pemaparan data penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif. Jenis data penelitian berupa data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data diproses melalui observasi dan evaluasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan rumus ketuntuntas klasikal, dan menentukan nilai rata-rata perolehan siswa dalam membaca permulaan melalui metode SAS.Adapun hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh pada siklus satu, yakni 56% ketuntasan klasikal dan nilai rata-rata 63,36, sedangkan pada siklus kedua 96% ketuntasan klasikal dan nilai rata-rata 89,8%. Berdasarkan hasil perolehan pada siklus kedua, maka hipotesis penelitian ini diterima

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Marannu melalui Pertanian dan Peternakan Terintegrasi dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Kabupaten Pinrang sebagai Poros Utama Pemenuhan Pangan Nasional

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    Tujuan kegiatan ini yaitu Penumbuhkan empati, jiwa kepemimpinan, kewirausahaan, kerja sama mahasiswa, dan dapat memberikan sumbangan bagi penyelesaian persoalan yang ada di masyarakat. Secara Khusus kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi pertanian dan peternakan dengan menghasilkan pakan ternak dari pengolahan limbah pertanian dan pupuk organik dari pengolahan limbah peternakan. Metode Pelaksanaan yang diterapkan untuk mencapai tujuan yaitu (1) Sosialisasi Pertanian: Penggunaan pupuk organik dan bahaya penggunaan pupuk kimia, (2) Sosialisasi Peternakan: Pemenuhan gisi dan pemberian vaksin ternak, (3) Pengolahan limbah pertanian menjadi pakan ternak, (4) Pengolahan limbah peternakan menjadi pupuk organik, dan (5) Pemberdayaan masyarakat pengangguran dalam pengolahan pupuk organik dan pakan ternak, Hasil (Luaran) dalam kegiatan ini adalah (1) Meningkatkannya hasil panen pertanian dari jumlah hasil panen sebelumnya, (2) Terjadinya penurunan biaya produksi atau pembelian pakan ternak dari periode sebelumnya dan (3) 50% petani Desa marannu menggunakan pupuk organik hasil pengolahan Limbah dan Peternakan 50% Peternak Desa Marannu menggunakan pakan ternak hasil pengolahan limbah pertanian. Konsep pertanian dan peternakan terintegrasi sebagai langkah Kabupaten Pinrang Sebagai Poros Utama Pemenuhan Pangan Nasiona

    Solar image denoising with convolutional neural networks

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    The topology and dynamics of the solar chromosphere are greatly affected by the presence of magnetic fields. The magnetic field can be inferred by analyzing polarimetric observations of spectral lines. Polarimetric signals induced by chromospheric magnetic fields are, however, particularly weak, and in most cases very close to the detection limit of current instrumentation. Because of this, there are only few observational studies that have successfully reconstructed the three components of the magnetic field vector in the chromosphere. Traditionally, the signal-to-noise ratio of observations has been improved by performing time-averages or spatial averages, but in both cases, some information is lost. More advanced techniques, like principal-component-analysis, have also been employed to take advantage of the sparsity of the observations in the spectral direction. In the present study, we propose to use the spatial coherence of the observations to reduce the noise using deep-learning techniques. We design a neural network that is capable of recovering weak signals under a complex noise corruption (including instrumental artifacts and non-linear post-processing). The training of the network is carried out without a priori knowledge of the clean signals, or an explicit statistical characterization of the noise or other corruption. We only use the same observations as our generative model. The performance of this method is demonstrated on both, synthetic experiments and real data. We show examples of the improvement in typical signals obtained in current telescopes such as the Swedish 1-meter Solar Telescope. The presented method can recover weak signals equally well no matter on what spectral line or spectral sampling is used. It is especially suitable for cases when the wavelength sampling is scarce.Comment: 13 pages; accepted for publication in A&

    Non-LTE inversions of a confined X2.2 flare: I. Vector magnetic field in the photosphere and chromosphere : I. The vector magnetic field in the photosphere and chromosphere

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    Obtaining the magnetic field vector accurately in the solar atmosphere is essential for studying changes in field topology during flares and to reliably model space weather. We tackle this problem by applying various inversion methods to a confined X2.2 flare in NOAA AR 12673 on September 6, 2017, comparing the photospheric and chromospheric magnetic field vector with those from two numerical models of this event. We obtain the photospheric field from Milne-Eddington (ME) and (non-)local thermal equilibrium (non-LTE) inversions of Hinode SOT/SP Fe I 6301.5Ã… and 6302.5Ã…. The chromospheric field is obtained from a spatially-regularised weak field approximation (WFA) and non-LTE inversions of Ca II 8542Ã… observed with CRISP at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope. The LTE- and non-LTE-inferred photospheric field components are strongly correlated throughout the atmosphere, with stronger field and higher temperatures in the non-LTE inversions. For the chromospheric field, the non-LTE inversions correlate well with the spatially-regularised WFA. We find strong-field patches of over 4.5 kG in the photosphere, co-located with similar concentrations exceeding 3 kG in the chromosphere. The obtained field strengths are up to 2-3 times higher than in the numerical models, with more concentrated and structured photosphere-to-chromosphere shear close to the polarity inversion line. The LTE and non-LTE Fe I inversions yield essentially the same photospheric field, while ME inversions fail to reproduce the field vector orientation where Fe I is in emission. Our inversions confirm the locations of flux rope footpoints that are predicted by numerical models. However, pre-processing and lower spatial resolution lead to weaker and smoother field in the models than what the data indicate. This emphasises the need for higher spatial resolution in the models to better constrain pre-eruptive flux ropes.Peer reviewe

    Rino-orbital-cerebral Mucormicosys in A Patient Type 1 Diabetic: A Case Report

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    Mucormycosis is an opportunistic andfrequently fulminating fungal infection causedby members of the family Mucoraceae, orderMucorales and class Zygomycetes which highly invasive and high mortality. Mucormycosis occurs in diabetic patients with poor blood glucose control. We reported a case of rhinocerebral mucormycosis in 20-year-old female patient with type 1 diabetes. The patient was treated for diabetic ketoacidosis and swollen symptoms in the left eye and out secretions from the left nose containing blackish spots. The probable diagnosis of rhinocerebral mucormycosis is made based on the results of direct examination and culture of nasal and palate tissue biopcywhich result suitable for Mucor sp. She was given systemic antifungal therapy with amphotericin B and symptoms of swelling of the left eye and secretions of the left nose with patches of blackness improved

    Second breast cancers in a Tuscan case series: characteristics, prognosis, and predictors of survival

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    Little is known about long-term outcomes following a second breast cancer diagnosis. We describe the epidemiology, characteristics and prognosis of second breast cancers in an Italian cohort. We identified women with two breast cancer diagnoses from 24 278 histology records at a Tuscan breast cancer service between 1980 and 2005, and determined their survival status. Disease-specific survival from second diagnosis was examined using Cox regression analyses. Second cancers were identified in 1044 women with a median age of 60 years. In all 455 were ipsilateral relapses and 589 were contralateral cancers. Median time between first and second diagnosis was 63.4 months. The majority of second cancers was small invasive or in situ tumours. Estimated 10-year survival from a second cancer diagnosis was 78%. Survival was poorest when the second cancer was large (HR=2.26) or node-positive (HR=3.43), when the time between the two diagnoses was <5 years (HR=1.45), or when the diagnosis was in an earlier epoch (HR=2.20). Second tumours were more likely to be large or node-positive if the first breast cancer had these features. Prognosis following a second breast cancer in this cohort was generally good. However, large or node-positive second tumours, and shorter intervals between diagnoses were indicators of poorer survival

    One-stop diagnostic breast clinics: how often are breast cancers missed?

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the number of patients discharged from a symptomatic breast clinic who subsequently develop breast cancer and to determine how many of these cancers had been ‘missed' at initial assessment. Over a 3-year period, 7004 patients were discharged with a nonmalignant diagnosis. Twenty-nine patients were subsequently diagnosed with breast cancer over the next 36 months. This equates to a symptomatic ‘interval' cancer rate of 4.1 per 1000 women in the 36 months after initial assessment (0.9 per 1000 women within 12 months, 2.6 per 1000 women within 24 months). The lowest sensitivity of initial assessment was seen in patients of 40–49 years of age, and these patients present the greatest imaging and diagnostic challenge. Following multidisciplinary review, a consensus was reached on whether a cancer had been missed or not. No delay occurred in 10 patients (35%) and probably no delay in 7 patients (24%). Possible delay occurred in three patients (10%) and definite delay in diagnosis (i.e., a ‘missed' cancer) occurred in only nine patients (31%). The overall diagnostic accuracy of ‘triple' assessment is 99.6% and the ‘missed' cancer rate is 1.7 per 1000 women discharged
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