9 research outputs found

    Characterizing All Trees with Locating-chromatic Number 3

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    Let cc be a proper kk-coloring of a connected graph GG. Let Ξ ={S1,S2,…,Sk}\Pi = \{S_{1}, S_{2},\ldots, S_{k}\} be the induced partition of V(G)V(G) by cc, where SiS_{i} is the partition class having all vertices with color ii.The color code cΞ (v)c_{\Pi}(v) of vertex vv is the orderedkk-tuple (d(v,S1),d(v,S2),…,d(v,Sk))(d(v,S_{1}), d(v,S_{2}),\ldots, d(v,S_{k})), whered(v,Si)=min{d(v,x)∣x∈Si}d(v,S_{i})= \hbox{min}\{d(v,x)|x \in S_{i}\}, for 1≀i≀k1\leq i\leq k.If all vertices of GG have distinct color codes, then cc iscalled a locating-coloring of GG.The locating-chromatic number of GG, denoted by Ο‡L(G)\chi_{L}(G), isthe smallest kk such that GG posses a locating kk-coloring. Clearly, any graph of order nβ‰₯2n \geq 2 have locating-chromatic number kk, where 2≀k≀n2 \leq k \leq n. Characterizing all graphswith a certain locating-chromatic number is a difficult problem. Up to now, we have known allgraphs of order nn with locating chromatic number 2,nβˆ’1,2, n-1, or nn.In this paper, we characterize all trees whose locating-chromatic number 33. We also give a family of trees with locating-chromatic number 4

    Restricted Size Ramsey Number for Path of Order Three Versus Graph of Order Five

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    Let GG and HH be simple graphs. The Ramsey number for a pair of graph GG and HH is the smallest number rr such that any red-blue coloring of edges of KrK_r contains a red subgraph GG or a blue subgraph HH. The size Ramsey number for a pair of graph GG and HH is the smallest number r^\hat{r} such that there exists a graph FF with size r^\hat{r} satisfying the property that any red-blue coloring of edges of FF contains a red subgraph GG or a blue subgraph HH. Additionally, if the order of FF in the size Ramsey number is r(G,H)r(G,H), then it is called the restricted size Ramsey number. In 1983, Harary and Miller started to find the (restricted) size Ramsey number for any pair of small graphs with order at most four. Faudree and Sheehan (1983) continued Harary and Miller\u27s works and summarized the complete results on the (restricted) size Ramsey number for any pair of small graphs with order at most four. In 1998, Lortz and Mengenser gave both the size Ramsey number and the restricted size Ramsey number for any pair of small forests with order at most five. To continue their works, we investigate the restricted size Ramsey number for a path of order three versus connected graph of order five

    On Energy, Laplacian Energy and PP-fold Graphs

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    For a graph GG having adjacency spectrum (AA-spectrum) Ξ»n≀λnβˆ’1≀⋯≀λ1\lambda_n\leq\lambda_{n-1}\leq\cdots\leq\lambda_1 and Laplacian spectrum (LL-spectrum) 0=ΞΌn≀μnβˆ’1≀⋯≀μ10=\mu_n\leq\mu_{n-1}\leq\cdots\leq\mu_1, the energy is defined as E(G)=βˆ‘i=1n∣λi∣ E(G)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}|\lambda_i| and the Laplacian energy is defined as LE(G)=βˆ‘i=1n∣μiβˆ’2mn∣LE(G)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}|\mu_i-\frac{2m}{n}|. In this paper, we give upper and lower bounds for the energy of KKnj,Β 1≀j≀nKK_n^j,~1\leq j \leq n and as a consequence we generalize a result of Stevanovic et al. [More on the relation between Energy and Laplacian energy of graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. {\bf 61} (2009) 395-401]. We also consider strong double graph and strong pp-fold graph to construct some new families of graphs GG for which E(G)> LE(G)

    On Size Multipartite Ramsey Numbers for Stars Versus Paths and Cycles

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    Let KlΓ—tK_{l\times t} be a complete, balanced, multipartite graph consisting of ll partite sets and tt vertices in each partite set. For given two graphs G1G_1 and G2G_2, and integer jβ‰₯2j\geq 2, the size multipartite Ramsey number mj(G1,G2)m_j(G_1,G_2) is the smallest integer tt such that every factorization of the graph KjΓ—t:=F1βŠ•F2K_{j\times t}:=F_1\oplus F_2 satisfies the following condition: either F1F_1 contains G1G_1 or F2F_2 contains G2G_2. In 2007, Syafrizal et al. determined the size multipartite Ramsey numbers of paths PnP_n versus stars, for n=2,3n=2,3 only. Furthermore, Surahmat et al. (2014) gave the size tripartite Ramsey numbers of paths PnP_n versus stars, for n=3,4,5,6n=3,4,5,6. In this paper, we investigate the size tripartite Ramsey numbers of paths PnP_n versus stars, with all nβ‰₯2n\geq 2. Our results complete the previous results given by Syafrizal et al. and Surahmat et al. We also determine the size bipartite Ramsey numbers m2(K1,m,Cn)m_2(K_{1,m},C_n) of stars versus cycles, for nβ‰₯3,mβ‰₯2n\geq 3,m\geq 2

    Bilangan Ramsey Sisi dari R(p3,pn)

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    Pada paper ini akan ditunjukkan bahwa bilangan Ramsey sisi dari r(P3,Pn) untuk n = 13, 14, 15 adalah 20, 23, 24. Ditunjukkan pula bahwa r(P3,pn)=r(P3,Pk)+r(P3,P1) dengan n = k+l-1 untuk n ganjil dan k, l genap. Kata kunci: Bilangan Ramsey sisi, Graph lintasa