163 research outputs found

    A Review of Decision-making Models in Developed Countries towards Enhancing the Quality of Built Heritage Assets in Developing Countries

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    Worldwide population is rapidly growing economically and politically. Hence, countries have challenges of conserving its heritage properties. However, the rapid development is emerging, ignoring the existing architectural relic on the assets. Thereby fading away historical value and loss of asset’s identity. Lack of optimum reuse decision-making and less application of the available models contributed to such phenomenon, particularly in developing countries. Consequently, this study aimed at appraising the models adopted in developed countries by reviewing 9 Journal articles from year 1999 to 2017. As a result, Europe and USA were found to have the practice of conserving their built assets.

    The Human Right to Development in Nigeria

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    Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2016ENGLISH ABSTRACT : Africa is desperately in need of development. Several efforts have been employed to deal with underdevelopment issues with little or no successes. At all levels, efforts are being put in place to deal with poverty, hunger, malnutrition, disease and other issues that are connected to development. The situation is worrying and desperately in need of lasting solutions. It is in this regard that the right to development was conceived. The right to development is a right that seeks to make development a human right for all. It is a right that encompasses all categories of rights whether civil, political, economic, social or cultural. Thus, the right to development seeks to combine human rights and development together so that the individual and indeed all peoples may participate in, contribute to and enjoy development. The right to development is being supported at international and African regional levels. Although the right is enmeshed in ideological skirmishes between the developed countries of the world and developing ones, efforts to make it acceptable are still ongoing. Examples of such efforts include the Sustainable Development Goals, the Millennium Development Goals, and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development amongst others. Therefore, I examine the role of the right to development as a tool for genuine human development in Africa and specifically for Nigeria. I analyse the legal character of the right from an international, regional and domestic legal perspectives. In this dissertation, I argue that the right to development is a human right capable of enforcement in Nigeria. Its enforceability is found within the Nigerian legal system through international and domestic legal arrangements. In addition to international obligations, the constitution, other pieces of domestic legislation as well as the domesticated treaties strengthen the case for the enforceability of the right in Nigeria. Similarly the dissertation notes that aside from justiciability of the right before courts, good governance, legislative and development planning approaches can aid the effective realisation of this right. On the overall, I argue that, the right to development, if effectively implemented, has the potential of dealing with the myriad of development challenges faced in Nigeria and in Africa at large.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Afrika het ‘n desperate behoefte aan ontwikkeling. Verskeie pogings is reeds gemaak om kwessies van onderontwikkeling te hanteer, maar met min of geen sukses nie. Op all vlakke word pogings ingestel om kwessies soos armoede, honger, wanvoeding, siekte en ander wat met ontwikkeling te doen het, te hanteer. Die situasie is kommerwekkend en daar is ‘n desperate behoefte aan blywende oplossings. Dit is in hierdie opsig wat die reg op ontwikkeling tot stand gekom het. Die reg op ontwikkeling is ‘n reg wat poog om ontwikkeling ‘n mensereg vir almal te maak. Dit is ‘n reg wat al die kategorieë van regte insluit, hetsy burgerlike, politiese, sosiale of kulturele. Die reg op ontwikkeling poog dus om menseregte en ontwikkeling te kombineer sodat die individu, en trouens all mense, aan ontwikkeling mag deelneem, daartoe bydra en dit geniet. Die reg op ontwikkeling word internasionaal and op die streekvlak van Afrika ondersteun. Hoewel die reg vasgewikkel is in ideologiese skermutselings tussen die ontwikkelde lande van die wêreld and die ontwikkelende lande, is daar voortgesette pogings om dit aanvaarbaar te maak. Voorbeelde van sulke pogings sluit in die Volhoubare Ontwikkelingsdoelwitte (Sustainable Development Goals), die Millennium Ontwikkelingsdoelwitte, en die Nuwe Vennootskap vir die Ontwikkeling van Afrika (New Partnership for Africa’s Development). Ek ondersoek dus die rol van die reg op ontwikkeling as ‘n egte instrument vir werklike menslike ontwikkeling in Afrika, en veral in Nigerië. Ek analiseer die wetlike karakter van die reg vanuit internasionale, streeks- en binnelandse perspektiewe. In hierdie proefskrif argumenteer ek dat die reg op ontwikkeling ‘n mensereg is wat in Nigerië afgedwing kan word. Die afdwingbaarheid daarvan berus in die Nigeriese regstelsel op grond van internasionale en binnelandse wetlike skikkings. Benewens die internasionale verpligtinge, versterk die grondwet, ander stukke binnelandse wetgewing sowel as ingeburgerde verdrae die afdwingbaarheid van die reg in Nigerië. Eweneens wys die proefskrif daarop dat, buiten die beregbaarheid van die reg voor die howe, goeie bestuur en beheer and wetlike en ontwikkelingsbeplanningsbenaderings tot die doeltreffende totstandkoming van hierdie reg kan bydra. Oor die algemeen argumenteer ek dat indien die reg op ontwikkeling doeltreffend geïmplementeer word, dit die potensiaal het om te handel met die magdom ontwikkelingsuitdagings wat Nigerië, en Afrika oor die algemeen, in die gesig staar

    Influence of Stakeholders in Developing Green Banking Products in Bangladesh

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    Environmental concern is trying to control the patterns of consumers’ consumption and behavior of manufacturing industries and business enterprises worldwide since climate change issues has been considered as a global challenge. After so many argumentations in the developed countries, it has become an incessant public endearment in the developing countries like Bangladesh, as the level of environmental deterioration has picked up to the mountains. Many measures have been taken into account while adapting to climate changes, but the actions are inconsistent in many cases especially in the financial sector (most appropriately in the banking sector). This study aims to highlight the supreme benefits, encountering challenges, strategic aspects of Green Banking with two major objectives. First one is to caricature the existing scenario of green banking practice in Bangladesh and the other one is to accentuate how individual and also institutional stakeholder forces such as regulatory, managerial or environmental, that can affect the deliberate environmental behavior of banks performing in Bangladesh. The findings suggest that banks should go green and play a pro-active role to take environmental aspects for functional improvements and changing client habits in banking business. Use of appropriate environmental technologies and management systems will not only be useful for environment, but also provide benefits as greater operational efficiencies. After using both descriptive and inferential statistics analysis, this study also advocacy for the necessity of stakeholder’s influences in green banking practice and recommend some indication for Government, the whole banking sector and for the business community

    The development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and challenges of Environmental and Social Reporting in Bangladesh

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    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been recognised as corporation’s strategic tools to response the social obligation and corporation’s sustainability. The meaning and importance of CSR has been changed over time. At the inception, CSR was the obligation to pursue corporation policies and decision based on the desirable objectives and values of the society. But now corporate social responsibility is regarded as corporate sustainability and corporate citizenship. In this paper we have analysed content of 70 (Out of 123) audited corporate annual reports listed in the Dhaka Stock exchange of Bangladeshi companies. Realizing the importance of CSR we have attempted to find out the development of CSR, and formulate a strategic corporate CSR model for Bangladeshi Companies and justified the model compared with the international companies CSR activities. We have also identified the challenges of environmental and social reporting. We found that it is very hard to segregate environmental cost and social audit as they are arisen number of ways. The environment and social audit are not mandatory and should be reported in the notes to the financial statements. Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic CSR Model, Challenges of Environmental costs, Social Reportin

    Assessment of Bioplastic Producing Potential of Bacillus subtilis using Some Agricultural Residues as Carbon Source

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    This study was carried out to assess the bioplastic producing potential of Bacillus subtilis using a variety of pretreated agricultural residues. Four agricultural residues (rice husks, molasses, bagasse, and corn cobs) were subjected to acid, alkaline and oxidative pretreatments using standard procedures. Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) produced was extracted using chloroform precipitation and quantified spectrophotometrically. The PHB production (g/L) for acid, alkali and hydrogen peroxide pretreatments where (n = 3) were: 1.52±0.02, 1.82±0.01, and 1.70±0.01 for rice husk; 1.82±0.01, 1.52±0.02, and 1.69±0.01 for molasses; 0.87±0.06, 1.10±0.10, and 0.96±0.07 for sugarcane bagasses and 0.5±0.00, 0.77±0.06, and 0.60±0.10 for corn cob, respectively. The maximum bioplastic yield of 63.94±2.59% was obtained in alkali pretreated corn cobs, while the lowest yield of 50.33±0.76% was found in acid pretreated rice husk. Thus, the findings in this study revealed that agricultural residues could be explored for PHB production in the presence of potential microbial strains due to their abundance, high carbon content, limited inhibitory effect and cost effectiveness

    Existence and controllability of integrodifferential equations with non-instantaneous impulses in Fréchet spaces

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    In this paper, we investigate existence of mild solutions to a non-instantaneous integrodifferential equation via resolvent operators in the sense of Grimmer in Fréchet spaces. Utilizing the technique of measures of noncompactness in conjunction with the Darbo's fixed point theorem, we present sufficient criteria ensuring the controllability of the given problem. An illustrative example is also discussed

    PAKistan Study of prEmature coronary atHerosclerosis in young AdulTs (PAK-SEHAT): A prospective longitudinal study protocol investigating the prevalence, severity and determinants of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in the young adult Pakistani population

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    Introduction: Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is a major cause of morbidity, mortality and health expenditures worldwide. Despite having higher ASCVD in the Pakistani population, data on subclinical coronary atherosclerosis in young Pakistanis remain scarce. The PAKistan Study of prEmature coronary atHerosclerosis in young AdulTs (PAK-SEHAT) aims to assess the prevalence, severity and determinants of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis among Pakistani men (35-60 years) and women (35-65 years) free of clinically symptomatic ASCVD and will assess 5-year rates of ASCVD events.Methods and analysis: PAK-SEHAT is an ongoing prospective cohort study with 2000 participants from all provinces of Pakistan who will be interviewed at the baseline along with phlebotomy, measurement of carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and coronary CT angiography (CCTA). Phlebotomy will be repeated at 2.5 years, whereas CIMT and CCTA will be repeated at 5 years. We will report the frequency of maximal coronary stenosis ≥50% and ≥70%, number of coronary vessels with plaque and the number of coronary segments affected per participant on CCTA. We will use Cox proportional hazards regression models to evaluate the association between baseline characteristics and incident ASCVD events during follow-up. These associations will be presented as HRs with 95% CIs.Ethics and dissemination: The study protocol was approved by the Tabba Heart Institute Institutional Review Board (THI/IRB/FQ/22-09-2021/016). All study procedures are consistent with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Findings of the study will be disseminated via peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations.Trial registration number: NCT05156736

    Surgery versus conservative management for lumbar disc herniation with radiculopathy: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction: Lumbar Disk Herniation with Radiculopathy (LDHR) appears to be a large and costly problem. The paradigm regarding the best treatment for LDHR has being between surgery and conservative management. The aim of this study was to compare and summarize evidence regarding the effectiveness of surgery and conservative treatment for individuals with sciatica due to lumbar disc herniation. Methods: This study reviewed all literatures published on individuals with LDHR, who were managed either via surgery or conservative method. Pain and functional disability were the main outcome measures analyzed. A comprehensive search of PubMed, TRIP, PEDro and CINAHL was conducted from October, 2011 to June 2017. Two independent researchers selected the studies, and extracted the data. Methodological quality was assessed using the PEDro scale. Meta-analysis was carried out where suitable. Results: Eight studies involving (n=1,507) were included in the review. Meta-analysis was conducted for only 4 studies (n=784). The meta-analysis showed significant benefit for early surgery than conservative care -8.01(95% CI, -9.27 to -6.72) in the short-term effect -0.49 (95% CI, -0.7 to -0.28). However, the result for long-term effect did not show any significant difference between surgery and conservative care 1.60 (95% CI, -6.85 to 10.05). Conclusion: This current evidence suggest that early surgery for individuals with lumbar disc herniation with radiculopathy is better than conservative care in the short-term without any long-term difference. The results of this review should be interpreted with caution as the populations of the included studies were largely heterogeneous
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