372 research outputs found

    Logging activities in mangrove forests: A case study of Douala Cameroon

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    The Cameroon mangroves are exploited by local communities through fishing, hunting, and especially logging for fuel-wood and charcoal. The changing demographic patterns in the region have increased the need of citizens in the urban centres, which in turn, has accelerated the pressure on the neighbouring forests. The objective of these studies was to assess the impact of local communities on the mangroves’ development. Through an eight point semi-structured questionnaire, 120 mangrove loggers were interviewed in the local markets in Douala. The survey data show that 61% of respondents are permanent workers and do not envisage quitting this mode of employment. The surface area destroyed annually approximates 1000 ha. Species of the genus Rhizophora are mostly exploited, with about 200,000 trees cut down per year. The declared revenues are about 400,000 Euros per year. Further analysis of information from different sources suggests that the total annual income could amount to four millions euros. These estimates show that the mangroves have a significant economic value and require significant improvement in modes of exploitation to include strategies for sustainable management.Key words: Anthropogenic impact, deforestation, Douala-Cameroon, economic value, loggers, mangroves,  Rhizophora

    A novel human aquaporin-4 splice variant exhibits a dominant-negative activity: a new mechanism to regulate water permeability.

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    Two major isoforms of aquaporin-4 (AQP4) have been described in human tissue. Here we report the identification and functional analysis of an alternatively spliced transcript of human AQP4, AQP4-Δ4, that lacks exon 4. In transfected cells AQP4-Δ4 is mainly retained in the endoplasmic reticulum and shows no water transport properties. When AQP4-Δ4 is transfected into cells stably expressing functional AQP4, the surface expression of the full-length protein is reduced. Furthermore, the water transport activity of the cotransfectants is diminished in comparison to transfectants expressing only AQP4. The observed down-regulation of both the expression and water channel activity of AQP4 is likely to originate from a dominant-negative effect caused by heterodimerization between AQP4 and AQP4-Δ4, which was detected in coimmunoprecipitation studies. In skeletal muscles, AQP4-Δ4 mRNA expression inversely correlates with the level of AQP4 protein and is physiologically associated with different types of skeletal muscles. The expression of AQP4-Δ4 may represent a new regulatory mechanism through which the cell-surface expression and therefore the activity of AQP4 can be physiologically modulated

    Thermal effects on the drilling performance of a limestone: relationships with physical and mechanical properties

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    This work evaluates the effect of high temperatures and cooling methods on the drillability of Prada limestone. Samples from boreholes drilled during the design stage of the Tres Ponts Tunnel in the Catalan south Pyrenean zone (Spain) were subjected to temperatures of 105, 200, 300, 400, and 600 °C, and then cooled at a slow rate or by quenching. Sievers’ J-value (SJ) and brittleness (S20) were determined on thermally treated samples, and the drilling rate index (DRI) was calculated for each temperature. The results show that thermal treatment implied a sustained increase in the drillability of the rock of up to 40% at 600 °C and a change in the drillability category (from medium to high). At 600 °C, SJ and S20 tripled and doubled, respectively, the initial values obtained for the intact rock. The results were inconclusive about the influence of the cooling method on the drilling performance of Prada limestone for the tested range of temperatures. The substantial improvement observed in the drillability of Prada limestone when heated, measured in terms of DRI, could help in the development of novel thermally-assisted mechanical excavation methods. Additionally, strong correlations between drillability variables (i.e., SJ and S20) and physical and mechanical variables of Prada limestone (i.e., P- and S-wave velocities, uniaxial compression strength, elastic modulus, and Poisson’s ratio) are proposed. Correlations will help make preliminary predictions of drillability based on properties such as uniaxial compression strength and ultrasound wave velocities.The authors wish to acknowledge David Benavente and Juan Carlos Canaveras from the University of Alicante, for their valuable help on mineralogical and petrographic description of the rock. Additionally, Kreum SA, Ayesa SA, Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, S.A.U., and the Lleida regional roads authority (Servei Territorial de Carreteres de Lleida, Generalitat de Catalunya) for providing rock samples. This work was supported by the Department of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

    General Statistical properties of the CMB Polarization field

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    The distribution of the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) in the sky is determined by the hypothesis of random Gaussian distribution of the primordial density perturbations. This hypotheses is well motivated by the inflationary cosmology. Therefore, the test of consistency of the statistical properties of the CMB polarization field with the Gaussianity of primordial density fluctuations is a realistic way to study the nature of primordial inhomogeneities in the Universe. This paper contains the theoretical predictions of the general statistical properties of the CMB polarization field. All results obtained under assumption of the Gaussian nature of the signal. We pay the special attention to the following two problems. First, the classification and statistics of the singular points of the polarization field where polarization is equal to zero. Second, the topology of contours of the value of the degree of polarization. We have investigated the percolation properties for the zones of ``strong'' and ``weak'' polarization. We also have calculated Minkowski functionals for the CMB polarization field. All results are analytical.Comment: Latex, 22 pages, including 5 figure

    A versatile cryogenic system for liquid argon detectors

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    Detectors for direct dark matter search using noble gases in liquid phase as detection medium need to be coupled to liquefaction, purification and recirculation systems. A dedicated cryogenic system has been assembled and operated at the INFN-Naples cryogenic laboratory with the aim to liquefy and purify the argon used as active target in liquid argon detectors to study the scintillation and ionization signals detected by large SiPMs arrays. The cryogenic system is mainly composed of a double wall cryostat hosting the detector, a purification stage to reduce the impurities below one part per billion level, a condenser to liquefy the argon, a recirculation gas panel connected to the cryostat equipped with a custom gas pump. The main features of the cryogenic system are reported as well as the performances, long term operations and stability in terms of the most relevant thermodynamic parameters.Comment: Prepared for submission to JINST - LIDINE2022 September 21-23, 2022 - University of Warsaw Librar

    In vitro susceptibility to pyrimethamine of DHFR I164L single mutant Plasmodium falciparum

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recently, <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>parasites bearing <it>Pfdhfr </it>I164L single mutation were found in Madagascar. These new mutants may challenge the use of antifolates for the intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy (IPTp). Assays with transgenic bacteria suggested that I164L parasites have a wild-type phenotype for pyrimethamine but it had to be confirmed by testing the parasites themselves.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirty <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>clinical isolates were collected in 2008 in the south-east of Madagascar. A part of <it>Pfdhfr </it>gene encompassing codons 6 to 206 was amplified by PCR and the determination of the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms was performed by DNA sequencing. The multiplicity of infection was estimated by using an allelic family-specific nested PCR. Isolates that appeared monoclonal were submitted to culture adaptation. Determination of IC<sub>50s </sub>to pyrimethamine was performed on adapted isolates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four different <it>Pfdhfr </it>alleles were found: the 164L single mutant-type (N = 13), the wild-type (N = 7), the triple mutant-type 51I/59R/108N (N = 9) and the double mutant-type 108N/164L (N = 1). Eleven out 30 (36.7%) of <it>P. falciparum </it>isolates were considered as monoclonal infection. Among them, five isolates were successfully adapted in culture and tested for pyrimethamine <it>in vitro </it>susceptibility. The wild-type allele was the most susceptible with a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC<sub>50</sub>) < 10 nM. The geometric mean of IC<sub>50 </sub>of the three I164L mutant isolates was 6-fold higher than the wild-type with 61.3 nM (SD = 3.2 nM, CI95%: 53.9-69.7 nM). These values remained largely below the IC<sub>50 </sub>of the triple mutant parasite (13,804 nM).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The IC<sub>50</sub>s of the I164L mutant isolates were significantly higher than those of the wild-type (6-fold higher) and close from those usually reported for simple mutants S108N (roughly10-fold higher than wild type). Given the observed values, the determination of IC<sub>50</sub>s directly on parasites did not confirm what has been found on transgenic bacteria. The prevalence increase of the <it>Pfdhfr </it>I164L single mutant parasite since 2006 could be explained by the selective advantage of this allele under sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine pressure. The emergence of highly resistant alleles should be considered in the future, in particular because an unexpected double mutant-type allele S108N/I164L has been already detected.</p

    The Role of Trait and State Perfectionism in Psychological Detachment From Daily Job Demands

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    Psychological detachment has been proposed to be a mediator of the relations between an individual's responses to stressful work-related experiences and mid- and long-term health. However, the number of studies that have specifically examined the role that personal characteristics play in these associations is considerably small. One personal characteristic that might specifically interfere with psychological detachment is perfectionism, which has been considered an important vulnerability factor for the development of psychological disorders. Hence, the goal of this registered report was to extend research on psychological detachment by introducing trait and state perfectionism as moderators of the aforementioned relations. We conducted an experience sampling study with three measurement occasions per day over the course of 3 working weeks (N = 158 employees; Mage = 41.6; 67% women). Multilevel path models showed that perfectionistic concerns consistently determined strain responses at between- and within-levels of analyses even after the effects of job demands (i.e., unfinished tasks and role ambiguity) and detachment were accounted for. However, we found no evidence for the proposed moderation effects. The theoretical implications for the understanding of the processes proposed in the stressor-detachment model are discussed

    Chemistry courses as the turning point for premedical students

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    Previous research has documented that negative experiences in chemistry courses are a major factor that discourages many students from continuing in premedical studies. This adverse impact affects women and students from under-represented minority (URM) groups disproportionately. To determine if chemistry courses have a similar effect at a large public university, we surveyed 1,036 students from three entering cohorts at the University of California, Berkeley. We surveyed students at the beginning of their first year at the university and again at the end of their second year. All subjects had indicated an interest in premedical studies at the time they entered the university. We conducted follow-up interviews with a stratified sub-set of 63 survey respondents to explore the factors that affected their level of interest in premedical studies. Using a 10-point scale, we found that the strength of interest in premedical studies declined for all racial/ethnic groups. In the follow-up interviews, students identified chemistry courses as the principal factor contributing to their reported loss of interest. URM students especially often stated that chemistry courses caused them to abandon their hopes of becoming a physician. Consistent with reports over more than 50 years, it appears that undergraduate courses in chemistry have the effect of discouraging otherwise qualified students, as reflected in their admission to one of the most highly selective public universities in the US, from continuing in premedical studies, especially in the case of URM students. Reassessment of this role for chemistry courses may be overdue
