1 research outputs found

    The study for the research on the catechetical instruction in Theological Seminary in Siedlce

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    Te study for the research on the catechetical instruction in Teological Semi-nary in Siedlce. In this report some possible research ways and areas of catechetics are presented. First the history of Teological Seminary in the Diocese of Siedlce ( previously Diocese of Szkic do badań nad nauczaniem katechetycznym w Seminarium Duchownym diecezji siedleckiej Janów Podlaski) was presented. Ten three stages of catechetical instruction in this seminary were discussed: stage 1 - from the beginning of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, stage 2 - from the resurrection of the diocese and reactivation of the seminary to the end of Te Second Vatican Council and stage 3 - from the end of Te Second Vatican Council until now. Synodal instruction as an area of forming alumns and presbyters of the Church in Siedlce was considered