9 research outputs found

    von Willebrand Factor and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Acute Coronary Syndromes

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    Considering the role of von Willebrand factor (vWf) in hemostasis, and the role of oxidative stress in the development of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerotic disease, the aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between vWf, parameters of oxidative stress and different types of acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Levels of vWf activity (vWfAct), vWf antigen (vWfAg), nitric oxide (estimated through nitrites–NO2 −), superoxide anion radical (O2 −), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), index of lipid peroxidation (estimated through thiobarbituric acid reactive substances–TBARS), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity of 115 patients were compared with those of 40 healthy controls. ACS patients had significantly higher vWfAct and vWfAg levels, as well as TBARS levels, while their levels of NO2 −, H2O2, SOD and CAT activities were lower than controls'. vWfAg showed high specificity and sensitivity as a test to reveal healthy or diseased subjects. Multivariant logistic regression marked only vWfAg and TBARS as parameters that were under independent effect of ACS type. The results of our study support the implementation of vWf in clinical rutine and into therapeutic targets, and suggest that ACS patients are in need of antioxidant supplementation to improve their impaired antioxidant defence

    The Effects of Vibroacoustically Induced Microvibrations on Arterial Blood Pressure and Oxidative Stress in Rats

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    Vibroakustika je naučna oblast koja se intezivno razvija u poslednjih trideset godina, koristi mogućnost zvuka (infrazvuk, ultrazvul, buka i muzika), izaziva vibracije koje kao i zvuk može imati korisne ili štetne posledice. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj vibroakustično indukovanih mikrovibracija na arterijski krvni pritisak i markere oksidacionog stresa u krvi pacova. Eksperimenti su izvedeni na pacovima Vistar soja, telesne težine 180-200 g, podeljenih u kontrolnu i eksperimentalnu grupu od po 6 životinja. U eksperimentalnoj grupi, mikrovibracije su indukovane pomoću vibroakustičnog aparata (Vitafon, Sankt Peterburg, Rusija) sa ukupno 60 minuta u četiri različita aplikaciona režima (5-minuta-stabilizacija, 10- minuta ‘’foniranje’’ režim i na svakih 5-minuta pauza između signalnih režima, opseg frekvencija 30Hz - 18000 kHz, amplituda mikrotalasa 2,8 μm-12,3 μm, foniranje na jetru i bubreg). Nakon završetka eksperimentalnog protokola, životinje su žrtvovane i markeri oksidacionog stresa su analizirani u uzorcima (O2-, H2O2, nitriti, indeks lipidne peroksidacije, superoksid dismutaza, katalaza, glutation) i poređeni sa vrednostima kontrolne grupe. Analizom vrednosti sistolnog arterijskog pritiska posle akutne primene vibroakustičkih mikrovibracija različitog režima delovanja zabeležen je statistički značajan pad sistolnog arterijskog pritiska prilikom primene drugog režima u odnosu na kontrolu. Uočava se da se sistolni arterijski pritisak posle primene vibroakustičkih mikrovibracija u trećem i četvrtom režimu vratio na gotovo početnu vrednost. Analizom vrednosti dijastolnog arterijskog pritiska posle akutne primene vibroakustičkih mikrovibracija različitog režima delovanja nije zabeležen statistički značajan pad dijastolnog arterijskog pritiska niti u jednom režimu delovanja. Prilikom primene režima tri i četiri vrednosti dijastolnog arterijskog pritisaka su se vratile gotovo na početnu vrednost. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali statistički značajnu razliku u vrednostima katalaze, dok nije bilo promene u vrednostimaostalih analiziranih parametara. Dalje istraživanje je neophodno kako bi se definisali efekti niskih naspram efekata visokih apliciranih frekvencija, odnosno mogući terapijski značaj registrovanih efekata

    The effects of vibroacoustically induced microvibrations on arterial blood pressure and oxidative stress in rats

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    Vibroacoustics, a scientific field that has been intensively studied for the last thirty years, uses the properties of sound waves (infrasound, ultrasound, noise and music) to induce vibrations that, like a sound wave, may have both useful and harmful eff ects. Th e aim of this study was to examine the effects of vibroacoustically induced microvibrations on arterial blood pressure and markers of oxidative stress in the blood. Th e experiments were performed on Wistar male rats that had a 180-200 g body mass and were divided into control and experimental groups (6 rats in each). In the experimental group, microvibrations were induced using the Vitafon vibroacoustic apparatus (Vitafon, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation), which delivers sound waves of varying frequencies by a process called phoning. Up to 60 minutes of phoning time was delivered to the kidney and liver using 4 diff erent regimens that included a 5-minute stabilisation time; up to four 10-minute phoning regimens, with 5-minute breaks between each single regimen, at a 30 Hz-18000 kHz frequency range;, and 2.8 μm-12.3 μm microwave amplitudes. After the completion of a phoning regimen, animals were sacrificed and the oxidative stress markers were measured in blood samples (O2 -, H2O2, nitrites, lipid peroxidation index, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione) and compared with the values of markers in the control group. Systolic arterial pressure was analysed after the acute application of up to four diff erent regimens of vibroacoustic microvibrations. Systolic arterial pressure decreased significantly during the administration of the second regimen in comparison to the control group. Systolic arterial pressure returned, almost completely, to the initial value after the administration of the third and fourth regimens. Th ere was no significant change in diastolic arterial pressure after the acute administration of up to four diff erent regimens, although the pressure decreased slightly after the first and second regimens and returned to the initial value during the administration of the third and fourth regimens. Analysis of oxidative stress markers showed a statistically significant change in the catalase level. No statistically significant diff erences were found in the other oxidative stress markers analyzeanalysed. Further research is needed to clarify the physiological eff ects of low compared to high frequencies of vibroacoustically induced microvibrations and their possible therapeutic significance

    The Effects Of Two Fitness Programs With Different Metabolic Demands On Oxidative Stress In The Blood Of Young Females

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of two metabolically different exercise programs on the redox state of women who were physically inactive before the beginning of the study. For this purpose, participants (women 25±5 years old) chose one of two popular fitness programs, Pilates or Tae Bo, and attended it 3 times a week for 12 weeks. At the beginning and end of the study, body composition analysis and venous blood sampling were performed. The levels of superoxide anion radical, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide and lipid peroxidation were measured in plasma, and the levels of reduced glutathione and the activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase were measured in erythrocytes. Only the Tae Bo program induced changes (positive) in body composition, whereas both exercise programs induced slight oxidative stress in exercisers. In the Tae Bo group, the levels of hydrogen peroxide were significantly increased, whereas the levels of reduced glutathione were decreased after three months of training. In the Pilates group, hydrogen peroxide and catalase activity were increased, and nitrites decreased. However, at the end of the study, those two groups had no significantly different values for any pro/antioxidant compared with the subjects who served as controls. This finding suggests that moderate physical activity, such as recreational fitness programs, may induce the increased production of reactive oxygen species but do not lead to a serious disturbance of the redox homeostasis of exercisers

    The Effects of Diclofenac and Ibuprofen on Heart Function and Oxidative Stress Markers in the Isolated Rat Heart

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    Eikosanoidi dovode do zapaljenja, uzrokuju groznicu i bol, i imaju mnoge druge efekte na organizam. NSAID onemogućavaju delovanje ciklooksigenaze (COX) u procesu konvertovanja arahidonske kiseline u medijatore zapaljenja, i na taj način smanjuju simptome zapaljenja. Istraživanja koja se bave primenom neselektivnih inhibitora COX, koji se koriste u visokim dozama, pokazala su njihove štetne efekte na funkciju miokarda. Cilj našeg istraživanja je bio da ispita efekte neselektivnih NSAID, diklofenaka i ibuprofena, na kardiodinamske parametre, koronarni protok i biomarkere oksidativnog stresa izolovanog srca pacova. Srca mužijaka Wistar albino pacova su uzimana i retrogradno perfundovana prema Langedorff -ovoj tehnici sa postepenim povećanjem perfuzionog pritiska (40-120 cm H2O). Eksperimenti su prvo izvođeni u kontrolnim uslovima (primena fiziološkog Krebs-Henseleit-ovog rastvora), nakon čega su srca perfundovana sa: 10 μmol/l dikolfenaka i 10 μmol/l ibuprofena. Parametri srčane funkcije koji su kontinuirano praćeni su: maksimalna stopa razvoja pritiska (dp/dt max), minimalna stopa razvoja pritiska (dp/dt min), sistolni pritisak u levoj komori (SLVP), dijastolni pritisak u levoj komori (DLVP), srednji perfuzioni pritisak (MBP) i frekvenca srčanog rada (HR). Koronarni protok (CF) je registrovan floumetrijski. Markeri oksidativnog stresa: indeks lipidne peroksidacije meren kao TBARS, azot-monoksid utvrđivan preko nitrata (NO2 -), superoksid anjon radikal (O2 -), i vodonik peroksid (H2O2) su mereni spektrofotometrijski u koronarnom venskom efluentu. Naši rezultati su pokazali da diklofenak ispoljava značajniji uticaj na kardiodinamske parametre u odnosu na ibuprofen. Pored toga, rezultati ove studije su pokazali da oba ispitivana inhibitora COX ne dovode po produkcije reaktivnih vrsta kiseonika

    Effects of DL-Homocysteine Thiolactone on Cardiac Contractility, Coronary Flow, and Oxidative Stress Markers in the Isolated Rat Heart: The Role of Different Gasotransmitters

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    Considering the adverse effects of DL-homocysteine thiolactone hydrochloride (DL-Hcy TLHC) on vascular function and the possible role of oxidative stress in these mechanisms, the aim of this study was to assess the influence of DL-Hcy TLHC alone and in combination with specific inhibitors of important gasotransmitters, such as L-NAME, DL-PAG, and PPR IX, on cardiac contractility, coronary flow, and oxidative stress markers in an isolated rat heart. The hearts were retrogradely perfused according to the Langendorff technique at a 70 cm H2O and administered 10 μM DL-Hcy TLHC alone or in combination with 30 μM L-NAME, 10 μM DL-PAG, or 10 μM PPR IX. The following parameters were measured: dp/dt max, dp/dt min, SLVP, DLVP, MBP, HR, and CF. Oxidative stress markers were measured spectrophotometrically in coronary effluent through TBARS, NO2, O2-, and H2O2 concentrations. The administration of DL-Hcy TLHC alone decreased dp/dt max, SLVP, and CF but did not change any oxidative stress parameters. DL-Hcy TLHC with L-NAME decreased CF, O2-, H2O2, and TBARS. The administration of DL-Hcy TLHC with DL-PAG significantly increased dp/dt max but decreased DLVP, CF, and TBARS. Administration of DL-Hcy TLHC with PPR IX caused a decrease in dp/dt max, SLVP, HR, CF, and TBARS

    Changes in Athlete’s Redox State Induced by Habitual and Unaccustomed Exercise

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of sport-specific and nonspecific bouts of exercise on athletes’ redox state. Blood samples were collected from 14 handball players immediately before and after graded exercise test on the cycle ergometer and handball training. Levels of superoxide anion radical (O2-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitrites (NO2-) as markers of nitric oxide, index of lipid peroxidation (TBARs), glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) activity were determined. Exercise intensity was assessed by a system for heart rate (HR) monitoring. Average athletes’ HR was not significantly different between protocols, but protocols differed in total time and time and percentage of time that athletes spent in every HR zone. The laboratory exercise test induced a significant increase of H2O2 and TBARs as well as the decrease of the SOD and CAT activity, while after specific handball training, levels of NO2- were increased and SOD activity decreased. It seems that unaccustomed short intensive physical activity may induce oxidative stress in trained athletes, while sport-specific activity of longer duration and proper warm-up period may not. Further research should show whether the change of protocol testing and the implementation of various supplementations and manual methods can affect the redox equilibrium