7 research outputs found

    Assessment of effectiveness of Cinemeducation as a tool to impart communication skills among the MBBS 1st Professional students

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    Background: Improvements in healthcare providers’ communication skills have been linked to more effective healthcare delivery, improved patient compliance, better patient and provider satisfaction, and fewer lawsuits. Cinemeducation is a relatively new method of medical education where movies or movie clips are used to stimulate discussions and reflections, which is a part of an active learning process. Hence, the present study was undertaken. Methods: We conducted an educational research, mixed method study among the MBBS 1st Professional students. A pre & post test to assess the knowledge and attitude of the students about the importance of communication skills in doctor-patient relationship. Students wrote the reflection and feedback after watching the movie clip. Quantitative analysis was done using paired t test by SPSS v. 20. Qualitative data analysis was done by two investigators independently. Results: The pre & post test for knowledge was statistically significant while communication skill attitude scale score for both positive & negative was not significant. Conclusion: The student’s knowledge improved significantly after the sessions on communication skills, while negligible change in attitude was observed. Reflective writing by the students shows that cinemeducation can be used as one of the tool for teaching communication skills to the medical students

    Awareness and Pattern of Tobacco Use among the Medical Students of Government Medical College

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    Introduction: Nearly 6 million people die due to tobacco every year and this figure will increase to 8 million tobacco-attributed deaths per year by 2030 with 80% of them occurring in developing countries. Objective: To study the awareness and pattern of tobacco use among the undergraduate medical students of Government Medical College, Haldwani. Material and Methods: A Cross-sectional study was conducted among 303 medical students using a predesigned and pretested, semi-structured self-administered anonymous questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using SPSS v 16. Results: Among 303 participants, 44(14.5%) were smokers.  Majority of the students (97.73%) were more than 20 years of age at the time of initiation of tobacco use. Cigarette smoking was most common form (79.55%) of abuse. Male students were using tobacco significantly higher than that of females (?2=36.68). The effect of parental tobacco use on tobacco consumption habits of the users were significantly higher than non-tobacco users (?2=180.75). The tobacco consumption was significantly increased among the senior students as compared to that among the juniors (?2=15.29). Awareness about harmful effects of tobacco abuse was very high (90.76%) and mainly they got knowledge from media. 84.16% students support ban on tobacco use in public places. Conclusion: We can conclude that though the awareness among medical students regarding harmful effects of tobacco use was very high but they got this knowledge mainly from the electronic media, so it is necessary to introduce teaching on tobacco dependence and cessation early in the courses of the medical colleges

    Correlation between perceived social support and quality of sleep and its effect on the academic performance of undergraduate medical students: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Social support can be explained as the availability or existence of people who make us feel loved, cared for and valued, people on whom we can rely. Apart from physical health, social networking and interaction uplift mental health, well-being, and academic performance of individuals. Sleep has been associated with achievements in academic indicators of a person, as its deficit causes a lack of attention and concentration. Methods: A survey was designed to conduct cross-sectional study among the undergraduate medical students. The validated 12 item multidimensional scale of perceived social support and 19 self -rated questions of Pittsburgh sleep quality index was used for assessing the social support and sleep quality among the students and how it affected their academic performance. Data was collected in google forms and coded & cleaned and then exported for statistical analysis, to SPSS version 20. Results: Of the total 385 undergraduate medical students, majority were female respondent and from 2nd Professional. Most of the students scored between 60-69% in their university exam. Majority of the student has poor sleep quality. The academic performance has statistically significant association with perceived social support while age of the student was significantly associated with poor quality of sleep. A negative correlation was noted between perceived social support and sleep quality. Conclusion: This study has highlighted the negative impact of a lack of perceived social support on the sleep quality of medical students. Results also showed evidence of an overall poor quality of sleep in the medical students

    IJCM_347A: The relation of Academic motivation with academic stress, self-efficacy and social support among the Paramedical students of tertiary health centre of Uttarakhand- Cross sectional study

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    Background: Students experiencing academic stress undergo mental distress in anticipation of academic challenges and academic failure, which eventually impacts their studies, interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being therefore academic motivation is essential to continue their studies. Objective: I. To assess the Sociodemographic profile of paramedical students. II. To find correlation between the academic motivation, academic stress, self-efficacy, social support of paramedical students. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted over period of 3months after complete enumeration of Paramedical students of Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Government Institute Of Medical Science & Research, Uttarakhand. Prestructured validated questionnaire of Academic Motivation Scale (ASM- C28) with Cronbachs alpha 0.92, General Self - Efficacy Scale(GSE) with Cronbachs alpha 0.9, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support(MSPSS) with Cronbachs alpha 0.9 in addition to adapted questions of academic stress was used. Results: 46% of students agree that college education helps them prepare a better career.58% of students feels academic stress while studying Conclusion: Most of the students are academically motivated

    Awareness and Pattern of Tobacco Use among the Medical Students of Government Medical College

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    Introduction: Nearly 6 million people die due to tobacco every year and this figure will increase to 8 million tobacco-attributed deaths per year by 2030 with 80% of them occurring in developing countries. Objective: To study the awareness and pattern of tobacco use among the undergraduate medical students of Government Medical College, Haldwani. Material and Methods: A Cross-sectional study was conducted among 303 medical students using a predesigned and pretested, semi-structured self-administered anonymous questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using SPSS v 16. Results: Among 303 participants, 44(14.5%) were smokers.  Majority of the students (97.73%) were more than 20 years of age at the time of initiation of tobacco use. Cigarette smoking was most common form (79.55%) of abuse. Male students were using tobacco significantly higher than that of females (ᵡ2=36.68). The effect of parental tobacco use on tobacco consumption habits of the users were significantly higher than non-tobacco users (ᵡ2=180.75). The tobacco consumption was significantly increased among the senior students as compared to that among the juniors (ᵡ2=15.29). Awareness about harmful effects of tobacco abuse was very high (90.76%) and mainly they got knowledge from media. 84.16% students support ban on tobacco use in public places. Conclusion: We can conclude that though the awareness among medical students regarding harmful effects of tobacco use was very high but they got this knowledge mainly from the electronic media, so it is necessary to introduce teaching on tobacco dependence and cessation early in the courses of the medical colleges

    Prevalence of hypertension and its risk factors among individuals attending outpatient department of rural health training centre, Haldwani

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    Introduction: Hypertension is one of the major health and development challenges of the 21st century, which, for most countries, has developed together with rapid cultural and social changes, ageing populations, increasing urbanization, dietary changes, reduced physical activity, and other unhealthy behaviours. Objectives: 1) To find out the prevalence of Hypertension in study subjects 2) To identify the risk factors associated with Hypertension. Materials and Methods: A Cross-sectional study was carried out among 369 individuals of 30 years and above attending Out Patient Department (OPD) in Rural Health Training Centre (RHTC) under the Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Haldwani during June 2013-August 2013. A pretested predesigned questionnaire was used to collect demographic data by interview technique .The blood pressure was recorded and classified using JNC VII criteria to grade hypertension. Data was compiled, entered & analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: Among 369 patients, the prevalence of hypertension was 41.7%; out of this, 28.7% were aware of their hypertensive status while 13% were newly diagnosed cases. The association between hypertension with increase in age, family history of hypertension, increase salt intake, consuming mixed diet, increase waist circumference, waist hip ratio and body mass index was found significant. Physical inactivity, gender, tobacco and alcohol consumption were not significantly associated with hypertension. Conclusions: The prevalence of hypertension in rural area is relatively high. Extensive efforts are required for raising the awareness level & regular screening of high-risk population is recommended for preventing the complications & disability