776 research outputs found

    Process controls introduction of selected impurities into semiconductor wafers

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    Modified three-step process controls the concentration of lithium diffused as a dopant into the base region of a diffused n-on-p silicon solar cell wafer. Part of the surface layer of the base region of the p-type silicon containing the diffused dopant is removed, prior to redistributing the remaining portion of the dopant into the bulk of the wafer

    Mosquito Surveillance

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    During 2006, mosquitoes were collected at the Western Research Farm, Castana, and McNay Research Farm, Chariton, IA in gravid traps that were baited to attract female mosquitoes that were ready to lay eggs(oviposit). The gravid trap in particular is in widespread use in mosquito control programs throughout the U.S., because the trap preferentially attracts mosquitoes that 1) are known vectors(in the genus Culex) of West Nile virus(WNV) and St. Louis Encephalitis virus (SLEV) and 2) have taken a potentially infectious blood meal (prerequisite to oviposition), thereby increasing the chance of detecting virus. Specimens were collected daily and kept cold to maintain integrity, then were mailed to campus. Once in the lab,specimens were identified to species and vector species were pooled into groups of up to 50—a standard operating procedure for surveillance labs across the U.S.—which then were subjected to virus detection assays. The results of trapping at these sites are shown according to the species of mosquitoes collected. Mosquitoes in the genus Culex (Cx. in table 1) were subjected to virus detection assays, and none of those collected at either farm tested positive for infection with WNV or SLEV

    Society and the Individual: A Theoretical Exploration of the Contemporary Era

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    The theoretical discussion of the relationship between society and the individual is fundamental to the field of sociology. A shift into the contemporary era of social theory begins to accredit the individual with a greater sense of agency in terms of interacting with and recognizing the impact of structures rather than being unconsciously controlled by them. The following work discusses the positions held by seminal contemporary theorists regarding the relationship between the individual and society. A comparative analysis among a number of the theorists highlights similarities and differences in approaches and illuminates the core concepts, terminology and theoretical perspectives generated in this era

    Mosquito and Arbovirus Activity

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    Mosquitoes are public health concerns as vectors of arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) and/or as nuisances to humans, so surveillance efforts are important to determine areas and times that may pose a risk to humans. The ISU Horticulture Research Station, Ames, Iowa, consistently yields mosquitoes that are positive for West Nile virus (WNV). Objectives were to continue to assess human risk by monitoring both mosquitoes and sentinel chickens, which serve as vertebrate hosts for arbovirus

    Treating Public Speaking Anxiety: A Comparison of Exposure and Video Self-Modeling

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    This study examined the relative effectiveness of VSM and exposure in treating public speaking anxiety in reducing anxiety with a college student. The study employed a single-subject A-B design with parametric variations. Two phases were utilized in this study: baseline (exposure therapy) and treatment (video self-modeling) with a one-month follow-up. Generalization probes were also employed to assess whether or not decreases in PSA would generalize to other settings. Results indicate a significant decrease in public speaking anxiety from both pre- to post-treatment as well as from baseline to exposure. However, these results may be specific to public speaking anxiety, as other forms of anxiety did not result in such decreases. Results from a post-treatment survey indicated that the participant felt that the treatment was beneficial in reducing public speaking anxiety

    Young Women Who Marry Early and Attend the Community College: Factors which Influence the Completion of Associate Degrees

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate, through in-depth interviews, those factors which served to motivate early marriage women in the attainment of associate degrees and to identify characteristics of early marriage women who were successful in completing associate degrees. The details obtained from these interviews were interpreted and their meanings used to generate propositions and implications about the completion of associate degrees by this group of students. In-depth interviews were conducted with 28 early marriage women (informants) who either completed associate degrees or were within 12 semester hours of completing an associate degree. In addition, 15 in-depth interviews were conducted with spouses, parents, and close friends of informants (respondents). A marriage occurring at age 21 years or earlier was considered an early marriage. The young women who were interviewed in this study identified seven prevailing reasons for marrying early. There were three periods when the informants in this study acknowledged having formed conscientious attachments to the goal of attending college. These periods were in grade school, late high school, and immediate post-high school. The women in this study who married early chose to attend and complete associate degrees at community colleges. They identified six principal reasons for electing to continue their educations at public two-year colleges. The informants also identified nine areas of adversity that needed to be either overcome or managed. The academic success experienced by the informants in this study were attributed to a combination of factors in three principle areas. These three areas included personal characteristics, support provided by families, and support provided by non-family associations. There were found to be six levels of family support. These levels of support included providing financial assistance, performing household duties, helping with course work, providing encouragement and emotional support, caring for children, and celebrating success. To a large extent, strict adherence to traditional roles at home did not exist for these women and their husbands. Many husbands readily recognized the need to take a proactive stance regarding the completion of household duties and tasks. There also existed a community of close friends, outlying friends, and associations that provided various levels of support to these women

    An Investigation into the Effects of Syntactic Manipulation on the Reading Comprehension of Students at Two Grade Levels

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    Since the early 1900\u27s reading theorists have agreed that the understanding of various syntactic relationships does play a role in reading comprehension. This study attempted to investigate the effect of specific syntactic manipulation (verb) on the reading comprehension of intermediate and junior high school students. Each group was divided into good or poor readers based on results of the Stanford Achievement Test. Both good and poor readers were equal in vocabulary ability and differed only in their comprehension. A researcher-designed oral reading task consisting of specially constructed sentence trios was administered to each student. The trios consisted of a syntactically and semantically correct sentence, a sentence which was syntactically correct but semantically incorrect and a totally disruptive sentence. As each student read a total of 15 sentences, an error count (omissions, substitutions, insertions and repetitions) was tabulated. The results of the study demonstrated that the poor readers in grade four made significantly more errors than the good readers for the totally disruptive sentences. There was no significant difference found for individual sentence types between the good and poor eighth grade readers, When comparing only the poor readers from both grades, the fourth grade students made significantly more errors for each sentence type than did the eighth grade students. Comparison of all students from both grades revealed the fourth grade students made significantly more errors than the eighth graders for two sentence types and total sentences read

    Marriage Maintenance, Miscategorization, and New Manifestations: How People Are Reinforcing and Disrupting Gender and Sexual Inequalities in Married Life

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    This research positions marriage as an institution that has historically served to privilege men, masculinity and heterosexuality. Overall, this project is intended to advance our understanding of gender and sexual inequalities in the realms of marriage and family by examining the lived experiences of married people. It draws on data from 41 in-depth interviews conducted with married people living in Wisconsin, many of whom identify as part of the LGBT+ community. Using qualitative social science methods, this research speaks to unanswered questions regarding the capacity of a more gender-fluid society to reshape key social institutions (like marriage) in ways that make them more accessible to a wider population by reshaping cultural ideas about what marriage and family can look like. Theoretically, it broadens our understanding of how gender and sexuality are connected, the mechanisms that reinforce and disrupt gender and sexuality norms, and the larger implications of undoing for greater gender and sexual equality

    Intrinsic noise induced resonance in presence of sub-threshold signal in Brusselator

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    In a system of non-linear chemical reactions called the Brusselator, we show that {\it intrinsic noise} can be regulated to drive it to exhibit resonance in the presence of a sub-threshold signal. The phenomena of periodic stochastic resonance and aperiodic stochastic resonance, hitherto studied mostly with extrinsic noise, is demonstrated here to occur with inherent systemic noise using exact stochastic simulation algorithm due to Gillespie. The role of intrinsic noise in a couple of other phenomena is also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Perceptions of Classroom Social Environment Held by Virginia Community College Students and Instructors in Developmental Courses

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    The purpose of this study was to determine students\u27 classroom social environment needs by identifying characteristics of actual and ideal classroom environments as perceived by students taking developmental math or English courses in Virginia community colleges, characteristics of the actual classroom environments as perceived by their instructors, and characteristics of actual and ideal classroom environments as perceived by subgroups of students. The subgroups were formed by gender, race, age, type of developmental course, size of college, and whether students were first generation college students. The Adult Classroom Environment Scale was administered to students and instructors in developmental studies classes in Virginia community colleges during the Fall, 1993, semester. The statistical procedures used to analyze the data were t-tests for independent means, t-tests for dependent (correlated) means, analyses of variance, and the Newman-Keuls Post Hoc Multiple Comparison Procedure. Findings indicated that students and instructors viewed Teacher Support and Organization and Clarity as the two most prevalent dimensions in the classroom environment. Students\u27 preference for an ideal classroom environment indicated a desire for increased attention to Involvement, Affiliation, Personal Goal Attainment, and Student Influence, but not to Task Orientation. Special ideal classroom environment needs were identified for subgroups. Younger, Asian, and American Indian students expressed a need for emphasis on Personal Goal Attainment and Student Influence. Teacher Support was especially important to women and men; white, Asian, and Hispanic students; younger and older students; both math and English students; first-generation and non-first-generation students; and students in large and small colleges. Instructors\u27 views of the dimensions in the actual classroom environment were higher than students, except for Personal Goal Attainment and Student Influence