6,624 research outputs found

    Double-logarithms in Einstein-Hilbert gravity and supergravity

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    We study the interplay between graviton reggeization and double-logarithmic in energy contributions to four-graviton scattering in theories with and without supersymmetry. Predictions to all orders in the gravitational coupling are given for these double-logarithms. As the number of supersymmetries grows these terms generate a convergent behaviour for the amplitudes at very high energies. At two-loop level, we find agreement with previous exact results for N=8 supergravity and with those of Boucher-Veronneau and Dixon, who studied the N=4,5,6 supergravities using a conjectured double-copy structure of gravity

    Saturation Effects in Deep Inelastic Scattering at low Q2Q^2 and its Implications on Diffraction

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    We present a model based on the concept of saturation for small Q2Q^2 and small xx. With only three parameters we achieve a good description of all Deep Inelastic Scattering data below x=0.01x=0.01. This includes a consistent treatment of charm and a successful extrapolation into the photoproduction regime. The same model leads to a roughly constant ratio of diffractive and inclusive cross section.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, Latex-fil

    Off-Shell Scattering Amplitudes for WW Scattering and the Role of the Photon Pole

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    We derive analytic expressions for high energy 222 \to 2 off-shell scattering amplitudes of weak vector bosons. They are obtained from six fermion final states in processes of the type e+eνˉe+(WW)+νeνˉe+(lν)(lν)+νee^+ e^- \to \bar\nu_e + (WW) + \nu_e \to \bar\nu_e + (l\nu)(l\nu) + \nu_e. As an application we reconsider the unitarity bounds on the Higgs mass. Particular attention is given to the role of the photon exchange which has not been considered in earlier investigations; we find that the photon weakens the bound of the Higgs mass.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    NLO Corrections to the kernel of the BKP-equations

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    We present results for the NLO kernel of the BKP equations for composite states of three reggeized gluons in the Odderon channel, both in QCD and in N=4 SYM. The NLO kernel consists of the NLO BFKL kernel in the color octet representation and the connected 333\to3 kernel, computed in the tree approximation.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Geometric Scaling in Inclusive Charm Production

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    We show that the cross section for inclusive charm production exhibits geometric scaling in a large range of photon virtualities. In the HERA kinematic domain the saturation momentum Qsat2(x)Q_{sat}^2(x) stays below the hard scale μc2=4mc2\mu_c^2=4m_c^2, implying charm production probing mostly the color transparency regime and unitarization effects being almost negligible. We derive our results considering two saturation models which are able to describe the DESY ep collider HERA data for the proton structure function at small values of the Bjorken variable xx. A striking feature is the scaling on τ=Q22/Qsat2(x)\tau=Q_2^2/Q_{sat}^2(x) above saturation limit, corroborating recent theoretical studies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Version to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Helicity Parton Distributions at a Future Electron-Ion Collider: A Quantitative Appraisal

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    We present a quantitative assessment of the impact a future electron-ion collider will have on determinations of helicity quark and gluon densities and their contributions to the proton spin. Our results are obtained by performing a series of global QCD analyses at next-to-leading order accuracy based on realistic sets of pseudo-data for the inclusive and semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons and protons at different, conceivable center-of-mass system energies.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Saturation and geometric scaling in DIS at small x

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    We present various aspects of the saturation model which provides good description of inclusive and diffractive DIS at small x. The model uses parton saturation ideas to take into account unitarity requirements. A new scaling predicted by the model in the small x domain is successfully confronted with the data.Comment: Presented at New Trends in HERA Physics 2001, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany, 17-22 June 2001, minor corrections, some references adde

    Effective action for the Regge processes in gravity

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    It is shown, that the effective action for the reggeized graviton interactions can be formulated in terms of the reggeon fields A++A^{++} and AA^{--} and the metric tensor gμνg_{\mu \nu} in such a way, that it is local in the rapidity space and has the property of general covariance. The corresponding effective currents jj^{-} and j+j^{+} satisfy the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for a massless particle moving in the gravitational field. These currents are calculated explicitly for the shock wave-like fields and a variation principle for them is formulated. As an application, we reproduce the effective lagrangian for the multi-regge processes in gravity together with the graviton Regge trajectory in the leading logarithmic approximation with taking into account supersymmetric contributions.Comment: 39 page