163 research outputs found

    A trifunctional linker for palmitoylation and peptide and protein localization in biological membranes

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    Attachment of lipophilic groups is an important post-translational modification of proteins, which involves the coupling of one or more anchors such as fatty acids, isoprenoids, phospholipids, or glycosylphosphatidyl inositols. To study its impact on the membrane partitioning of hydrophobic peptides or proteins, we designed a tyrosine-based trifunctional linker. The linker allows the facile incorporation of two different functionalities at a cysteine residue in a single step. We determined the effect of the lipid modification on the membrane partitioning of the synthetic α-helical model peptide WALP with or without here and in all cases below; palmitoyl groups in giant unilamellar vesicles that contain a liquid-ordered (Lo) and liquid-disordered (Ld) phase. Introduction of two palmitoyl groups did not alter the localization of the membrane peptides, nor did the membrane thickness or lipid composition. In all cases, the peptide was retained in the Ld phase. These data demonstrate that the Lo domain in model membranes is highly unfavorable for a single membrane-spanning peptide

    Human Complement Inhibits Myophages against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Therapeutic bacteriophages (phages) are primarily chosen based on their in vitro bacteriolytic activity. Although anti-phage antibodies are known to inhibit phage infection, the influence of other immune system components is less well known. An important anti-bacterial and anti-viral innate immune system that may interact with phages is the complement system, a cascade of proteases that recognizes and targets invading microorganisms. In this research, we aimed to study the effects of serum components such as complement on the infectivity of different phages targeting Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We used a fluorescence-based assay to monitor the killing of P. aeruginosa by phages of different morphotypes in the presence of human serum. Our results reveal that several myophages are inhibited by serum in a concentration-dependent way, while the activity of four podophages and one siphophage tested in this study is not affected by serum. By using specific nanobodies blocking different components of the complement cascade, we showed that activation of the classical complement pathway is a driver of phage inhibition. To determine the mechanism of inhibition, we produced bioorthogonally labeled fluorescent phages to study their binding by means of microscopy and flow cytometry. We show that phage adsorption is hampered in the presence of active complement. Our results indicate that interactions with complement may affect the in vivo activity of therapeutically administered phages. A better understanding of this phenomenon is essential to optimize the design and application of therapeutic phage cocktails

    Cellular senescence impairs the reversibility of pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in congenital cardiac shunts can be reversed by hemodynamic unloading (HU) through shunt closure. However, this reversibility potential is lost beyond a certain point in time. The reason why PAH becomes irreversible is unknown. In this study, we used MCT+shunt-induced PAH in rats to identify a dichotomous reversibility response to HU, similar to the human situation. We compared vascular profiles of reversible and irreversible PAH using RNA sequencing. Cumulatively, we report that loss of reversibility is associated with a switch from a proliferative to a senescent vascular phenotype and confirmed markers of senescence in human PAH-CHD tissue. In vitro, we showed that human pulmonary endothelial cells of patients with PAH are more vulnerable to senescence than controls in response to shear stress and confirmed that the senolytic ABT263 induces apoptosis in senescent, but not in normal, endothelial cells. To support the concept that vascular cell senescence is causal to the irreversible nature of end-stage PAH, we targeted senescence using ABT263 and induced reversal of the hemodynamic and structural changes associated with severe PAH refractory to HU. The factors that drive the transition from a reversible to irreversible pulmonary vascular phenotype could also explain the irreversible nature of other PAH etiologies and provide new leads for pharmacological reversal of end-stage PAH

    General practitioner practices in requesting laboratory tests for patients with gastroenteritis in the Netherlands, 2001–2002

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to estimate the (selective) proportion of patients consulting their GP for an episode of gastroenteritis for whom laboratory tests were requested. In addition adherence of GPs to the guidelines for diagnostic test regime was ascertained. METHODS: Data were collected from a GP network in the Netherlands. Information was also collected on the reason for requesting the test, test specifications, and test results. RESULTS: For 12% of the GP patients with gastroenteritis, a stool sample was requested and tested for enteric pathogens. In most patients, the duration, followed by severity of complaints or a visit to a specific, high-risk country were reported as reasons to request laboratory diagnostics. Tests were requested most often in summer months and in February. Campylobacter (requested for 87% of the tests), Salmonella (84%), Shigella (78%) and Yersinia (56%) were most frequently included in the stool tests. Campylobacter was detected most often in patients. CONCLUSION: Test requests did not always comply with existing knowledge of the etiology of gastroenteritis in GP patients and were not always consistent with the Dutch GP guidelines. Therefore, the data of this study can be used to develop educational approaches for GP's as well as for revision of the guidelines

    Metabolic Remodeling in the Pressure-Loaded Right Ventricle:Shifts in Glucose and Fatty Acid Metabolism-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background-—Right ventricular (RV) failure because of chronic pressure load is an important determinant of outcome in pulmonary hypertension. Progression towards RV failure is characterized by diastolic dysfunction, fibrosis and metabolic dysregulation. Metabolic modulation has been suggested as therapeutic option, yet, metabolic dysregulation may have various faces in different experimental models and disease severity. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we aimed to identify metabolic changes in the pressure loaded RV and formulate recommendations required to optimize translation between animal models and human disease. Methods and Results-—Medline and EMBASE were searched to identify original studies describing cardiac metabolic variables in the pressure loaded RV. We identified mostly rat-models, inducing pressure load by hypoxia, Sugen-hypoxia, monocrotaline (MCT), pulmonary artery banding (PAB) or strain (fawn hooded rats, FHR), and human studies. Meta-analysis revealed increased Hedges’ g (effect size) of the gene expression of GLUT1 and HK1 and glycolytic flux. The expression of MCAD was uniformly decreased. Mitochon

    Neonatal Myocardial Infarction or Myocarditis?

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    We report a 29 week-gestation preterm infant who presented during his second week of life with cardiogenic shock. Clinical presentation and first diagnostics suggested myocardial infarction, but echocardiographic features during follow-up pointed to a diagnosis of enteroviral myocarditis. The child died of chronic heart failure at 9 months of age. Autopsy showed passed myocardial infarction. No signs for active myocarditis were found. We discuss the difficulties in differentiating between neonatal myocardial infarction and myocarditis. Recognizing enteroviral myocarditis as cause for cardiogenic shock is of importance because of the therapeutic options