256 research outputs found

    From almost sure local regularity to almost sure Hausdorff dimension for Gaussian fields

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    Fine regularity of stochastic processes is usually measured in a local way by local H\"older exponents and in a global way by fractal dimensions. Following a previous work of Adler, we connect these two concepts for multiparameter Gaussian random fields. More precisely, we prove that almost surely the Hausdorff dimensions of the range and the graph in any ball B(t0,ρ)B(t_0,\rho) are bounded from above using the local H\"older exponent at t0t_0. We define the deterministic local sub-exponent of Gaussian processes, which allows to obtain an almost sure lower bound for these dimensions. Moreover, the Hausdorff dimensions of the sample path on an open interval are controlled almost surely by the minimum of the local exponents. Then, we apply these generic results to the cases of the multiparameter fractional Brownian motion, the multifractional Brownian motion whose regularity function HH is irregular and the generalized Weierstrass function, whose Hausdorff dimensions were unknown so far.Comment: 28 page

    Design Optimization Methodology for Power Converters based on Global Energy Requirement Criteria. Application to a Flyback DC-DC Structure

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    International audienceThis paper discusses a design methodology for power electronic converters according to the Global Energy Requirement (GER) criterion, i.e. the primary energy consumption over their entire life cycle. For given specifications of the converter, each power component of a self-oscillating flyback converter and the main control parameters are optimized using scaling laws for given technologies. Models linking sizes of components, loss parameters and embodied energy parameters are presented. Finally a comparison is realized between a GER-designed converters and a classical one (designed from thermal criteria) which concludes to an improvement of efficiency for a given consumption profile

    Une approche de dimensionnement sur cycle de vie pour l'analyse du potentiel de la distribution en courant continu dans le bâtiment

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    National audienceLe nouveau contexte énergétique au sein du bâtiment (apparition des systèmes PV en toiture et des véhicules électriques) pose à nouveau la question de la distribution en continu au sein des bâtiments. Dans un contexte où l'énergie et les impacts environnementaux prennent chaque jour plus d'importance, la quantification des performances d'un tel système selon sa seule phase d'usage (pertes énergétiques) ne répond pas complètement à la question de l'impact global des usages. Dans cette optique nous proposons d'éco-dimensionner les composants constituant ce système sur la base d'une minimisation de l'énergie primaire qu'ils consomment pendant tout le cycle de vie (pertes + énergie grise), l'un des objectifs étant d'évaluer le niveau de tension optimale pour ce réseau de distribution en courant continu. Cet article présente les modèles élaborés pour les éléments de puissance pour déterminer les pertes et l'énergie grise, ensuite des résultats d'optimisation sont présentés. The new energetic context inside building (emergence of photovoltaic array and electric vehicle) should incite us to reconsider the use of DC distribution scheme for building. Since the environmental and energetic impacts become more and more important, the efficiency assessment of such system is nowadays not sufficient to quantify its global environmental impacts. In this context, we propose to eco-design the components of such system minimizing their primary energy consumption during their whole life cycle (from raw material extraction to recycling process). The global aim of our work is to determine the best voltage level for such system according this criterion. This article presents the models which have been developed to assess the primary energy consumption of power electronic components and some eco-designs and sensitivity studies are presented

    Patients’ perceptions and knowledge of source isolation for multi-resistant organisms in an Australian metropolitan hospital: A bedside interview with questionnaire study

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    The aim of this study was to explore perceptions and knowledge of source isolation among hospitalised patients colonised or infected with multi-resistant organisms, to identify if information provided and delivery method are helpful and appropriate, and to identify areas for practice improvements. Purposive sampling was conducted. Between November 2019 and January 2020, bedside interviews with structured questionnaires (combining multiple-choice and free-text questions) were conducted with adult in-patients requiring isolation for multi-resistant organisms in a 180-bed metropolitan hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Data analysis included quantifying multiple-choice responses and thematic analysis of free-text responses. Thirty participants completed the interview questionnaire. Lack of awareness and understanding of multi-resistant organisms was evident. Participants reported a preference for face-to-face education (96.7%) and information brochures (86.7%), rather than phone call (33.3%) or informative video (0%). Qualitative responses revealed communication and information deficits exacerbated patients’ negative psychological impacts including embarrassment, loneliness, abandonment, confusion and fear. Participants identified that clinicians need better communication skills and knowledge of multi-resistant organisms to recognise and ameliorate the effect of source isolation on patients. In conclusion, patients in source isolation reported that they do not receive adequate information. Enhancing clinician knowledge of multi-resistant organisms and improving communication skills may help address the psychological needs of these patients. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Quality & Clinical Excellence lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework (https://www.theberylinstitute.org/ExperienceFramework). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens

    Investigation of DC distribution by measuring and modelling power supply devices for buildings with PV production

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    International audienceDue to governmental incentive policies, most of the photovoltaic panels installed in France are connected to the power grid, thus requiring power transformation components. Since any type of load can be potentially fed with direct current, we investigated DC distribution by measuring and modelling power supply devices. This paper presents measurement methods, models and validation, with concrete application for a multimedia workstation. Finally, we expose the prospects of our work whose goal is to optimize the value of DC voltage to minimize energy consumption (especially global energy requirement) throughout the life cycle

    Wiring design based on Global Energy Requirement criteria: a first step towards an eco-designed DC distribution voltage

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    International audienceNowadays, the global energy context leads to a need for the development of distributed Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Since most of them produce direct current while electricity flows in alternative current in the network, the energy produced by RES has to be converted. As modern electrical loads and storage systems can be potentially fed with direct current, the DC distribution scheme need to be evaluated. Then, we need to determine its specification (topology, voltage level, protection device...). Some papers have already shown the reduction of conduction losses induced by a DC distribution [1], others presented some distribution schemes [2] or efficiency analysis [3]-[4] for different voltage levels in a given case study. This paper proposes the first steps of a method for the optimization of the voltage level for a DC distribution scheme according to environmental issues, and focuses on the wire eco sizing. In a first part, we will present our global approach, i.e. the constituent which will be taken into account and the criteria which has been selected before focusing on the wiring design. In a second time, we will present the models and the case studies which have been considered to design wires. And finally we will present our results, comparing our approach with the recommendation made by French standards in our case studies and carrying out a sensitivity study about our working hypothesis

    Notes pour servir à l’identification des oiseaux dans la nature. IV

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    Historia del clero en el tiempo de la revolucion francesa

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    LLORDEN: V. 1, p. 193, n.31a. parte: veos doi- a-os aqmi (3)2a. parte: o-sun n-el o-an blde (3)Copia digital. realizada por la Biblioteca de Andalucí

    Utilizing AI to Share the Research and History of Swanton Pacific Ranch

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    Since the CZU Lightning Complex fire of August 2020 burned through most of the buildings and historical data that resided at Swanton Pacific Ranch (SPR), finding a new way to share the land’s rich history has become imperative. The purpose of our project was to do just that. We aimed to create an interactive chatbot called “Poppy” that could be accessible both online and at SPR, allowing users to learn more about the ranch and its surrounding areas. This chatbot allows users to explore a multi-level map of the ranch, ask any questions they may have about the ranch, and provides a place for users to donate to the ranch’s recovery and future development. The physical chatbot that will reside at SPR is fully self-sustaining; housed in a weather-resistant shed and fully solar-powered. It allows visitors to the ranch full access to the web application via a touchscreen monitor. Our project is the first fully functional version of Poppy the Chatbot, and it will serve as the foundational piece from which future teams will be able to easily expand and improve