196 research outputs found

    A gíria de grupo entre "meninas" do sistema socioeducativo a partir do cronotopo e do lugar de fala.

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    This research brings an overview of the institutionalization of adolescent women in the deprivation and restriction of freedom of the socio-educational system from the constitution of language, with slang being the focus used. We start from the dialogic, sociohistorical and ideological perspective of language advocated by Bakhtin (2003; 2006; 2010; 2013; 2014). For this thinker and his Circle, language has a dialogical, experiential and ideological character and, in this sense, adolescents in internment and semi-liberty constitute themselves as subjects in the self-other relationship in the discursive time-space (chronotope) of which constitutes the socio educational measure and from the place of speech. Given the pandemic situation and the protocols and procedures for suspending research in the spaces of deprivation and restriction of liberty, we built the investigation under a qualitative approach, the methodology being based on documentary analysis and bibliographic survey. Based on a brief analysis of the gender category and on the foundations of Sociolinguistics (PRETI, 1983; 1984; 2000; 2004; 2007) we consider that group slang reveals the spoken language, described, observed, analyzed in its social context and in use situations. The analyzes point out that, in addition to possible aspects of limitations of this linguistic repertoire, the stigmatization of the subjects who use it and the subversive character that is peculiar to it, slang involves processes that combine identification, belonging, constituting the group identity between deprived adolescents and adolescents restricted freedom. Among other approaches punctuated throughout the text, we propose to answer in this investigation the following questions: How is gender policy in socio-educational? What paths do adolescents take to confirm the alterities present in the verbal codes created or reproduced from the gender category? Why is the use of group slang as a symbolic and discursive language so used by adolescents in internment and semi-liberty? What relationships are built between the subject, the place of speech, the group slang and the chronotopes of the socio-educational measure in a closed environment? To address notes on the place of speech, we start from the webs that are built between Anthropology and Philosophy, questioning conceptions that involve women in their social and historical construction under the threshold of the studies punctuated by Ribeiro (2016; 2017). All these issues contribute to the understanding of the adolescent in a socio-educational measure in a closed environment and the discursive and/or interactive relationships that she establishes through slang, a group sign that, among other aspects, identifies, inscribes and constitutes them as subjects in the processes that constitute institutionalization.Esta pesquisa traz panorama da institucionalização de adolescentes mulheres na privação e restrição de liberdade do sistema socioeducativo a partir da constituição da linguagem, sendo a gíria o enfoque utilizado. Partimos da perspectiva dialógica, sociohistórica e ideológica da língua(gem) preconizada por Bakhtin (2003; 2006; 2010; 2013; 2014). Para este pensador e seu Círculo, a línguagem possui caráter dialógico, vivencial e ideológico e, neste sentido, as adolescentes na internação e semiliberdade se constituem como sujeitos na relação eu-Outro no tempo-espaço discursivo (cronotopo) de que se constitui a medida socioeducativa e a partir do lugar de fala. Dada a situação de pandemia e os protocolos e procedimentos de suspensão de pesquisa nos espaços da privação e restrição de liberdade, construímos a investigação sob uma abordagem qualitativa, sendo a metodologia fundamentada em análises documentais e levantamento bibliográfico. Com base em breve análise sobre a categoria de gênero e nos fundamentos da Sociolinguística (PRETI, 1983; 1984; 2000; 2004; 2007) consideramos que a gíria de grupo revela a língua falada, descrita, observada, analisada em seu contexto social e em situações de uso. As análises apontam que para além de aspectos eventuais de limitações desse repertório linguístico, da estigmatização dos sujeitos que a utilizam e do caráter subversivo que lhe é peculiar, a gíria envolve processos que aliam identificação, pertencimento, constituindo a identidade de grupo entre adolescentes privadas e restritas de liberdade. Dentre outras abordagens pontuadas ao longo do texto, propomo-nos responder nesta investigação aos seguintes questionamentos: Como se dá a política de gênero no socioeducativo? Quais percursos as adolescentes fazem para confirmar as alteridades presentes nos códigos verbais criados ou reproduzidos a partir da categoria de gênero? Por que o uso da gíria de grupo como linguagem simbólica e discursiva, é tão utilizada pelas adolescentes na internação e semiliberdade? Quais relações se constroem entre o sujeito, o lugar de fala, a gíria de grupo e os cronotopos da medida socioeducativa de meio fechado? Para tratar sobre apontamentos sobre o lugar de fala, partimos das teias que se constroem entre a Antropologia e a Filosofia, problematizando concepções que envolvem a mulher em sua construção social e histórica sob o limiar dos estudos pontuados por Ribeiro (2016; 2017). Todas essas questões contribuem para a compreensão da adolescente em medida socioeducativa de meio fechado e as relações discursivas e/ou interativas que estabelece por meio da linguagem gíria, signo de grupo que, dentre outros aspectos, as identifica, inscreve e as constitui como sujeitos nos processos que constituem a institucionalizaçã

    A gíria de grupo entre "meninas" do sistema socioeducativo a partir do cronotopo e do lugar de fala.

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    This research brings an overview of the institutionalization of adolescent women in the deprivation and restriction of freedom of the socio-educational system from the constitution of language, with slang being the focus used. We start from the dialogic, sociohistorical and ideological perspective of language advocated by Bakhtin (2003; 2006; 2010; 2013; 2014). For this thinker and his Circle, language has a dialogical, experiential and ideological character and, in this sense, adolescents in internment and semi-liberty constitute themselves as subjects in the self-other relationship in the discursive time-space (chronotope) of which constitutes the socio- educational measure and from the place of speech. Given the pandemic situation and the protocols and procedures for suspending research in the spaces of deprivation and restriction of liberty, we built the investigation under a qualitative approach, the methodology being based on documentary analysis and bibliographic survey. Based on a brief analysis of the gender category and on the foundations of Sociolinguistics (PRETI, 1983; 1984; 2000; 2004; 2007) we consider that group slang reveals the spoken language, described, observed, analyzed in its social context and in use situations. The analyzes point out that, in addition to possible aspects of limitations of this linguistic repertoire, the stigmatization of the subjects who use it and the subversive character that is peculiar to it, slang involves processes that combine identification, belonging, constituting the group identity between deprived adolescents and adolescents restricted freedom. Among other approaches punctuated throughout the text, we propose to answer in this investigation the following questions: How is gender policy in socio-educational? What paths do adolescents take to confirm the alterities present in the verbal codes created or reproduced from the gender category? Why is the use of group slang as a symbolic and discursive language so used by adolescents in internment and semi-liberty? What relationships are built between the subject, the place of speech, the group slang and the chronotopes of the socio-educational measure in a closed environment? To address notes on the place of speech, we start from the webs that are built between Anthropology and Philosophy, questioning conceptions that involve women in their social and historical construction under the threshold of the studies punctuated by Ribeiro (2016; 2017). All these issues contribute to the understanding of the adolescent in a socio-educational measure in a closed environment and the discursive and/or interactive relationships that she establishes through slang, a group sign that, among other aspects, identifies, inscribes and constitutes them as subjects in the processes thatEsta pesquisa traz panorama da institucionalização de adolescentes mulheres na privação e restrição de liberdade do sistema socioeducativo a partir da constituição da linguagem, sendo a gíria o enfoque utilizado. Partimos da perspectiva dialógica, sociohistórica e ideológica da língua(gem) preconizada por Bakhtin (2003; 2006; 2010; 2013; 2014). Para este pensador e seu Círculo, a línguagem possui caráter dialógico, vivencial e ideológico e, neste sentido, as adolescentes na internação e semiliberdade se constituem como sujeitos na relação eu-Outro no tempo-espaço discursivo (cronotopo) de que se constitui a medida socioeducativa e a partir do lugar de fala. Dada a situação de pandemia e os protocolos e procedimentos de suspensão de pesquisa nos espaços da privação e restrição de liberdade, construímos a investigação sob uma abordagem qualitativa, sendo a metodologia fundamentada em análises documentais e levantamento bibliográfico. Com base em breve análise sobre a categoria de gênero e nos fundamentos da Sociolinguística (PRETI, 1983; 1984; 2000; 2004; 2007) consideramos que a gíria de grupo revela a língua falada, descrita, observada, analisada em seu contexto social e em situações de uso. As análises apontam que para além de aspectos eventuais de limitações desse repertório linguístico, da estigmatização dos sujeitos que a utilizam e do caráter subversivo que lhe é peculiar, a gíria envolve processos que aliam identificação, pertencimento, constituindo a identidade de grupo entre adolescentes privadas e restritas de liberdade. Dentre outras abordagens pontuadas ao longo do texto, propomo-nos responder nesta investigação aos seguintes questionamentos: Como se dá a política de gênero no socioeducativo? Quais percursos as adolescentes fazem para confirmar as alteridades presentes nos códigos verbais criados ou reproduzidos a partir da categoria de gênero? Por que o uso da gíria de grupo como linguagem simbólica e discursiva, é tão utilizada pelas adolescentes na internação e semiliberdade? Quais relações se constroem entre o sujeito, o lugar de fala, a gíria de grupo e os cronotopos da medida socioeducativa de meio fechado? Para tratar sobre apontamentos sobre o lugar de fala, partimos das teias que se constroem entre a Antropologia e a Filosofia, problematizando concepções que envolvem a mulher em sua construção social e histórica sob o limiar dos estudos pontuados por Ribeiro (2016; 2017). Todas essas questões contribuem para a compreensão da adolescente em medida socioeducativa de meio fechado e as relações discursivas e/ou interativas que estabelece por meio da linguagem gíria, signo de grupo que, dentre outros aspectos, as identifica, inscreve e as constitui como sujeitos nos processos que constituem a institucionalização

    Detecting toxic dinoflagellates (Dinophysis spp.) using electrochemical genosensors

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    Aquatic environments are important economic and ecological sources for human activities (e.g. fisheries, tourism, agriculture and aquaculture). However, the increase in those practices has, over the years, compromised the integrity of these ecosystems. Runoffs of terrestrial nutrients (from, for example, agricultural and industrial waste) and higher surface temperatures are believed to have transformed these ecosystems into favourable habitats for algae growth and proliferation. As a result, the frequency in phytoplankton microalgae blooms is rising worldwide. These microorganisms are mostly harmless, however certain species, namely belonging to dinoflagellates (e.g., Dinophysis spp.) produce toxins that pose a potential risk for human health. Therefore, the need for technological developments towards fast and precise detection of these toxin-producing microalgae is critical to prevent socioeconomical damages and assess the ecological status of marine ecosystems. In this work, an analytical approach based on an electrochemical genosensor device was developed to create a low-cost platform able to detect two dinoflagellate species from the genus Dinophysis: D. acuminata and D. acuta, which are lipophilic toxin producers responsible of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) in humans. The design of this DNA-based sensor consists of several steps including: i) Sensing phase: consisted by a mixed self-assembled monolayer (SAM) composed by a linear DNA capture probe(DNA-CP) and mercaptohexanol (MCH) onto disposable screen-printed gold electrodes (SPGE) surface; ii) Hybridization of complementary DNA sequence (DNA target) by using a sandwich format assay with enzymatic labels and iii) Electrochemical detection by chronoamperometry using an enzymatic scheme to amplify the electrochemical signal. The best analytical conditions were used to study the relationship between electrochemical signal and DNA target concentration, to produce the best electrochemical genosensor device.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Selected cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) genotypes suitable for PDO cheeses in Mediterranean regions

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    Cardoon flower extract is a traditional and exclusive rennet used for some PDO cheeses in several Mediterranean regions, due to its extremely high concentration in cardosins. In this preliminary study, six individual cardoon genotypes (1M – 6M) were selected because they revealed a wide and consistent diversity of total and specific cardosin concentrations in flowers. During three growing seasons, the stability of 12 biochemical characteristics of flower extracts and 26 plant morphological descriptors was confirmed. Surprisingly, the cardosin profiles of each genotype, based on four main groups A0, A1, A and B, were stable during the annual flower harvesting period and over all three years using ion-exchange chromatography and native-PAGE electrophoresis. This knowledge will allow an improvement in the quality and standardization of cardosin profiles from cardoon flowers used for cheese production and other innovative applications. The results obtained are promising for the development of a plant breeding program based on biochemical and morphological characteristics in order to obtain the most adapted plant architecture for combined purposes related to specific cardosins composition, flower and plant biomass production, and ease of harvesting.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Pre-molecular assessment of self-processes in neurotypical subjects using a single cognitive behavioral intervention evoking autobiographical memory

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    In the last 20 years, several contributions have been published on what concerns the conceptual and empirical connections between self-processes. However, only a limited number of publications addressed the viability of those processes to characterize mental health in neurotypical subjects with a normative pattern of neurodevelopment. Furthermore, even fewer experiments focused explicitly on the complexity of studying neurotypical phenomenal data. On the one hand, this normative pattern is commonly associated with mental health and a multifaceted self-concept and well-being. On the other hand, well-being is often related to a healthy cognitive life. However, how such intricate and complex relation between self-processes is established in neurotypical subjects requires further evidence. The novelty of this work is thus studying the first-person experience, which is correlated with the mental events aroused by a cognitive behavioral intervention. The prior methodology that led to the complete characterization of a neurotypical sample was already published by the authors, although the materials, the methods, the sample screening, and the sample size study required further explanation and exploration. This paper’s innovation is hence the phenomenological assessment of subjects’ self-regulation, which is used for mental health profiling, providing the basis for subsequent molecular typing. For that matter, a convenience sample of 128 (19–25-year-old) neurotypical young adults, healthy university students at the University of Lisbon, non-medicated and with no serious, uncontrolled, or chronic diseases, are characterized according to their cognitive functioning and self-concept. The procedure comprised (i) a mental status examination (psychological assessment) and (ii) a psychological intervention, i.e., a single cognitive behavioral intervention (intervention protocol). The psychological assessment was a standardized and structured clinical interview, which comprised the use of 4 psychological scales complementary to the classical Mental Status Examination (MSE). The intervention protocol applied a combined exercise of psychophysical training and autobiographical-self memory-recalling. The results permitted identifying and isolating four different subgroups (self awareness, self consciousness, reflective self, and pre-reflective self) in neurotypical subjects with discrete self-processes. The outcome of this study is screening four different aspects of self-reflection and the isolation between various forms of self-directed attention and their interconnections in these four mental health strata. The practical implication of this study is to fulfill an a priori pre-molecular assessment of self-regulation with separate cognitive characteristics. The reliability of these mental strata, their distinct neurophysiology, and discrete molecular fingerprint will be tested in a future publication by in silico characterization, total protein profiling, and simultaneous immunodetection of the neuropeptide and neuroimmune response of the same participants.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cardosins A and B, two new enzymes available for peptide synthesis

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    Two new aspartic proteases, Cardosins A and B, with a high specificity toward bonds between hydrophobic amino acids were isolated from the flowers of the cardoon, Cynara cardunculus L., and recently characterised [C.J. Faro, A.G.J. Moir, E. Pires, Biotech. Lett., 14 (1992) 841.]; [P. Veríssimo, C. Faro, A.J.G. Moir, Y. Lin, J. Tang, E. Pires, Eur. J. Biochem., 235 (1996) 762.]. Cardosins were shown to be stable in aqueous-organic biphasic systems [M. Barros, M.G.V. Carvalho, F.A. Garcia, E. Pires, Biotech. Lett. 14 (1992) 174.]. In this work, we have investigated peptide bond specificity of Cardosin A and Cardosin B in what concerns the amino acids in P'1 position. The results were compared with pepsin under the same conditions. Information about secondary specificity of Cardosin A and B was also investigated by tripeptide synthesis. The condensation reactions were carried out in aqueous-organic biphasic systems of n-hexane/ethyl acetate and sodium phosphate buffer. The reaction products were isolated by RP-HPLC and identified by amino acid analysis and eventually by M.S. The results in the synthesis of dipeptides showed that Cardosin A and B have similar P'1 position preference. The production of tripeptides by condensation of CBZ·Val·Phe with Phe·OMe, Met·OMe and Val·OMe reveals that the addition of Val in the P2 position modifies the Cardosins' preferences concerning the amino acid in P'1 position.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TGN-3V5RY4G-2B/1/1e2fd83ec2ea4e623929f202f28a6d5

    Contribuição para o conhecimento da fauna de Ascidiaceae, da Ilha de Boa Viagem, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro: (sistemática e notas biológicas)

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    In the period from April 1978 to June 1979 monthly collects were made on the Boa Viagem Island in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro and this has allowed a study about the sistematics and some biological data as well. The studied region shows sixteen species.Among them the following stand out: the first time that such event occurs in Arnerica, larvas shown to the world for the first time and new events in Guanabara Bay. In December 1978 there was the appearance of a great quantity of refuse and, specially, the appearance of a lot of oil wich drifted covering the rocks,causing the mortality of the fauna and the flora. This accident was justified by the action of the south wind reigning at that time and by the currents of tide which brought the refuse and the oil to the region. Nevertheless, rapid recuperation was noticed, with the re-establishment of the fauna and the flora because of the action of tide currents. Therefore, some information was analyzed: abundance, temperature and some considerations about the time of maturation of the ascidians before the accident.No período de abril de 1978 até junho de 1979, foram feitas coletas mensais, na Ilha de Boa Viagem, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, o que permitiu um estudo sobre a sistemática e a obtenção de alguns dados biológicos. A área estudada apresenta dezesseis espécies. Dentre essas, sobressaem: uma ocorrência nova na América, larvas apresentadas pela primeira vez no mundo e ocorrências novas na Baía de Guanabara. Em dezembro de 1978 houve o aparecimento de uma grande quantidade de lixo e, especialmente, de uma camada de óleo que sedimentou envolvendo as rochas, provocando a mortandade da fauna e flora. Justificou-se este acidente pela ação do vento sul reinante na época e pelas correntes de maré que levaram o lixo e o óleo para a região. Todavia, verificou-se uma rápida recuperação, com restabelecimento da fauna e flora, devido à ação das correntes de maré. Portanto, analisou-se alguns dados sobre: abundância, temperatura e algumas considerações sobre a época de maturação das ascídias antes do acidente