2,149 research outputs found

    Queer Theory, Visual Culture, and Emotional Resistances in Torremolinos (Spain) during the Sixties and Seventies.

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    This paper proposes an epistemological approximation between the method of visual analysis developed by Aby Warburg in Atlas Mnemosyne, based on concepts such as Nachleben der Antike (the afterlife of Antiquity) and Pathosformel, (the “emotionally charged visual tropes”), and some aspects of the Queer Theory, in particular the concept of "emotional resistances" proposed by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick with the intention of developing "reparative epistemologies".Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Queering Aby Warburg: visual culture and “emotional resistances” in Torremolinos during the sixties and the seventies.

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    This paper proposes an epistemological approximation between the method of visual analysis developed by Aby Warburg in Atlas Mnemosyne, and the concept of "emotional resistances" proposed by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick with the intention of developing "reparative epistemologies" (Touching Feeling. Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity, Duke, 2003). The construction of a queer cartography from Warburg's Atlas Mnemosyne is a project of great magnitude. This is the reason why we want to start from a g-local conception (global and local), and apply this methodology to the analysis of the traces and practices of personal photography that were developed in the Sixties and Seventies in the LGTBQ+ community of Torremolinos (Spain), as an example of cultural practice that allows to recover the "emotional resistances", especially of the members of this community with which the Francoist “emotional regime” (1939-1975) fattened. We will use a queer counter-methodology: the protagonists of the 1970s preserve experiences, memories and materials in the form of personal collections, which sometimes find themselves in a precarious drift that makes militant archival work indispensable. These photographs show the role that Torremolinos had in the Sixties and Seventies as a destination for the LGTBQ+ community in Europe and the development of activism in Spain. This is the reason why in January 1977 the Democratic Union of Homosexuals (UDH) was created in Málaga, months before the first demonstration for the repeal of the Ley de Peligrosidad y Rehabilitación Social (LPRS) in Barcelona in June 1977. The analysis of these photographs will be carried out taking into account both Aby Warburg's method (mainly the Pathosformel and the assembly concept present in the Atlas Mnemosyne) and Eve Kosofsky's concept of "emotional resistences".Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Population viability analysis of the Taruka, Hippocamelus antisensis (D’Órbigny, 1834) (Cervidae) in southern Peru

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    Se analiza las probabilidades de supervivencia de una población de tarukas (Cervidae: Hippocamelus antisensis) en el sur del Perú usando datos obtenidos en el campo, datos de otros estudios y el programa informático de simulación Vortex. Un total de 900 km2 de la sección norte de la Zona Reservada Aymara Lupaca fueron evaluados en 1997. El análisis de viabilidad poblacional mostró que esta población de tarukas es altamente sensible a cambios en la mortalidad del primer año, inmigración y fragmentación de la población. El tamaño de la población y las probabilidades de supervivencia no mostraron sensibilidad a cambios en la capacidad de carga del área o en la variación medioambiental. Los resultados de este estudio están abiertos a otras alternativas de interpretación, sin embargo la conservación y manejo de la población de tarukas en la Zona Reservada Aymara Lupaca pueden ser asistidos por los resultados del análisis de viabilidad poblacional. El análisis de viabilidad de población es una herramienta muy efectiva de bajo costo para identifi car los factores que pueden afectar la supervivencia de las tarukas en el sur del Perú.This study analyzes the probabilities of survival for a population of tarukas (Cervidae: Hippocamelus antisensis) in southern Peru using data gathered in the fi eld, data from other studies and the computer-based Vortex simulation program. A total of 900km2 of the northern part of the Aymara- Lupaca Reserved Zone were evaluated in 1997. The population viability analysis showed that this taruka population exhibited a high sensitivity to changes in fi rst-year mortality, immigration and fragmentation of the population. Taruka population size and survival probabilities did not exhibit sensitivity to changes in the carrying capacity of the area or to changes in environmental variation. Although the results of this study are open to alternative interpretation, the conservation and management of taruka in the Aymara-Lupaca Reserved Zone may be helped by the fi ndings of the viability analysis. Population viability analysis is a cost-effective tool in identifying factors that might affect the survival of taruka in southern Peru

    Presión de caza sobre crácidos (Cracidae: Aves) en concesiones forestales en Perú

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    The impact of timber exploitation on biodiversity is usually increased by hunting in the exploited area. Proper forest management practices on areas under commercial exploitation minimize hunting and damage to the forest. Large species of Cracidae, the most endangered family of birds in the Neotropics, are among the first to be affected in a Neotropical forest damaged by timber-extraction activities, and where at least moderate hunting occurs. Herein an assessment of cracids is carried out in three areas with selective logging in Peru in 2004 and 2005, is used to evaluate hunting pressure. Tree inventory trails were used as transects, and density was calculated using the line transect methodology. Four species of cracids were evaluated, and density was calculated for three of them. The area with lower hunting pressure, Maderyja, showed higher cracid diversity and was the only with the presence of razor-billed curassows (Mitu tuberosum) and blue-throated pining-guans (Pipile cumanensis), two sought-after prey species. Areas where hunting intensity is higher had lower cracid diversity. The density of the M. tuberosum was high in Maderyja: 11.3 ind/km2 (95% CI: 7.4 – 17.3 ind/km2). In contrast, Spix’s guan (Penelope jacquacu) did not show a marked difference among areas, unless compared to heavily hunted sites. The higher diversity of cracids and the density found for razor-billed curassows suggests Maderyja had low hunting pressure in the past and is properly managed towards wildlife. Currently, the Peruvian Amazon is being opened for forestry concessions and hydrocarbons exploitation and proper management towards wildlife is necessary to guarantee the conservation of susceptible taxa such as cracids.Prácticas adecuadas de manejo forestal en áreas bajo explotación comercial reducen la caza y los daños al bosque. Las especies de aves de gran tamaño como los Cracidae, la familia más amenazada de aves en el Neotrópico, se encuentran entre las primeras afectadas por la extracción madedera y con la actividad de caza aunque sea moderada. En el presente trabajo, como una forma de evaluar la presión de caza, entre 2004 y 2005, se estudiaron las poblaciones de crácidos en tres zonas donde se realiza tala selectiva en el Perú. Senderos para inventario de árboles fueron utilizados como transectos, y la densidad se calculo utilizando la metodología de transecto lineal. Cuatro especies de crácidos fueron evaluados, y la densidad fue calculada para tres de ellos. El área con menor presión de la caza, Maderyja, mostro una mayor diversidad de crácidos y fue la única con la presencia del Paujil Común (Mitu tuberosum) y la Pava de Garganta Azul (Pipile cumanensis), dos codiciadas presas. La diversidad de crácidos fue menor en áreas con intensidad de la caza mayor. La densidad de M. tuberosum fue mayor en Maderyja: 11,3 ind/km2 (95% CI: 7,4 – 17,3 ind/km2). Por el contrario, la Pava de Spix (Penelope jacquacu) no mostró diferencia significativa entre las áreas, salvo comparada con sitios con intensa actividad de caza. La mayor diversidad de crácidos y la densidad encontrada para M. tuberosum sugiere que Maderyja tuvo baja presión de la caza en el pasado y tiene un adecuado manejo de la biodiversidad. En la actualidad, la Amazonía peruana se abre para las concesiones forestales y la explotación de hidrocarburos y el manejo adecuado a la vida silvestre es necesario para garantizar la conservación de los taxones sensibles como crácidos

    Pedagogía feminista e Historia del Arte: un estudio de caso.

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    Esta comunicación expone los resultados de una experiencia didáctica desarrollada en la asignatura “Arte Moderno 1880-1960” del tercer curso del grado en Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Málaga. El objetivo de esta experiencia ha sido incorporar la perspectiva de género en la práctica educativa entendiendo la educación como factor clave para garantizar la justicia y la cohesión social y siendo la igualdad de género un indicador de la calidad de los sistemas educativos (Rebollo, 2013). Además, esta experiencia didáctica se enmarca en la revisión de la disciplina de la historia del arte que se está realizando desde la década de 1970 a partir de los estudios de género. Dicha revisión se está produciendo no sólo a través de la inclusión de artistas mujeres en el canon de los más importantes artistas de cada período histórico sino a través de una revisión estructural de los conceptos definitorios de dicha disciplina (Méndez Baiges, 2017).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The role of Torremolinos in the queer history of Spain: New narratives beyond Madrid and Barcelona

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    The progress in recent decades in the achievement of civil rights within the LGTB community in Spain (decriminalization of homosexuality, equal marriage, Trans law) has led to a review of the role that different organizations and cities (Barcelona, Madrid) have played in the achievement of these rights. 2017 marked the 40th anniversary of the first demonstration for LGBT rights in Barcelona (June 1977), organized to demand the repeal of the Ley de Peligrosidad (dangerousness law) passed during the Franco dictatorship. That demonstration had replicas a year later in cities such as Madrid, Bilbao and Seville and, at the end of that year, the withdrawal of homosexuality from the dangerousness law was achieved. 2018 marked the 40th anniversary of these demonstrations, ephemeris that continued in 2019 with the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall Inn riots in New York (USA) which, historically, has meant the beginning of the homosexual liberation movements. These commemorations were accompanied by a process of revision of the role that cities such as Barcelona or Madrid had played in this journey. However, it became clear how the peripheries and, therefore, the subaltern discourses, were displaced. Thus, the role that tourist areas such as Torremolinos, already since the sixties, had as a destination for the international LGBT community in the context of Franco's dictatorship and the emergence of LGBT activism during the democratic transition, remained in the background. Proof of this was the opening of what is considered the first gay bar in Spain, Tony's bar, in 1962. During almost all that decade and coinciding with the developmentalist economic policies, Torremolinos became the destination of the national and international LGBT community, in what was a kind of island in the context of the Franco dictatorship.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Feeding Ecology of Taruca ( Hippocamelus antisensis

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    Tarucas (Hippocamelus antisensis) live in rocky areas in the Andes, from northern Peru to northern Argentina. Microhistological analyses on their feeding ecology during the rainy and dry seasons were done at a National Park and a Landscape Reserve. The diet was diverse and more than 50 species were identified from the feces. Grass species were most often detected as eaten by taruca during the rainy season comprising near 70% of the consumed fragments with 35 plant species identified as eaten then. In the dry season, around 50 species were identified as eaten by tarucas, mostly dicotyledonous. The main species consumed in both seasons were Werneria nubigena, Poa gymnantha, Senecio comosus, and Ephedra americana. The ecological density was an intermediate value compared to other observed values in Peru. This is the first study to find the importance of grasses for tarucas, selected when soft, during the rainy season. A possible overlap with domestic ungulates’ diets should be explored, helping the conservation of taruca and generating an adequate management of the species and the ecosystem. There is a change in the palatable offer of food items during the rainy season, when most of the Gramineae species are tender

    Oratio in solemni studiorum anniversaria instauratione, die 18 octobris ann. 1825, coram perillust. valdolitana regia universitate

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201