743 research outputs found

    Examining how health navigation affects mental health among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men living with human immunodeficiency virus in Guatemala

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    Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) are disproportionately affected by mental health problems and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Health navigation has the potential to improve both HIV and mental health outcomes; however, few studies have measured the impact of navigation on mental health among people living with HIV. We analyzed longitudinal data from a sociobehavioral survey and navigation monitoring system with GBMSM living with HIV in Guatemala (n = 346) that participated in a 12-month differentiated care intervention. We examined relationships between navigation characteristics (frequency, duration, mode of interactions, and level of emotional, instrumental, and informational navigation support) and anxiety and depression using fixed-effects regression. We also examined if these relationships were moderated by baseline social support. We found that as navigation interactions increased, anxiety significantly improved [B = -0.03, standard error (SE) = 0.01 p = 0.05]. Participants who received high levels of informational navigator support also experienced a significant improvement in anxiety compared with those receiving low levels of informational support (B = -0.81, SE = 0.40, p = 0.04). Unexpectedly, we found that as the proportion of in-person navigation interactions increased, anxiety worsened (B = 1.12, SE = 0.54, p = 0.04). No aspects of navigation were significantly associated with depression and baseline social support did not moderate the relationship between navigation and anxiety and depression. To improve the mental health of key populations affected by HIV, health navigation programs should prioritize frequent interaction and informational navigation support for clients with anxiety while considering other strategies that specifically target reducing depressive symptoms, including other cost-effective modalities, such as mobile apps

    On Second-Order Monadic Monoidal and Groupoidal Quantifiers

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    We study logics defined in terms of second-order monadic monoidal and groupoidal quantifiers. These are generalized quantifiers defined by monoid and groupoid word-problems, equivalently, by regular and context-free languages. We give a computational classification of the expressive power of these logics over strings with varying built-in predicates. In particular, we show that ATIME(n) can be logically characterized in terms of second-order monadic monoidal quantifiers

    Discovery of a small molecule probe that post-translationally stabilizes the survival motor neuron protein for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy.

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is the leading genetic cause of infant death. We previously developed a high-throughput assay that employs an SMN2-luciferase reporter allowing identification of compounds that act transcriptionally, enhance exon recognition, or stabilize the SMN protein. We describe optimization and characterization of an analog suitable for in vivo testing. Initially, we identified analog 4m that had good in vitro properties but low plasma and brain exposure in a mouse PK experiment due to short plasma stability; this was overcome by reversing the amide bond and changing the heterocycle. Thiazole 27 showed excellent in vitro properties and a promising mouse PK profile, making it suitable for in vivo testing. This series post-translationally stabilizes the SMN protein, unrelated to global proteasome or autophagy inhibition, revealing a novel therapeutic mechanism that should complement other modalities for treatment of SMA

    What's in a grade? The multidimensional nature of what teacher-assigned grades assess in high school

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    Historically, teacher-assigned grades have been seen as unreliable subjective measures of academic knowledge, since grades and standardized tests have traditionally correlated at about the 0.5 to 0.6 level, and thus explain about 25–35% of each other. However, emerging literature indicates that grades may be a multidimensional assessment of both student academic knowledge and a student's ability to negotiate the social processes of schooling, such as behavior, participation, and effort. This study analyzed the high school transcript component of the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002) using multidimensional scaling (MDS) to describe the relationships between core subject grades, non-core subject grades, and standardized test scores in mathematics and reading. The results indicate that when accounting for the academic knowledge component assessed through standardized tests, teacher-assigned grades may be a useful assessment of a student's ability at the non-cognitive aspects of school. Implications for practice, research, and policy are discussed

    An exploratory case study of Olympiad students’ attitudes towards and passion for science

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    Much is known about high school students’ attitudes towards science but there is almost no research on what passion for science might look like and how it might be manifested. This exploratory case study took advantage of a unique group of highly gifted science students participating in the Australian Science Olympiad (n=69) to explore their attitudes towards school science and science as presented in the Olympiad summer camp. In particular the role the summer camp might play in igniting the students’ passion for science was a focus of the research. Data were collected through a two tiered survey of students’ attitudes towards school science, an evaluative survey of the Olympiad summer camp and in-depth interviews with six participants. Findings indicated that Olympiad students generally had positive attitudes towards school science with most selecting science as one of their favourite subjects. However, an underlying ambivalence about school science was noted in the data. In contrast, the Olympiad summer camp transformed students’ positive attitudes into passion for science. Seven themes emerged from the data providing a foundation for a model of what academic passion for science looks like

    An artificial intelligence method using FDG PET to predict treatment outcome in diffuse large B cell lymphoma patients

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) may improve response prediction in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of a CNN using maximum intensity projection (MIP) images from 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) baseline scans to predict the probability of time-to-progression (TTP) within 2 years and compare it with the International Prognostic Index (IPI), i.e. a clinically used score. 296 DLBCL 18F-FDG PET/CT baseline scans collected from a prospective clinical trial (HOVON-84) were analysed. Cross-validation was performed using coronal and sagittal MIPs. An external dataset (340 DLBCL patients) was used to validate the model. Association between the probabilities, metabolic tumour volume and Dmaxbulk was assessed. Probabilities for PET scans with synthetically removed tumors were also assessed. The CNN provided a 2-year TTP prediction with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.74, outperforming the IPI-based model (AUC = 0.68). Furthermore, high probabilities (> 0.6) of the original MIPs were considerably decreased after removing the tumours (< 0.4, generally). These findings suggest that MIP-based CNNs are able to predict treatment outcome in DLBCL

    Forced Moves or Good Tricks in Design Space? Landmarks in the Evolution of Neural Mechanisms for Action Selection

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    This review considers some important landmarks in animal evolution, asking to what extent specialized action-selection mechanisms play a role in the functional architecture of different nervous system plans, and looking for “forced moves” or “good tricks” (see Dennett, D., 1995, Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, Penguin Books, London) that could possibly transfer to the design of robot control systems. A key conclusion is that while cnidarians (e.g. jellyfish) appear to have discovered some good tricks for the design of behavior-based control systems—largely lacking specialized selection mechanisms—the emergence of bilaterians may have forced the evolution of a central ganglion, or “archaic brain”, whose main function is to resolve conflicts between peripheral systems. Whilst vertebrates have many interesting selection substrates it is likely that here too the evolution of centralized structures such as the medial reticular formation and the basal ganglia may have been a forced move because of the need to limit connection costs as brains increased in size

    Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mast Camera Zoom (Mastcam-Z) Multispectral, Stereoscopic Imaging Investigation

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    Mastcam-Z is a multispectral, stereoscopic imaging investigation on the Mars 2020 mission’s Perseverance rover. Mastcam-Z consists of a pair of focusable, 4:1 zoomable cameras that provide broadband red/green/blue and narrowband 400-1000 nm color imaging with fields of view from 25.6° × 19.2° (26 mm focal length at 283 ÎŒrad/pixel) to 6.2° × 4.6° (110 mm focal length at 67.4 ÎŒrad/pixel). The cameras can resolve (≄ 5 pixels) ∌0.7 mm features at 2 m and ∌3.3 cm features at 100 m distance. Mastcam-Z shares significant heritage with the Mastcam instruments on the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover. Each Mastcam-Z camera consists of zoom, focus, and filter wheel mechanisms and a 1648 × 1214 pixel charge-coupled device detector and electronics. The two Mastcam-Z cameras are mounted with a 24.4 cm stereo baseline and 2.3° total toe-in on a camera plate ∌2 m above the surface on the rover’s Remote Sensing Mast, which provides azimuth and elevation actuation. A separate digital electronics assembly inside the rover provides power, data processing and storage, and the interface to the rover computer. Primary and secondary Mastcam-Z calibration targets mounted on the rover top deck enable tactical reflectance calibration. Mastcam-Z multispectral, stereo, and panoramic images will be used to provide detailed morphology, topography, and geologic context along the rover’s traverse; constrain mineralogic, photometric, and physical properties of surface materials; monitor and characterize atmospheric and astronomical phenomena; and document the rover’s sample extraction and caching locations. Mastcam-Z images will also provide key engineering information to support sample selection and other rover driving and tool/instrument operations decisions
