36 research outputs found

    Changement temporel, rendement en valeur monétaire et propriétés physico-mécaniques des arbres morts secs et sains de la forêt boréale de l'Est

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    Dans un contexte de réduction de la possibilité forestière, les bois morts secs et sains (BMSS) (arbres récemment morts par mortalité isolée ou par trouées) peuvent représenter une occasion intéressante d’augmenter les volumes d’attribution aux industries forestières québécoises. En contrepartie, il importe de tenir compte de la présence de caries du bois dans les approvisionnements, puisqu’elles peuvent engendrer d’importantes pertes à l’usine de sciage. L’objectif principal de ce projet de doctorat était de quantifier et de mesurer l’impact des phénomènes de mortalité et de dégradation des arbres pour le territoire boréal de l’est du Québec. Les volumes de bois carié et de BMSS en fonction du temps écoulé depuis le dernier feu ont été mesurés dans deux chronoséquences après feu. Afin d’identifier les BMSS en forêt, deux systèmes de classification visuelle exprimant l’état de dégradation des tiges ont été utilisés (Hunter 1990 et MRNFQ 2005). Nos résultats ont démontré que le volume de carie à l’échelle du peuplement augmente durant les premiers 150 ans suivant le passage du feu et tend ensuite à se stabiliser. À l’opposé, le volume des BMSS diminue rapidement après le passage du feu pour ensuite augmenter de façon graduelle à partir de 200 ans après feu. L’abattage de 162 épinettes noires (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) nous a permis de comparer différentes caractéristiques des sciages de BMSS à ceux provenant d’arbres vivants. Nos résultats indiquent que la valeur monétaire des arbres diminue avec l’avancement de la dégradation des arbres sur pied. Les résultats des tests en flexion longitudinale statique pratiqués sur 343 pièces de bois ont démontré que les sciages issus des BMSS étaient moins résistants à la rupture que ceux provenant d’arbres vivants. La teneur en humidité des copeaux des BMSS était significativement inférieure à celle des copeaux d’arbres vivants, alors que la distribution des dimensions de copeaux était similaire entre les deux types d’arbre. La perte de fibre à l’écorçage était significativement plus élevée chez les arbres dont l’état de dégradation était plus avancé. De manière générale, nos résultats indiquent que les vieilles forêts boréales de l’Est du Québec contiennent une large proportion de BMSS qui peuvent représenter une source adéquate d’approvisionnement en autant qu’elles demeurent à un stade de dégradation peu avancée.In a context of decreasing annual allowable cut, the use of dead and sound wood (DSW) trees (trees that have recently died through isolated mortality or group mortality) may represent an interesting opportunity to increase the volumes supplied to the Quebec forest industries. Conversely, it is important to account for the presence of wood decay in wood supplies, as it may cause significant losses at the sawmill. The main objective of this project was to quantify and measure the impact of the processes of tree mortality and degradation in the Eastern boreal area of Quebec. Decay and DSW volumes were measured in two chronosequences of time since fire. In order to identify DSW trees in the forest, two systems of visual classification based on tree degradation were used (Hunter 1990 et MRNFQ 2005). Our results showed that wood decay volume measured at the stand level increased during the first 150 years following fire and then stabilized. The volume of DSW showed the opposite trend, with a rapid decrease after fire and followed by a gradual increase from 200 years after fire. The felling of 162 black spruce trees (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) allowed us to compare different characteristics of DSW with those of live trees according to a sawmill study. Our results indicated that the monetary value of trees decreased with increasing state of tree degradation. Results from bending tests performed on 343 pieces showed that lumber pieces from DSW trees are less resistant to rupture than live trees. The moisture contents of wood chips from DSW were significantly lower than those of live trees, while chips size distributions were similar between the two types of wood. The loss of wood fiber at the debarking stage was significantly higher in trees with a more advanced state of tree degradation. In general, our results showed that the old-growth forests of the Eastern boreal forest of Quebec contain a significant proportion of DSW trees, which may represent an adequate source of wood supply if they remain at an early stage of degradation

    Broad-scale wood degradation dynamics in the face of climate change : a meta-analysis

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    In the context of global change, a better understanding of the dynamics of wood degradation, and how they relate to tree attributes and climatic conditions, is necessary to improve broad-scale assessments of the contributions of deadwood to various ecological processes, and ultimately, for the development of adaptive post-disturbance management strategies. The objective of this meta-analysis was to review the effects of tree attributes and local climatic conditions on the time since death of coarse woody debris ranging in decomposition states. Results from our meta-analysis showed that projected warming will likely accelerate wood decomposition and significantly decrease the residence time in decay stages. By promoting such a decrease in residence time, further climate warming is very likely to alter the dynamics of deadwood, which in turn may affect saproxylic biodiversity by decreasing the temporal availability of specific habitats. Moreover, while coarse woody debris has been recognized as a key resource for bioenergy at the global scale, the acceleration of decay-stages transition dynamics indicates that the temporal window during which dead trees are available as feedstock for value-added products will shrink. Consequently, future planning and implementation of salvage harvesting will need to occur within a short period following disturbance, especially in warmer regions dominated by hardwood species. Another important contribution of this work was the development of a harmonized classification system that relies on the correspondence between the visual criteria used to characterize deadwood decomposition stages in locally developed systems the literature. This system could be used in future investigations to facilitate direct comparisons between studies. Our literature survey also highlights that most of the information on wood decay dynamics comes from temperate and boreal forests, whereas data from subtropical, equatorial and subarctic forests are scarce. Such data are urgently needed to allow broader-scale conclusions on global wood degradation dynamics

    Naturalness assessment performed using forestry maps to validate forest management sustainability

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    One-quarter of forest areas worldwide are managed for forestry purposes. Depending upon the type of practice and intensity of management, forestry may alter forests to various degrees and raise sustainability issues. To mitigate the alteration of natural forests by forestry and to promote sustainability, ecosystem management has been implemented widely over the past quarter century. A need remains for the development of comprehensive and operational assessment approaches to validate its effectiveness. Naturalness assessment could be used to validate effectiveness of ecosystem management since this concept relates to the degree to which a natural state has been altered. We developed an approach that integrates stand- and landscape- scale traits of naturalness into a single comprehensive assessment that can be performed using only forestry maps. To illustrate our approach, we assessed naturalness in four managed forest landscapes (2184 km2), representing a management gradient of increasing intensity from passive restoration to plantation forestry. We defined four naturalness classes, i.e., natural, semi-natural, altered and artificial. Assessment was performed in two steps. At step one, we attributed a class to each managed stand by comparing its current composition with natural stand compositions of its potential natural vegetation. At the landscape scale, certain developmental stages or forest types could be in excess in managed forest landscapes compared with natural forest landscapes. At step two, we transferred numbers of stages or types in excess from the natural class to more altered classes. We demonstrated that naturalness decreased as management intensity increased. Passive restoration and extensive management generated a landscape where semi-natural forests predominated in mixtures with a lower abundance of natural forests. Intensive management generated a largely semi-natural forest landscape. Plantation forestry generated a landscape where semi-natural and altered forests predominated. In conclusion, it should now be possible to validate the effectiveness of different practices and intensity of ecosystem management in promoting sustainability, by performing our assessment approach periodically following every update of forestry maps. Our approach could also allow for more comprehensive assessment of forest management strategies developed to mitigate global change by putting into better perspective their potential effects upon forest alteration of various forestry practices that have been implemented to sequester carbon

    The changing culture of silviculture

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    Changing climates are altering the structural and functional components of forest ecosystems at an unprecedented rate. Simultaneously, we are seeing a diversification of public expectations on the broader sustainable use of forest resources beyond timber production. As a result, the science and art of silviculture needs to adapt to these changing realities. In this piece, we argue that silviculturists are gradually shifting from the application of empirically derived silvicultural scenarios to new sets of approaches, methods and practices, a process that calls for broadening our conception of silviculture as a scientific discipline. We propose a holistic view of silviculture revolving around three key themes: observe, anticipate and adapt. In observe, we present how recent advances in remote sensing now enable silviculturists to observe forest structural, compositional and functional attributes in near-real-time, which in turn facilitates the deployment of efficient, targeted silvicultural measures in practice that are adapted to rapidly changing constraints. In anticipate, we highlight the importance of developing state-of-the-art models designed to take into account the effects of changing environmental conditions on forest growth and dynamics. In adapt, we discuss the need to provide spatially explicit guidance for the implementation of adaptive silvicultural actions that are efficient, cost-effective and socially acceptable. We conclude by presenting key steps towards the development of new tools and practical knowledge that will ensure meeting societal demands in rapidly changing environmental conditions. We classify these actions into three main categories: reexamining existing silvicultural trials to identify key stand attributes associated with the resistance and resilience of forests to multiple stressors, developing technological workflows and infrastructures to allow for continuous forest inventory updating frameworks, and implementing bold, innovative silvicultural trials in consultation with the relevant communities where a range of adaptive silvicultural strategies are tested. In this holistic perspective, silviculture can be defined as the science of observing forest condition and anticipating its development to apply tending and regeneration treatments adapted to a multiplicity of desired outcomes in rapidly changing realities

    The changing culture of silviculture

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    Changing climates are altering the structural and functional components of forest ecosystems at an unprecedented rate. Simultaneously, we are seeing a diversification of public expectations on the broader sustainable use of forest resources beyond timber production. As a result, the science and art of silviculture needs to adapt to these changing realities. In this piece, we argue that silviculturists are gradually shifting from the application of empirically derived silvicultural scenarios to new sets of approaches, methods and practices, a process that calls for broadening our conception of silviculture as a scientific discipline. We propose a holistic view of silviculture revolving around three key themes: observe, anticipate and adapt. In observe, we present how recent advances in remote sensing now enable silviculturists to observe forest structural, compositional and functional attributes in near-real-time, which in turn facilitates the deployment of efficient, targeted silvicultural measures in practice that are adapted to rapidly changing constraints. In anticipate, we highlight the importance of developing state-of-the-art models designed to take into account the effects of changing environmental conditions on forest growth and dynamics. In adapt, we discuss the need to provide spatially explicit guidance for the implementation of adaptive silvicultural actions that are efficient, cost-effective and socially acceptable. We conclude by presenting key steps towards the development of new tools and practical knowledge that will ensure meeting societal demands in rapidly changing environmental conditions. We classify these actions into three main categories: re-examining existing silvicultural trials to identify key stand attributes associated with the resistance and resilience of forests to multiple stressors, developing technological workflows and infrastructures to allow for continuous forest inventory updating frameworks, and implementing bold, innovative silvicultural trials in consultation with the relevant communities where a range of adaptive silvicultural strategies are tested. In this holistic perspective, silviculture can be defined as the science of observing forest condition and anticipating its development to apply tending and regeneration treatments adapted to a multiplicity of desired outcomes in rapidly changing realities

    Degraded Trees from Spruce Budworm Epidemics as Bioenergy Feedstock: A Profitability Analysis of Forest Operations

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    Natural disturbances are common in Canadian boreal managed forests. For example, during and after insect epidemics, foresters must deal with significant amounts of degraded or dead wood that cannot be processed into sawn timber or pulp. Bioenergy could be an alternative pathway for this wood. A case study in Quebec (Canada) was used to evaluate the profitability of pellet production for bioenergy using degraded trees from insect epidemics. A bioenergy scenario was simulated in which degraded trees were harvested for bioenergy alongside sound wood for timber and pulp. This scenario was compared to a reference scenario in which degraded trees were left on cutovers. Using wood pellets as a case study, the results showed that at current market prices, harvesting degraded trees for pellet production is not as profitable as leaving them in the forest. Nevertheless, the overall forest operations for procuring wood for timber and pulp were still profitable, even with very high degradation levels. Procuring degraded trees reduced the overall fixed costs per harvested m3 and allowed average savings of C2.83/harvestedm3.ThesilviculturalsavingsassociatedwithlowersitepreparationneedsfollowingprocurementofdegradedtreesrangedfromC2.83/harvested m3. The silvicultural savings associated with lower site preparation needs following procurement of degraded trees ranged from C0/ha to C500/ha,resultinginaveragesavingsofC500/ha, resulting in average savings of C2.31/harvested m3. Depending on the stand conditions, the distribution of fixed costs and silvicultural savings of biomass procurement could be either low or significant

    Environmental Performance of Eastern Canadian Wood Pellets as Measured Through Life Cycle Assessment

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    Global demand for renewable energy has increased drastically over the last decade due to new climate change policies implemented in many jurisdictions. Wood pellets made from primary wood processing mill residues represent an attractive source of renewable energy that can be used in the environmental global challenge. However, the environmental impacts involved in their manufacture must be considered to measure the real benefits they can provide to the atmosphere. The general aim of this study was to evaluate the environmental impacts of wood pellet production at two Quebec plants using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and considering a gate-to-gate approach. The paper focuses on the different stages involved in wood pellet production; from the recovery of mill residues, through the pelletization process, to pellet bagging. The paper further expands to a cradle-to-grave analysis comparing the environmental footprints of producing and combusting 1 GJ of energy from wood pellets, natural gas and fossil fuel oil. The analysis suggested that the drying and the pelletizing stages were the largest negative factors affecting the environmental performance of wood pellet production. The comparison demonstrated the environmental advantage of using renewable rather than fossil sources of energy. Considering the growing interest in renewable energy, biomass in particular, and the lack of environmental information on wood pellets, this study could be useful not only for forest sector-related industries but also for the energy sector and policymakers