59 research outputs found

    Fin de la discriminación del deporte femenino en los medios a través de la formación en cultura de igualdad del alumnado de comunicación con la creación del programa de radio "SDF : sólo deporte femenino"

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    En esta comunicación pretendemos presentar el proyecto docente e investigador titulado “SDF: Solo Deporte Femenino” que estamos desarrollando con el alumnado de Periodismo y Comunicación de la Facultad de Artes y Comunicación de la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Este proyecto se basa las metodologías activas concretadas en la realización de un programa de radio que habla solo de deporte femenino y en la realización de su página web www.solodeportefemenino.com. Los objetivos fundamentales pasan por la formación en cultura de igualdad de los futuros/as profesionales de los medios de comunicación; poner fin a la discriminación de las informaciones protagonizadas por las mujeres; formar al alumnado en competencias periodísticas y comunicativas; formación del alumnado en valores (el de la igualdad pero también todos los que se viven en el deporte); animar a la práctica deportiva a las mujeres; y apoyar al deporte femenino. Ha sido apoyado en cuatro ocasiones (contando para este año 2012 recién concedido) por el Consejo Superior de Deportes, máximo organismo deportivo en España, y una vez por la Cátedra del Real Madrid-Universidad Europea de Madrid

    El tratamiento de la violencia en el fútbol por la prensa deportiva

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    Los periodistas también tienen su protagonismo dentro de la violencia en el deporte. Desde múltiples organismos preocupa mucho y se ha señalado la necesidad de que los medios de comunicación cuiden sus conductas para no crear un ambiente violento. En este trabajo damos un exhaustivo repaso a las acciones de los periodistas deportivos que contribuyen a caldear el clima de violencia que se da concretamente en el fútbol, deporte más seguido en el país. Y todo, con especial atención al lenguaje bélico, militar y con tinte violento, que utilizan en los textos de las crónicas en los diarios deportivos

    Rice flour physically modified by microwave radiation improves viscoelastic behavior of doughs and its bread-making performance

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    Producción CientíficaThe physical modification of rice flour by heat-moisture treatment assisted by microwave radiation and its effect on the rheological and pasting properties of gluten-free doughs and the physical quality of their resulting bread was investigated. Two levels of flour initial moisture content, 20% (MW-20%) and 30% (MW-30%) and two levels of its addition (30% and 50%) to the dough were evaluated to assess the potential of the physical treatment to modify dough viscoelasticity and bread-making ability. MW-30% treated rice flour showed the most notable results. It provided enhanced dough viscoelasticity vs the control (100% native rice flour), increasing the dough G1′ modulus up to 69% and 135% for the treated flour additions of 30% and 50% of MW-30% respectively. The treated flour increased the resistance of doughs to deformation and enhanced their elastic behavior and recovery capacity up to 170% when compared to the control dough. The major effects on pasting parameters were also obtained for the doughs formulated with MW-30% flour at the maximum substitution level (50%). It delayed the pasting temperature, decreased the peak, trough and final viscosities with respect to the control dough. Both MW-treated rice flours (MW-20% and MW-30%) led to bread with higher-specific volume, softer crumb and delayed staling. The MW assisted heat moisture treatment of rice flour seems to be a valuable procedure to improve the viscoelastic behavior and bread-making performance of gluten-free doughs.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) - AGL2015-63849-C2-2-RJunta de Castilla y León and FEDER - VA072P17European Commission for the Individual Fellowship Grant - 706102–BreadForAl

    Microwave absorption capacity of rice flour. Impact of the radiation on rice flour microstructure, thermal and viscometric properties

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    Producción CientíficaThe microwave radiation thermal treatment of rice flour was studied and its impact on physical and structural characteristic in relation to the initial moisture content (IMC) (20% and 30%) was evaluated. To explain the fundamentals of observed changes the microwave radiation absorption capacity of flour as well as temperature and moisture change during the treatment were evaluated. The flour particle morphological structure as well as crystallinity/amorphous region ratio changed after the treatment. The flour thermal properties also altered revealing IMC significant impact on the gelatinization temperature, that raised up to 3 C, and the amylopectin retrogradation extent that increased up to a 7% in the most intense microwave-treated flours with respect to the native flour. Lower peak, setback and breakdown viscosities - that decreased with respect to the native flour up to 42%, 34% and 86% respectively-and higher pasting temperatures -that increased up to 10 ºC- were also observed. An exceptional microwave irradiation efficiency resulting in rice flour physical changes in significantly shorter times, 4e8 min, than conventional heat-moisture treatment processes was concluded.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Proyect AGL2015-63849-C2-2-R)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA072P17

    Microwave modification of quinoa grains at constant and varying water content modulates changes in structural and physico-chemical properties of the resulting flours

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    Producción CientíficaMicrowave-assisted heat moisture treatment (MWT) was applied to quinoa grains, a nutritious gluten-free pseudocereal of great interest in food product development, to achieve the physical modification of the quinoa flour. The effect of treating quinoa grains at different initial water contents (WC; 10%, 20%, and 30%) in two operational systems was compared: one open at atmospheric pressure and variable WC (V system), and the other in hermetic containers at constant WC (C system). The morphological structure of the obtained flours and their techno-functional, rheological, and thermal properties were evaluated. MWT proved to be effective in modifying these properties, the main effects probably being caused by protein denaturation and aggregation, and intragranular molecular rearrangements of starch, with disruption of short-range molecular order and even the partial collapse of starch granules in the samples treated at the highest WC. The greatest differences were observed for the 20 and 30% WC treated-samples, particularly when using C system, which increased their water absorption capacity and decreased their foaming, emulsion, and gel-forming capacities. Based on these results, the control of WC and its evolution during MWT of quinoa grains appears to be a viable and effective approach to adapt flour functionality to the needs of food production, allowing a wider range of flour properties depending on the MWT conditions.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019- 110809RB-I00/AEI/10.1303/501100011033)Junta de Castilla y León/FEDER (VA195P20

    Application of Low-Intensity Modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy to Improve the Affected Upper Limb Functionality in Infantile Hemiplegia with Moderate Manual Ability: Case Series

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    Objective: To assess the functionality of the affected upper limb in children diagnosed with hemiplegia aged between 4 and 8 years after applying low-intensity modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (mCIMT). Methods: Prospective case series study. A mCIMT protocol was applied for five weeks, with two hours of containment per day. The study variables were quality of movement of the upper limb, spontaneous use, participation of the affected upper limb in activities of daily living, dynamic joint position, grasp–release action, grasp strength, supination and extension elbow movements. Four measurements were performed, using the quality of upper extremity test (QUEST) scale, the Shriners Hospital for Children Upper Extremity Evaluation (SHUEE) Evaluation, a hand dynamometer and a goniometer. Results: The sample was composed of eight children with moderate manual ability. Statistically significant differences were detected in all the studied variables (p < 0.05) between the pre-treatment and post–treatment results (Week 0–Week 5), except for upper limb dressing, putting on splints and buttoning up. In the first week, the changes were statistically significant, except for protective extension, grasp strength, grasp–release and all functional variables (level of functionality and participation of the patient’s upper limbs) in the SHUEE Evaluation (p > 0.05). The greatest increase occurred in spontaneous use from Assessment 1 to Assessment 4 (p = 0.01), reaching 88.87% active participation in bimanual tasks. The quality of movement of the upper limb exhibited a significant value due to the increase in dissociated movements and grasp (p = 0.01). Conclusion: A low dose (50 h) of mCIMT increased the functionality of children diagnosed with congenital hemiplegia between 4 and 8 years of age with moderate manual ability

    UEMCOM Radio: reinforcement of powers by streaming and podcasting.

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    [ES] UEMCOM Radio, la emisora por internet de la Facultad de Artes y Comunicación de la UEM, se ha convertido en una herramienta docente, que vertebra el plan de estudios de las diferentes titulaciones covirtiéndose  en punto de referencia para el campus cuyos planes de estudio, su enfoque hacia el mundo laboral y su claustro ha conseguido encontrar una vía de trabajo acorde con las demandas educativas, sociales y empresariales del siglo XXI y del EEES.[EN] UEMCOM Radio provides support to study plans of many faculties, and it is a reference point for the whole of our University, whose course plans, focus on the labour market and academic staff use UEMCOM Radio as a work platform suited for the educational, social and business demands of the XXI century within the European Higher Education Area.[FR] Est devenu un outil pédagogique qui vertèbre et agglutine le plan d'études des différentes titres pour devenir un point de référence pour tout le campus universitaire dont les plans d'étude et de son approche vers le monde du travail et son corps de professeurs a réussi à trouver une voie de travail conforme aux exigences éducatives, sociales et des entreprises du XXIe siècle et dans l'E.E.E.S.Ceballos Norte, JJ.; Lemrini El Ouahhabi, M.; Mateos Pizarro, RM.; Vázquez Fernández, MÁ.; Barrero Muñoz, J.; Sánchez Sanz, J.; Ruiz González, M.... (2011). UECOM Radio: Refuerzo de competencias mediante streaming y podcasting. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 8(2):45-72. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2010.6195OJS45728

    Association between vitamin D receptor rs731236 (Taq1) polymorphism and risk for restless legs syndrome in the Spanish caucasian population

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    Varios trabajos recientes sugieren un posible papel de la deficiencia de vitamina D en la etiología o el síndrome de las piernas inquietas (RLS). Hemos analizado la posible relación de 2 polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido (SNP) en el receptor de la vitamina D3 (GEN VDR) con el riesgo de SPI. Hemos estudiado la variante alélica genotipo y frecuencias de VDR rs2228570 y rs731236 VDR SNPs en 205 RLS pacientes y 445 controles sanos mediante un ensayo TaqMan. Las frecuencias de los rs731236AAgenotype y la variante alélica rs731236un SPI fue significativamente inferior en los pacientes que en los controles (P<0,005 y 0,01, respectivamente). El síndrome de las piernas inquietas pacientes portadoras de la variante alélica rs731236G había una edad temprana en el inicio, y los portadores del genotipo GG731236rs tuvieron mayor severidad de RLS, aunque estos datos desaparecieron después de los análisis multivariados. Ninguno de los SNPs estudiados estaba relacionada con la positividad de la historia familiar de SPI. Estos resultados sugieren una modesta, pero significativa asociación entre rs731236 VDR SNP y el riesgo de síndrome de piernas inquietas.Several recent works suggest a possible role of vitamin D deficiency in the etiology or restless legs syndrome (RLS). We analyzed the possible relationship of 2 common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the vitamin D3 receptor (VDR) gene with the risk for RLS. We studied the genotype and allelic variant frequencies of VDR rs2228570 and VDR rs731236 SNPs in 205 RLS patients and 445 healthy controls using a TaqMan essay. The frequencies of the rs731236AAgenotype and the allelic variant rs731236A were significantly lower in RLS patients than in controls (P<0.005 and<0.01, respectively). Restless legs syndrome patients carrying the allelic variant rs731236G had an earlier age at onset, and those carrying the rs731236GG genotype had higher severity of RLS, although these data disappeared after multivariate analyses. None of the SNPs studied was related with the positivity of family history of RLS. These results suggest a modest, but significant association between VDR rs731236 SNP and the risk for RLS.• Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria: Ayudas PI12/00241, PI12/00324, y RETICS RD12/0013/0002 • Junta de Extremadura: GR15026 y PRIS10016 • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: Ayudas SAF2006-10126 (2006–2009) y SAF2010-22329-C02-01 (2011-2013) • Parciamente financiado con Fondos FEDERpeerReviewe

    Association between vitamin D receptor rs731236 (Taq1) polymorphism and risk for restless legs syndrome in the Spanish caucasian population

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    Varios trabajos recientes sugieren un posible papel de la deficiencia de vitamina D en la etiología o el síndrome de las piernas inquietas (RLS). Hemos analizado la posible relación de 2 polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido (SNP) en el receptor de la vitamina D3 (GEN VDR) con el riesgo de SPI. Hemos estudiado la variante alélica genotipo y frecuencias de VDR rs2228570 y rs731236 VDR SNPs en 205 RLS pacientes y 445 controles sanos mediante un ensayo TaqMan. Las frecuencias de los rs731236AAgenotype y la variante alélica rs731236un SPI fue significativamente inferior en los pacientes que en los controles (P<0,005 y 0,01, respectivamente). El síndrome de las piernas inquietas pacientes portadoras de la variante alélica rs731236G había una edad temprana en el inicio, y los portadores del genotipo GG731236rs tuvieron mayor severidad de RLS, aunque estos datos desaparecieron después de los análisis multivariados. Ninguno de los SNPs estudiados estaba relacionada con la positividad de la historia familiar de SPI. Estos resultados sugieren una modesta, pero significativa asociación entre rs731236 VDR SNP y el riesgo de síndrome de piernas inquietas.Several recent works suggest a possible role of vitamin D deficiency in the etiology or restless legs syndrome (RLS). We analyzed the possible relationship of 2 common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the vitamin D3 receptor (VDR) gene with the risk for RLS. We studied the genotype and allelic variant frequencies of VDR rs2228570 and VDR rs731236 SNPs in 205 RLS patients and 445 healthy controls using a TaqMan essay. The frequencies of the rs731236AAgenotype and the allelic variant rs731236A were significantly lower in RLS patients than in controls (P<0.005 and<0.01, respectively). Restless legs syndrome patients carrying the allelic variant rs731236G had an earlier age at onset, and those carrying the rs731236GG genotype had higher severity of RLS, although these data disappeared after multivariate analyses. None of the SNPs studied was related with the positivity of family history of RLS. These results suggest a modest, but significant association between VDR rs731236 SNP and the risk for RLS.• Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria: Ayudas PI12/00241, PI12/00324, y RETICS RD12/0013/0002 • Junta de Extremadura: GR15026 y PRIS10016 • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: Ayudas SAF2006-10126 (2006–2009) y SAF2010-22329-C02-01 (2011-2013) • Parciamente financiado con Fondos FEDERpeerReviewe

    Heme oxygenase-1 and 2 common genetic variants and risk for restless legs syndrome

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    Varios neurotransmisores, neuropatológicos, neuroimagen, y los datos experimentales, sugieren que la deficiencia de hierro juega un papel importante en la fisiopatología del síndrome de piernas inquietas (RLS). HMOX (Hemeoxygenases) es un importante mecanismo de defensa contra el estrés oxidativo, principalmente a través de la degradación del hemo a biliverdin, libre de hierro, y monóxido de carbono. Hemos analizado si los genes HMOX1 y HMOX2 están relacionados con el riesgo de desarrollar el síndrome de piernas inquietas. Se analizó la distribución de genotipos y las frecuencias alélicas de los HMOX1 rs2071746, HMOX1 rs2071747, HMOX2 rs2270363 y rs1051308 HMOX2 SNPs, así como la presencia de variaciones de número de copia (CNVs) de estos genes en 205 sujetos RLS y 445 controles sanos. Las frecuencias de rs2071746 genotipo TT y R2071746T variante alélica fueron significativamente inferiores en los pacientes de SPI que en controles, aunque los otros 3 SNPs estudiados RLS no difirió entre pacientes y controles. Ninguno de los polimorfismos estudiados influyeron en el inicio de la enfermedad, la gravedad de la RLS, historia familiar de SPI, la ferritina sérica, o respuesta a agonistas dopaminérgicos, clonazepam o GABAergic drogas. El presente estudio sugiere una débil asociación entre el polimorfismo rs2071746 HMOX1 y el riesgo de desarrollar el SPI en la población española.Several neurochemical, neuropathological, neuroimaging, and experimental data, suggest that iron deficiency plays an important role in the pathophysiology of restless legs syndrome (RLS). Hemeoxygenases (HMOX) are an important defensive mechanism against oxidative stress, mainly through the degradation of heme to biliverdin, free iron, and carbon monoxide. We analyzed whether HMOX1 and HMOX2 genes are related with the risk to develop RLS. We analyzed the distribution of genotypes and allelic frequencies of the HMOX1 rs2071746, HMOX1 rs2071747, HMOX2 rs2270363, and HMOX2 rs1051308 SNPs, as well as the presence of Copy number variations (CNVs) of these genes in 205 subjects RLS and 445 healthy controls. The frequencies of rs2071746TT genotype and rs2071746T allelic variant were significantly lower in RLS patients than that in controls, although the other 3 studied SNPs did not differ between RLS patients and controls. None of the studied polymorphisms influenced the disease onset, severity of RLS, family history of RLS, serum ferritin levels, or response to dopaminergic agonist, clonazepam or GABAergic drugs. The present study suggests a weak association between HMOX1 rs2071746 polymorphism and the risk to develop RLS in the Spanish population.• Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria: Ayudas PI12/00241, PI12/00324 y RETICS RD12/0013/0002 • Junta de Extremadura: Ayuda GR10068 GR10068 y PRIS10016 (Fundesalud,Mérida, Spain) • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: Ayudas SAF2006-10126 (2006–2009) y SAF2010-22329-C02-01 (2011–2013) • Parcialmente financiado Fondos FEDER – Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalpeerReviewe