733 research outputs found

    Construction Industry Training Fund Act, 1993, No. 17

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    This study examined ‘Theory of Mind’ (ToM) functioning, its association with psychometric schizotypy and with self-reported psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) and depressive symptoms, in a community sample of adolescents. Seventy-two adolescents (mean age 14.51 years) from Barcelona, Spain, completed questionnaires assessing PLEs, depressive symptoms, and schizotypy. A verbal ToM task and a vocabulary test were administered. The effect of symptomatology, vocabulary ability, age, and gender on task performance was explored. Neither total score on schizotypy nor PLEs were associated with ToM performance. A significant effect of vocabulary on adolescent's performance of both ToM and control stories was found. ToM showed significant negative associations with positive schizotypy, and with one cluster of positive PLEs: first-rank experiences. Positive significant associations between ToM and persecutory delusions and the impulsive aspects of schizotypy were found. Depressive symptoms did not affect ToM performance. Positive schizotypal traits and first-rank symptoms are associated with ToM deficits in adolescents. Results support the trait-(versus state-) dependent notion of ToM impairments in schizophrenia. ToM may be a developmental impairment associated with positive schizotypy and PLEs

    The History of entomology in Ecuador

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    This work is not intended to be a complete review of all publications about entomology in Ecuador. It compiles the history of entomology in Ecuador in a chronological order. It first provides observations about the influence of pre-Columbian cultures and the cultural heritage of indigenous populations. It then presents the contribution of the Spanish conquest and colonization chroniclers, the specialists that described American species during the Renaissance period and the great scientific expeditions. Finally the birth of Ecuadorian entomology as a science is described with the creation of institutes for applied research and the Ecuadorian museums of entomology

    Variable selection in classification for multivariate functional data

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    When classification methods are applied to high-dimensional data, selecting a subset of the predictors may lead to an improvement in the predictive ability of the estimated model, in addition to reducing the model complexity. In Functional Data Analysis (FDA), i.e., when data are functions, selecting a subset of predictors corresponds to selecting a subset of individual time instants in the time interval in which the functional data are measured. In this paper, we address the problem of selecting the most informative time instants in multivariate functional data, a case much less studied than its single-variate counterpart. Our proposal allows one to use in a very simple way high-order information of the data, e.g. monotonicity or convexity by means of the functional data derivatives. The aforementioned problem is addressed with tools of Global Optimization in continuous variables: the time instants are selected to maximize the correlation between the class label and the Support Vector Machine score used for classification. The effectiveness of the proposal is shown in univariate and multivariate datasets

    Entomology in Ecuador : recent developments and future challenges

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    We review and analyze the recent development and future challenges facing entomology as a science in Ecuador, a country with limited financial and human resources and numerous environmental problems. Taxonomic studies of the Ecuadorian insect fauna have been well developed for only a few groups (e.g. Papilionoidea, Carabidae) and remains in its infancy for most insect orders. This is due to the huge diversity of species living in a great diversity of habitats and the difficulty to identify most species. There is a lack of published basic biological information and to a high rate of endemism of many groups, especially in the Andes. The development of ecological entomology as a formal discipline in Ecuador is a very recent phenomenon, and has been mostly limited to descriptive studies of the environmental factors that govern insect diversity and abundance. We outline a set of research challenges regarding the impact of global environmental changes on insect communities and habitats they live in and propose potential strategies for the development of entomology in Ecuador. Both basic and applied research will be important in this context as well as international collaboration to strengthen the role of entomological science in decision making processes in the country

    Non-singular Universes a la Palatini

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    It has recently been shown that f(R) theories formulated in the Palatini variational formalism are able to avoid the big bang singularity yielding instead a bouncing solution. The mechanism responsible for this behavior is similar to that observed in the effective dynamics of loop quantum cosmology and an f(R) theory exactly reproducing that dynamics has been found. I will show here that considering more general actions, with quadratic contributions of the Ricci tensor, results in a much richer phenomenology that yields bouncing solutions even in anisotropic (Bianchi I) scenarios. Some implications of these results are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, no figures. Contribution to the Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE2010), 6-10 Sept. Granada, Spai

    Gira técnica a Embrapa Algodao, área de la empresa Brasilera de investigación Agropecuaria Embrapa.

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    En la reunión anual de Coordinadores regionales de Transferencia de Tecnología del Plan Algodón realizada en Rionegro (Antioquia) el 14-15 de Septiembre del 2000, el 1.A. Tomás Norato F .. Regional 6, presentó como uno es1Tategia práctica de capacitación, la propuesta de realizar visitas técnicas en grupo o países con zonas destacadas en la producción algodonero, para observar y acopiar información sobre los procesos de entrega de tecnologías con el fin de efectuar posibles mejoras a lo actividad de transferencia tecnológico del Pion Algodón en nuestro país. En esa oportunidad se refirió a la posibilidad de visitar Brasil, productor relevante de algodón en América Latina.Algodón-Gossypium herbaceu

    Psychedelics Promote Structural and Functional Neural Plasticity.

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    Atrophy of neurons in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays a key role in the pathophysiology of depression and related disorders. The ability to promote both structural and functional plasticity in the PFC has been hypothesized to underlie the fast-acting antidepressant properties of the dissociative anesthetic ketamine. Here, we report that, like ketamine, serotonergic psychedelics are capable of robustly increasing neuritogenesis and/or spinogenesis both in vitro and in vivo. These changes in neuronal structure are accompanied by increased synapse number and function, as measured by fluorescence microscopy and electrophysiology. The structural changes induced by psychedelics appear to result from stimulation of the TrkB, mTOR, and 5-HT2A signaling pathways and could possibly explain the clinical effectiveness of these compounds. Our results underscore the therapeutic potential of psychedelics and, importantly, identify several lead scaffolds for medicinal chemistry efforts focused on developing plasticity-promoting compounds as safe, effective, and fast-acting treatments for depression and related disorders

    Study of the many fluorescent lines and the absorption variability in GX 301-2 with XMM-Newton

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    We present an in-depth study of the High Mass X-ray Binary (HMXB) GX 301-2 during its pre-periastron flare using data from the XMM-Newton satellite. The energy spectrum shows a power law continuum absorbed by a large equivalent hydrogen column on the order of 10^24 cm^2 and a prominent Fe K-alpha fluorescent emission line. Besides the Fe K-alpha line, evidence for Fe K-beta, Ni K-alpha, Ni K-beta, S K-alpha, Ar K-alpha, Ca K-alpha, and Cr K-alpha fluorescent lines is found. The observed line strengths are consistent with fluorescence in a cold absorber. This is the first time that a Cr K-alpha line is seen in emission in the X-ray spectrum of a HMXB. In addition to the modulation by the strong pulse period of ~685 sec the source is highly variable and shows different states of activity. We perform time-resolved as well as pulse-to-pulse resolved spectroscopy to investigate differences between these states of activity. We find that the fluorescent line fluxes are strongly variable and generally follow the overall flux. The N_H value is variable by a factor of 2, but not correlated to the continuum normalization. We find an interval of low flux in the light curve in which the pulsations cease almost completely, without any indication of an increasing absorption column. We investigate this dip in detail and argue that it is most likely that during the dip the accretion ceased and the afterglow of the fluorescent iron accounted for the main portion of the X-ray flux. A similar dip was found earlier in RXTE data, and we compare our findings to these resultsComment: 13 pages, 13 Figures, published in A&
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