1,115 research outputs found

    Breaking Away from Reverence and Rape: The AFI Directing Workshop for Women, Feminism, and the Politics of the Accidental Archive

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    In 1974, the American Film Institute opened the Directing Workshop for Women (DWW). Trying to normalize the idea of a woman director, the program admitted nineteen women, providing each one with the materials to direct two films. Focusing on the DWW\u27s first cycle, this article argues that the DWW\u27s history is a vehicle for understanding the complex ways in which moderate and radical feminists interpreted the role of the women\u27s rights movement in the commercial film industry by examining the controversy and media attention that surrounded it, as well as the ways in which race, class, and fame operated to impact the DWW\u27s significance both in Hollywood and in the individual experiences of each participant

    Experiencia artística y producción cultural, ámbitos para la intervención socioeducativa

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    La intervenció socioeducativa troba en les activitats artístiques interessants possibilitats per a treballar amb una gran varietat de col·lectius socials. La col·laboració interdisciplinaria entre diferents àrees i entre diferents professionals, educadors, treballadors socials, art-terapeutes, pedagogs i artistes dóna lloc a tot el món línies d'investigació i de projectes d'intervenció socioeducativa amb l'art i al tres produccions culturals com a protagonistes. Els professionals de la intervenció sòcioeducativa tenen eines valuoses per al seu treball.La intervención socioeducativa encuentra en las actividades artísticas interesantes posibilidades para trabajar con una gran variedad de colectivos sociales. La colaboración interdisciplinaria entre distintas áreas y entre distintos profesionales, educadores, trabajadores sociales, arte-terapeutas, pedagogos y artistas da lugar a todo el mundo líneas de investigación y de proyectos de intervención socioeducativa con el arte y otras producciones culturales como protagonistas. Los profesionales de la intervención socioeducativa tienen herramientas valiosas para su trabajo

    Bouncing Cosmologies in Palatini f(R)f(R) Gravity

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    We consider the early time cosmology of f(R) theories in Palatini formalism and study the conditions that guarantee the existence of homogeneous and isotropic models that avoid the Big Bang singularity. We show that for such models the Big Bang singularity can be replaced by a cosmic bounce without violating any energy condition. In fact, the bounce is possible even for pressureless dust. We give a characterization of such models and discuss their dynamics in the region near the bounce. We also find that power-law lagrangians with a finite number of terms may lead to non-singular universes, which contrasts with the infinite-series Palatini f(R) lagrangian that one needs to fully capture the effective dynamics of Loop Quantum Cosmology. We argue that these models could also avoid the formation of singularities during stellar gravitational collapse.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; added references and a short comment in sec.I

    Full-dimensional (15-dimensional) ab initio analytical potential energy surface for the H 7 + cluster

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    Full-dimensional ab initio potential energy surface is constructed for the H7+ cluster. The surface is a fit to roughly 160 000 interaction energies obtained with second-order MöllerPlesset perturbation theory and the cc-pVQZ basis set, using the invariant polynomial method [B. J. Braams and J. M. Bowman, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 28, 577 (2009)10.1080/01442350903234923]. We employ permutationally invariant basis functions in Morse-type variables for all the internuclear distances to incorporate permutational symmetry with respect to interchange of H atoms into the representation of the surface. We describe how different configurations are selected in order to create the database of the interaction energies for the linear least squares fitting procedure. The root-mean-square error of the fit is 170 cm -1 for the entire data set. The surface dissociates correctly to the H5+ H 2 fragments. A detailed analysis of its topology, as well as comparison with additional ab initio calculations, including harmonic frequencies, verify the quality and accuracy of the parameterized potential. This is the first attempt to present an analytical representation of the 15-dimensional surface of the H7+ cluster for carrying out dynamics studies. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.. R.P. acknowledges financial support by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain, Grant No. FIS2010-18132, FIS2011-29596-C02-01 and European Cooperation in Scientific and Technical Research (COST) Action CM1002 (CODECS). P.B. acknowledges a postdoctoral fellowship from the Ramón Areces Foundation, Spain. J.M.B. and Y.W. thank the National Science Foundation (CHE-1145227) for financial support.Peer Reviewe

    Articulando las actividades de conjeturar y probar de los matemáticos profesionales desde la teoría de Peirce

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    “La formulación de conjeturas y el desarrollo de pruebas son dos aspectos fundamentales del trabajo de un matemático profesional” (Alibert y Thomas, 1991, p. 215). La investigación que estamos llevando a cabo pretende proponer un modelo, desde la educación matemática, que describa y explique cómo los matemáticos profesionales desarrollan las actividades de conjeturar y probar. Concretamente, y debido al carácter sociocultural de la investigación en matemáticas, los participantes considerados en este trabajo son investigadores en matemáticas que tienen al menos una publicación en “JCR science edition”

    Isotropic and Anisotropic Bouncing Cosmologies in Palatini Gravity

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    We study isotropic and anisotropic (Bianchi I) cosmologies in Palatini f(R)f(R) and f(R,RμνRμν)f(R,R_{\mu\nu}R^{\mu\nu}) theories of gravity and consider the existence of non-singular bouncing solutions in the early universe. We find that all f(R)f(R) models with isotropic bouncing solutions develop shear singularities in the anisotropic case. On the contrary, the simple quadratic model R+aR2/RP+RμνRμν/RPR+a R^2/R_P+R_{\mu\nu}R^{\mu\nu}/R_P exhibits regular bouncing solutions in both isotropic and anisotropic cases for a wide range of equations of state, including dust (for a<0a<0) and radiation (for arbitrary aa). It thus represents a purely gravitational solution to the big bang singularity and anisotropy problems of general relativity without the need for exotic (w>1w>1) sources of matter/energy.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Ecuaciones de resistencia al flujo para ríos de montaña

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    Three models of flow resistance (a Keulegan-type logarithmic law and two models developed for large-scale roughness conditions: the full logarithmic law and a model based on an inflectional velocity profile) were calibrated, validated and compared using an extensive database (N = 1,533) from rivers and flumes, representative of a wide hydraulic and geomorphologic range in the field of gravel-bed and mountain channels. It is preferable to apply the model based on an inflectional velocity profile in the relative submergence (y/d90) interval between 0.5 and 15, while the full logarithmic law is preferable for values below 0.5. For high relative submergence, above 15, either the logarithmic law or the full logarithmic law can be applied. The models fitted to the coarser percentiles are preferable to those fitted to the median diameter, owing to the higher explanatory power achieved by setting a model, the smaller difference in the goodness-of-fit between the different models and the lower influence of the origin of the data (river or flume).Se han calibrado, validado y comparado tres modelos de resistencia al flujo (una ley logar&iacute;tmica tipo Keulegan y dos modelos desarrollados para condiciones de alta rugosidad: la ley logar&iacute;tmica completa y un modelo basado en un perfil de velocidad inflexional) empleando para ello una extensa base de datos (N = 1,533) de r&iacute;o y de laboratorio, representativa de un amplio intervalo hidr&aacute;ulico y geomorfol&oacute;gico en el &aacute;mbito de cauces de grava y de monta&ntilde;a. El modelo basado en un perfil de velocidad inflexional es preferible para su aplicaci&oacute;n en el intervalo de sumersi&oacute;n relativa (y/d90) comprendido entre 0,5 y 15, mientras que la ley logar&iacute;tmica completa es preferible para valores inferiores a 0,5. Para sumersi&oacute;n relativa alta, por encima de 15, es posible aplicar indistintamente la ley logar&iacute;tmica y la ley logar&iacute;tmica completa. Son preferibles los modelos ajustados con los percentiles m&aacute;s gruesos que los ajustados con el di&aacute;metro mediano, debido a: la mayor capacidad explicativa alcanzada fijado un modelo, la menor diferencia en la bondad de ajuste entre los diferentes modelos y la menor influencia del origen de los datos (r&iacute;o o laboratorio)